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abandonment of Pompeii, 70–73, 315 (n.166)
Academy of Herculaneum, 7
achondroplastic dwarves,
agriculture in Pompeii, 75
Alcubierre R.J., 6, 284–85
Allison, P.M., 68–69
Alma Tadema, Lawrence, 19
African populations, 121, 126, 154, 181, 223, 226–27, 232, 235, 237–39, 241– 43
‘African’ skull, 48, 54–55, 134–35
American populations, Black, 179–81; Native, 142–43, 169, 171, 173–74, 195, 212, 236; White, 57, 142–43, 179–81, 244
amphitheatre, 22, 27, 73–74
anaemia, 197–99, 214
ancient populations, 160, 179, 195, 212, 226; in Egypt, 195, 226; in Greece, 49, 63, 195; in Italy, 50, 58–61, 161, 170–
71, 212, 226, 232

androgyny, 123, 137
Angel, J. Lawrence, 49, 63, 199
Antiquarium, Pompeii, 258
Asian populations, 30, 119, 179, 232 asphyxiation, 84–85, 87, 91
Augustus, Emperor, 31, 79, 155, 215 Australian Aboriginal populations, 119,

228, 237

Barnicot, N.A. and Brothwell, D.R., 58 –59 Baths,
Central, Forum, Sarno
Baxter, P.J., 87–88, 260
Becker, M.J, 203
Beloch (1898), 74
Belzoni, G.B, 38–40
Berry, A.C. and Berry, R.J., 228, 233, 235 birth rate, 215
Bisel, Sara, popular works, 28–30; scientific

work, 62 –63, 123, 130, 136, 157–58,
162–65, 170–76, 183, 184, 194, 199–
200, 202–3, 213–14, 216–20, 223 Blong, R.J., 77
Blumenbach, J.F., 38, 57
bone hinges, 104–
, 127, 195
Bonucci, Antonio, 26, 76, 285
Bourbon kings, 7, 8, 15, 47, 285
Bourbon Museum, 47
, 258
British Museum, 7, 37, 40
Broca, Paul, 57
Broca’s area, 91
Brothwell scheme, 151–52
brucellosis, 197, 219
Bullard, F.M., 81
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 14, 19, 26–28, 30,
64, 76, 101, 104, 249–51, 265, 286,
299 (n. 57), 300 (n.80)
burns, 85, 89
Butterworth, A. and Laurence, R., 33–35

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