Read Resolution (Heart of Stone) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Resolution (Heart of Stone) (31 page)

BOOK: Resolution (Heart of Stone)
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He sucked on
his lips as his eyes glazed over and then he turned to Sam. “Look after her” he
said and then turned and walked up the stairs and into the nursery.


I inhaled
sharply then pulled my shoulders back and turned to the men. “Now let’s do
this” I said calmly and pushed Ava back and pulled the inner bitch forwards.

I needed her
now more than ever but I knew she wouldn’t let me down and I was wondering if
she would ever let Ava back to the forefront after tonight.





“Ava Stone!”
I heard a voice behind me as I stood at the bar, ordering mine and the girls
drinks. I spun on my heels to see Ethan the sonographer from the hospital stood
grinning at me.

I grinned
back and held a finger up for him to hold on, he nodded and I turned back round
to the slimy barman and I wondered if Mason knew one of his staff hit on all
the female customers. “£3.45 change, sure I can’t tempt you to anything else
tonight gorgeous?” he asked with a leer and I scowled at him before I turned
back round to Ethan.


I was
already well on the way to getting drunk and knew I shouldn’t have bought
another vodka but I was in the mood for getting obliterated after a stressful
week at work.

“Ethan” I
smiled and kissed him chastely on the cheek. “How are you?” I asked as we made
our way over to the table the girls and I were occupying.

“I’m doing
good. How are you?” he asked and I noticed his eyes flick to my left hand and
then slowly over my body and I smiled at his check out.

“I’m good

He nodded as
I placed the drinks on the table and scanned the room for my friends, finding
them strutting their asses at some blokes that had shimmied up to them. “You
escaped the peanuts for the night?” he asked as I slid into the booth and he
saddled in beside me and took a long pull on his beer.

I couldn’t
remove my eyes from the way his throat bobbed sexily as he swallowed it down
and he raised an eyebrow and gave me a lazy grin when he caught me checking him
out. My mouth was suddenly dry as my sex excitedly lit up at the specimen
beside me.

Clearing my
parched throat I raised my eyes back to his. “Oh yeah, they’re at their dad’s
until tomorrow” I told him as my eyes drifted to the way he ran his tongue over
the drop of beer residue on his top lip.

Ava! Get a grip!

I scolded
myself, it had been too long since I’d had sex and my body was now alerting me
to a possible candidate.


I hadn’t
been responsive to any male attention since I had left Mason but the way my
body was reacting to Ethan I was secretly hoping I might be in for some action.

“Oh, are you
and their dad not together now?” I saw a flash across his eyes as they dropped
to my mouth and I ran my tongue over my dry lips. I reached for my drink and
downed it in one, needing something other than Ethan’s mouth to focus on.

“No, we’ve
been apart about four months now” I said quietly with a shake of my head, the
pain of our separation still tore through my soul.

I missed him
immensely and I was furious I still felt like this. “That’s a shame” Ethan said
as his lip curled at the corner and his eyes darkened as they rose to mine.

I gasped
slightly when I saw his reaction. “You don’t seem very sorry about it” I said
and he cocked his head and lifted his shoulder.

His gaze
dropped to my mouth again, “No” he said simply as his tongue traced the
contours of his lips.


My body flooded
with arousal and I squirmed in my attempt to hide it. He took another mouthful
of his beer and realising I had finished mine I picked up Courtney’s rum and
coke and downed it, grimacing at the coconut. “Eugh fuck, who in the world
drinks this shit apart from Courtney?” I spluttered.

I hung my
tongue from my mouth trying to get some air in to remove the taste and Ethan
held out his beer, a crooked smile donning his face as his eyes dared me.

I smiled wryly
and took the beer from him, gently placing my lips over the end; I tipped my
head back and took a swill while holding his gaze and then swiped my tongue
over the rim before I handed it back.

He inhaled
sharply and the connection in our eyes assured us both that tonight would not
end in this room.

He leaned forward
slowly and brushed my ear with his lips. “I want you Ava, I’ve wanted you ever
since you walked into my room at the hospital.” I moaned lightly and closed my


When I
opened them he had resumed his position and was watching me intently and as my
eyes met his, the lust and want in them had me biting my bottom lip.

He grinned
and placed his bottle down on the table. “Yours or mine?” he asked bluntly and
I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Could I do this? Damn fucking right I

“Mine” I
said swiftly standing, taking hold of his hand and pulling him out of the

He flung his
head back and laughed as I led him across the dance floor to Courtney, whose
eyes widened when she saw who I’d got in tow. “I’m off, Ethan gave me an offer
I couldn’t refuse” I winked to her and she grinned at me.

“Okay babe,
lunch at mine tomorrow, don’t forget” she said as she ground her backside
against Marcy’s and I chuckled at them.


It was Courtney’s
first night out since delivering her gorgeous son, Harry and she was going all

pulled on my hand. “Time to go” he whispered against my ear as he planted an
open mouthed kiss beneath my earlobe. “I can’t wait to get you naked and sweaty”
he breathed and I groaned. I felt his smile against my neck, where his lips had
progressed to and my whole body shuddered in excitement.

He lifted
his head, stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. The pitch echoed through
my head as well as the room and he lifted our joined hands up to a group of
guys in the corner whilst pointing to the exit.

They all
raised a hand and then cheered and whooped him with thumbs up before turning
back to their conversation and I chuckled at their boyish encouragement. Ethan
grinned and rolled his eyes at me but continued to pull me through the crowd,
keeping my fingers locked in his as he led us outside.


As soon as
we hit the concrete, Ethan pushed me up against the wall and took my mouth with
his. He worked me gently as his tongue slid across my lip and I opened up to
him, my hands gripping his hair and pulling him further into me. A small groan
rumbled in the back of his throat and a hand slid down my back to cup my
backside, pulling me against his erection.

My eyes
widened at the feel of him, from what I could tell he was huge and I whimpered
as a selection of erotic images of him working that mighty cock into me.

I moaned as
he pulled away for a moment so he could whistle a taxi but then his lips
plunged back down on mine while the taxi pipped at us.

He groaned
and pulled me over to the taxi and opened the door but just as I went to climb
in he held me back. I frowned at him and he stroked his knuckles over my cheek.
“You sure about this?” he asked gently and I smiled coyly.

I grinned when I cupped his erection and he hissed.

“Get in” he
growled and I scrambled in the car.

His hand
connected with my backside and I yelped in excitement before he slammed the
door and as soon as I had told the driver my address Ethan’s lips were back on

you’re so hot” he moaned against my mouth and I bit his lower lip gently.

“Back at ya’”
I murmured before I pulled him back down and stroked his length through his
trousers with my fingernail.


His kisses
became more urgent and his hand slid over my breast and I moaned my approval.
The driver coughed slightly and I smirked against Ethan’s lips as he mumbled a
‘fuck off’ whilst his mouth and tongue whispered wet kisses down my neck and he
sucked on the soft part of flesh at the base of my throat.

I whimpered
and hung my head back on my shoulders as I fingered his soft blonde hair. I
wasn’t usually attracted to blondes but Ethan’s was such a dark dirty blonde
that I nearly considered it brown. His thumb stroked against my peaked nipple
that was straining against the silk of my dress and I huffed out a soft breath.
“Jesus, I’m so ready” I moaned as I pulled his face back to mine.


The driver barked and Ethan rummaged about in his pocket as he kept the kiss
going and pulled away slightly to make sure the note he held was a twenty and
thrust it at the driver and mumbling ‘keep the change’. He felt for the door
handle, opened it and dragged me out with his lips still on mine.

My hand
scurried desperately in my bag, feeling my way for my keys and I grinned
against him. “Ta da” I murmured as I held out the key for him.

reluctantly broke the kiss as he unlocked the door and we stumbled through but
before the door was even shut properly my bag was dropped on the doormat and I
was in Ethan’s arms as he carried me upstairs.

“I need to
taste you, Ava” he breathed against my neck as he opened the bathroom door,
glanced around and walked back out, this time headed for the bedroom and
grinned when he discovered the correct room.

“I need your
mouth on me” I rasped back.


He growled
quietly as he planted my feet on the ground then took a step back. “Take the
dress off” he said breathlessly and I smirked.

My fingers
rose to the fastening at the halter neck and I untied it slowly before I let go
and the dress pooled at my feet, leaving me stood in black bra, thong and thigh
highs. “Fuck that’s sexy.”

His molten eyes
poured over every inch of me and I was so turned on I reached behind me and
unhooked my bra, letting that drop with my dress and then my fingers reached
the top of my thigh highs. “Leave them on with the shoes” Ethan said as he
stalked towards me.

He cocked
his head and smirked slyly. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall” I
gulped as my arousal intensified. I loved a dominant man and Ethan was
obviously a good choice for a bed buddy.

 I did as he
asked and turned around, raising my hands and planting them flat against the
wall as I bent at the middle.

“Oh shit” he
reared back slightly and I cringed as his finger trailed across one of my
welts. I wriggled underneath him, now ashamed and embarrassed by my scars but
he gripped my legs between his thighs behind me.

 “Hey, it’s
okay” he said softly as I buried my face into the wall. “Ava” he said more
sternly and I turned to face the side, my cheek pressed against the wall. “I
like them, I think they’re fucking sexy. They show what a tough little thing
you are” he assured me as he ground his erection into me and pushed up against
my backside.


His fingers
slid into the edge of my thong and he swept them down my legs as he came to
kneel behind me. I heard him groan as he swiped a finger along my groove, my
breath hitched and I pushed my bottom further towards him seeking more. “You
have a pretty cunt Ava, I can’t wait to fill it” he said before his tongue
plunged straight into my entrance.

“Oh god,
yes” I moaned as he fucked me with his tongue, his thumb working my clit.


seconds I could feel my orgasm approach and Ethan must have sensed it because
he slid a finger inside me and stroked the wall of my pussy, igniting my climax
and I cried out as my knees buckled.

“God, your
pussy tastes fucking good” he growled and before I knew it I was face down on
the bed and he was pressed up against me. “How do you like to be fucked, Ava?”
he whispered in my ear as he pressed me into the mattress. “Please say you like
it hard, because right now I wanna drive into you with so much force, I knock
you into next week.”

I couldn’t
speak as my lungs emptied in one swift outing and he spun me round so I was now
on my back.


“Undo my
trousers” he demanded and I smiled coyly at him before unbuckling his belt and
pulling it through the loops. He took it from me and held my wrists with one
hand. I shook my head, my eyes wide and pleading with him.

I didn’t
want to be restrained ever again. As If sensing my fear he threw the belt down onto
the floor and stroked my cheek gently before he sighed. “Okay, I take it you’ve
been through some shit and I’m just going with the flow here so you must tell
if I’m doing something you don’t like, okay?” he said softly and I smiled
gratefully at him.

“Thank you”
I whispered and he winked at me.

“Carry on”
he gestured to his trousers and I pursed my lips before I unzipped him and I ran
a finger over his bulge and up to his waist band as I tugged on his trousers,
pulling them and his shorts over his backside and releasing his massive cock,
it was as wide as it was long and it had my core clenching in anticipation.

My mouth was
suddenly drier than the Sahara and I gulped.


I breathed and he grinned cheekily.

“Excited or
scared?” he smirked.

“Both” I
said wide eyed but in for a penny in for a pound… and he definitely had some


BOOK: Resolution (Heart of Stone)
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