Read Requested Surrender Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Requested Surrender (15 page)

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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She was going to add, “to you, so I’ll know what to expect”, but he curled down and kissed her. Hard. Demanding. Pulling on her hair, pressing on her lips until she was forced to open them. When she did, and his tongue slid inside her mouth, all her thoughts scattered and the room around her disappeared. The only constant was him. The heat and flavor of him wrapping around her. Sinking into her. Devouring her, until he abruptly broke the embrace.

“That makes me happy. I’ll help you with the corset and then you can see to the rest.”

She was shaking, but she didn’t want him to see it. Nodding she put her hands on the footboard of the bed. The upholstered surface was a comfortable cushion against her palms while she waited for him to untangle one of the corset laces. “This is nice,” she murmured as she rubbed her palms over the bolster. She didn’t know why, but maybe it was because it was an ordinary thing to say when this situation was so extraordinary. “It looks like the arm of a chair with the way the fabric is rolled.”

“I suppose. Arms up,” he whispered from behind her as he slipped the corset around her. “Now you can hold the front of this against your ribs while I tie it in the back.”


It was quiet. All she heard was the zing of the laces as he pulled them through the eyelets one after the other until she thought he was done. But then he went to work, starting at the top and making his way down to the bottom. Tightening each row, which forced her to take shallower breaths, but she didn’t complain. She figured he’d already put up with enough of her complaining and hedging to last him a lifetime. Tonight, she’d do as he suggested and let her imagination take over. Funny though, she didn’t imagine being someone else in this instance, as that was normal for her. Tonight her
for him would simply be her being herself. That explained her sudden shyness. She didn’t like putting herself front and center for judgment or criticism. It was easier to act the part, that way there was no true failure if she made an ass of herself and she could always deflect. There’d be no wiggle room to do that now. With that acknowledgement, she was almost tempted to revert to performing, but then he curled down and kissed her shoulder.

“Come talk to me when you’re done.”

This was real. So real she barely noticed how hard it was to bend while pulling on the other items. She took her time. Slow and easy. Of course the corset demanded that she measure her movements and breathing, but even if it hadn’t she would have been careful. Yes, that was a good word for what she was being. And it wasn’t until she turned to go to David’s room that she noticed her Carlos Santana heels right by the doorway. Somehow he’d brought them here. Not only to her room, but to his house. She didn’t bother wondering about the “how,” all she did was put them on, before she went to him. Quickly, otherwise she might have lost her nerve.

Her heart skipped a beat seeing him in that chair. He’d taken off his shirt, and his tanned skin and totally ripped torso was bathed in the golden light of the fire. Her pulse picked up speed as his eyes held onto her. Steady as a laser beam while they drew her. Captivated her, because just as he promised, he was in a reclined position with his legs spread, waiting for her.

Coming to stand between his thighs, she totally got it. She finally understood the head bow thing. That subservient action was a sticking point with her when it came to women in relationships with powerful men. She’d always equated it with being less equal or less important and to hell with that. Yet now that she had automatically done it—and she didn’t feel either of those two things—she knew the truth. This move was a show of respect, nothing more and certainly nothing less.

“Clasp your hands behind your back and look at me.”

His voice was so soft. So deep and husky that she shivered when she did as he’d asked.

“Are you cold?”


“Why did you wear that outfit?”

She studied his chin because she couldn’t look him in the eyes. Glad now as he would have seen her confusion. He knew why, but the way he’d uttered the question sounded as if he didn’t. Was this how he wanted her to use her imagination? To pretend?

“I thought you’d like it.”

“I’d like it more if you look me in the eyes. Better. Now, is that the only reason you dressed this way? You thought I’d like it?”

Her heart beat against her rib cage. She could feel the heat of him. His indomitable power all around her. “Y-yes.”

“Are you sure you’re not cold?”

The small muscles between her legs squeezed up tight when his gaze dropped to her breasts. Her nipples were hard before, but now they prickled and got even harder. Aching. “Yes.” That came out as barely a whisper and she absently wondered if he heard it. But then he looked up at her again and she forgot about that. She forgot about everything but him.

“I ask as I know you’re not wearing those sheer little bikinis for warmth, since they’re so tiny. So impossibly thin.” He reached out and hooked his index finger under the elastic ribbing at the crease of her leg. His hard skin coming in contact with her softer flesh, as he whispered, “So incredibly small they couldn’t offer any.”

She shivered and bit her lip as he teased her with his cleverly evasive touch. Coming close, but not close enough to where she ached.

“If I were a woman I’d wear this outfit to entice a man to fuck me. Do you want a man to fuck you? Me to fuck you?”

She shuddered and closed her eyes as he delved deeper with two fingers instead of one under the ribbing. Rubbing her folds. Easing them apart. Slowly, he moved so heartbreakingly slow, she quivered as anticipation built.

“Are you all right? You’re breathing very deeply.”

“David…” Her knees threatened to give out when he pressed into her warmth. Moving his fingers in a swirl before he carefully withdrew them, holding them up.

“What’s this?” He kept his eyes on her instead of his raised hand, which made it all the worse because his penetrating gaze held her captive when he asked, “My fingers are all wet and slippery. Why?”

She didn’t speak. She couldn’t. All she could do was wait for him to make the next move as she was unable to at the moment.

“No answer? Can you guess?”

His steady gaze broke her down and she whispered, “I…I want…”

He tilted his head and waited for her to continue. When she didn’t, he brought his hand down and undid the button, and then the fly of his pants. Easing the fabric into an open V before he lifted his cock out and wrapped his fist around it. Holding the weight of it at the base while he continued to stare up at her. “Is this what you want?”

Her heart pounded and her pulse sped. “Yes.”

“Get on your knees and prove it to me.”

David didn’t say anything when she placed a hand on his leg to do as he asked. Even though he didn’t tell her she could bring them out of their clasped position, he was willing to be generous with her. She’d admitted something to him tonight. Something he’d been waiting months to hear and for that he was prepared to cut her some slack.
, not a lot though.

“No.” He cupped her chin and held it up so she was forced to stretch as far as she could be without coming off her knees to a crouch. “Before we get to you proving anything, I want you to turn around.”

With one hand on her shoulder and the other in her hair, he helped her to reposition. “Good. Now I want you to tell me how much you want my cock inside you.”

“I do. I want it.”

He chuckled, low and soft in her ear. “Why? Do you think you want my cock inside you because you know it’s going to feel good when it’s buried in deep? Filling you up. Owning you. Will you beg?”


”Good. That’s what I want. You aching for it. Crying and panting. That will make me happy.”

He shifted forward and brought his hands around her. Pulling her into him until his cock pressed into her back and the tip of it chaffed against the heavy laces of the corset. The pain felt good as he bent and slipped both his hands down the front of her barely-there bikinis, sighing when he felt the hot moisture there.

Without a word, he played with her. Parting her with one hand and stroking her with the other. Up and down and around and around. Slow and steady, breathing in her ear, gently biting her lobe, steeling himself when she eased back against him and drew in a ragged breath.

“What do you want?” he asked her as her hips flexed forward in an attempt to force his hands to come in better connect with certain parts of her.

“You. I want you.” She turned her head and kissed his biceps. Then she licked and tried to suck on it.

“You want something in your mouth, babe?” He brought a hand up and gave her his thumb, loving how she clamped down on it and greedily drew it into her mouth. “Start with this, and if you’re good, I’ll give you something better to suck on.”

When she tried to put her hand over his, between her legs he stopped all movement. “No, reach back and place your hands on my knees. That’s right.” He slipped his hand up and splayed it over her lower abdomen. Holding her there while she moaned and worked her mouth over his thumb like she would his cock. “Do you need something better to fill your mouth?”

Her groan was the only response he needed. He left off holding her and brought his hand up to fist in her hair. “Open your mouth. Let go. Easy, that’s right. Turn around. Come on, I’ll help you. Good.”

She was front and center. Her head was down while her eyes devoured his cock. It felt good to have her desperate for it. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want your cock in my mouth.”

“How bad?” He let her hair loose a little. His hold on her there was the only thing stopping her from swooping down he was sure. “Tell me.”

“Really bad. Please.”

When she licked her upper lip in a slow right to left drag she may as well have scraped her tongue down the length of him. “Look at me. Lacy.”

Her eyes were glassy with need and the thought that she’d committed herself completely to this experience pleased him immeasurably, but he still wanted more. So much more from her. “Tell me something that will make me give you the ‘better’ I promised you.” He forced her neck to arch while he searched her face. Sure that she was going repeat what she said before, which might be enough this time. He was dying for her to wrap those lips around his cock. To feel—

“I want to be your special girl.”

Those words went right through him. Through skin to bone to soul. He let go of her hair and eased back in the chair. Offering her exactly what she wanted. And when she took it, she was like a woman possessed. Not fast and furious, but slow and reverent. Drawing him in deep as if savoring the feel of his thickness filling her mouth. Appreciating his length as he felt it caress the back of her throat. She dipped and pulled, licked and sucked so hard that the vibrations from her moans rocked right through him. Over and over, she consumed. Nipping, biting, lapping as she forced more of him into the hot, wet satin of her mouth. Swirling her tongue over the tip, rimming the edge and sides of him while she used both hands to work his balls in a half pleasurable-half painful juggle that worked like a trigger, releasing his adrenaline and causing it to pump through him like a riptide. 

“Very good, angel.”

The praise set her off and she was instantly more invested. Through half closed lids he watched her make love to his cock with her whole being. Not just her mouth. She was engaged in the experience. Her lips, tongue, groans, strokes, licks, bites and sexy presses from her breasts against his inner thighs enthralled him until she pushed his length in deep and he couldn’t take the fucking pressure of her throat constricting around him any longer. Sinking both his hands in her hair he held her against him. With his breath rasping, stomach muscles tightening, he watched her as she welcomed, no, begged for it. Cried for it. Her nails digging into his thighs, she opened wider. The extra space was all he needed. With his cock buried deep in her throat and his balls in the hammock of her palms, he came. Hard. So very hard as she swallowed his heat, continuing to suck it back until the last spasm played out and beyond. Well beyond, until he had to pull her away from him.


She sat back on her haunches and looked up. Her eyes were still glassy, only now her lips were sexily swollen and her cheeks had turned pink. Without a word he curtly nodded to his lap and waited for her to get his silent message. Unlike the last time, this time she was very gentle as she righted him and did up his pants. “Perfect, now let me help you to stand.”

He went to take hold of her left arm, but before he got a firm grip on her, she jerked back as if she was afraid he was going to hit her or something. She actually leaned away and he scowled. “Hey, hey, are you all right?” He put both his hands on her, around the waist this time and helped her up. “What was that all about?”

“I got a leg cramp.”

Plausible, but for some reason he didn’t buy it. “Are you sure?”

She nodded.

“Come here.” He moved to pull her down on his lap, but felt her hesitation. “What’s the matter?”

“I’m still horny.”


She gasped and he laughed.

“Did you expect me to apologize for that?”

“I suppose not.”

David let her settle back against him. “Comfy?”

“As comfy as I’m going to be with—do you know what this feels like?” She put a hand on the front of the corset and said, “Like I’m a tightly wrapped tootsie roll.”

“Good to know. Did I mention what we’re doing tomorrow?” He figured before she got her bitch on, he’d distract her.


“I’ll be gone in the morning. Today I got sidetracked with work so I have to do that pick up tomorrow. I’ll be home late afternoon and then we’ve got a party to go to.”

“Another one? Don’t you ever stay home?”

“Sometimes, but tomorrow night isn’t one of those times. As for the morning. You’ll go to the library and after lunch you can go to the studio to work.”

One of her feet tapped air when she casually asked, “Who did you say you were picking up again?”

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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