Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) (29 page)

Read Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance) Online

Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Renewed Faith (CSA Case Files 3 / Military Romance)
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hat’s bullshit.” Kevin threw a pencil down on his desk and sat back in his chair. The one wheel squeaked as usual, but he paid little attention. The day had gone from bad to worse and Taggart wasn’t making it any better. To add on to an already fucked up day, Kevin’s knee was killing him. “Bennett casing the crime scene should be enough to pull him in for questioning. What the hell do you need? The man to show up at your desk and confess?”

“You’re well aware that it’s not enough evidence.” The background noise of the police station made it hard for Kevin to hear Taggart. “I’ll contact evidence and pull the surveillance videos from the other crime scenes. There were no cameras surrounding the abandoned warehouse where Francie McQueen was killed, but we did get one surveillance feed where Daisy Scott was murdered. If Bennett’s vehicle appears on that video, it’ll be enough to bring him to the station. Until then, you’ll have to be patient.”

“You know me better than that. Now is not the time for patience.” Kevin could hear Lach, Ethan, and Crest having a conversation about the package Taryn received today. Things were heating up on their search for Ryland and Kevin needed to be kept in the loop. It also reminded him that he needed to explain to Elle exactly who Ryland was and how dangerous he could be. “I’ve got to go. When I have something, I’ll call you. How’s that sound?”

Kevin was aware he came off sounding like an arrogant jackass, especially considering Taggart’s hands were tied in the form of regulations, but Kevin was done playing by the rules. Taryn could get him what he wanted, but first, this Ryland thing needed to be taken care of. Kevin hung up his office phone and was about to join the team at the conference table when his phone rang once more.


“Kevin, it’s Max.” Unlike Kevin’s previous call with Taggart where the background noise was distracting, it sounded like Max was in a tomb. There was a slight echo to his voice. “I got your message concerning Hash, but we’re more concerned about Gibson’s run for the territory. We don’t have Hash under full surveillance. What we do have is someone on the inside of Gibson’s circle. Trust me, Bee’s vendetta against Elle isn’t even on the radar compared to the drug war about to take place between Gibson and Carlos.”

“All right,” Kevin sighed, adjusting his holster. “Do you mind keeping me apprised of the situation? I have some snitches that may be involved that I need to cut loose from the payroll if they’re about to get rolled.”

“Will do.”

Max disconnected the call before Kevin could ask him anything else regarding this drug dispute between two common criminals. It was unusual for the man to end the call without some bullshit about how the Vikings hadn’t made the Super Bowl, but Kevin chalked it up to the vast pressure that Max must be facing regarding Gibson. Kevin once again set the phone in the cradle and then proceeded into the large area where everyone seemed to have migrated. The only one absent was Jax.

“What have I missed?”

“You know that Ryland sent me flowers. His gesture is doing exactly what he wanted it to do,” Taryn said from where she was standing next to the microwave. The odor of sweat filled the air and he knew she was making another cup of her god-awful tea. This time there was a hint of spices, yet it didn’t smell like anything he’d ever consume. “Crest is sending Ethan out of the country to where the call originated.”

“And that’s a bad thing, why?”

Kevin swept his gaze over the other team members. Crest was standing at the table with his arms crossed, and from the look on his face didn’t like that Taryn was questioning his judgment. Ethan sat in one of the conference table chairs with a bemused look on his face while Connor tossed a yellow stress ball in the air. Lach was leaning against the far wall, close enough to hear but far enough not to engage.

“Because he’s trying to spread us thin,” Taryn declared, finally taking her tea out of the microwave. She leaned back against the small counter, explaining her reasoning. “Jax is out of the office, staying with Emily and Derrick. Your case is heating up and Lach is heading out to save that woman again. That leaves Crest and Connor.”

“What woman?”

Ethan, Connor, and Kevin all asked the same question at the same time. It wasn’t that they weren’t seeing the logic in what Taryn was saying or that the conversation still wouldn’t proceed, but the way she worded her sentence made it seem that there was something more going on with Lach.

“It’s nothing.” Lach returned their stare, although it was deadpan. “Red Starr HRT is still unavailable. I’m covering for them.”

“If Ryland wanted to take us out one by one, he would have tried something when Connor was in Switzerland.” Crest uncrossed his arms and leaned down onto the table, placing his palms flat and punctuating his words carefully. “Ethan is going to Bali, not because the call to the flower shop originated from there, but because you linked Yvette Capre to the area. That was the woman’s last trip before she was murdered and we know she’s tied to Ryland on a personal level.”

Kevin tilted his head in agreement, knowing that with every case all leads needed to be covered. Ethan had the ability to get in and out of an area undetected where most would set off alarms with the slightest movement. Kevin had a feeling Crest was keeping Connor close just in case Emily had a setback and Jax needed support.

“Sounds like good judgment to me, Taryn.”

“Then let me go with Ethan.” Taryn’s fingers whitened on her cup. Kevin knew this was personal to her which was why if he were Crest, she wouldn’t go anywhere near Bali. Kevin still didn’t know the specifics and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. “I can access mainframes of the places Yvette visited, should she have used their computers. I can do the same with the surveillance cameras to see if she met with anyone, especially Ryland.”

“You can do all of that here when Ethan gives you the information,” Crest countered, not backing down. “We have open cases that need your assistance…here. Jessie’s making Ethan’s travel arrangements. While we’re waiting for him to reach his destination, you can help Kevin. Connor took over the counterfeiting case and I’m sure he’ll need some data. Lach might need you to access satellite images and you certainly can’t do that from Bali. You’re stationed here. Understand?”


Taryn’s word was clipped and her anger was evident, but to her credit she didn’t argue further. Everyone disbanded and Kevin went back to his cubicle to write down the information he needed. Once he had it in hand, he made his way to Taryn’s office knowing full well she’d be defensive after what took place. Tough shit. He had a case that was on the verge of being solved and he needed her expertise to shut the lid.

“Can you pull something for me before I leave for the day?”

“I don’t have anything else to do.” Taryn was typing furiously on her keyboard, not even bothering to look his way. Her black-rimmed glasses were sitting low on her nose and she looked every bit the librarian, pursed lips and all. Kevin knew better than to point that out though, knowing full well she wouldn’t laugh at the comparison. “What is it?”

“I’ve written down the dates and times of the previous rapes and murders. Can you pull up the surveillance videos from all locations and send them to my laptop? I’ll be working from a remote location tonight.”

Taryn was so caught up in her resentment of not being sent out into the field that she didn’t even question Kevin about where he’d be. It was just as well. When she acquiesced with a nod of her head, he figured that was good enough. He knew that once she got out of this funk, Taryn wouldn’t be able to help herself. She’d start scrolling the feeds to find a link to confirm that Bennett had been near the previous crime scenes.

Kevin left Taryn’s office to gather up his coat, phone, and laptop. He’d swing by his place for a change of clothes and then head to Elle’s apartment. While she was working, he’d use the time to go over what Taryn sent him and by tomorrow morning, have enough to justify questioning Eric Bennett on his own. Kevin barely missed running into Lach as he came around the cubicle.

“Flight out to Africa?”

“No.” Lach continued on his path to the front door with a wave goodbye to Jessie. He opened the glass door that led to the hallway. “The woman decided to help out on a mission in Iraq, giving food and medical supplies to the far reach areas.”

“She in trouble again?” Kevin and Lach headed down the hallway and pressed the down arrow for the elevator. “And just who is this woman?”

“Her name is Phoebe Dunaway.” Lach stood facing the elevator, his eyes on the numbers above. He didn’t give much away, but Kevin didn’t need to be a psychiatrist to know he was radiating tension. “She’s not in trouble yet, but she will be when I get there.”

“So this is personal?” Kevin was surprised that Crest would have signed off on something like that with everything going on. “Just tell me to fuck off if you want, but are you two together?”

“Stan Louis Dunaway.”

The response didn’t really provide an answer. The elevator doors opened and both men stepped inside. Lach pressed the ground floor button while Kevin connected the dots, and he was damn glad he didn’t get drawn into that mess. Stan Louis Dunaway was a congressman on the verge of putting his hand in the ring for the presidential race. Talk about a clusterfuck.

“So Dunaway wants his daughter back in the States? The way you were acting, I thought it was more personal.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t.” Lach sighed and tilted his head to each side, a pop sounding with each movement. It was evident this woman had gotten to him. “Dunaway doesn’t control his daughter, but he wants it stressed to her that she needs to return home where she’ll be safe.”

“And you feel the same?” Kevin was starting to see the humor in this, but kept a straight face. Lach didn’t have a handle on this Phoebe Dunaway and she wasn’t being as cooperative as Kevin was certain most women were around Lach. He had that type of personality. “Not all women do what their father tells them to, especially if she has a mind of her own. If she’s old enough to make her own decisions, you can’t force her to come back. Do your job, tell her what her father wants, and let her decide. It’s not like you can kidnap her.”

Lach finally looked in Kevin’s direction and he knew that was exactly what this man would do, although not for the reasons her father wanted her home. Lach wanted Phoebe Dunaway and she was being careless, placing herself in danger. Kevin had to wonder just how deep their relationship really was, but decided against asking. Lach looked like he was stretched thin and Kevin wouldn’t be the one to snap that last string.

The elevator doors slid quietly open and Kevin stepped out first, looking around the main lobby. He and Lach headed for the parking garage in silence. Hoisting his laptop bag higher on his shoulder, he reached into his pocket for his keys. He needed to have one more serious conversation with Bee to make sure the fucker knew who he was dealing with. As for Hash, Kevin knew it wouldn’t take much influence to make the little shit hide away in a gutter for the next year.

“You have time for an errand before you head out?” Kevin turned his head Lach’s way, smiling. “It might help relieve some of your tension.”

*   *   *   *

Kevin opened one eye and read the green digital numbers on Elle’s bedside clock. It was going on four in the morning. He heard the click of her door and knew she was done for the evening. Their schedules were certainly off this week, considering he usually kept later hours himself, but this case required a lot of daytime work. He still needed to speak with Elle regarding Ryland and the evidence he’d found on Bennett. Right now, Kevin would make do with the time they had and discuss things with her before heading out at seven in the morning. He’d gotten a solid five hours sleep and that was enough for now.

Remaining silent, Kevin cocked his head and listened to the sound of Elle as she went about her routine. After he and Lach located Bee and had another discussion with the pimp, along with finding Hash with Rachel on one of the street corners, the chats went as well as Kevin thought they would. Both men were well aware of where they stood and shouldn’t cause Elle any more problems. Kevin had then swung by his house and grabbed an overnight bag. By the time he’d made it to the club, the doors had already opened and the play areas were being well used. He didn’t stop to think that Elle would be uncomfortable in any way when he’d walked up to her and kissed her on the lips in front of everyone. Her face flushed in a graceful manner and he brushed his lips across her forehead, making sure that every Dom in the place knew that he was staking his claim.

After whispering an instruction that he wished for her to do upon closing, Kevin then spent the rest of the night in Elle’s apartment reviewing the tapes. He didn’t find exactly what he wanted, but another little piece of evidence presented itself. He would question Eric Bennett tomorrow, with or without Taggart’s assistance. It was nice not to have to follow those types of regulations.

“Was it a good night?”

Elle had quietly tiptoed around one of the partitions, and although he couldn’t make out her features due to the darkness, her gasp echoed in the apartment. Her figure was too close to the bed and before he could say anything he heard the bump of her foot and saw her shadow hop up and down.

“Damn it, that hurt.” Elle sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her toe. “I thought you were sleeping.”

“I was.” Kevin waited and pondered if she’d mention his earlier request. When she started to take off her heels, he leaned up on one elbow. “Now I’m wondering if you’ve followed through on your task.”

“Lauren stopped by this afternoon, so I knew she wouldn’t be in tonight to technically buy it from her.” Elle reached over and turned on the side table lamp, casting the room in dim lighting. In her right hand she held a brown paper bag. “I called her though and asked if it would be all right to buy the ones that were in her display case in the back of the club.”

Kevin grinned, just imagining that conversation. He liked that Elle was forging friendships and knew that once Emily was out of the hospital that Elle could add to the list. As for the display case that Lauren and Connor had set up at the back of the club, he’d seen the items that had been in there and wondered which toy she’d purchased. He reached for the bag.

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