Retribution (The Lone Riders MC Series Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Retribution (The Lone Riders MC Series Book 2)
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Kip looked back down at his boots, shaking his head and smiling to himself. He’d missed his sister with a pain he’d never told anybody about all the time she’d been over in
. He’d never stopped loving her, no matter what he might have said. No matter what he’d told her. He’d never stopped loving her. He was just glad she was back here in
now, where she belonged. Because he had a feeling he was going to need her.

They were going to need each other.




‘Jesus Christ! I can’t believe this has fucking happened!’

‘We should have seen it coming, boss.’

Charlie threw Bear a look so sharp it could have cut through steel. ‘Not helping.’

‘Do you think he’s found out where Mia is?’ Bear poured them both a shot of whisky, sliding a tumbler across the bar to Charlie.

‘You’re stating the fucking obvious now.’ Charlie knocked the shot back in one mouthful. ‘Of course he’ll be where Mia is. Why else would he have disappeared? And who the fuck was supposed to be watching him?’


Charlie raised both eyebrows in question.

‘But his old lady’s waters broke in The Eagle, and things got kind of messy after that. There was a lot of shouting, a lot of people rushing around, and I guess we just took our eyes off the ball…’

? Jesus! I go away for two frigging days and everything turns to crap! I would’ve been better off leaving the fucking Prospects in charge. Shit, Bear, you were supposed to be making sure there was someone watching Lennie at all times…
!’ Charlie’s head dropped into his hands as he let out a loud, almost tortured sigh of frustration. ‘

‘Maybe it’s time to let us know where Mia is, brother. I mean, things haven’t exactly gone to plan…’

Charlie slowly raised his head. ‘Oh, you think?’ He gave another long sigh. ‘Maybe you’re right. Keeping it to myself obviously wasn’t one of my better ideas. It’s gonna be all hands on deck now, to deal with this one.’

‘We’ll sort it, boss.’

‘Yeah. Let’s hope you’re right.’ Charlie reached for the whisky, pouring himself another shot and quickly drinking it back. ‘I’ve got calls to make.’


Charlie slammed his empty glass on to the counter, sliding down from his stool. ‘I’ll let you know when I need you. In the meantime, just make sure no more shit happens, okay?’




Mia nudged the front door open with her shoulder, kicking it shut behind her, her hands full of bags of groceries. Angie’s nagging regarding her eating habits had started to sink in, and in a funny kind of way she’d actually enjoyed mooching around the grocery store, checking out products you couldn’t get back home in the U.K., and those she was more than familiar with. It had been fun, doing something ordinary.

Carrying the bags into the kitchen she threw them down on to the counter and switched on the kettle. She was just about to start unpacking everything when the doorbell rang, and she looked at her watch, a slow smile spreading across her face. Lunchtime. And she knew exactly what was on the menu.

Almost running down the hallway, she flung open the door, dragging him inside by his tie, which she’d loosened and almost pulled from his neck before he’d even kicked the door shut behind him.

‘It’s good to see you too.’ He grinned, slipping his hands up and under her skirt to drag down her panties.

She smiled, grabbing his wrist to stop him. ‘Not yet,’ she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. ‘We’ve been together a while now, lawyer man. And even though I’ve let you fuck me, a lot, and I have loved every single thrust of that dick inside me…’

‘Jesus, Mia…’

‘Sshh…’ She put her fingers to his lips, slowly shaking her head. ‘I want to see you naked, Ben. I haven’t seen you naked, and I want to. Oh, God, do I want to…’

He picked her up, her legs immediately wrapping themselves around him as his mouth lowered down on to hers in a desperate kiss. ‘We’re not gonna make it upstairs, baby,’ he murmured, and she wasn’t going to argue with that. She could feel his hard-on digging into her already.

‘Living room.’ She smiled, and he returned it, her stomach flipping what felt like a zillion somersaults as he carried her over to the couch and laid her down. ‘Okay, handsome. Show me what you got, come on.’

He laughed, standing up and cocking his head slightly as he looked at her. ‘Right back at ya, beautiful.’

She wriggled free of her skirt, kneeling up to pull off her T-shirt, leaving her in nothing but the tiniest of white panties and bra. And her biker boots.

‘Leave those on,’ he said, indicating the boots. ‘But everything else comes off.’

She slowly unclasped her bra, pulling it away from her breasts, arching her back and pushing them out, just a touch.

‘Jesus fucking Christ,’ Ben groaned. ‘Lie down.’

‘You’re pretty forceful when you want to be, aren’t you, lawyer man? And you’re still fully clothed.’

‘Just lie down, Mia.’

She did as she was told, enjoying the game, stretching her arms up above her head as he leaned over her, his mouth covering one of her breasts, his tongue flicking over her nipple. Not half an hour ago she’d been choosing cereal in the grocery store, and now she had this tall, insanely handsome man sucking on her tits, the promise of his dick inside her just minutes away. She really was one very lucky lady right now.

Gasping quietly as she felt his fingers hook into her panties, she closed her eyes as he slowly pulled them down, his murmured appreciation enough to make that wetness between her legs intensify. She could feel it seeping out of her, and all she wanted was for him to plunge into it; to take her slow and steady.

‘You better be naked, mister,’ she said quietly, the second she couldn’t feel his hands on her any more. ‘Oh, baby,’ she groaned, opening her eyes to see him standing there in all his hard, toned, tattooed glory. ‘I guess I got my wish, huh?’ He was taking her breath away; the most beautiful man she’d seen in a long time. Tall and lean but with muscles in all the right places, he had a body that Mia could only describe as perfect. In her eyes. She never had gone for the too-well-built type – something Lennie had turned himself into after his brother’s death. But Ben, he had the six-pack, the strong thighs; hips she couldn’t wait to wrap her legs around. He just hadn’t pushed it too far. And with tattoos she hadn’t realized he had covering more of his skin than she’d anticipated, she briefly wondered just how much truth he was really telling her about his biker past.

But those thoughts were quickly forgotten as her eyes dipped to his hard dick, erect and promising her a ride she was going to wish would never end, and it was like her legs were operating on auto-pilot as they opened wide for him.

‘I guess you did.’ He threw her another of those smiles that made her heart race before he finally lay over her, and she pulled her legs up around him, the feel of his naked body against hers making her heart race even faster.

Keeping her arms up above her head, she closed her eyes again as he kissed the base of her throat, his hands holding on to her hips and she arched her back, pushing up against him, silently begging him to dive into her. She was desperate to feel him inside her now, to fuck the foreplay and just take her, any way he wanted to. Because she was dying here. Her skin felt as if it was on fire, the ache between her legs almost unbearable and she couldn’t help but cry out in frustration as he refrained from coming in too soon. She could feel him, hard and throbbing against her, and she was soaking him, she could feel how wet she was, but he was keeping her waiting, and it was killing her.

‘Ben…’ Her moans filled the room, her frustration becoming more evident by the second as he continued to play with her, his fingers grazing her nipples, his mouth travelling over her skin, each tiny, feather-light kiss sending a million minute electric shocks surging through her, until she could take no more, she really couldn’t. ‘Jesus, Ben, just fuck me!’ She’d almost screamed out the words, her hips bucking right up against him. And he got the message. As his fingers intertwined with hers, she finally felt him push into her, and the relief that followed was all-consuming.

‘You always get what you want by demanding it?’ He smiled, his mouth resting on hers as he thrust deeper.

She returned the smile. ‘I do now,’ she whispered, her fingers tightening around his as she felt a warm, welcome peace flood through her. This was sex so different to anything they’d shared before. And whilst she loved the hard, fast fucks, those stolen moments when they had to get their kicks as quickly as they could, this was beautiful and different. His thrusts were slower, more gentle; she could feel him fully inside her, feel him moving. And she loved that. She needed it. She needed sex that didn’t just feel as though someone was taking something from her purely for their own gratification without giving a shit what she was feeling. This was special. This was something she hadn’t experienced in a long, long time, and, if she was honest, she hadn’t even wanted to. The thought of a man being this close to her again had been almost abhorrent, after everything Lennie had put her through. Until she’d met Ben Salter, the man who was now coming inside her, filling her with a new hope as their bodies bucked together, their cries mingling; her heart beating hard for a new life she wanted so badly now. So much it hurt.

‘Jesus!’ Ben gasped, collapsing on top of her, his breathing heavy and uneven as it fell out of him in short, sharp bursts. ‘That was one hell of a lunch break.’

She couldn’t help laughing, her fingers stroking his rough chin. He’d let the heavy stubble there grow into a short beard, and she liked it. It suited him. But she doubted this was the first time he’d adopted this look, if he really had once been a biker. ‘So much more exciting than a grilled cheese sandwich, huh?’

He grinned, and she couldn’t remember when she’d last felt this happy. This relaxed. ‘Yeah.’ He kissed her slow and deep, her fingers sliding into his hair as his hand cupped her bottom, keeping her pressed against him. ‘And as much as I would love to taste dessert, I really do have to get back to work.’

She ran her thumb gently over his slightly open mouth, her eyes following its every move. ‘Okay.’

‘But, if you’ve got nothing planned for this evening…’

She smiled again as his mouth once more lowered down on to hers. Oh, God, she just wanted to stay there all afternoon and fuck until neither of them could take any more. She wanted to wake up tomorrow sore and unable to walk, her legs aching from the hours they’d spent wrapped around his heartbreakingly hot body. ‘Well, I
gonna pop over to the clubhouse but, you know, all of a sudden the idea of hanging around watching Luca beat the crap out of Kip and Cain at pool isn’t so attractive any more. Not when I could be here, with you. Doing this.

He laughed, a low, almost dirty laugh. ‘I’ve really gotta go, beautiful.’

She nodded, giving him one last kiss before he climbed off her. Sitting up, pulling her knees to her chest, she watched him get dressed, thinking how cruel it was to cover up something so undeniably gorgeous.

‘Come here,’ he said, holding out his hand, pulling her up and into his arms.

‘I suppose I should think about putting some clothes on, too,’ she sighed, straightening his tie.

‘Oh no,’ he murmured, his mouth closing in on hers. ‘You stay just as you are, for the rest of the day, so I can imagine you doing everything bare-ass naked, all afternoon. And when I come back tonight, I still want you to be naked. All ready for me to go back in there…’ He gently pushed two fingers inside her, causing her to gasp as he thrust them up, ‘… and fuck you. All-over-again.’

‘You are killing me,’ Mia groaned, slowly moving her hips as he continued to finger-fuck her, his thumb rubbing her clitoris until she had no choice but to fall against him, her body shivering with the force of the surprise orgasm he’d just teased out of her.

He smiled as he released her, wiping his fingers on a handkerchief he’d taken out of his pocket. And then, with nothing more than a wide grin and a wink, he left.

Mia waited until she heard the front door close before getting dressed, her skin still tingling from Ben’s touch. She should probably get back to unpacking those groceries. If nothing else, it would take her mind off counting down the hours until Ben returned.

But she hadn’t been five minutes back in the kitchen when the doorbell rang again, and she felt her stomach give an excited jolt. Had he decided to bunk off for the rest of the day? Maybe he needed an afternoon of hot sex as much as she did.

Leaving the groceries lying on the counter top, she ran to the front door, swinging it open without a moment’s hesitation. And the smile just fell from her terrified face…

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