Read Requested Surrender Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Requested Surrender (11 page)

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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“Yeah, yeah, I know. Time?”

“Six. I think the award’s scheduled for right after dinner. Around eight.”


“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

“I appreciate the offer,” David stared at the library door and smiled, “but you can sit this one out as I already have a date.”

date? Since when do you mix business with pleasure?”

Since meeting Lacy Pembrook
he wanted to answer, but knowing that would prolong the conversation he simply said, “Thanks, Al. I’ll be in touch.”

After he slipped his phone in his pocket, he grabbed hold of the door handle, being sure to make enough noise before he went in this time. Hopefully, Lacy had heard him and would be doing as she was asked to do instead of wandering her way through a book she shouldn’t be reading.

One deep breath later he pushed the door open and stared.

Lord give me strength…

David titled his head and took in the sight of her bent over the desk. She had bare feet with one leg on the ground and the other bent at the knee. He watched her foot, with those dark-cherry polished toenails, dance in a series of points and circles while she spoke into her cell.

“It’s not that kind of a library. I can talk.”

He didn’t take his eyes off her as he gently closed the door. At first he thought she was yanking his chain again. That she’d heard him but wanted to pretend she hadn’t. He was halfway to her when he realized that wasn’t the case and stopped. She was completely oblivious to him. He was sure of it. The best actress in town couldn’t pull off this kind of calm when being stalked, so it had to be real.


He remembered the book she’d been reading a few minutes ago and scanned the shelves and the area around the step stool. Nothing. Turning back to her he craned his neck to see over her hunched shoulders, trying to gauge what she was doing as he saw her hand moving.

“No, I can’t guess. Tell me.”

He figured she was talking to one of her friends. Probably Jo. When he spotted her tracing a finger over the bow on the red sack, he grinned. She might be on the phone with her pal, but her thoughts weren’t one hundred percent focused on their conversation. That was a good thing. In fact he was so pleased by the discovery, he figured he’d let her finish her call before he dealt with her blowing off the task she’d been given. He wouldn’t be too hard on her, though. It was probably important and that’s why she’d taken it.

What about the book she’d been reading?

He weighed in on that and decided since she didn’t know he’d come into the room earlier there was no need to bring it up. He’d simply wait for her to finish her important call and then they’d calmly speak about her to-do perimeters.

He turned to leave. One foot planted toward the door when he heard…

“I can save that much and get unlimited texts too?”

He swung back around and scowled. He didn’t hear that right. Not a chance.

“What’s the catch? If I agree to switch you’re not gonna stick me with that bogus transfer fee are you?”

That sealed it.  He wanted to spank her. Growl at her. Toss her phone out the window. Especially when it occurred to him that he and his red sack were about as compelling to her as AT&T. So be it. There was no ignoring this.

Lacy stiffened and gasped at the same time. It took her the span of an eye blink to realize that David was biting her ass. The hot burn of his teeth applying pressure collected in her right cheek with a searing ache. After she got over her shock she assured the concerned phone salesman.

“No, no, I’m fine. But I’ll have to get back to you on this. Bye.”

She dropped the phone, slapped both palms of the desk and attempted to push herself into a stand, but David bit harder, forcing her to relax.


He didn’t let go, but he didn’t increase the pressure of his teeth either. Only held her there until one of his strong hands wrapped around her hip and his other slipped between her legs. She knew he’d be mad that she was on the phone. Fuck, why hadn’t she heard him come in? She looked down at the answer to that. The red sack. She’d been so preoccupied thinking about the contents she’d wasted time talking to the phone guy so she’d have an excuse to meander over and hang around it.

One minute she was lamenting over her own stupidity and the next she was panting. In a not so subtle move, David had her at his complete mercy. She was up on tiptoes while her fingernails raked the desktop. “David…please.”

She didn’t know how he did it, nor did she care. She was too caught up to think rationally as he stroked her. Right through her jeans and yet it was as if they were touching skin to skin. It was that intense. That exhilarating. When she pressed back into the devastating force of his bite and he let go, she nearly passed out.

“Oh, God.”

He didn’t give up the hold he had of her between the legs either. Expertly, he kneaded her there until the ache turned to electric zings that promised heaven, hell and everything in between.


His fingers moved in a steady and rapid motion.

“Oh, yes. Yes!” One minute she was climbing the peak and the next she dove over it. “Oh, God, yes!” She cried and then collapsed against the desk when he let go of her. Happy to rest there a moment before she had to face the music. Or the fallout from abandoning the albums, was more like it. When she straightened and slowly turned she was totally prepared to deal with him. Pushing the hair out of her eyes, she gave him her best shy smile and decided to throw him a compliment. Guys ate that shit up like ice cream.

“No one has ever done anything like that to me before. It was amazing.”

He stared.

“Really awesome.”

His eyes darkened.

“I um…I shouldn’t have been on the phone but it was important.”

Did his right eyelid just tick? That wasn’t good.

“I know you’re probably going to”—she felt around behind her and when her fingers closed over her cell she snapped it out in front of her like a peace offering because in this instance it was one—“want this.”

His gaze dropped to her fist strangling her phone and then lifted to pin her in place. “I don’t want your cell.”

 Now she was stumped. Taking away a woman’s cellphone was one of the top five things on the list she’d compiled of possible punishments a Dom like him would dole out. “Are you sure?”

Unless he was suffering from Bell’s palsy, he was pissed, because his eyelid ticked twice this time. Of course it was hard to say for certain as he still didn’t answer her.

“You could take it away from me as punishment.”  She shrugged and then when she remembered how much he despised that action, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other and cleared her throat. “That, ah, way, I won’t be tempted to use it, you know?”

His eyes sparkled, but thankfully they didn’t get any darker. After they had the first time, the phrase “dark as sin” had new meaning to her. She also rediscovered the expression “deep as sin” too. That’s what his voice sounded like when he said, “When I take something away from you as punishment, it will be important.”

Even though logic suggested she was the one who’d brought up the topics of taking things away and punishment, it sure sounded a helluva lot better coming from her than him. Which made no sense. “This is the latest app’d-to-the-max iPhone. What could be more important than that?”

“At the next opportunity, I’ll show you.”

“I want to know now. Either that or take my cell. It will make me feel better.” She held out her phone to him.

He pushed it aside and sighed. “To do that now would be pointless.”

“But you haven’t punished me for being on the phone.”

“Are you sure?”

“Look.” She put her cell on the desk and said, “I actually enjoyed the bite on my ass. Not at first, but eventually, so if that was the punishment it kinda fell flat.”

His expression hardened. “Good to know, but it wasn’t.”

The way he stared down at her got her excited. Her heart hammered and a fluttery ache invaded her lower belly and between her legs. It was this anticipation. This want of his attention that caused her to continue to push him, she was sure. “Then we have a problem. I have no idea what the punishment was so—hey, where are you going?”

It was rude of him to walk off, but he didn’t go very far when he took the seat behind the desk and pressed something under the desktop. Suddenly there was a cone shaped ray of light that travelled from ceiling to floor. It looked like the beam she’d seen coming down from an alien spaceship in a B movie as it shone in a circle all around him.


“Come here.” He leaned back in the seat until the upper half of him was in shadow while his lap was lit like the star actor of a stage play. The generous and noticeable bulge she spied tenting his pants got her heated. Wet. More wet. The mere thought of going down on him and having the weight of him in the palms of her hands had her shivering. She didn’t want him to know how desperate she was, but being so close to realizing her favorite fantasy was fucking her up big time. 


He sat forward. The look in his eyes set the molecules between them to sizzle. Burn. Flay her inside out. “I want you to come around this desk and drop to your knees.”

She swallowed and then licked her lips. Her pulse beat so hard she feared he’d hear it as she did as he told her.

“Good.” He looked down at her while she looked up. “Now undo my belt, the button and the zipper of my pants. No,” he took hold of her hands when she hurried too fast. “Go slow. There’s no rush. That’s right.” He spread his thighs and sank back in the seat. “Are you ready to be my angel?”

At this point she was ready to be anything he wanted her to be. She’d waited so long to taste him. To feel his power this way had her honest-to-God lightheaded. She didn’t mean to sigh when she lifted his cock out of his pants, but the satin-over-steel sight took her breath away. He was hard. Beautiful. Thick.

“I want to be your angel.” She didn’t even realize she rasped out that husky pronouncement until she felt his fingers spear through her hair.

“Very good. Now wrap those lips around my cock and make me happy.”

That was the last thing she heard before she did exactly as he instructed. She wanted to please him. To show him. To use every technique in the book. Slow tongue drags up and down his generous length. Stiff swirls around his rim followed by a dip or two into the tiny aperture on his cockhead before she relaxed her jaw and drew him in for a full open mouth, deep throated swallow. The pressure of him. His size filling her throat as she reveled in the slow scrape of the invasion had lust coiling in her womb so tightly that she lost sight of all her practice skill when instinct took over. She moaned and lapped and sucked as she forced him to fuck her mouth. Heart racing, she breathed heavily through her nose, begging him without words to give her a better taste of him. And when she caught the barest flavor of salt she went wild. Her only thought—her only desire was to make him come so hard she’d have no choice but to swallow it.

David fisted his hand in her hair for the third time, but this time he wasn’t going to ease up on the pull. He couldn’t. Boundaries needed to be set and she needed to learn. Although it might fucking kill him to do it. Damn, she was good. Really good. But he couldn’t let that sway him. He hesitated for a second longer, enjoying the sight of her enjoying herself before he tugged and then tugged harder.

When she appeared to slow down some he whispered, “That’s enough.”

He had to grind his molars for a full thirty seconds after she let go of him by dragging her teeth along the full aching length of him one last time.

“I want to keep going. I want you to come in my mouth.”

She attempted to shift forward, but he still had hold of her hair. “No. I want you to put my cock back in my pants and do everything up as slowly as you undid them.”

Nothing but her eyes moved as she looked up. “But I want—”

“Your cellphone?”

“Cellphone?” She scowled. “I don’t want that, I want…”

He let go of her hair and offered, “Something more important to you at the moment? Easy,” he added when she stuffed him back into his pants a little too roughly. He knew she was frustrated but he wasn’t going to be injured because she couldn’t control her temper.

“That was”—she buttoned his pants—“a dirty rotten trick.” She punctuated her accusation by zipping his fly up so hard she lost hold of the pull and nearly punched herself in the face.

“The belt.”

“I’ll give you a belt all right,” she mumbled this so quietly under her breath he knew she hadn’t meant for him to hear it, but he did. Which meant he had to deal with it.

“Lacy.” She didn’t look up so he hooked two fingers under her chin and forced her head to tip back. “Don’t mistake my patience for weakness.”

“You’re one weird Dom.”

He let go of her and pushed the chair back before he stood. “Thank you.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

  He ignored her and continued toward the door.

“David? Hey? Where are you going?”

“To have some lunch.” He didn’t stop as he headed out the door, adding over his shoulder, “You’re welcome to join me on one condition.”

When he halted, she nearly walked into him. Turning back he scowled.

“Okay.” She let out what sounded like an exasperated breath and asked, “What do I have to do?”

Much better. “You have to tell me in specific detail why you liked it when I bit your ass.”

“Piece of cake.”

He tucked a slice of her hair behind her ear and murmured, “I’m glad you think so, but aren’t you forgetting something?”


He pointed. “Your shoes.”

She shot a look down, twiddled her toes and then looked up. “Oh.”

“I’ll wait while you go and get them.”

As she headed back into the library, he imagined her doing a mental harrumph while she searched for her sneakers. He also imagined what her explanation was going to sound like:
You bit my ass and I liked it. Piece of cake.

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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