Resolution (Heart of Stone) (28 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Resolution (Heart of Stone)
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I smiled
softly and shook my head. “You have too much shit to deal with at the moment
Mason, my shit on top of that doesn’t help you get better” I said and he
scowled and knelt back on his heels.

“What the
hell, Ava?”

I frowned
and sat up, “What?”

He shook his
head sadly. “Jesus Christ Ava, we’re a fucking partnership; we’re in this
relationship together. You have singlehandedly dragged me back from the darkest
place I have ever been… while a man… a fucking sick excuse for a person is
stalking you, you’ve been raped endless of times, you have been locked up and
tortured, you have witnessed your best friend burn to death, you have
unwantedly watched me fuck another woman. You have been torn apart by having
your baby ripped from your body and then you went through hell to deliver our
beautiful babies and to be told that you can’t have anymore. You have watched
your lover explode from every single fucking orifice on his body while he pins
you to a wall and attacks you while high on fucking heroin. You have had your
delicate heart broken while watching me engaged to Rebecca and then you risk your
life by freeing me from her, while another evil bastard sent you dead fucking
animals and trashed your house and you…” he raked his hands through his hair
and stood up, “and you think about me… again!” he scoffed.

I frowned.
“I don’t understand, Mason?” I swallowed heavily as I watched him pace
frantically before me.


He flung his
head back and laughed, loudly and bitterly. “You never think about yourself for
one single second, what
go through, what
through, just everyone else!” he grabbed my hands and pulled me up, cupping my
face and forcing me to look at him.

“No fucking
more Ava, you understand me?” he demanded, “You start and tell me how you feel,
what you’re thinking and what you want even if I don’t like it. It’s time to
concentrate on you for once, Ava” I nodded faintly but still couldn’t
understand what he was trying to tell me.


He scooped
me up in his arms and walked back along the beach in silence, his mood dark and

“By the way,
that was orgasm of the month number two” I told him cheekily, trying to lighten
the mood and I noticed his lips twitch. “It was your beautiful words that made
me come hard, thank you” I whispered into his ear as I planted a soft kiss
against it.

He pulled me
in tighter. “They’re all true Ava, all of them are exactly how I feel about
you” he declared and I smiled and rested my head back against his shoulder as
we both went quiet again.


“Do I really
have a lisp?” I asked seriously and he barked out a laugh.

“Yes baby,
you do but it’s damn sexy” he chuckled huskily and I squealed as he dug his
fingers into my ribs. “Stop talking and relax” he ordered sternly and I saluted

He smirked
and glanced at me. “You’re right; you would be fuckin’ useless in the army.” He
grinned as I slapped him and he settled us down on the sand in the exact same
spot he’d asked me to marry him a year ago and as the tide lapped our feet and
the scent of the orchids teased our nostrils Mason made love to me again,
tenderly and lovingly as his eyes worshipped mine and his fingers never broke
from their tight hold on mine, never releasing me from his embrace and I knew I
never wanted to let go. But that didn’t stop me concentrating on my bottom lip
to see if it trembled when I climaxed… it did!



“Oh for
god’s sake” I groaned as Brooke introduced herself. Mason turned to me and
smirked, giving me a mischievous wink.

afternoon, I’m Brooke and I’m your hostess for your flight” she grinned
seductively at Mason and Greg and I caught Courtney’s scowl… it wasn’t just me

“I remember
who you are, Brooke. You were our hostess last time we came to France” I smiled
forcibly. “I’ve already buckled Mr Fox in” I told her as she bent to fasten Greg’s

“That’s okay;
I can still do yours handsome.” She winked at Greg and a small growl erupted
from Courtney’s throat.


snorted and she glanced at him. “Oh that’s right Mr Fox, you have flight
nerves. If there’s anything I can do to help alleviate those fears for you, you
be sure to let me know.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him and my lip curled.

“Oh, I’ll be
sure to do that, Brooke” Mason winked and I narrowed my eyes on him. She beamed
at him and placed her hand on his forearm.

“Bitch!” I
muttered under my breath but Courtney nodded at me, obviously I hadn’t said it
quietly enough… oh dear!


“Which of
your goodies are you offering on a plate today, Brooke?” I smirked and Mason
snorted, but apparently the innuendo in my question filtered straight through
her very dim brain because she didn’t even glance at me, just kept her eyes
trained on the guys. “Well we have champagne, fruit and seafood” she offered
and I smirked.

“I would
love to taste your clams, Brooke.”

lowered his head as Greg’s head shot round to me, his eyes wide with humour and
I winked at him, knowing the thick hostess wasn’t very good at reading my
sarcastic digs.

“Would you
like anything else to go with them?” she asked as she smiled sexily at Greg.

“How about a
slap?” Courtney asked quietly and Brooke frowned at her.

“Sorry?” she
asked but Courtney smiled sweetly at her.

“I asked if
you had crab …s?” I snorted and looked out of the window.

This was so
much more fun with Courtney. Mason chuckled to himself as Greg just sat stock
silent. “Yes, I have some delicious crab meat” she told us and I laughed at Mason’s
attempt to hold the laughter back, his face was screwed up tightly and his eyes
were full of tears.


Greg gazed
between Brooke and Courtney and she threw him the filthiest look I had ever
seen cover her face. “What would you like, sugar?” she asked Mason and I glared
at him but I knew it was too much for him to resist. “I’d love to taste your
juicy plums, Brooke.” I shook my head at him as she grinned at him.

“Ooh yes, I
have some lovely ripe fruit for you today.”

Mason’s eyes
widened at her, “I’m sure you do, Brooke.”

I scowled
now, he was flirting relentlessly. “Darling, can you make sure your babies are
secured properly” I growled at him and Brooke glanced between Mason and I.

“Oh, are
they yours? I thought they were your assistant’s.”

I spluttered
on my champagne, “Assistant? I’m his bloody Fiancé” I snapped and Mason
swallowed his awkwardness before turning his attention on George and Katie who
were fast asleep in their seats.


terribly sorry, Miss.” She seemed horrified and I suddenly felt a twang of
respect for her. “I don’t mean to flirt with men that are in a relationship. I
just assumed you were his assistant after the previous times Mr Fox has flown
with us. He always brings an assistant along” she informed me and I slowly turned
to Mason with a raised eyebrow and pursed lips.

“Oh, he
does, does he?” Mason’s eyes widened and he became very interested in the
babies. Greg snorted and basked in Mason’s discomfort.

“And he’s
mine” Courtney informed her.

“Oh my
goodness ladies, I’m so, so sorry. You must think I’m some sort of tramp” she
looked genuinely upset and I reached for her hand.

“Well I must
say my respect has just tripled for you. It takes guts to apologise and admit
to flirting with someone’s guy so Brooke… it’s a pleasure to travel with you
and I will be sending my compliments to your senior.”

I smiled
warmly at her and she beamed at me, “Well thank you very much, Miss Stone… champagne?”
I nodded and lifted my glass.


“And how
many ‘assistants’ has Mr Fox graced your flights with?” I asked nonchalantly
and I noticed Mason shift in his seat and grimace.

“Well quite
a few, every time he travels he brings one, although I did think it strange
that he seemed to change assistants so often. He had a new one every time he boarded
with us” she offered without hesitation and I felt guilty for using her

“Really?” I
nodded and pursed my lips. “Well hopefully it’ll be me from now on, unless he
feels like a new assistant soon” I glowered and he flicked a glance at me but
diverted it straight away.

“Oops” Greg
laughed and elbowed Mason in the ribs.

“I must
admit though Brooke, Mr Fox is quite a manwhore, you really had a lucky escape.”
I laughed sarcastically and she blushed furiously and lowered her eyes and I
puffed out a breath.

“Oh dear, I
take it my words are too late.” The twist in my chest made my teeth sink into
my bottom lip, he really had no shame.


He brought
me onto a private flight…
! With a flight attendant he’d obviously
screwed before.

 I swallowed
heavily. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom” I unbuckled my belt.

“I’m afraid
you have to stay seated, were taking off any moment” Brooke informed me.

“Well you’ll
have to bloody wait!” I snapped and felt Courtney’s hand on my arm as I rose
from my seat. I smiled at her but shook my head slightly as I stalked to the
little cubicle and slammed the door shut then looked around and opened the
door, nausea rising.

“Please tell
me you didn’t fuck in here?!” I demanded and Brooke’s eyes widened at me. “Wonderful!”
I snarled and locked myself back in, trying not to picture Mason banging Brooke
against the wall.


A small tap
echoed on the door. “What?” I barked.

“Ava, let me
in” Mason’s soft voice came from the other side.

“Fuck off,
Mason” I hissed.


I shook my
head at his audacity. “I can’t believe you brought me on a flight with an
attendant you have banged up against the toilet wall Mason, that’s just… that’s
a little chuffing sick!” I grated.

“Baby, let
me in.”

I settled on
the toilet. “I’ll be out in a moment” I told him, refusing to open the door but
I saw the lock turn and then the door opened and Mason sneaked in.

“What the
hell, Mason?” I scowled but he sunk to his haunches in front of me.

“Baby, don’t
do this to yourself” he said softly and I scoffed.

“Did you not
think how I would feel when I found out you have fucked our flight attendant on
this fucking wall?” I flung my hand against the wall in demonstration.

“It was just
sex, Ava and it was a long time before you, baby” he placated.

 “You might
as well have asked Rebecca to join us in our little foursome the other day,
because right now I don’t think that would hurt any more than what this does.”

He frowned
at me and I shook my head in frustration. “You knew she would be here Mason… I
have travelled twice with her while she flirted with you and you flirted back
for god’s sake and now… now all I can picture when I look at her is you fucking
nailing her.” I shuddered violently as the image scorched itself to my retinas.

He closed
his eyes and groaned. “Would you like me to introduce you to a bloke I laid
before I fell in love with you? A bloke who pushed me up against a wall in a
nightclub and fucked me like his life depended on it whilst I screamed in
fucking ecstasy?” I spat.

Mason’s face
immediately went black and dangerous. He nibbled furiously on his bottom lip
and his fists clenched. He shook his head angrily at me as his shoulders heaved
with his deep breaths and he slammed the door as he left.


I sat and
rested my head in my hands. Maybe I had gone a bit far but he might have an
idea how I felt.

Groaning, I
rolled my eyes and exited the bathroom, seating myself back in chair and
buckled back up. Glancing at Mason I could see his eyes were glazed and I
cringed inwardly, knowing that image I had now planted in his head would be
making his craving intense and hard to drown out.

I frowned
and placed my hand on his arm. His head spun round to me but his eyes were
narrow and angry and he shook his head as pulled his arm away angrily and I
huffed and rolled my eyes.

smiled sympathetically at me and I shrugged. He had put me in this position but
as soon as the tables were turned he didn’t like it… well tough!!

He might
know how I feel now, but he continued to sulk and his mood got even darker by
the time we reached home and after five hours of travelling with him my mood
was now the replica of his.




We both
stormed in the house when we arrived home and I proceeded to prepare George and
Katie’s suppers as Mason slammed about in the cupboard and pulled out a bottle
of whisky and a glass and disappeared into his office for the remainder of the

studied us from his discreet position in the hallway and I rolled my eyes to
him as I heard things flying about in Mason’s office.


I bathed and
played with George and Katie before I settled them in bed but for some reason I
didn’t feel like leaving them alone tonight so I settled on the rocker in the
corner with a blanket over me and rocked myself slowly to sleep.


I murmured
as I felt arms surround me and I snuggled into a broad chest and my eyes
flicked open suddenly. “What the hell Elijah, put me down” I blinked but he
just put a finger over my lips.

“Shush, Ava”
he whispered and I wriggled in his embrace.

“Put – Me - Down!”
I ordered.

His eyes
widened but he nodded and then set me on my feet. “Do you realise what Mason
would do to you if he saw you doing that?” I hissed but he just frowned at me.

“You have
seen the mood he’s in tonight and all that is because he is picturing me being
fucked by a man who isn’t him, so you can imagine what he would do if he saw me
in your bloody arms” I informed him.

His eyes
widened. “He’s in this mood because he’s
you having sex with
someone else?” he scoffed and I nodded slowly, realising he was now catching on.
“Jesus” he shook his head in disbelief.

He held up
his hands to me. “It was innocent though Ava, I just came looking for you and
you had fell asleep with your head at a funny angle and I didn’t want you to
hurt your neck” he apologised and I sighed and smiled softly.

“Thank you.”
I rolled my neck and looked around.


“What time
is it?” I asked as we left the room.

Elijah informed me and I frowned.

“Is Mason
still in his office?” I asked and he shook his head as we descended the steps.

“No, he went
out a couple of hours ago” he stated and I stopped dead on the stairs.

scoffed as Elijah turned towards me with a confused expression.

“The mood he
was in and you just… you just fucking let him go out without consulting me?” I
asked incredibly but he just shrugged.

“Mason isn’t
my responsibly” he informed me nonchalantly.

“Fuck, fuck…
shit!” I bounded down the stairs and scurried in my bag for my phone, dialling Mason’s


It rang
until the voicemail answered and I swore again, redialling and hoping he would
pick up this time. “Fuck!” I swore again as I tapped my fingers against the
phone. “Mason baby, where are you? I need you. Please don’t do anything stupid,
Mason. You come to me if you need anything, anything Mason! I love you baby and
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean what I said… please baby, come home” I spluttered into
the phone in desperation and then ended the call, looking around the room in
despair as though I would find him hidden in the furniture.


This was
seriously bad for Mason, the mood he was in I knew he would want to score and I
had to find him before he did.

I dialled
Sam hoping he was at the club. “Hey” he answered.

“Is he there?”
I asked and he paused.

“No, should
he be?” I bit my lip sternly.

“Shit, we
had a row and he’s buggered off, apparently my guard didn’t think him important
enough to wake me when he left” I growled, glaring at Elijah. He ground his
teeth and disappeared into the kitchen.

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