Resurrecting Pompeii (70 page)

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Authors: Estelle Lazer

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cadaveric spasm, 88
Caffey’s disease, 208
Capasso, Luigi
et al.
,63–64, 90–91, 136, 157, 163–65, 170–72, 174–76, 183, 184, 195, 196–97, 199–200, 203, 217– 20, 222, 225–27, 233, 234, 237–44 Capitolium, 67
Cary and Scullard (1975), 74
Casa degli Amorini dorati
(VI, xvi, 7), 79, 286
Casa dei Vettii
(VI, xv, 1–2) 67, 69, 72–73, 286
Casa del Bracciale d

Insula Occidentalis
(VI, xvii, 42), 80, 159,
, 346 (n. 52)
Casa del Chirurgo
(VI, i, 10), 5
Casa del Criptoportico
(I, vi, 2), 80, 252, 346 (n. 52)
Casa del Fabbro
(I, x, 7), 104, 186
Casa del Menandro
(I, x, 4), 9–10, 94–95, 159, 186
Casa del Principe di Napoli
Casa del Sacello Iliaco
(I, vi, 4), 69
Casa di Adone Ferito
(VI, vii, 8), 210–11
Casa di Stabianus
. 22), 9–
, 86, 260
casts, cement, 258–60; plaster, 8–9, 110, 158, 247–58; resin, 262; latex, 270 causes of death, 83–91, 190, 260, 268
cave canem
mosaic, 19
Celsus, 178, 193–94, 215
cemeteries, 102, 106
Censorinus, 155
census, 73, 155–56
Central Baths,
Terme Centrali
(IX, iv, 5–18), 70
cephalic index, 48–49, 51–52, 133 Chicago Field Museum, 44
childbirth (parturition) 121, 123, 144, 154, 163, 215–17
China, preserved body, 30
Cicchitti, Amedeo, 261
cinema, 19, 41, 101
Ciprotti, P., 27
circumpolar populations, 143, 227
clothing, 80, 89, 210, 248–50, 255, 260 coins, 5, 8, 10, 23, 25–26, 32, 66, 80, 95
colony, veterans’,71
Conticello, Baldassare, 260
Corti, E.C.G., 27
cranial capacity, 50, 130, 133–34
cranial deformation
craniometry, 48, 57
cremation, 63, 106, 226
Cremin, B.H.
et al.
, 236
cribra orbitalia, 198–99, 208–9
‘crumble factor’, 111, 113, 125
CT scans, 45, 261, 268
D’Ambrosio, Antonio, 261
et al.
,59–61, 102, 108, 130, 134–35, 159–62, 222
date of eruption in AD 79, 80, 267 David, Rosalie, 45
Dawson, W.R., 44
De Carolis, E. and Patricelli, G. 77, 84–85 Deiss, J.J., 31
Delle Chiaie, Stefano, 47–48, 104
dental health, see oral health
dentistry, ancient, 176–78
Derry, Douglas, 44
Description de l

diabetes, 168, 178, 201–5, 211
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, see DISH
Dio Cassius, 74, 79–80
Diodorus Siculus, 92
DISH, 153–54, 201–3, 219, 267
displays of remains, 8, 10–14, 50, 99–100, 110, 158–59, 254, 258, 260, 269–70 Dittirick, J. and Stuckey, J.M., 126 DNA, 34, 45, 106, 119, 221, 319 (n.11) Dobbins, J.J., 71
double rooted canines, 225–27, 231–32, 267
Drovetti, Bernardino, 39
Dwyer, E., 257–58
Dyer, T.H., 15
Dyson, S.L., 156

earthquake of
62, 18, 67–70, 73, 75– 76, 164, 166, 221, 245, 267
earthquakes, 68–69
epiphyses, 139–43, 164, 190
Eschenbach, H. 74–75
ethical issues, 269–70
Etienne, R., 252
‘Etna poem’, 79, 92
Etruscans, 58, 71, 221
European populations, 119, 131, 154, 161, 179, 223, 232, 235, 241–42, 244
excavation records, 77, 105

faces, 53, 116 –17, 131
Fairfield, S.L., 23
femur, 49, 102, 105, 107, 126–27, 183–

84, 186 –87, 190, 200, 342–43 (n. 56) Ferdinand II, 15, 47
fertility, 216–17
Fiorelli, Giuseppe, 8–9, 15, 73–74, 76,

247, 249 –50, 254, 260, 286
fluorosis, 172
Forum, 70–71
Forum Baths,
Terme Femminile del Foro

v, 2/8/24), 100

Forum Baths collection, 102, 107,
109, 125–26, 130–31, 133,
134, 152, 176, 186, 188, 222, 225,
228, 270
Fourth Style decoration, 67
France, D.L., 126
Fullonica Stephani
(I, vi, 7), 67
fulminant shock, 91
fusion, 139–40, 143, 144, 162–65

Galen, 155
Garden of the Fugitives
Orto dei Fuggiaschi
(I, xxi), 87,
, 159, 252, 255, 257, 346 (n. 52)
Garstang, John, 40
Gautier, Theophile, 23–25, 41–42, 101, 247
Gell, William, 7–8, 26–27, 76, 286
Giacomelli, L.
et al.
Gilfillan, S.C., 215
gladiators’ barracks, 15–16, 265
Goethe, J.W., 6–7, 285
Goodman, A.H. and Armelagos, G.J., 175
guidelines for excavating human remains, 269
Gray, Thomas, 6
Greek people in Pompeii, 71
Gregorovius, Ferdinand, 25
groundwater level, 83, 248
Gusman, P., 251
Guzzo, Pietro Giovanni, 287

von Hagens, Gunther, 269
Hamilton, William, 7, 26, 85, 285 Hauser G. and De Stefano, G.F., 225, 228,

235, 236
heat, extreme, 87–89, 261, 266
Henneberg, M. and Henneberg, R.J., 157,

161 –62, 166, 216–17
Henschen, F., 203
Herbet, D. and Bardossi, F., 77
Herculaneum, skeletons at, 28–31, 61–65,

170, 232, 267, 270;
see also

Capasso, Petrone
Herculaneum Conservation Project, 270 Herculaneum Gate, Pompeii, 14–15, 19, 23 hermaphrodite, 210, 336–37 (nn. 158,

160, 161)
Hershkovitz, I.
et al.
, 203, 212
HFI, 107, 140, 153–54, 162, 164,

203 –13, 219–20, 245, 267
Hippocratic texts, 155, 325 (n. 37) House of Caecilius Jucundus (V, i, 6), 68 House of M. Fabius Rufus, 255–
House of Julius Polybius (IX, xiii, 1–3),


House of the Gem (Herculaneum,
II, n.10), 62
House of the Faun, 248
House of the Tragic Poet (VI, viii, 3), 19, 27
House of Vesonius Primus/of Orpheus (VI, xiv, 0), 258
Howells, W.W., 111, 130, 222
humerus, 125–26,
, 186, 200, 342–43 (n. 56)
hyperostosis frontalis interna,

inca bones, 50, 233 –35, 246
infectious disease, 196–98, 219
innominate bone, 122, 141–42, 144–45 inscriptions, 79, 90–91, 155–56, 265
Insula del Menandro
,11–14, 110, 316

(n. 18)
Iscan, M.Y. and Loth, S.R., 140
Isodorus, 155
Italian populations, 123, 135, 183, 226,

228, 231, 232, 235, 237–43, 246

Jackes, M.K., 166
Jashemski, W.F., 32, 74–75, 258–60 jewellery, 11, 16, 18, 23, 29–30, 32, 44,

80, 117, 248, 261
Jewish people in Pompeii, 72
Jones, F. Wood, 44
Jongman, W., 75
Joseph II, 5, 7
Julius Philippus, 33
juveniles, 110, 117–19, 158

Koenig (1896), 44


‘Lady of Oplontis’, 89, 260–
, 268

land use in Pompeii, 75
Last Days of Pompeii
,14–23, 26–27, 29, 31, 35, 42, 66, 253, 265
laws, Roman, 178, 215
Le Antichità di Ercolano esposte
lead poisoning, 214–17, 338
(n. 184)
lifestyle indicators, 217–19, 220, 338 (n. 191, 192)
Linnaeus, Carl, 51, 56–57
longevity, 153–58
looting, 70, 94
Lovejoy scheme, 151–52
Lucas, Alfred, 43
Lucius Crassus Tertius, 261
Luongo, G.
et al.
,84–85, 87
skulls, 57, 108, 127–28, 150, 223–27, 234–36, 246
Nucerian Gate, cast, 251–52
nuées ardentes
number of people living in
79, 70–71, 73–76
number of deaths in
79, 76–78 nutrition, 29, 64, 138, 167, 175–76, 182, 184, 197–98, 213–14, 267

Maggi, Giuseppe, 62
Massa, A, 117
Mau, August, 9, 74, 80
Maiuri, Amedeo, 9–14, 74, 252, 254, 287 Manchester Museum, 44–45
mandibles, 131–
, 136, 152–53
Martin, L.D.
et al.
, 175
Mastrolorenzo, G. and team, 91
McKern, T.W. and Stewart, T.D., 144 measurements, 111–13, 130–33, 317 (n.

medical instruments, ancient, 21, 177,
Meindl, R.S.
et al.
, 144, 146
metopism, 50, 233
milling of grain, 150,
, 160–61, 168,
Monnier, Marc, 248–51
Morton, S.G., 42, 56
Mt Lamington 1951 eruption, 88–89 Mt Pelée 1902 eruption, 81, 88–89 Mt St Helens 1980 eruption, 84–85, 89–
90, 93
mummies in Egypt, scientific research on,
42–46; unwrapping, 38, 42
Murat, Caroline, 8, 84, 285
Murray, Margaret, 44–45

Naples, institutes, 59; museums, 23 –24,
47, 50, 195, 247, 249, 255; university,
47–48, 104
Napoleon I, 37, 39–40, 285
National Geographic
,29–31, 63
Natural History of Pompeii
Nero, Emperor, 68, 79
neoclassicism in art, 7
Nicolucci, Giustiniano, 48–59, 104, 108,
133–35, 159–61, 222, 226–27, 233,
238–42, 245–46
Nissen (1877), 74
non-metric traits, 246, 267–68; of long bones, 107, 140, 244; of pelves, 124; of observer bias, 49, 56, 135, 245
Oceanic populations, 232
occupation, 27, 29, 217–19
Oplontis, 79, 261,
see also
‘Lady of Oplontis’
oral health, 167–68, 197, 209, 219, 262–64

oral hygiene, 30, 171 –72, 174, 178 Oscans, 71–72, 221
ossicles, 50,

, 236–42
osteoarthritis, 190, 200, 202–3
Ovid, 215

Paget ’s disease, 154, 207
palatine torus, 227–31, 245, 267
Palaestra (II, 7), 252–253
palaeodemography, 63, 64, 154, 157–58,

166, 217
paleoepidemiology, 64
Paleopathology Association, 45
Pappalardo, U., 80
Paquius Proculus, 53
Pardoe, Colin, 228, 237
Parkin, T.G, 155–57
pathology, 107, 162, 165, 167, 207–10 pelvis, 107, 120–25, 136, 140–45, 185 personalizing skeletons and casts, 14–18,

23, 25 –27, 29–35, 250–51
Perthes’ disease, 190
Petrie, Flinders, 37, 40, 44
Petrone, P.P.
et al.
, 64, 136, 164–65, 170,

172, 176
Pettigrew, Thomas, 38
Phlegon, 156
phrenology, 23, 42
pitting on the dorsal surface of the pubic

symphysis, 35, 121–23

Pliny the Elder, 36, 50, 78, 82, 92 –93, 156, 178, 211, 215, 221, 245, 267
Pliny the Younger, 68, 78–82, 92, 211
Plautus, 215
Plutarch, 92
‘Pompeii premise’,66–67, 93
publications, 8
Poole, P.F.
Poppaei family, 79
population mix, 54–55, 71–72
population size,
population samples,
African, ancient, Asian, Australian, circumpolar,
European, Italian, Oceanic
porotic hyperostosis, 197–200, 208, 219
Poynter, John, 14
pregnancy, 32–35, 118, 121, 144, 163, 208, 216, 252
pubic symphysis, 121–22, 140–44, 162–
65, 216–17, 261

‘ pugilistic pose’ 88,
, 254, 261
pygmies, 100, 210
pyroclastic currents, flows and surges, 81–

84, 87–91, 248


Quadrella, Molise, 170–71
Quarterly Review
, 251

‘ race’, concept of, 56–58
‘racial’ classifications, 59–61, 159, 221 Raoul-Rochette, M, 210
Region I, Insula 22, cast, 252
Richardson, L. 95
Roman emperors, 155–56
Roman villas, 67,
see also
Boscoreale, Oplontis,
Villa dei Misteri
, Villa of Diomedes
Ruffer, Alfred, 43
Russell, J.C., 74, 77

salvage after eruption, 94
Samnites, 71
Sarno Baths,
Terme del Sarno
(VII, ii, 17),

99 –100, 317 (n. 24)
Sarno Baths collection, 12, 59, 99,
–109, 122, 127, 131, 133, 152,
186–88, 201, 205, 222, 228, 270 Schefold, K., 7, 68
Scott, G.R. and Turner, C.G., 232
Scribonius Largus, 178
Secrets of Vesuvius
,28–29, 31
seismic activity, 67–69, 71, 73, 75, 158,
221, 246, 267
Seneca, 67–68, 70, 95, 102
sex determination, 56, 58, 133–36, 318 (n.
49), 319–21 (nn. 19, 20, 60)
sexual dimorphism, 119–20, 123, 130–33, 136–37, 181
sex index, 128–30, 340–41, 341 (n. 20) Sigurdsson, H. and team, 81–86
skeletons, number recovered, 76–77 skulls, 12–13, 48–56, 59–61, 102, 107, 109–10, 127–31, 136, 140, 186, 188– 90, 222–42
see also
cephalic, cranial, craniometry, phrenology
Smith, G. Elliot, 43–44
social status, 30–31, 35, 72, 183–84 Société d’Anthropologie, Paris, 57
Society of Dilettanti, 7–8, 27
Spartacus, 92
Speed, Lancelot, 14,
spina bifida occulta, 34
Spitalfields, London, 118, 122, 139 de Staël, Madame, 66
stable isotope analysis, 45, 106, 214 statistical methods, 106, 113–15, 123–27, 131, 149
stature, 49, 179–84, 254, 267
Stefani, Grete, 80
Strabo, 50, 71, 70, 92, 221, 245, 267 stratification, 81–84, 286–87
Street of the Skeletons, 247
squatting facets, 244–45, 267
Stuart-Macadam, P., 198
Suchey–Brooks technique, 141, 144–45,
, 166
Suetonius, 31, 68, 79, 92, 155
Sulla, 71, 79, 221
Superintendency of Pompeii, 46
surgery, 186, 191–94
surgical implements,
sutures, 50, 145–48, 159, 162–65,
, 227, 233, 246, 262, 324–25 (n. 26) Sydney, examination of resin cast in, 260–64

Tacitus, 67 –68, 74, 78
teeth, 107, 118, 132–33, 138–40, 149–53, 159, 162–65, 168–77, 231–33;
see also

television, 32
Temples, of Isis, 7, 15, 19, 23, 35, 66, 67;

of Venus, 67; of Vespasian, 67
Terry skeletal collection, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, 179
tephra, 81, 84–85, 94, 186
Theatres (VIII, vii, 16–17), 18
Titus, Emperor, 79, 80, 156
Todd system, 144
tombs, of M. Cerinuus Restitutus, 15;
outside Pompeii, 73
Torino, M. and Fornaciari, G., 172 Torre Annunziata, 261
tourists, 104
trauma, 186–91, 194–96, 262
trace element analysis, 213–14 trephination, 191–92, 209–10
Triangular Forum, 15, 71
Trotter and Gleser formulae, 179–83 tuberculosis, 30, 197, 219
Tutankhamun, 40, 43

Vallois system, 159 –60, 165
Varro, 155
la Vega, Francesco, 8, 15, 285
Venus Kallipygos, 255
Vesalius, Andreas, 268
via Stabiana, 252
Victorian Institute of Forensic Pathology,

Monash University, Melbourne, 140
Villa dei Misteri
Villa of Diomedes, 19, 23–26, 27, 35, 247,

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