Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) (12 page)

BOOK: Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)
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Thane glared at the two women and silently cursed again. They were right of course, but he did not have to like it. Without a word, he stormed passed them and headed below deck. Before the door slammed behind him, he heard them cackling like old spinsters at his expense. In a huff, he searched the three cabins and found clothing suitable for his gender, however, for a much smaller man. With a half-smile, he removed a yellow crystal from his cloak and whispered an incarnation to activate it. As he waved the gem over the clothes, they began to lengthen to fit his size. He smiled at the yellow gem, thankful his race had the technology to summon its power— even if it were for menial purposes—before returning the gem to one of the many pockets in his cloak. He reluctantly removed his sword from its sheath and slid it into another hidden pocket in his cloak. Lined with a rare crystal that reduced the size of objects, the pocket contained another sheath to hold the weapon. However, as soon as he removed it from its hiding place the sword would return to its normal size. He instantly felt naked without the weapon, but he could not walk around the city wearing his cloak, much less hold his sword at his side. Instead, he chose the Weelig Pearl that he had used to ignite the tree to prevent the Glauc-tuko from attacking the women. Donning the tight, black T-shirt, blue jeans, and tennis shoes, Thane felt restricted in his movements. Compared to the leather pants and tunic, designed to allow freedom of movement during warfare, these would hinder him and Thane hoped he would not need his skills. He seriously doubted he could fight efficient, enough to save an insect, much less the princess. Shoving the crystal into one of the tight pockets of the jeans, he headed back to the deck.

Am I now presentable?" he asked. The women stopped their chitchat to stare at him. When a faint blush grew on the princess's cheeks, he gave her a smile of satisfaction. He found it difficult to suppress his laughter when she quickly turned away and gripped the steering wheel in a death grip.

I would say so!" Donna was the first to recover from the sight of him.

The tight clothes fit him like a second skin and he knew they revealed his well-toned body and left nothing to the imagination.

"You look fantastic," said Donna.

Move away, Princess, before you snap that wheel in half." Thane ignored Donna's comment, and strode over to his charge's side. Pleased by the way she'd reacted to him, he could not control the desire to tease her. With firm hands on her upper arms, he gently pushed Valencia away to take her place. "You don't know how to maneuver the craft and you may damage it in your state of mind."

Oh, you're a horrible man!" hissed Valencia as she stormed away from the bridge. She grabbed Donna by the arm when she passed and pulled her along.

Thane laughed as the door closed behind the women.


Oh, I can't believe him!" Valencia huffed as she stared at the green water. It was still early morning, and the sun had just crested the tall skyscrapers in the distance. It was a beautiful sight, but it was lost to the princess. All she heard was Thane's soft laughter echoing in her head.

You love him," Donna said.

Love him? I don't even like him!" She glared at the smaller woman. "Besides, we just met a few days ago, and I haven't even spoken more than twenty sentences to him." She really was not sure how long she actually had known the Mlinzi, but he acted as if he had known her for quite some time.

Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?" Donna had a wicked twinkle in her blue eyes. "I am partial to the tall, dark, and silent types. The quiet ones are usually good in bed. "

He's my guard, Donna!" Valencia spat at her friend in both surprise and irritation. The vision of the small woman in the Mlinzi's embrace only fueled her anger. However, when she saw the gleam in her friend's sapphire eyes, she gave a little laugh. "Oh, you!" Valencia placed an arm around Donna's shoulder, and watched the shoreline draw closer.

Do you know what's at the bank?" her friend asked as she tilted her head to look at her.

I haven't the faintest idea what to expect." Depression gripped its wicked talons into her heart. Her life was spinning out of control and she was helpless to stop it. Not that she ever had any real control in the first place. The Keeper's death had briefly given her hope for freedom, and Donna had shown her a small sample of what a normal life might look like, but the Glauc-tuko had chased her down a path not of her choosing.

Well, Val, don't worry too much about it," Donna said as she pulled away from her to give Valencia a pat of reassurance. "You'll learn soon enough."

I'm afraid of what I'll find." Valencia whispered, trying to smile, but the quiver of her lips betrayed her true emotions. The Keeper had written that she could trust only the Mlinzi, but the old woman had been wrong. It was possible that Thane had his own covert agenda behind his protective posture. There was no evil or selfish intent, however, from the small, blond-haired human. They had only known each other briefly, but their short time together felt like a lifetime. She could trust this woman with her life, and she would give hers to Donna if need be. "I'm sorry for getting you involved in all this, Donna, but I'm glad you're here."

Well, I did want some change in my life." Donna gave her a bright smile that eased the tension in her heart. "You know we became friends so fast that I wonder if the Divine caused it."


Thomas Freeman glanced across the lobby of the Federal Reserve Bank just as a strange couple entered the building. Thomas noticed the man was close to eight feet tall, with none of the awkward features associated with extreme height. Lean, muscular, and stern of face, the man was one step in front of the woman, as if protecting her from an unseen foe. When Thomas's attention focused on the woman, he understood why the man protected her. She was beautiful, with pale skin and curly red hair that fell to her waist. She was shorter by a foot, however she was still exceptionally tall. For their size, they were both graceful, like gazelles on the plains of the Serengeti.

Thomas stood when he saw them hesitate in the middle of the lobby, not sure what to do. Then he noticed a small figure behind the couple. She moved in front of them, obviously intending to take the lead. At first glance, Thomas thought the person was their child, but as he made his way towards them, he realized this was a woman, not someone young enough to be the young couple
's offspring. She was small in comparison, yet, to normal standards, she was of average height. She, too, was pretty, not as striking as the other female, but beautiful in her own right.

May I help you?" Thomas asked when he approached the blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman.

Yes, you can," the woman answered with a smile. "My friend needs some assistance." She glanced over her shoulder at the other woman.

I have this key," said the tall redhead, pulling a key from between her breasts. "I have a box number 324 under the name Jane Doe."

Ah, yes." Thomas took the key from her outstretched hand. "Do you have some ID?" After he inspected her passport and looked up the security information in the computer, Thomas led them to a secure room and brought in the closed box. "Take your time, Miss Doe. You may call if you need any more assistance." With a short nod, he left the trio alone.


Once the bank manager left, Valencia quickly opened the safety deposit box and saw that it contained a small wooden chest, much like a music box, and a rolled parchment. Taking the piece of paper out first, she read it aloud for all to hear.


Your name is Valencia and you are the Matka-Zem of Sora. Your Mlinzi will explain more to you. Inside the box is the key to the Gate. Find the Lavi Santi. Ask Thane to quench his thirst. Remember your teachings, keep your eyes open, and rule without prejudice. Remember that the Mlinzi are the Guardians of Sora and answer only to you, regardless of what others may say.

Naji (Keeper).

"So, you have to answer to me, Thane," Valencia teased with a mischievous grin. She only received a grunt of disapproval from the Mlinzi. Without another word, she retrieved the wooden box and opened the lid. Inside lay a small golden disk, no bigger than a softball with carvings covering the smooth surface. The memory of a disk wrapped in the blue handkerchief formed in Valencia's mind.

I remember seeing this before." Valencia touched her forehead, recalling lips firmly kissing her skin. "My father gave this to me."

Yes, he did." Thane stepped away with a sigh of disappointment as if he was hoping something else was in the box. "It's the key to one of the ancient gates on this planet. With luck, the gate will still be functional."

You were there when he gave me this, weren't you?" Valencia handed the box to Donna and faced the Mlinzi. Surprise mixed with anger caused her face to flush. "You saw what they did to me. You know why I am on Earth. You . . ." her voice wavered as her fury increased. "You know everything!"

Not everything, Princess." Thane gave a soft chuckle and raised his hands in innocence. The Mlinzi actually took a step backwards from her.

You know enough!" Valencia closed the space the Mlinzi created and glared at him. "When were you going to tell me?"

When we are safely out to sea, I will disclose what I know." Thane turned his back to her and walked to the door. "Let's get out of here."

I want answers now, Thane!" Valencia was furious with the Mlinzi. He had told her he would explain things, but to actually be present when she lost her memory and make no effort to stop that from happening infuriated her. "Why didn't you stop them from doing this to me? I thought you were my guard?"

What would you have me do, Princess?" Thane spun around and snarled. "It was the will of the council and there was nothing I could have done to stop it."

You could have tried." Valencia knew she was whining like a little girl now, but she couldn't stop herself.

You may look like a woman, Princess, but I see you are still that spoiled child I used to protect." Thane once again turned his back on her. "Now let's go."

Embarrassment heated her face as she stared at the Mlinzi
's back. She knew she was being irrational, but she refused to apologize. She felt a soft touch on her forearm and turned to see Donna beside her.

Thane's right, Val." Donna closed the lid to the box and handed it to her. "Someone could be watching us and we need to get back to the ship."

Okay, but once we are out to sea you better answer ALL my questions," Valencia said to Thane's back. She went back to the safety deposit box and retrieved the letter. Without looking at the Mlinzi, she led the way out of the bank.

It took time to gather the needed supplies for the long journey. Being an assertive person, Donna swiftly loaded a shopping basket with their provisions and brazenly strolled the cart off the store lot. Once there, they hurriedly stocked the yacht and prepared to leave when Valencia turned to her friend.

"I fear you're not safe at your apartment, Donna." She glanced over at Thane from the corner of her eye before she continued. "I see only two choices. Stay with one of your relatives or stay with us." Both her companions opened their mouths to speak but she stopped their words by lifting a hand. "The Glauc-tuko were able to find Helen and Sam easily after I left, and I fear they'll find you too. I would recommend you stay with us."

Ch'iidii!" Thane cursed as he rounded on her. "I'm not going to lug this earthling halfway around the planet and endanger your welfare, for the sake of her insignificant life."

All life is significant, Mlinzi!" she declared as she glared into his brown eyes and held his gaze. She felt the power stir inside her, building as her anger grew. "Besides, it's not your decision to make, Thane."

You are not just endangering yourself, Princess." Thane glared right back at her. "But Sora as well, if you cater to this human."

It's my fault she's in this situation and I'm going to protect her." The power inside her grew stronger, and the desire to release it was overwhelming. Fear of her Gift burned through her mind and, with an iron will, she suppressed the energy into a controlled knot that she buried deep within her core.

You couldn't protect a fly, Princess."

She realized the Mlinzi was purposely trying to provoke her into releasing her power at him when she saw him brace himself for her onslaught. When it did not come, his disappointment was plain to see.

"HEY!" Donna pushed between them. With some effort, she placed her palms on each of their abdomens and shoved them both backwards. "Okay, kiddies, time out!" Donna first spoke to Thane. "Thank you very much for your concern, but I neither asked nor wanted your help. I can take care of myself." She then turned to Valencia. "I can make my own decisions. I do not want to stay with relatives. I'm going with you, at least as far as this Gate of yours." Donna gave her a ghost of a smile. "Besides, someone has to remain levelheaded, since you two always seem to be fighting." She turned back to Thane. "I would never cause, nor be the cause that harmed my friend." Having made her pronouncements, Donna proudly strolled to where the tie line was before turning back to them. She placed her hands on her hips and glared as them. "Well, are we launching or not?"

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