Read Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) Online
Authors: Deborah Chanley
You have a chance to do something great, Valencia. All you have to do is accept who you are and listen to your heart."
You don't understand, Thane. I'm afraid of what I am," Valencia softly rambled her fears into the Mlinzi's tunic. "I'm afraid of getting lost in the power, like I almost did twice before. I could not break free of it. It was so euphoric that I didn't
to break free." She relived the sensation in her mind. "I heard you calling me to come back. Your order penetrated my mind so firmly I did not have a choice. I had to come back to you." Although she did not move, Thane tightened his arms around her, as if to stop her from leaving him. "I'm afraid, Thane. If you had not been there, I would have been lost forever. What's going to happen when I have to bond with this planet and you're not there to save me?"
The Batu can't happen without the Lavi Santi and that disappeared over twenty years ago," Thane answered with reassurance. "You have time before you need to join with Sora."
You can't leave me, Thane," Valencia shakily demanded and tightened her hold on him, "I can't do this without you."
Yes you can, Valencia." The Mlinzi's tone grew firm. "You are stronger than you think."
Only with your guidance." Her body quivered at the thought of being without his quiet reassurance. "I need you to be by my side. I'll be all right, with you there."
No, Princess. You need to learn to stand on your own. I have to give you the chance to see the world through your own eyes, not a world influenced by me." Thane slid a hand over her tangled curls. "You need to learn how to rule Sora, Valencia. No one should tell you what to do, Matka-Zem. They should only give you advice."
And what is your advice, Thane?" She wanted to cry at his words, yet she understood why he had to leave. He was right. It was time to grow up and accept who she was.
Follow no one blindly, including me," Thane answered with a hint of humor in his serious tone. "Traditions are written in ink, not in blood, nor on stone, and can be broken. More importantly, listen to your heart. You know what's right and wrong."
You speak in riddles like the Keeper, Thane," Valencia sighed into his tunic.
I was trained by her." Thane softly chuckled as he loosened his hold to push her away, but she tightened her arms around his waist.
No, not yet," Valencia whispered with a tint of desperation. "Just hold me a little longer."
Give yourself some time, Valencia." Thane's voice was husky as he tightened his arms around her again. "And, then, if you still want me by your side, I will come back."
I will always want you, Thane." Valencia nuzzled her face against his neck, brushing her lips across his skin. A spark of energy arched from her mouth into the Mlinzi and they both trembled with desire.
With a low groan, Thane grabbed a handful of hair at the nap of her neck and tilted her head back to peer into her eyes. Thane lowered his head to the Matka-Zem
's inviting mouth.
Valencia jumped in fright when the door banged open and quickly pulled out of the Mlinzi's arms. With a shy smile, she turned away.
What in the world do you have there?" She left the dark corner when she saw Donna carrying a stack of Pampa leaves as she entered the cabana.
Alana only made one bed and I wanted one of my own." Donna smiled at her as she laid the soft leaves on the floor.
Time to get some sleep," Thane ordered to his companions as he strolled out of the darkness. "We will leave at first light,"
We have enough leaves for you too, Thane," Donna called after the Mlinzi as he opened the door.
Lay some out for me if you wish, little earthling." Thane gave her a small smile before focusing his attention on Alana. "I'll take first watch." The Mlinzi left before she could reply.
Don't bother, Donna, he won't use them," Alana stated as she unhooked her sword and laid it beside her pad. "Use the remaining leaves for blankets."
Why do you say that, Alana?" Valencia asked as she laid upon the pad the woman had made for her.
Thane doesn't required sleep the way we do." Alana settled onto her soft pad and wrapped herself in her cloak. "He can go for two days before he needs to rest and, even then, he only needs a few hours, if the need is dire."
Why? I didn't notice anything unusual on the yacht." Donna grabbed one of the pillows near the fireplace and laid on the mat. "Did you, Val?"
Come to think of it, Donna," Valencia rolled onto her back and gave a yawn, "Thane was always first to wake and last to sleep."
Is that part of your training?" Donna curled around the fluffy pillow.
Sleep deprivation is part of our training. However, Thane is unique among us." Alana tucked a hand under her head and closed her eyes. "He is the only one of his kind."
Like me." Valencia smiled as she stared at the ceiling, not bothering to cover herself with a leaf.
Maybe, Matka-Zem, but you give life to our world." Alana rolled onto her side to look at her.
And Thane is the opposite?" Donna grabbed a huge leaf and pulled it over her shoulders.
Yes. Thane is Death himself." Alana closed her eyes and ended the conversation. "Now get some sleep. We have a long hike tomorrow."
's heart flipped in her chest at the idea that Thane, too, was different. He was her opposite. Life cannot be complete without death. She knew she was being foolish, but her heart still did summersaults whenever he looked at her. The Mlinzi had never given her any reason to be infatuated with him, yet she was. In fact, he was so indifferent towards her that she had thought he actually hated her. Now she knew better. Thane had held her with affection. They both felt it, even reveled in it. She realized the Mlinzi did not hate her at all. Instead, his aloofness was his defense for his conflicting feelings. Thane wanted her as a woman, but his position as her personal guard would not allow him to take that liberty. His leaving would change that. The Mlinzi was officially handing her over to Alana, so he wouldn't be her guard any longer. When they met again, they would have a different relationship.
Valencia sighed and closed her tired eyes, wishing Donna had not arrived back at the cabana when she did. Just a few more seconds and Thane would have kissed her. Exhausted from the long day and her emotion turmoil, she soon drifted into a deep sleep with a smile on her lips.
Perched on a boulder above the cabana, Thane contemplated the princess
's words and began to understand what happened to the last two Matka-Zem that had caused
deaths. There hadn't been an emotional bond between the regent and those Matka-Zems. Ordered into the Kleben by the ruling Torpek family, the couple had not known each other, much less had time to develop a loving relationship. Thane had spent two years in the city of Kota Emas as a guard and Tryo to Valencia and he had learned there was very little affection among the Torpek. Although there were exceptions, most of the willowy race desired power, and greed ruled their hearts. Raised in such an environment, the Matka-Zem had not learned how to be compassionate towards others and were consumed by their own pettiness. Thane assumed that when the last two Matka-Zem used the power within them, they had no emotional connection with the regents and they could not find each other in the threshold of the Gift. Thane had to admit he loved Valencia when she was a child, as if he were a big brother trying to teach a spoiled sister right from wrong. He now loved her as a man does a woman. The Matka-Zem cared for him, too—although he wasn't sure she realized this. Their emotional bond allowed them to find each other when Valencia became lost in the swirling mist of power. Their love for each other brought her back to reality.
Valencia was not like the last two Matka-Zem. She eagerly accepted his guidance and allowed him to help her focus. Now Thane suspected the truth. It took both Matka-Zem and her mate to wield Sora
's power safely. Without their combined efforts, the Gift would consume a Matka-Zem.
Thane smiled at the thought of Valencia being in love him. Each time their minds touched, he sensed her growing affection. He knew she was infatuated with him, but what he felt tonight was far more than a young woman
's crush. His heart soared with jubilation, no longer weighed down by his deep feelings for the princess. As Thane stared down at the cabana, he fought the urge to sweep the princess away, to claim her as his life mate. Yet, his duty to the Matka-Zem stopped him.
The silly woman probably doesn't realize she loves me." Thane laughed to himself. She was young and naïve to the ways of life, having been isolated in the middle of nowhere for so long. The princess might even be frightened or confused by the strong emotion and it was best to move slowly with her. He had purposely made her believe he cared nothing for her and the sudden change of his demeanor could actually cause the opposite effect. He had only the next day gently to show his affection, to let Valencia know he really did care for her as a woman, not just as the Matka-Zem. His departure would give the princess time to mature, learn of their world and, hopefully, miss him. When he saw her again, he would be free of his obligations and would not hesitate to take her as his woman.
Jumping to the ground, Thane walked the perimeter. No one knew of the princess
's return, so he had no fear of an evasion force ready to capture her. Still, he inspected the area, as was his duty. Naji had instructed him to bring the princess to the city as quietly as possible. However, with his current knowledge, he wondered if the Torpek were the right people to take her.
On second thought, maybe Kota Emas would be the safest area for her
, Thane thought. He mulled over the civil unrest between the races that had erupted soon after the Matka-Zem's departure. The planet had withered without her presence. When she'd left, crops had begun to wilt and the weather throughout the globe had become erratic with droughts, floods, fires, and frost. With a shortage of food and the lack of balanced harmony of life on Sora, the races closed their borders and fought among themselves with each developing their own armies. All the while, the Mlinzi Nation dwindled into obscurity. Thane realized there was no true safe haven for the princess. Until she learned to control her own destiny and become the Matka-Zem, she would be in danger. The Torpek would not harm her but they would try to manipulate her to do their bidding. With a smile, Thane imagined their shock if they tried to force the princess to perform the Kleben on another man.
She loves me
. Regardless of the circumstances, Thane's heart swelled with pride that he was Kleben to the princess. Now, he had every intention to complete their bond. The thought of having Valencia in an intimate embrace made his body burn with desire. Yet, he still had to relinquish his responsibility of the Matka-Zem to Alana and then face the council. No longer would he be humble before the Mlinzi council and sacrifice his life to free her. He would stand before his superiors and demand his right to complete the bond with the Matka-Zem . . . who loved him. As far as he knew, there were no laws to prevent a Kleben between them. However, if they ruled against him, he would fight to the death to return to the woman he loved.
A quiet chirp woke Valencia from a sound sleep. Lazily opening her eyes, she saw a tiny rodent sitting on its hunches, just a foot away from her face. It was a cute little creature, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand. Beige in color, its fur laid smooth across its back but puffed under its belly like a cotton ball. On top of its wedge-shaped head was a tuff of white fur in the form of a tiny crown. The rodent nervously rubbed two of its six legs together, while its four black eyes stared at her in curiosity. When it chirped again, the black whiskers twitched on its pointy nose. Trying not to frighten the animal, she slowly extended a hand towards the rodent and scratched its soft head. With a purr of pleasure, the creature butted its skull against her finger when she stopped her tender touch. A memory of an enormous creature with Thane's sword embedded in its breast flashed into her mind. It looked just like the tiny animal, but was as big as a horse. Her heart ached with sorrow for the huge beast because, somehow, she had been responsible for its death. Valencia pushed the memory from her mind when the small rodent now before her rubbed her hand again.
Well, you are a cute little thing." Valencia quietly chuckled as a leaf of the pampa tree slid from her shoulders. Wondering how the leaf got around her, she pushed herself up to sit cross-legged on the pad. She glanced around the room to see Donna and Alana still asleep. The fire had burnt down to a smoldering pile of ash, and Thane was nowhere to be seen.
With a smile, she extended her hand, palm up, to invite the creature to join her. With a happy peep, the creature jumped onto her palm and climbed the length of her arm to precariously perch on her shoulder. Trying not to disturb her slumbering companions, she quietly crept out of the cabana.
Pushing aside the blue branches of willow trees, Valencia ventured into the rolling valley. Only the lesser sun, Beta, crested the horizon, giving the land a deep purple cast. The sound of trickling water reached her ears and she followed the noise to its source. A little creek, wide enough to hop, weaved its way through the valley. Kneeling on the blue grass, she splashed the crisp water onto her face, washing the sleep from her eyes. As the cool liquid refreshed her spirit, the rodent twittered in protest. It lost its perch and clung to a tendril of hair with four of its claws.
Sorry, Majesty," Valencia said, laughing at the perturbed animal while she used the tail of her flannel shirt to dry her face. Strolling further into the valley, she paused on top of a small mound and spied a pack of herd beasts grazing on the beryl-colored grass. They were large animals, much like elk, with two thick, sable horns instead of antlers. Their light yellow coats had thin, indigo strips across their rumps like whip burns, while their large, pointy hooves churned the ground as if they were tilling the soil to find something edible in the dry, withered grass. They looked undernourished. One by one, the herd beasts stopped their foraging to stare at her. Even a little calf stopped nursing to turn its eyes upon her. None moved, except to swat their tails to shoo bugs. As if she had performed the motion a hundred times, Valencia bowed her head low and raised her left hand, palm up, to break the spell. As if they had not seen her, the animals returned to their grazing and the calf to its mother's udder.
With a flash of light, the Alpha sun began to rise, changing the sky from deep purple to lavender. A feeling of awe flowed through Valencia as she watched the orb change night into day. The power within her tingled her skin and her senses heightened. Just as in the forest on Earth, she felt the essence within this world. However, this planet felt ill, as if it precariously clung to existence. Even in this sickened state, the warming light revealed Sora
's beauty. Valencia felt connected to this alien planet and the need to heal Sora brought tears to her eyes.
Well, since I'm this planet's deity, I might as well be the best damned Matka-Zem Sora ever had," Valencia said aloud with a feeling of acceptance. Queen Elizabeth, a monarch on Earth, came to mind. She had sacrificed her personal life for her reign, '
and now
,' thought Valencia, '
so shall I'.
"By hook or by crook, I'll get this planet back into shape."
I see you've picked up Earth slang from Donna."
Oh!" with a gasp of surprise, Valencia spun around. Thane stood behind her, wearing one of his irritating smiles, and his eyes gleamed with . . . joy? "I didn't hear you. How long have you been here?"
Long enough."
To her relief, Thane did not elaborate.
"Oh." A tint of embarrassment flushed her cheeks. The memory of their embrace brought heat to her cheeks and she swiftly lowered her eyes from his penetrating gaze. When she heard his soft chuckle, anger burned away her uneasiness. Determined to act like an adult, and not a silly girl, Valencia took a deep breath. She squared her shoulders, proudly tilted her chin, and stalked towards her guard as if nothing had happened between them.