Rescue Me (24 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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By the time we get to the hospital and the doctors start their exam, my body has begun to relax, but when I look over at Adam I see pain written all over his face.

“Hey.” I reach my hand out for him to take hold of it. “What’s wrong?” I ask with trepidation.

He brings my hand up to his face and kisses the inside of my wrist.

“I need to ask you something.”

When he looks up into my eyes they are full of tears and remorse.

“Adam. What is it? You’re scaring me.”

“Before the cops get here and start their line of questioning, I...” he looks away for a few moments and then looks back into my eyes. “I need to know. Joel. He didn’t...? Fuck! He didn’t...”

My eyes get wide as I think I realize what he is trying to ask. I place our joined hands over my heart as I choose my words carefully.

“No. He didn’t touch me. He threatened over and over to kill me. All he did was hurt me physically, Adam. He never did anything else. He tried, but I fought him. I fought him hard this time.”

A sign of relief washes over his face and his expression softens.

“When I felt like I couldn’t go on any longer, all I thought about was how much I wanted to get back home to you and Sierra. The love the three of us have for each other is what kept me going. Not once did I give up and not once did I lie there and take his abuse without fighting back.” I lower my face and stare at our adjoined hands which now rest on my stomach.

“I was so scared and felt so damn helpless not knowing where you were, Erin.”

Releasing his hands, I hoist my body up and off of the bed and settle myself on his lap.

“I can only imagine what you felt like. And thank you for looking after our baby girl and putting her first before anything else to make sure she was safe.”

I lay my head onto his chest and he cradles me in his arms.

“I will always put the two of you first,” he says in a low voice and for the first time in years I feel completely safe as I close my eyes.

“I love you, Adam Payne. Thank you for rescuing me.”



Chapter Twenty-Eight



Two Weeks Later


The first week home had such a psychological impact on all of us, especially on Sierra. When I first arrived back home and she saw how bruised and swollen my face was, she didn’t want to leave my side. Her teacher was understanding and compassionate about the events that took place when I called to tell her Sierra would be missing a week of school. Sierra and I spent the week catching up on all of her homework and watching movies and spending some much-needed time together. I did everything to reassure my daughter I was fine. The hardest part was having to lie to her again about why I looked the way I did. It’s a good thing she is so young and resilient and believed us when we told her I had been in a minor car accident. As for Muppet? He followed us around everywhere we went.

Joel’s death was ruled an act of self-defense and no charges were brought against Shelby, which had worried me more than anything. She seems to be handling things better than I thought; either that or she is putting up a very good front for all of us. I still worry about the effect this will have on her as time goes by.

The hardest part of this whole thing was having to talk to Joel’s family. Both of Joel’s parents cried on the phone when I finally got the nerve to call them a few days after getting home. They blamed themselves for all of their son’s actions. I tried to convince them that none of this was their fault, but guilt will eat away at people no matter what they are told. My heart still breaks for them knowing they lost their son. Joel’s brother, on the other hand, won’t have anything to do with me at all. I can only hope that in time he learns to forgive. He blames me for his brother’s actions and he blames Shelby for his death.

After everything Joel has done to me, I still have nightmares. I wake up reliving that day over and over. His death was hard on everyone. For my daughter’s sake, I wish things could have been different and that he could have been the father she deserves. If she ever asks about her real father, and I know that day will come, strength and courage will help all of us, but the most important thing is, and always will be, love.

Shayne and Jen have gone above and beyond the friendship code to make sure that we’re all doing okay. They have been a constant in my life for the past few weeks and I couldn’t ask for two better friends.

Yesterday Luke and Shayne found out they are having a boy, and seeing the look of pride on Luke’s face when they told us made my heart overflow with happiness for the two of them and for the fact that Luke will be able to witness the birth of his son.

Antonio and Shelby have been spending more and more time together, which worries me as she is preparing to go home to Texas tomorrow. She says they are just friends, but I know my sister and I see the way she looks at him, and the way he looks at her. We have all tried to convince her to stay here and open up her own restaurant, but she says her heart is in Texas and that is where she needs to be. I, of course, don’t believe a word she is saying and I can only hope she misses being surrounded by people who truly care for her and decides this is where she needs to be. Time will tell.

Tonya has also come around a few times now that she is out of protective custody. It’s funny how life is, sometimes. Who would have thought she and I would become friends? I know she still cares deeply for Adam, she’s told me so, but she knows somewhere out there is the one man waiting for her. Just like with everyone else, I have faith that when he does find her, she will know the minute her heart skips a beat whenever he is around.

Tonight, though, is all about Adam and me as I prepare to go out with him for the first time since all of this has happened. I was told to dress warmly but comfortably for our date tonight, so I have on my favorite pair of jeans, the same ones I wore on our first official date, and a dark blue sweater with a deep vee in the front that shows off my cleavage and clings to my breasts. Tonight I am going for sexy. Even though Adam reminds me daily of his feelings on the subject, it has been such a long time since I have felt that way.

I stand in the mirror applying my makeup and roll my eyes at the thought of some of the words that come out of that man’s mouth. And then I smile as I smudge my eyeliner, giving my eyes that smoky look.

Putting on the finishing touches, I saunter into the bedroom only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight of Adam laying on our bed in a pair of dark jeans and a gray button up shirt with the cuffs rolled up.

“What are you doing?” I ask in a baffled tone.

“Waiting for the most beautiful woman in the world to hurry her ass up so I can take her out.”

He pushes himself up off the bed and makes his way toward me. He stops right in front of me and runs his hands down my stick-straight hair.

“I love your hair like this,” he murmurs, never taking his eyes off of mine. “You look absolutely stunning. You ready to go?”

He puts his arm around me and steers us toward the door.

“Yes, let me just grab my jacket. Where are we going, anyway?” I ask as I put it on and then grab my purse off the counter.

“You’ll see soon enough,” he winks and opens the door for me to step outside.

“Holy crap. It’s freezing out here.” I zip up my jacket and climb into the already heated truck.

“It’s getting closer to winter, babe. Winters are freezing here, but the snow is so white. Wait until you see the small icebergs that form on the lake.”

“I’m excited to see it all. I have never seen snow before,” I tell him enthusiastically as we drive down the road.

“Seriously? Oh, sweet cheeks, just you wait. The best part is the snow ball fights.”

I love listening to Adam talk about the snow. He sounds just like a little kid as we head to my unknown destination. He carries on and on about all the things he wants to do when winter comes. The drive doesn’t seem to last long and the minute we pull down the gravel road I know exactly where we’re heading.

“Really?” I squeal. “Isn’t the vineyard closed this time of year?”

“Yeah, it is. But I rented the place out just for us tonight.”

He stops the truck and puts it in park, looking my way with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

“If you think I am going to stomp grapes when it’s this freezing cold out tonight then you’re crazy. No fricking way, Adam Payne.” I shake my head earnestly.

“Come on. We’re not stomping grapes. Get your sexy ass out of the truck now before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you in there.”

He winks at me and climbs out. My mind is wandering all over the place as I step out of the truck as well. Adam comes around to my side and entwines our fingers as he takes hold of my hand. We start our walk towards the restaurant.

“Are you sure someone is here? It looks so dark,” I ask.

“We have to go around back,” Adam replies with a hint of teasing in his voice.

When we round the corner to the back of the building I feel my legs buckle at the sight before me. I have never seen anything like it in my entire life. There are white lights everywhere- all through the trees and all along the fence that leads to the vineyard itself. Everywhere I look, there are lights. And as soon as we step into the middle of the deck where we had our first official date, the lights somehow dim and we are left in a soft glow of pale light. I release my hand from Adam’s and bring it up to my mouth when I see a small table set for two.

“This is like a scene from a fairy tale. It’s exquisite.” I feel him place his hand on the small of my back and guide me toward the table.

“Not as exquisite as you are,” he says from behind me, pulling the chair out for me to sit. I think he is going to take the seat across from me but he doesn’t; he drops down on both of his knees right beside me and oh my God, the lights dim even more making it almost pitch black. Soft snowflakes start coming down around us. Neither of us says a word as I take it all in, and even though I know the snow is fake, it is still the most romantic and picturesque thing I have ever seen.

   When I look down at Adam he is holding a velvet box in his hands, and when I look into his striking green eyes my heart feels like it’s going to leap out of my chest. And then he speaks.

“Erin McIntyre. I promise you that no one will work harder, or take care of you, or cherish you more than I will. When I look into my heart, it’s you I see there.”

I can’t control the tears falling down my face right now. My chest is heaving and my entire body is shaking as I hear the sweet words coming out of Adam’s mouth.

“You hold my heart, and I am the luckiest man in the world to have found you. This is just the beginning of our love, and I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else but you. You rescued me, babe. And you’re worth betting on for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?”

He lifts the box and I gasp at the most gorgeous ring I have ever seen. It’s a round diamond with small diamonds encrusted around the entire band, and as Adam lifts it out of its slot, the diamonds sparkle and shine from the soft glow of the lighting surrounding us.

I reach up and cup Adam’s face, running my hands down the soft stubble.

“Yes, Adam Payne. Yes!” I cry out.

I remove my shaky hands from his face and he lifts my left hand and places the ring on my ring finger. He lays a kiss over the top of the ring before standing up and lifting me into his arms, where he proceeds to kiss me deeply. I kiss him back with just as much passion because he may think I rescued him, but I didn’t. We rescued each other.





Four Months Later


“Good morning,”


I roll over in my bed and gaze into my baby sister’s eyes. Shelby arrived back here earlier in the week to help with the final arrangements for my wedding.

“You’re getting married today!” Her voice squeaks like a young child full of excitement. “And it’s a beautiful spring day, too.”

We turn and look out the window into the backyard where the snow is falling lightly and the sun is hidden behind puffy, white clouds. Last night after our small rehearsal, Sierra and Adam went to stay at Luke and Shayne’s house, giving Shelby and me some much-needed sister quality time.

I have worried about her constantly since she left a week after they closed the case of Joel’s death. She continues to tell me she is fine, yet for some reason I still worry about her. I have no idea what’s it like to take another human being’s life, even if that person is someone you hate; still, the thought that my baby sister could be dealing with her own personal hell after being the one to pull the trigger and kill someone saddens me.

She seems to think she is fooling everyone around her, but the minute she stepped off the plane the other day, I saw it in her eyes, and in the way she carries herself. Shelby is not the bubbly, smart-mouthed woman she used to be. She has completely shut herself down. As we were getting ready last night I tried to talk to her about it, but she kept telling me she is stressed out over her restaurant and the fact she hasn’t been as busy as she usually is, which I know is a damn lie. I have talked to her manager and her friends in Texas and they have all told me the same thing. They say she works more than she ever has before. She shows up every Sunday which is her normal day off, and she has even started working behind the bar in the evenings and staying as late as possible.

Shelby changes the subject every time I bring it up. I am just hoping her time here watching Sierra while Adam and I are on our honeymoon gives her the peace of mind she needs, and if it doesn’t then there is no way I am allowing her to leave here until I feel she is back to normal. Let’s just hope she doesn’t kill me when I get back after she finds out Antonio will be checking up on her as much as possible. That is another subject I worry about as well, but again when I tried to bring up Antonio last night she completely cut me off by walking away from me in the middle of our conversation.

“It’s your wedding day and it’s perfect outside.” Shelby smiles big and bright. “You’re such a lucky bitch.”

Her choice of words causes us both to laugh like we did when we were growing up.

“This reminds me of all the times you used to climb in bed with me after you had a nightmare.” Laying my head back down on my pillow, I roll back to my side facing her. Our positions are mirrored as we both tuck our hands under our heads for support.

“You’ve come a long way, Erin, and I am so proud of you.” She reaches up and tucks some of my hair behind my ear. “Everything you have been through in your life is more than most people have to bear in a lifetime, and today you get to marry a man who loves you for you.” Her voice is so calm and her expression so serious.

“I love you so much, Shelby,” I whisper as a silent tear trickles down my cheek and falls softly on my pillow.

“I love you, too. Now enough of this sappy stuff. Let’s get you married.”

“We have plenty of time.”

“You might, but I don’t.”

“And why is that?” I question.

She just shrugs.

“Shelby?” I ask sternly. She stretches and fakes a yawn. “Shelby, what are you hiding?”

“Nothing at all,” she says as she tries to climb out of bed.

“I call bullshit, sis. Now tell me.” I grab her by the back of her collar and yank her back on the bed.

“What the hell?” She falls down across my lap and we end up in another fit of giggles.

“I am not telling you a thing, now get your ass up and shower. You stink,” she sniffs.

“I do not, you smart ass. I took a shower after rehearsal last night.”

“You mean after you and Adam came up here and had sex after the rehearsal,” she fires back, rolling her eyes.

“We did not have sex.” I cross my arms and pretend to pout.

“Whatever, princess. Let’s go.” She stands.

I turn and glance at the clock. “Shelby, it’s seven o’ clock. I have six hours and the wedding is at Luke and Shayne’s house. There is nothing to do there.”

She tries to give me the evil eye and I give it right back.

“Come on. I have a surprise for you, so please get up.”

“Are you whining?” I ask. She places her hands on her hips.

“No, I am not, but I have strict orders to have you somewhere by eight o’ clock, so get your scrawny ass up.”

She turns and opens the door and leaves me sitting there in the middle of my bed with my mouth hanging open on MY wedding day wondering what the hell is going on.

“All right, I’m up.” I race down the hall toward the kitchen after getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of lightweight sweat pants and one of Adam’s button up shirts.

I come to an abrupt halt when I enter the kitchen where Shelby and Shayne are both standing against the kitchen counter with their legs crossed at the ankles and their arms crossed over their chests looking like a couple of badass bitches.

“What the hell is going on here?” My frustration is beginning to show as I place my hands on my hips.

Shayne pushes herself up and away from the counter and stands directly in front of me.

“We have a surprise for you, so let’s go.”

“You know what? This is my wedding day and you two are really starting to piss me off. I am not going anywhere unless you tell me what the hell you two are up to.” I cross my own arms over my chest and lift my brows at the two of them.

“Oh, for God’s sake. Just get your ass in the damn car and trust us, Erin. It’s a surprise from Adam and we are not spoiling it for you, so quit acting so dramatic.”

Shelby removes herself from her little bitch stance and grabbing hold of my elbow, she starts to steer me toward the door.

I wrench my arm free of my sister’s hold.

“Wait! Are we coming back here? My dress and shoes and everything are upstairs.”

“We have it all under control, Erin, trust us. Now let’s go.”

Shelby gives me a little shove in the back.

“Ugh.” I roll my eyes and stomp my feet as I head out the door. “You know it doesn’t help my mood any with the two of you snickering like a couple of high school snobs. I don’t find this funny at all. Besides, you don’t just wake up a bride on her wedding day and say, ‘oh by the way, let’s go, we have a surprise for you.’ That shit is just plain crazy.” I snatch my coat off of the back of the chair and slip my feet inside my boots.

“What?” I ask when I turn around and see the shocked looks on their faces.

“Jesus, Erin. Calm the hell down, it’s a surprise from Adam and it’s a pleasant surprise, all right? Good God.”

Shelby pushes her way past me and climbs in the back seat of Shayne’s black Range Rover. My shoulders slump and now I feel like a bitch. Great, just what I need on my wedding day is to be pissed off and to make my sister mad. I open the door to the front passenger seat as Shayne waddles around the front of the vehicle with her very pregnant belly. I can’t keep myself from laughing at the sight of her.

“Now what?” Shayne looks a little surprised at my one-eighty attitude.

“I have no clue what she is laughing at. She’s gone crazy, I think. Maybe we better drive her to the nuthouse instead of...” Shayne turns around and gives Shelby a look as if to say, ‘shut your face’, then looks at me as if I have grown two heads or some shit as she puts the keys into the ignition and cranks up the engine.

“Did I miss something between here and there?” Shayne asks inquisitively as she points her finger from the house to where she is sitting, which causes me to laugh even harder. Tears start to form and I am laughing with reckless abandon, so much so that before I know it both Shelby and Shayne are laughing as well.

It’s a joyous sound, this laughter echoing throughout the confines of this vehicle, and one I welcome.

“Oh my God. I am going to pee my pants,” Shayne exclaims, causing a snort to come from Shelby. “Stop right now. I have no fucking clue what I am even laughing at.”

My sister stops her laughter and buckles over, holding her stomach.

“God, my stomach muscles are going to hurt so bad tomorrow,” I pronounce after we have all collected our sanity and Shayne starts to back out of the driveway.

“That won’t be all that will be hurting.”

I turn around in my seat and give Shelby a supercilious look.

“No comment,” I simply reply and turn back to face the road.

“So are you going to tell me what got you laughing so hard?” Shayne glances my way out of the corner of her eye while keeping her head pointed toward the road.

“Are you sure you really want to know?” I ask with a snicker.

“What?” She turns her head slightly towards mine.

“I was laughing at you.”

“At me?”

“Yes, at you. You got the penguin waddle going on and it’s quite funny.”

“I do not waddle.”

“Yes, you do.”

“I do not.”

“You do too, Shayne. You walk like this.” Placing my feet on the floor and lifting my butt off the seat as I place my arms down at my sides, I mimic a penguin by flapping my arms while moving my butt side to side.

“You little bitch. And just you wait. You’re going to be walking like that much sooner than you think.”

I immediately set my butt back down and give her a dirty look. How does she know? I haven’t told a single soul yet.

“Wait. How the hell do you know?”

“Know what?” Shelby asks suspiciously. Shayne all of a sudden pulls the car off to the side of the road, slams it in park, and turns her little waddle butt my way.

“Shayne, what the hell are you doing? You can’t just stop here on the side of the road.”

“I can do whatever I want.” She crosses her hands over her very plump chest. The three of us just kind of look back and forth at each other until my sister’s eyes get as huge as a saucer and she squeals.

“Holy shit. Erin, are you...are you pregnant?”

Shelby unhooks her seatbelt and throws open her door, jumping out and pulling mine open.

“Well, are you?”

I don’t have time to answer because the next thing I know, Shayne is climbing out of her seat as well and waddling her little butt across the front of the car to stand directly in front of me, too.

“You both have gone crazy and here you are saying that I am. What the hell is wrong with you? Get back in this vehicle now, it’s freezing outside.”

“No!” Shelby exclaims.

So it’s here by the side of the road in the middle of the winter on
wedding day that I confess to my sister and my best friend that yes indeed, I am pregnant with the baby of the man who loves me unconditionally.

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