Cum For Bigfoot 15

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Authors: Virginia Wade

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Cum For
Bigfoot 15




By Virginia Wade


Copyright © 2013
Virginia Wade

All Rights Reserved.

Published by I Love

Nook Edition


Virginia Wade



[email protected]


All characters
appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living
or dead, is purely coincidental.


book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws
and Treaties.
Any unauthorized
reprint or use of this book is prohibited.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission
from the author.


Chapter One

Four Months Earlier


“Did you have another contraction,
?” asked Zelda, who sat on the edge of the bed.

“The ones I had this morning went

“False labor.”

“Yeah, but it’s coming.”

She eyed my bulging belly. “It sure

I’d roughed out most of the winter in
the mountains, having come home six weeks ago to prepare for the birth. Zelda was
with me, being my midwife. The tribe was happily ensconced in a tropical cave,
which had become a favorite refuge and an ideal escape from the subfreezing
temperatures. The discovery of the cave was made by my sister Lena, who had
stayed there with Leonard and Archie before Bigfoot hunters had shattered the
peace. Lately there seemed to be far too many challenges from outside
influences. To add to this, the tribe was still adjusting from Bubba’s shocking
death. Leonard was now the leader of the apes.

“You want some tea?” Zelda had gone
to town and gotten a
hair cut
; her hair had been
colored, diminishing the gray. The shiny brown strands hung down her back.

“No. I’m good.”

“Mike sure built you a nice house. I
can see why you’d not want to leave it.”

“It’s a nice place to come back to.”

“Mamma!” Daisy ran towards the bed.
“I’m hungry.” She crawled across the covers, sitting next to me. Wavy strands
of light blonde hair fell to her shoulders.

“I thought you had lunch.”

“I want more Rice

We’d made the dessert this morning.
“Go ask your daddy.”

“He’s not here.”

I had forgotten. He’d gone to town. I
slid from the bed. “Fine.”

“I can do it, Porsche.”

“No, I
walk around. I’m going stir crazy. The last few weeks are the worst.”

My belly was hugely swollen, the baby
kicking at that moment, as an elbow or foot pushed against my uterus. The
pregnancy had gone remarkably smooth, Zelda checking my blood pressure and
keeping an eye on me. I was eager to give birth, tired of feeling like
a breeding
cow and ready to have my own body back. I longed
to have a flat stomach again.

I was in the kitchen, cutting the
treat out of a metal tin for Daisy, when I heard the sound of a car. We were on
an isolated piece of property that butted up against the forest, and it was
rare to have visitors. I suspected it was Mike, and, as the door opened, he
came in wearing a heavy jacket.

“Hey, baby!”

“Hi.” Someone was behind him. “Lena!”
My sister suddenly appeared. “What are
doing here?”

see this freak show,” she laughed. “It’s not
every day a human gives birth to an ape.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks.”

She hugged me. “Jesus, you’re huge.”
Her hands spanned my tummy. “That thing’s about to burst.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“I’m so glad I didn’t get pregnant.

Mike placed items he’d purchased on
the counter. “Everything okay?”

“False labor.”

He nodded. “Poor thing. I know you’re
tired of this.”

I sat in a chair. “So, how are you,
Lena? Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”

“It’s spring break. You need to give
birth in the next couple of days. I
get back.”

“Thanks for not putting pressure on

She grinned. “No worries.”

My sister was a slim, blonde version
of myself, and, after her kidnapping, she’d been popular with the Sasquatches,
who had thoroughly enjoyed her lush, young body. Even Leonard had partaken…and
this was no surprise. The apes were in a constant state of horniness, and they
simply could not help themselves when it came to women.

“You want some tea?” asked Mike.

“That sounds good.”

Zelda entered the room. “Oh, hi,
Lena. How are you? You look great.”

My sister hugged her. “You look
fantastic. Nice hair cut.”

“I figured I could do something with
myself. I’ve been a grizzled mountain woman most of my life.”

“You clean up real good.”

“I’ve not taken care of my skin like
I should. Being in the elements has caused a lot of damage.”

“You’re supervising the birth?”

“Yes. Things are looking good so far.
She’s in the home stretch.”

Daisy sat on a chair, licking her
fingers. “I want more, please.”

“She loves that stuff,” I said.

Mike left a mug on the table, the
string for the tea bag hanging over the edge. His hands were on my shoulders.
“I’m getting some fire wood. Be back in a sec.”

I glanced up at him, feeling a moment
of tenderness. I was in love with him
Leonard; both males occupied
my life and my heart. It had been this way for years. Our unique arrangement
suited everyone. It was unconventional, yet it worked. Mike’s seasonal job,
forest ranger in the summer, left me free to be with the Bigfoots, while in the
winter, I was comfortable in our house. It was the best of both worlds. I was a
lucky woman.

Zelda and Lena sat at the table
eyeing me. “What?”

“Nothing,” said Lena. “I’m just
waiting for that monster baby to show up.”

I sighed. “You’re such a pest.”

She laughed, “You know I’m kidding.
so cute.”

“He’s not so little anymore. They
grow quick.”

“I’ve been thinking about seeing you
guys again. I’m just scared of getting pregnant.”

“Get on the pill.”

“I could do that.”

“You miss Leonard, don’t you?” I eyed
her carefully.

“Not especially.”

“Liar! For someone who thinks the
Sasquatches are gross and freaks, you sure had a lot of
with them.”

She grinned coyly. “Well…they

I shook my head. “Yeah. You better
not try to steal
man, bitch.”

“I can see why you’re hooked on



“I’m not addicted. They’re my

“Maybe I’ll visit one of these

“You should. They’d love to see you.”

“I bet.”

Zelda laughed. “Oh, they love
blondes, those horny apes.”

Later that evening, as I prepared for
bed, I stared at myself in the mirror, seeing a pale blonde with long, shiny hair.
I’d let it grow, the strands hanging down my back. For having been in the woods
for years, I had fared well, with the occasional freckle, especially over my
nose. I’d been a mountain woman since my late teens, living with the
Sasquatches most of my adult life. After my kidnapping, I had slowly acclimated
to a minimalist existence, enjoying the beauty of Mt. Hood National Forest and
the attentions of several lusty apes. I couldn’t count the number of adventures
I’d had over the years, the failed rescue attempts, the attack by Bigfoot
hunters, Leonard’s amnesia, my sister’s kidnapping, and the greedy gold miners
who had wanted to harm us. The tribe was never far from trouble. Danger and
drama seemed to always find us one way or the other.

“Hey! What are you doing in there?”
It was Mike.

“I’m coming.”

He sat on the bed with a book in his
hands. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah.” Wearing a white nightgown, I
got on the mattress, scooting towards him.

His appreciative gaze roamed over me.
“You look nice pregnant.”

“Stop it.”

“You do.” He left the book on the
nightstand. “Come here, my big, fat mamma.”


My handsome husband took hold of my
face, his smile lingering. “Kiss me.”

“Oh, Mike. I’m too fat to have sex.”

“No you’re not,” he chuckled.

“I’m a whale.”

“I’ll work you from behind.”

That sent a rush of tingles through
me. “You naughty forest ranger.”

“I sure am.”

He kissed me, his moist tongue
drifting into my mouth. I snaked my arms around his neck, pressing the expanse
of my belly against him. It wasn’t fair that men could continue to look so good,
their tummies taut, while women blew out from pregnancy. Then it would take
months to regain my shape, and it seemed to get harder with each pregnancy.

My nightgown was suddenly lifted over
my head, exposing shockingly engorged breasts. “Oh, yeah.”

“Stop that.”

“Those babies are mine.”



“Kiss me.”

“Yes ma’am.”


Chapter Two


Despite being as big as a house, I’d
begun to buzz with sensual awareness, my sex drowning in arousal. His hands
seemed to be everywhere, touching my belly, hugging my hips, and cupping my
breasts, the globes heavy, having nearly doubled in size.

He buried his face in them, sighing.
“You smell so sweet.”

I threaded my fingers through his
hair. “Oh, Mike…”

A hand massaged my thigh, dipping
dangerously close to my pussy. “You’re wet, honey.”

This alarmed me for a moment,
thinking that maybe my water had broken. I felt myself. “Oh, well…it’s your

“That it is,” he chuckled. Kisses
landed on my belly, the baby choosing that particular moment to turn all the
way around, creating a dramatic ripple effect. “Whoa…somebody moved in there.”


Soft lips grazed my flesh, leaving a
moist path towards my pubic mound. I reclined on the bed, staring at the
ceiling, seeing rustic-looking wood beams and recessed lighting. While my
husband laved me, his tongue drifted into my little hole. I moaned with bliss.
I was especially sensitive in this area; the advanced stages of pregnancy had
left me in a heightened state of sensation, the pressure of the baby the cause.

“Oh, Mike…”

He’d settled in, shifting between my
legs, his head all but hidden beneath the bulge of my tummy. A finger had slid
inside of me, wiggling seductively, while the soft tip of his tongue worked my
clit. Saliva had begun to drip to the sheet. Lifting my hips, I drove myself
into his mouth, wanting so much more.

I reached for him. “Mike.”

“Yeah, baby?”


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