Rescuing A Runaway Bride (10 page)

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Tad nodded grimly. “I’d better get ready.”

Jake smiled in sympathy. “I’ve heard the local jail serves a fine cuisine. Kathy will spring you tomorrow evening and you can help her patrol the area. You can point out anyone from Logan Industries. In the meantime, I’ll set a trap for your alleged blackmailer on the off chance he actually shows up. I’m proud of you, kid.”

Samantha leaned forward.
“Me too.
Nobody can say my brother isn’t made of strong stuff.” She turned to Jake. “What about me? What can I do to help?”

Jake knew she was feeling left out, but that was too bad. Even though he knew there was very little chance of them actually showing up, he didn’t feel good about letting her be involved. “I want you to go with Tad and Kathy.”

“They don’t need me. I’ll be nothing but a third wheel.” Her nose wrinkled as she frowned up at him. “I’d be more useful here. I could be your lookout. I promise to stay out of your way.”

“You promised that before, and then disobeyed.”

“That was then, this is now. I need to do this, Jake. Please don’t deny me.”

He felt his resolve melt in the face of her determined smile. “Okay. You can act as lookout, but only from a distance. You can take a post up in the loft and keep watch through the telescope. We can keep in constant contact by two-way radio.”

* * * *

Samantha put away the last of the supper dishes. Tad was cooling his heels in jail, and Jake was busy doing god knew what while he left a personal guard on her. She spied Hunter on the porch and sighed. Truth to be told she was in a prison of Jake’s making. Tad probably had more freedom with the FBI. It made her angry even though she knew he was doing it to keep her safe. Couldn’t he see that they worked better together?

Well it was time to assert
. Maybe she could pump Hunter for information. That thought in mind she made her way to the porch just as Hunter’s pager snapped.

“What’s up, boss?”

She sidled out onto the porch as quietly as she could. This was her chance to find out what was really going on.

Hunter shrugged and leaned back against the wall.
No action here. She’s still in the icebox where you want her. How’s Tad?
That bad, huh.”

Her jaw dropped at the words even though they confirmed her suspicions. Damn it, Jake was hiding things from her. Then she saw what appeared to be Kathy’s cruiser out on the road and walked away back through the cabin and out the back door. If she could head Kathy off before she got here she might possibly be able to find out what was happening. It was just going dusk, still plenty of daylight to see her way as she picked her way through the woods toward the bend in the road.
had her life changed in two short days. She’d escaped from her scary ex, seduced her bodyguard, and now she was in on one of his capers.

Her tension slipped away as she trotted down the path leading to the lake trying to put her feelings for Jake in their proper place. Was her need for him real or was
seeking comfort on the rebound? He was a sexy, tantalizing, sometimes maddening man and only time would tell. Her head said that she would be a fool to jump into a relationship with him but her heart said leap.

Stumbling over a root, she regained her footing and slowed down before she broke her neck. She’d still have plenty of time to cut off Kathy. Taking in a deep breath she crunched through the overgrown path focusing on her pristine surroundings. She smiled when she heard the birds singing and took in a deep breath of the cool, refreshing air. This was just what she needed to restore her composure.

By the time she reached the road she noticed dark rain clouds forming above her and knew they had to make this quick. She smiled when the police cruiser turned onto the lane then groaned when she realized it wasn’t Kathy after all. She forlornly watched it drive by with some strange cop at the wheel.
Well hell.
The wind picked up, making her shiver as thunder rumbled overhead.
Oh my god, how could I have been so stupid to get them mixed up?
Easy, Jake had her going stir crazy. She had to get back before she was missed. Then she hesitated seeing how far she’d walked. Heck she couldn’t even see the cabin. Would it be faster to take the road? But the road wouldn’t offer any cover. As she started through the darkening pine forest, an uneasy prickle of awareness crept up her spine.

Someone was watching her. She told herself it was just nerves, but try as she might, she couldn’t shake off the sensation. The feeling was palpable making her breath catch in her throat. It was then she noticed how quiet the forest had suddenly become. The birds were silent. She darted an uneasy glance around the darkening forest, but didn’t see a soul. Even so, she couldn’t shake off the sensation of malevolent eyes on her. A branch
the sound ricocheting through the forest. She spun in that direction. “Jake, is that you?” she called out hopefully. It would be better facing his anger than a stalker.

The only reply was the wind whistling through the pine trees.

Shit maybe the road rage jerk followed her. That thought set her running as she raced toward the cabin just as the storm broke and raindrops poured down on her, chilling her to the bone. Heedless of the wet branches slapping at her, she headed toward Jake and safety. As she broke through the edge of the forest and caught sight of the cabin, a giddy rush of relief surged through her. Then a man’s creepy low-pitched laugh echoed from the woods behind her. A shiver of dread ran up her spine. Whoever was following her wanted her to know he was
didn’t stop to turn around. Instead she picked up her speed and clambered onto the cabin’s back porch, soaked to the skin and trembling. So close to safety, she turned and thought she saw the mist-shrouded ghostly form in the woods. She blinked and it faded away. Had she just imagined it? Maybe her nerves were playing tricks on her.

Jake jerked the door open tugging her inside. “Where were you? I’ve been going nuts trying to find you.”

She tumbled against him smiling because it was so familiar to her arrival. Only this time she wasn’t flat on her back under his hunky body and he looked relieved to see her even though he was angry. She felt protected welcoming his fierce scowl.

“I’ve got her,” he said into his com, then scooped her into his arms.

Samantha snuggled into his strong warm arms feeling comforted. It was then that she noticed his wet hair and clothes, heard the squelch his soaked boots made on the floor. He’d been caught in the rain too, no doubt searching for her. “I’m sorry you got soaked too but you shouldn’t have kept me in the icebox.” He bit back a curse about big-mouthed kids and she almost felt sorry for Hunter.

“Where’d you go?” he demanded.

“I thought I saw Kathy’s cruiser and I wanted to talk to her.”

He growled and set her down, then grabbed a towel from the rack and began running it over her shaking body. “Damn it all

“Don’t worry,” she cut in, her teeth chattering. “It wasn’t her so I still don’t know a damned thing about your investigation.”

He went granite and then sighed. “As far as we know the drop is still on for tomorrow at midnight. Tad has passed scrutiny and is now part of the task force. And the SUV was found abandoned a few miles away. We managed to lift some partial prints from it but they haven’t targeted a suspect yet.”

She smiled with relief as he spelled out all the things he’d been doing. He trusted her with his secrets. Maybe it was time she shared a few of her own. Then he started to unbutton her soaked blouse, the sensation of his fingers rubbing against her skin incredibly erotic. She
leaning into him and his eyes darkened. At least they could always connect sexually. But he still owed her ten sex lessons and she was going to collect. He peeled off her blouse and she leaned toward him. If there was any time she needed the comfort of his touch, it was now.

She watched his eyes darken with desire when his gaze dropped to her breasts. She knew that her pink nipples were poking erotically through her wet silk bra and reveled in her ability to turn him on. Abandoning all modesty, she slowly and deliberately undid the bra’s back clasp and let it slide down her arms, then tossed it on the floor. Jake muttered a sensual promise as he pulled her into his arms for a hard, claiming kiss. Samantha clung to him desperately, seeking all he had to give. She burned for him. He was her destiny. She knew that now, as surely as she knew her own name.

Jake pulled away, unzipping her jeans, pulling them off along with her panties. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, placing her gently on it. She eagerly watched him shed his clothes. Then he was on top of her, his hot mouth teasing the aching peaks of her breasts. She cried out, pressing against him. She needed him inside her.
Jake groaned.

“Easy, baby.
Erotic arts lesson number one, never rush.”

She murmured her agreement as her mouth sought the warmth of his neck. She tasted the tangy heat of him. His low, rumbled sigh reminded her of a big cat. She rubbed against him, emboldened further, and reached out to cup his raging cock. His gasp of pleasure excited her and made her ache to taste him again. She started to kiss her way down his body and then he stopped her move south with the simple act of stroking his finger down her wet slit. She
letting out a muffled cry of pleasure as he traced her slick, wet flesh with that teasing digit. And just as he had her writhing on the bed he plunged two fingers inside her pulsing pussy while his thumb landed square on her clit and his little finger teased her ass. She tried to bite back her cries of pleasure cognizant of the fact that there might be others listening. She didn’t know for sure if this place was wired for sound but given Jake’s overprotective ways, it probably was.

Then he moved between her splayed thighs surging into her with a thrust that made her eyes roll back in her head and her pussy clench around him. He growled out his pleasure at the sign she wanted him rocking into her harder. Samantha gasped at his fierce possession loving it craving it. But did he really want her? She blushed when she realized she’d said it aloud.

“Erotic arts lesson number two,” he said, slamming into her. “Never doubt my desire for you. You’re every inch a woman.
My woman.”
He bent to kiss her, silencing any protest she might have made.

Samantha kissed him back on fire for him, as he possessed her. No matter what came she’d have this love lesson to remember. She rocked against him then shuddered as Jake’s hand ran up the side of her trembling body and moaned when he cupped her breast. Then his hand moved down to caress the exquisitely sensitive spot at the apex of her thighs. Samantha sighed, melting into his caress. As they rocked together, sparks of pleasure shimmered through her. Her fingers slid into his thick hair, and she deepened the kiss. Her fingernails lightly scored his back as his deep thrusts drove her out of her head.

“That’s it, sunshine,” Jake rasped. “Go wild for me.”

A crescendo of pleasure washed over her as she tightened and then waves of orgasms rippled through her, making her clutch at his thrusting cock milking it as she came crying his name no longer caring if she was overheard. Jake was hers and she was keeping him. Then he went still thundering inside her as he came and she smiled hearing her name on his lips. He lay motionless for a moment atop her, his breathing harsh and she wondered if he knew what he’d said. Then he rolled her over giving her a kiss that made her melt against him forgetting her question.

She snuggled in his strong embrace, feeling loved and safe. As she listened to the steady beat of his heart, she relaxed into a puddle of bliss.

“So did you talk to Kathy?” Jake asked.

She frowned as his probing words brought her out of her dreamy state.
“Not exactly.”

“But you said you saw someone in the woods.”

Oh shit had she admitted that?
She was loath to admit her scare.
Probably seeing things again.
Because she knew he’d overreact like the overprotective guy he was. But could keeping things from him really put him in danger? She couldn’t risk it. “I think I saw a ghost,” she said ruefully.

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