Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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“I don’t know.” Alex responded with concern. “He’s breathing, but he’s knocked out cold. We’ll know more once a doctor’s looked at him in the hospital.” All Susan could do was wait until the paramedics came to help Nick but she kept
wake up Nick,  please just wake up.



Chapter 26



Nick woke up on route to the hospital, thankful that the first person he saw was Susan.


“Hey, how are you feeling?” Susan asked gently.


“Like I got hit with a bat. Some cop pushed me down. Didn’t he?” Nick asked.


“He did and James caught it all on video.” Susan said


“What happened to the captain?”


“He was taken to precinct 14. Alex called to have the Fire Chief notified.”


“Good! The captain won’t be there long.” Looking at Susan with a grin “I’m happy you’re here with me.”


“What are friends for?” Susan smiled back and pointed out the rear window of the ambulance to show Nick that his fire house friends were following closely behind.


While waiting in the hospital for Nick to be fully evaluated by the doctor, Susan called Mike, who wasn’t on shift today, to let him know all that had happened with Nick. All the guys from the fire station were also in the waiting room. Mike wanted to come but Susan told him Nick wasn’t going to be admitted so it wouldn’t make any sense for him to come over. Thirty minutes later, Nick was released.




When everyone got back to the station house, it was business as usual until they received further news on Captain Miller. Reports were filled out and dinner was starting to be prepared. Shortly afterwards a Chicago patrol car had personally chauffeured Captain Miller back to his fire station. Everyone clapped as the captain came up the stairs and entered the dining room area. “Seems like the Fire Chief had a conversation with the Police Chief regarding this little altercation and all of a sudden they started treating me like the Mayor.” The captain said.


“I’m so sorry that happened to you Captain.” Susan said thoughtfully. “Just so you’re aware James did capture everything on video. We’re actually heading back to the news station to edit it and prepare if for the 10 o’clock news.”


“Not really looking forward to seeing myself being led away in handcuffs in the evening news, but Officers like DeLuca need to be sent a message and I know what you captured today will show that. How’s Nick doing?”


Walking in the room, Nick said, “Got a nasty bump in the back of my head but I can still see straight.”


Captain put his hand on Nicks shoulder and said “Thanks for standing up for me out there today.”


“Any day Captain.”


“Now go home and rest your head. Troy, go ahead and take Truck #3 and give Nick a ride home.” The captain said.


“I’m actually heading in that direction so I can drop him off.” Susan offered.


“Forget it Troy.” The captain said. “Chicago’s prettiest reporter has this covered.”


“Before I leave, I just want to let you all know that both James and I truly appreciate everything you all have shared with us. It’s amazing everything you guys do to keep the community safe and you are all heroes in my heart. It’s been an honor to have shared this 3 day’s with you. Thank you so much.” Susan went around the room to personally shake the hand of every firefighter.


“You’re always welcome here Miss Taylor. Don’t be a stranger.” The captain said.


“I won’t and if you decide to take legal action on what happened today and need me to testify, please let me know. I’ll be there.”


“I may just take you up on that.”


Leaving the fire station, Susan told James she would meet him in the editing room of the news station. Opening her card doors, Susan was looking forward to having some private time to speak with Nick before dropping him off at his house.


“I think you and the captain should sue this cop once today’s incident is made public.” Susan said.


“The thought did cross my mind. Was pretty humiliating.” Nick said


“Guess I’ll have to take a rain check on that fabulous dinner you were going to make tonight.”


“You’ll have to claim that rain check soon. You’ll be married in a couple of weeks and I don’t think your husband would take too kindly the idea of another man cooking you dinner.”


Ouch I really didn’t need to hear that.
Susan thought as guilt tried to creep into her heart but not allowing it to damper her spirit.


Feeling an awkward silence, Nick said, “Well at least you have all my secret recipes.”


“Yes but I’m sure it won’t taste the same as the master chef makes it.”


“I’m sure you’ll do fine. On the next light, make a right and it’ll be house number 273 on the right side. Nick said. As Susan pulled into the driveway, both hearts began feeling a sense of loss.
This is it…I’ll probably never see her again unless she’s doing a live report on TV or if we’re both volunteering in the soup kitchen the same day.
Nick thought.


Susan thought,
Unless I’m covering another fire story, I probably won’t see him again.


“I know you’ve still got work to do but I wanted to let you know that I wish you the best in your marriage. I hope Tom realizes how lucky he is to have you in his life. For me, I want you to know that I will miss our friendship. Take care Susan.” He wanted to say more but knew it would be inappropriate. He felt his heart aching to be losing Susan’s friendship and wishing they could have so much more and be so much more.


Susan was at a loss for words and her heart was beating just as hard and fast as if she just finished running a 5 mile marathon. For a reporter who had plenty to say when she was in front of the camera, the words escaped her at this very moment as she admired Nicks face one last time. Not wanting to say the words goodbye or any other she leaned over, hugged Nick and kissed him on the cheek. Sitting back into the driver’s seat, she sent him a brief smile and focused her attention straight ahead waiting for Nick to step out of the car.


Nick realized that this was difficult for Susan as well when he caught her forced smile. He didn’t want to complicate matters for her or himself any longer. He got out of the vehicle and walked to the front of the house stopping at the door to see Susan drive off.


As Susan pulled away from the front of Nick’s house, she looked at her rear window mirror and took her last look at Nick and noticed that he stopped at the door to see her off. As she arrived at the end of the block waiting for the traffic light to turn green, she covered her face and took a deep breath to control her feelings. One tear managed to escape. Then another…and another.





Chapter 27



Nick walked into his house and saw Mike watching Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. “Hey bro! Heard you and the captain had a run in with the law!” Mike said.


“Yeah. Something like that. Could you lower the volume on that, got a bit of a headache.” Nick said.


“Not a problem. Hey, got us pizza tonight. Grab a slice and tell me what happened.


“Didn’t Susan tell you from the hospital?”


“Yeah but I wanted to hear it from you.”


“No offense Mike but not really in the mood besides you’ll see it all on the 10 o’clock news later. I’m going to the garage to work on the bike.”


“Ok. I’ll catch the news later.”


Earlier, Mike had pulled the curtains a little when he heard the car pull up on the driveway. When he realized it was Susan dropping off Nick, he let the drapes go but kept looking from a little slit of the curtain fabric. Mike saw Susan reach over to hug Nick but then she seemed unhappy.
I’ll give him a little room and then go check on him later
, Mike thought.




Walking into the garage, Nick looked up to see Mike. His face revealing his anger towards Officer DeLuca after watching the video on the news, Mike said, “Oh I can’t believe the stones on that guy. Are you going to sue?”


“Thinking about it.” Nick said.


“What’s to think. The guy’s an overgrown punk and he deserves to lose his badge.” Concerned for his brother he asked, “How’s your head?”


“Other than having a big bump, I’m fine.”


Wondering if he’s still thinking about Susan, he wanted to offer his brother some kind of distraction. “Wanna go to the movies?” Mike asked.


“No. I’m good” Nick replied.


“Wanna get a beer?”




“Was it Susan’s last day riding with us in the station?”


“Yeah. Heck of a story she landed on her last day.


“Wanna talk about it?”


“What’s to talk about Mikey? You just saw it on the news?”


“That’s not what I’m talking about.”


“Ok, but there’s still nothing to talk about. She’s getting married and there’s nothing I can do about that.”


“You sure about that? Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”


“Because I don’t want to put my selfish feelings before hers. I have no right to interfere or cause her any confusion to have to decide between two men. She was a good friend and that friendship helped me get my head straight. Haven’t you seen the change in me?”


“Yeah I have. I just want you to hold on to that change and never let it go.”


“Hey I can’t promise I’m not going to have my off days, but between you, dad, Susan and even Amy, you all reminded me that true happiness is a choice. So if Susan believes in her heart that she’s found true happiness with the man she’s going to marry, then I’m happy for her.”


“I’m glad to hear that! Mike said but still not buying his brothers story completely. “Still don’t wanna get a beer?”


“Ok we’ll get a beer, but your buying.” Nick said.



Chapter 28



“I know it’s almost midnight but you haven’t called me and I didn’t know if you were back from your Cleveland trip?” Susan asked Tom.


“Yes I came back late this afternoon today but when I landed I had to head straight to the office to get a jump on a few things before Monday mornings meeting with my manager.

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