Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) (14 page)

BOOK: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)
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Thane gave a hard bark of laughter, and stepped in to begin her training.

For over an hour, they practiced the basics of swordplay, of course with a much smaller sword. The weapon Thane gave Donna was more like a short blade to his standards, but for the tiny woman, it worked well enough.

As Valencia watched Thane teach Donna the ways of combat, she wondered why she had gotten so angry. The Keeper had swatted her many times during their training. In fact, the old witch had even drawn blood on quite a few occasions, especially when she got angry. She chastised herself for the lack of control, knowing better than to lose her focus.

She was glad her friend was quickly learning the basics and she planned to practice with her. Secretly, she hoped Donna would accompany them to Sora and not just to the Gate. Fear of returning there alone tightened her stomach and it would be good to have a real friend beside her. She could trust Thane to protect her on Earth. But once they returned to their own world, would he be as willing? He mentioned civil unrest on Sora. What was the cause of the uprising? Moreover, which side was he on? Thane said he was going to educate her about her people and she wondered how prejudiced he might be with his information. The Keeper had demanded that she judge without prejudice and emotion. She'd told her
, "Look at the facts and make decisions for the good of the many and the world, not solely for one individual. However, sacrifices for the greater good, must be justified."
Valencia hoped she did not have to make those kinds of choices, at least in the near future. She had been so lost in her thoughts she had not realized the sword practice had stopped for the evening.

Pennies for your thoughts." Donna plopped down beside her with a satisfied grin on her face. Beads of sweat dampened her brow and she was breathing heavily, but her face bore a smile of accomplishment. "I never dreamt of learning how to fight with a sword before. I may just be a sword woman yet!" Donna said with pride.

That will take many years of practice, little earthling," Thane said firmly as he sat down across from the two women. Even though they had been practicing for close to two hours, Valencia notice the Mlinzi had not even broken a sweat. "For now, let's try to keep you alive."

I think he is starting to warm up to you, Donna." Valencia smiled at her friend as Thane grunted at her statement. "At least he didn't want to throw you overboard."

The thought crossed my mind." Thane responded in such a harsh tone that it startled the two females. The Mlinzi softened his words with a slight smile. "However, someone has to remain levelheaded among us." It took a few seconds before the women burst into laughter at Thane's use of Donna's statement earlier that day. The Mlinzi shook his head as they cackled like schoolchildren. "When you two females are finished, we can continue your education." Thane shook his head again and mumbled under his breath, "I wonder if I will still be sane when we reach the Gate." His softly spoken words only caused the women to laugh all the harder.

What's next?" Donna was first to regain her ability to speak. She wiped tears from her eyes. She peered into Thane's glowing yellow eyes and leaned forward. "By the way, you have the coolest eyes I ever seen. Why do they change color?"

My eyes don't change color!"

Valencia saw he was surprised by the question.
"I want to know, too."

I have the ability to see nocturnally as well as thermally, hence the yellow eyes. During the day, my eyes have a protective lid, which happens to be brown."

How cool." Donna continued to stare at the Mlinzi with wide-eyed focus. "Are there many like you on your world?"

There are three major species of Sora." Thane ignored Donna and spoke directly to Valencia. She realized he was trying to educate her. "They are the Apria, the Dynol, and the Sualti Yaratik. There is little interaction between the races, with each rarely leaving their own area. However, there are a few altercations on occasion," She had the feeling he wasn't fully telling the truth and wondered if these encounters had increased sense her absence. "Air, earth, and water are their domains."

Thane continued his lecture about the inhabitants of their home world.
"The Apria are aerial and have two subspecies. The largest are the Syel Mel. They are intelligent, like you and me. They speak Aprial, which is a bird-type speech, and is very difficult to learn. In addition, most speak our own language Genel, also called English on Earth. They are half bird, half humanoid with round heads and beaks for mouths. They have two arms with talons instead of hands and birdlike legs. Their torsos are humanoid with huge wings on their back. They cover themselves in light clothing, mostly in the genital areas. Anything more would only hinder their flight."

Like a harpy," Donna said, categorizing these people with the same name as a mythical creature of ancient Greek mythology.

I'm unfamiliar with that term," Thane responded with a glance at her, annoyed by the interruption.

Yes, I believe so, Donna." A flash of memory of the bird-people pierced Valencia's brain. She glanced at Thane when the memory disappeared. "I think I remember seeing one once."

I believe you did, about half a year before your departure." Thane acknowledged her memory as fact and gave her a fond smile. "And you weren't very nice to them."

I wasn't?" She was shocked by his comment.

You were a spoiled child and mean to everyone." Thane's constant reminder of her past behavior was becoming irritating and she scowled at him as Donna hooted in laughter.

I was just a child then." Making excuses for something she couldn't remember was silly, but she did so anyway. "Besides, I don't remember it." Valencia shuddered at how childish she sounded and saw Donna bite back another laugh. She raised her chin in defiance. "I'm not a child anymore."

The Mlinzi regarded her with an unreadable expression for a second or two.

"No, you're not." Thane leaned back into the chair and changed the topic back to his lecture. "Although dangerous, the Syel Mel can be quite civil. However, the lower species called the Minore are not. More animal than humanoid, the Minore have no arms, only talons at the end of each wing and sharper, more birdlike features. They react with animal instinct and can only speak a crude form of Aprial." Thane paused to wait for any questions and glanced at Donna before he continued his lecture.

There are four species of Dynol: The Torpek, the Koylu, the Ipatx, and the Mlinzi." Thane paused to take a breath, but Donna interrupted before he could continue.

That's what you are, right?" Donna said. "A Mlinzi?"

Yes," Thane responded sharply, obviously irritated at her inquisitiveness. "Now be quite and listen."

Sorry." Valencia glanced at Donna. By her friend's expression, she didn't think Donna was sorry at all.

The Torpek are extremely tall and thin, being long in limbs, neck, and torso. They are fair of skin, with almost porcelain coloring and with large eyes that dominate their face. Their hair is long, straight and silky and ranges from pale yellow to white. The Torpek age slowly. A two-hundred-year life span is common among their race. They are intelligent and are the creators of most of the technology of Sora."

Valencia saw Thane look closely at her to see if any memories surfaced from his description, but she only shook her head.

"They sound like elves," Donna said, breaking into Thane's lecture again. She whispered to Valencia, "I wonder if they have pointy ears too?"

Valencia bit her lip to keep from laughing when she saw Donna receive a stern glare from the Mlinzi and then blush like a child who
'd been caught at doing something naughty.

The Koylu are smaller than the Torpek, with varied skin types from dark brown to almost black. Some even have a tint of green. Most have black curly hair and brown eyes." Thane continued as if there had been no interruption. "They have a connection to nature with a natural ability for growing crops, tending livestock, and hunting. Unlike the Torpek who live in cities, they prefer smaller townships, clusters, and tending the soil. No less intelligent then the Torpek, the Koylu prefer a more simplistic life with less technology."

Thane paused again and glanced at Donna.
"No questions, little earthling?" he asked with a smirk.

With wide-eyed innocence, Donna only shook her head. Valencia giggled at her friend
's response.

Next is the Ipatx. They are short, stocky, and very strong. They are a hairy race. Even their females have long, thick tassels. Preferring dark places, their sensitive eyes are small with large black pupils that allow them to see in pitch black. The Ipatx are proficient miners and artisans of precious metals and gems and are revered throughout Sora. They trade twice a year and that is something one should never miss." His smile was genuine as he looked at the women. "Everyone on Sora swarms to the site of trade during these times. The trading lasts a week and is quite a celebration. However, in the last few years, their doors have remained closed to outsiders. Only trusted venders enter their city now."

Just like dwarfs!" Donna exclaimed when Thane stopped.

This time, he only shook his head at her interruption.

"Then there are the Mlinzi, right?" Valencia asked softly as she looked him.

Yes, though we are not a separate species. We come from the different races, including the races that reside in the air and water, although most of us are from the land. We are born warriors who hear the call of Sora at a young age. Families with these children are encouraged to start the child's training before the Branda. During our trials we are bound to Sora and the Matka-Zem." He slightly bowed his head in servitude to her.

Valencia doesn't really fit the description of any of those races," said Donna. She studied her for a few seconds before looking back at Thane. "And neither do you. Well, you two are closer to the Torpek, being so tall, but you guys don't quite fit their description, either."

The last are the Sualti Yaratik, people of the waters. There are two species." Thane continued as if he had not heard her question. "The Nereii are highly intelligent and are known to be Vident Ara's, who are far-seeing. They are half-humanoid and half fish. They live in the deep water and we know little of their ways. It is rare indeed to see one." Thane spoke this softly and his eyes glazed over as if he were remembering his own encounter with the Nereii.

Like a mermaid," Donna said with the excited voice of a little girl.

You've seen one, haven't you?" Valencia asked when she saw his expression change.

Yes, I did," he answered quietly. "I was very young when one saved my life during water training." Thane refused to elaborate farther, even when both she and Donna begged his to elaborate.

The last are the Merekoletis, reptilian humanoid creatures, which stay in the shallows, around the more tropical areas. They are extremely dangerous and cannibalistic. Some can speak a crude form of language but none are civil enough to interact with other races. It's wise to avoid them."

What about Valencia?" Donna repeated her question. "She kind of looks like a Torpek, but her hair and eyes are wrong."

You are the Matka-Zem, Princess Valencia," Thane said in a firm voice. "You connect us all to Sora and once bonded to her, you will be able to rule the planet." Valencia could tell by Donna's gasp of frustration that the explanation did not satisfy her curiosity. Nor did it hers. "You are born form the last Matka-Zem and her mate, the Regent. A regent can come from any of the races, however your father is from the Torpek."

He doesn't have red hair though." Valencia saw the image of her father in her mind as he kissed her forehead.

No, he doesn't. Where you get your red hair remains a mystery, although, it is rumored that the first Matka-Zem had hair like yours."

Valencia smiled when he saw Donna suppress a yawn. Her own eyes were becoming unfocused as she tried to stay alert.

Thane must have noticed, for he said, "That is enough for tonight. Get some rest, both of you." Thane rose to his feet and headed towards the bridge. "Sleep well."

Tired from the long day, they left as ordered and went below. They parted ways and Valencia went straight to the washroom to tidy herself before bed. Before she curled under the covers, she leaned over to retrieve her bag. Removing the jewelry box from its depths, she slowly opened the lid. She fingered the gold disk that laid on the silky surface; half expecting it to flare to life like the marble did at the compound. When nothing happened, Valencia closed the lid and placed the box in the top draw for safekeeping, then retrieved the parchment to read the note again.

"Ask Thane to quench his thirst." Valencia read aloud. With a huff, she returned the note back to the dresser and clicked the light off. Her eyes grew heavy and before sleep claimed her, she whispered, "Another damn riddle!"

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