Rescue Me (17 page)

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Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult

BOOK: Rescue Me
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After what I know have been several minutes, we break apart, panting so hard that our chests are rising and falling. When I finally catch my breath I look up into his lust-filled eyes.

“What was that for?” I ask.

“I really don’t know, aside from the simple fact that every time I look at you, I can’t believe you’re mine. I want to continue to be the one to make you happy, Erin.”

Oh hell, there he goes again with words that leave me aching in all the right places.

“You make me happy just by being in my presence,” I say earnestly.

“Yeah?” he asks, grinding into me.

“Yes, you do.”

We stand and stare at each other in silence and let our eyes do the talking for us until we are interrupted.

“Jesus Christ, you two!”

We swing our heads in Antonio’s direction.

“What?” Adam snaps.

“I came around the corner to go to the bathroom, but instead I find the two of you all over each other. Now when I get in the bathroom I am going to have to rub one out because that, my friends, was nothing short of soft porn.”

He walks past Adam on his way to the bathroom and pats Adam on the shoulder as he walks by.

“Lucky bastard,” he says as he all but slams the bathroom door shut. I stand there and bust out laughing. Can this day get any better?

After countless peals of laughter from everyone at dinner, the house is finally quiet. Adam and I sit down in front of the television after both of us laid in the fort with Sierra until she fell asleep. Antonio and Shelby left shortly after we were done cleaning the kitchen and as I finally pull my legs up under me and lay my head on Adam’s shoulder, the weight of the long day has me barely able to keep my eyes open.

“I’m sorry you had to see me lose control today,” Adam says into the silence, making my eyes pop open. I lift my head off of his shoulder and the pain in his eyes wakes me right up.

“Adam, don’t ever apologize for telling me how you feel. We’re supposed to be here for each other, right? I know you don’t like seeing my face all bruised up like this. I cringe every time I look at myself.”

I try and choose my next words as carefully as possible to try and take his pain away. I look everywhere except at him because I know not only is he worried about Sierra and me, he is worried about Tonya as well. But these words I have to say to him have to be said when I gaze into his bright green orbs.

“When I first woke up at the hospital the other day, I just wanted to give up, but when I looked into your eyes and saw how much love you had for me, that was all the strength I needed to keep me going. After everything I went through, I never in my entire life imagined I would find a man like you. Your love has taken away every bit of pain and suffering I have ever had, so let my love for you do the same. Together, remember?”

I tilt in and swipe my tongue across his bottom lip as he brings his hand around to the back of my neck.

“I hate feeling helpless. I hate that he even touched you, and I hate not knowing where he is or what he will do,” he whispers against my mouth. Adam closes his eyes and I hope the love that I have for this man is enough to keep him going, because the hatred I have inside for my ex-husband multiplies in abundance for the simple fact that Joel has touched a part of my man that should never have been tainted with his evil touch, and that part is his kind soul.

Chapter Twenty-One


Lifting Erin’s sleeping form off of the couch and carrying her down the hall without waking her was harder than I thought. I managed it though and was able to drift off myself, but the sound of my cell phone ringing wakes me from my deep sleep. I fumble along the side of the dresser until I find it and glance at the clock as I pick it up. Five thirty in the fucking morning? Who the hell is calling at this hour? I swipe my finger across the screen, not even paying attention to who it is.

“Hello?” I whisper so I don’t wake Erin. I climb out of bed and cross the floor into the bathroom.

“Hey, man. It’s Luke and I’m sorry to wake you, but they found Tonya.”

I exhale deeply and shut the door and turn on the light. “Is she all right?”

There is silence for a moment on his end and I feel adrenaline start to pump through my veins until I hear him speak softly.

“Yeah, she’s all right. They have her at the station and I am heading there now.”

I close my eyes and feel a huge burden lifted off of my shoulders knowing she is fine.

“I am on my way there, too,” I say as I grab my jeans off the hook on the back of the door. “How did you find out?”

“She called me and asked me to come down. And by the tone of her voice, I really don’t think she knows what the hell is going on.”

I don’t think she does either, but I don’t tell him that.

“I need to wake Erin up and tell her what’s going on. I’ll meet you down there.”

Brushing my teeth and throwing on the same shirt from last night, I head back into the bedroom where I lay down beside Erin and pull her into me, mildly shaking her to wake her up.

“Adam, what’s wrong?” she says in a sleepy voice.

“Luke just called and they have Tonya down at the police station.”

She jolts up in bed. “Thank God. Is she okay?”

“Luke says she is, but I am on my way down there to meet him. I just wanted you to know.”

“I’m going with you.” She jumps out of bed and rummages around the room looking for something to wear.

“I don’t even remember falling asleep last night,” she says as she pulls a pair of those tight ass legging things on.

“You fell right to sleep and I carried you to bed. I took off your jeans and you didn’t even stir. Are you sure you want to go? You really should rest.”

“I’m fine, Adam. I can rest when we get back.” She speaks in a soft voice and her eyes are all wide. She looks afraid.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask, bringing her into my arms.

“I’m just a little nervous. Are you sure he said she was all right? I mean, he didn’t hit her or anything, did he?”

“Babe, I don’t know. I told you everything I know, but the good thing is, she is okay, so hurry up so you can go tell Shelby what’s going on, all right?” Silent tears start to stream down her face. I lift my hand and brush every single one of them away, cupping her chin in the palm of my other hand.

“Don’t cry, Erin. This is a big break for you here. We can only hope she can help us find him. Now come on, where is that strong woman from last night?”

She nods her head wordlessly and as soon as she heads towards the bathroom, my phone rings again. I look down at the screen and see it’s from Antonio.

“Hey,” I answer.

“Man, this is some good news,” he says.

“It sure is. I take it Luke called you, too?” I ask as I grab my ball cap and put it on my head.

“Yeah, he wanted me to come over to your house and stay while you guys were at the station so I told him no problem since I am already here.”

“What the fuck man? You’re downstairs?”

“We fell asleep on the couch, dude. Just wanted you to know I was here, man, so get the hell out of here and find that motherfucker.”

I pray like fuck she has some answers for us.

“By the way, Erin is going with me. I have no idea when we will be back so can you two take care of Sierra?”

“Shit you don’t even have to ask. Just keep me informed on what the hell is going on.”

“You know we will.”


My curiosity is a little piqued at the fact that Antonio is here, but I shuffle all those thoughts out of my mind as Erin exits the bathroom.

“I’ll be right back, just let me go tell Shelby real quick.” She starts for the door.

“Just to let you know, I talked to Antonio a minute ago. Luke called him and asked him to come over, but guess what? He stayed here last night.”

She spins around instantaneously at my words. “What? He stayed here? Holy shit!” A grin spreads across her face.

“He said they fell asleep on the couch, so I really don’t think anything happened.”

“I’m sure it didn’t, that’s not why I’m smiling. I’m smiling because my sister, as far as I know, has never spent the night with a guy before and despite what lies ahead of us today, that thrills the shit out of me.” Her eyes are sparkling as the early morning dawn starts to break. I just hope this hellhole we are about to walk into doesn’t take away her sparkle because man, she is sexy as fuck when her eyes light up like that.

Silence falls upon both of us as we pull into the police station. After parking next to Luke’s Range Rover, I help Erin out of the truck and we polish off the rest of the coffee we picked up at a drive through on the way over. Tossing our empty cups into the trash, I hold the door open and follow her inside. Luke is standing at the counter talking to the two cops who came to visit Erin at the hospital.

“Good morning, officers,” Erin says cheerfully.

“Morning, Ms. McIntyre. How are you?”

“I’m great, thank you.”

“She’ll be even better if you tell us you know where her ex is.” I cringe at the thought of that fucker even being called her ex.

“I wish we did. But now that Luke is here, maybe we can get some answers out of Ms. Welch. She hasn’t said a word to us since she got here,” says Officer Monroe.

“Are you saying she came here on her own?” I ask incredulously.

“That’s exactly what we’re saying. Now if you’ll excuse us, were on our way to question her right now.”

“Wait.” Erin reaches out and takes hold of Officer Monroe’s hand. “Can you at least tell me if she was hurt in any way, please?”

Officer Monroe’s expression turns from anxious to what looks like understanding.

“She hasn’t been hurt in away way physically that we can see, Ms. McIntyre.”

Erin’s shoulders slump and she lets out a breath I know she has been holding in for days because it feels like the same breath I have been holding in, too. We stand there and watch the three of them walk down the hall and enter a room. I guide Erin over to the chairs and as she lays her head on my shoulder and we sit there in silence, there is no doubt in my mind both of us are feeling the same relief over the fact that Tonya is here and she is unharmed.

Three fucking hours later Luke and the cops finally walk out of the room and approach us. It’s about damn time. Erin had to call and check up on Sierra and also call and cancel her lunch with Jen. I swear she has paced this floor more times than I can count. Erin grasps firmly onto my hand.

“She wants to talk to the two of you,” Luke says with caution.

“That’s fine,” says Erin, “But before we do, can you please tell me if she knows where he is? We having been sitting out here for three hours with no word from anyone and the lack of knowing is driving me crazy.”

I don’t like hearing the trepidation dripping from her voice. She has every right to know what the hell is going on.

Officer Standish is the one to finally speak.

“No, Ms. McIntyre, she doesn’t know where he is. She did give us the name of a hotel down in Birchwood and we have a team down there right now, but he’s gone.”

“This is crazy, you know that right? I mean, he’s a drug addict and a dealer. Are you checking with all your...I don’t know, drug people around here for him?”

I can tell she is pissed as she flings her arms out to emphasize her words. I am just going to stand back and watch as she fires her fury at these cops.

“It’s been several days and I hear nothing, absolutely nothing from you, and now I come in here and you can’t tell me shit. You and you better pray to God that you find him before he does do something to someone, because anyone who would do
,” she says, pointing to her face, “is one sick man.”

Everyone stands in silence for several long minutes before Officer Monroe speaks up.

“Do you feel better now, Ms. McIntyre?” I can tell she is doing her best to hide her aggravation.

“No. I don’t. I can’t even leave my own house alone or take my daughter to school for fear that he is out there. Now look, I’m sorry I snapped at you and I am sure you are doing everything you possibly can to find him, but please find him soon.”

Not wanting her to get upset any more than she already is, I cradle her in my arms and try and soothe her before we go in and talk to Tonya.

As we make our way down the hall, Luke stops us.

“Listen. Tonya is really shaken up about all of this and I personally believe she knew nothing about this, so both of you stay calm. I mean it.” His eyes drift back and forth between Erin and me. We nod mutely and when we walk into the room and come face to face with Tonya I am shocked at the sight in front of me.

She does not look anything like the Tonya I know. Her hair is all kinds of fucked up, like she’s been tugging the shit out of it, and her makeup is smeared all over her face like she has been crying for days.

When she lifts her head and notices us, she stands up and tries to straighten out her wrinkled up shirt. She looks into my eyes and her lips start to tremble. Slowly she sits back down, placing her hands over her face.

“I…I am so sorry. I had no idea who he was, I swear I didn’t.”

What the hell do I do? I don’t have time to think because Erin steps in front of me and gracefully walks up to Tonya.

“I believe you, Tonya. I just need to know what happened and how you found out he’s...”

“Your ex-husband?” Tonya finishes for her.

“Yes. Did he tell you anything?”

“No, it wasn’t like that at all.” She shakes her head. Luke and I take a seat opposite Tonya at the table and Erin sits down next to her.

“We met at McAllister’s- you know; the one on Tenth Street in Denton. Anyway, the first night he came back to my place and well, he seemed fine. Like a normal guy, you know? He spent the night and the next morning he said he wanted to spend more time with me before he left town. He said he was here for business and was staying through the weekend. He told me where he was staying and asked me if I wanted to get away with him for a few days. I thought sure, why not? I didn’t have to be back to work until Monday myself, and a nice long getaway sounded like fun, so I packed a bag and followed him to Braxton. The three days I was with him, he was... well, I don’t need to get into those details with you.”

She reaches in front of her, pulls a tissue from the box, and dabs her eyes with it.

“Oh, man. This is so hard.” She turns her body so she is completely facing Erin. “Last night he was acting very weird. He started to get a little loud and irate. Like, slamming drawers around. One time he threw the remote to the television across the room.”

Tonya looks down at the floor and when she looks back up again and stares at the bruises on Erin’s face, I can see she is telling us the truth.

“I asked him if everything was okay and he said he had a lot on his mind with work and all. He had stepped out a few times saying he had a few meetings and I didn’t think anything of it because he said he was here for work. So I just relaxed at the spa and went shopping and you know, girl stuff like that. But last night when he said he needed to leave for a meeting and it was after midnight I thought, who in the hell meets someone this late at night? It was then that I realized something shady was going on, so the minute he left I started to pack up all of my things. I started for the door but I turned around just to make sure I hadn’t left anything and that’s when I noticed a suitcase sticking out from under the bed.”

Tonya stands up and starts pacing the floor and wringing her hands nervously. The room is eerily quiet as we all sit in silence waiting for her to continue.

“I dropped my bag and grabbed the handle of the suitcase to lift it up, and when I did the entire contents spilled out all over the floor. Oh, God, Luke. I don’t know if I can finish this.”

Tonya stops moving and hangs her head and starts crying uncontrollably.

“Take your time, Tonya. Do you need some water or anything?” Luke asks and she shakes her head ‘no’.

“Tonya. Look at me,” I ask her with as much compassion in my voice as I can find. She whips her head around and looks at me but her gaze is out of focus. “What was in the suitcase, Tonya?” I press.

I don’t know if it’s the sound of my voice or what that brings her back to her senses, but somehow she does. She directs her attention back to Erin.

“I…I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw all that stuff on the floor, so I bent down and started looking at all of it. It was pictures of you, Erin. All kinds of pictures of you.”

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