Renegade T.M. (25 page)

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Authors: Bernard Langley

BOOK: Renegade T.M.
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Well it’s like this

there I was going through my warm up exercises, preparing as I was, to attack and slay the villainous diver giant, when all of a sudden, there he was


King Slip and Queen Crinkle gasped.


At first, through the bubbles, all I could make out was two enormous red eyes, hungry for fish, and then I could make out those teeth, like two rows of mountain ranges sharpened to incredible points. Of course, I hid, for my fight was not with him, you see a fish has to pick his battles, not have his battles pick him


King Slip nodded approvingly.


I was concealed in some algae
e went on

and he swam right by me, it was then that I heard him chanting to himself

He was chanting?
sked Queen Crinkle, quite taken aback.

He was my Queen
replied Pete

the same word over and over again, as though in some type of magical trance

Well come on then, out with it
emanded the king, though his tone suggested that he already knew what was to come.

Just one word, over and over
and over
he teased,
before answering



Queen Crinkle shuddered at this
, and King Slip seemed to age ten
years all in one go
at this revelation.


So he knows
said the King to himself, though all present could hear his words, before declaring defiantly

so what of it! He may know of their existence, but he will never learn of their whereabouts

Oh well that’s just fab
said Pete
“I’ll see myself out shall I?

I’m not finished with you
growled the K
ing, in so far as a fish can growl.

Your fishiness, how can I further be of assistance
he asked awkwardly

You wish to serve your king and king-tank yes

I do

And you consider yourself to be somewhat of a swordfish
robed the King further.

Indeed sire, my first words were said to be

you have insulted my honour, prepare to meet thy maker

he lied
quite unconvincingly.

Excellent, then I have a task for you
declared King Slip

it appears you have already had a run in with the shark known as Ben

Yes sire

He is, as you may or may not already know, a royal pain in the fin

Indeed my Lord

I task you…

he interjected.

to find the shark known as Ben and…

Issue him with an official warning
suggested Pete in an ever increasingly tiny voice.

finished the King

Oh right
he said
, almost physically deflating


Off you go then
he said dismissing Pete from the palace

now let us have some entertainment, call for the Fendels


At this, a door to the palatial hall swung ceremoniously open, and out swam Fendel, as a fish. Just a catfish’s whiskers behind him, swam a much smaller Fendel, as a small fish. The larger Fendel
fish opened his mouth to speak.


Your grace
he began

it is our t
ific delight and quite magnificen
t pleasure
to entertain his liege and guests present, with an evening of watery wonder! I am Fendel the illusionist, sometimes known as Fendel the Fabulous, or the Fantastic Fendel, sometimes as Fendel the Blower of Minds, and sometimes as Fancy Fendel the Maker of Mystery! And this is my brother
Fendel the Tiny

said Fendel the Tiny.

I ask only one thing of those of you who are present tonight, that each if you suspend just one thing, your disbelief

Get on with it
ordered King Slip.

Of course your worship, if getting on with it is what you want, then getting on with it is what we shall undoubtedly do. Nay I would go as far as to say, that even if the mere suggestion of getting on with it was but a whisper on the wind, we will have already have quite literally actioned, reactioned
and laid down in
solid stone, the fact of having quite completely, got on with it


The King cast Fendel a daggered glance.


Very well
continued Fendel,
getting the message

if I can ask for a volunteer from the audience

Do your worst conjurer
cajoled the King, stepping forward.

Ah, no less than the King himself, we are deeply honoured
he declared
, bowing down as King Slip approached.

he went on

my brother here
Fendel the Tiny..

upted Fendel the Tiny.

Will tonight, in front of all you present, twist the most dearly held concepts of reason, bend the very nature of reality, and altogether smash the preconceptions of the self, by…


The audience waited on fish tenterhooks.


Reading the King’s mind

the King.

I assure you not your excellence
replied Fendel

if you may indulge my brother and I
and think of a number anywhere between one and a million

Fine, but only to bring this nonsense to an end
said King Slip, thinking of the number four hundred and sixty eight thousand, nine hundred and nineteen.

he replied

now watch my brother very carefully, and do not try to resist


That said, Fendel the Tiny
then swam steadily up to the King, stopping only when he was mere inches from his face. He then locked eyes quite completel
y with the King and for a moment
or so they held there, not making a single sound or movement. King Slip then felt himself fall as though in a dream, and memories, long-held and since forgotten, flashed through his mind. He remembered his teenage
rs and his assent to the th
rone and betrothal to his Queen;
then further back as a mere tiddler prince and exploring the fish tank that was now his kingdom
then even further back, when he was the main macdaddy and disc jockey on the most listened to radio stati
on in the universe, Renegade T


elled Fendel the normal-sized, deep into his

Renegade T
muttered Fendel the Tiny coming round from his mind reading trance.

What the cod was that
tated the King also coming round now

disc jockey, Renegade T
M, nonsense, utter nonsense

The number brother
asked Fendel frantically, keenly aware something had gone wrong.

Four hundred and sixty eight thousand, nine hundred and nineteen
declared Fendel the Tiny with complete confidence.

Well was it
upted the Queen, clearly eager to know.

replied King Slip bemusedly

actually it was

Well bravo
declared Queen Crinkle with delight

truly you are a maker of mystery

Thank you your delightfulness
replied Fendel, before locking eyes with his brother and saying quietly only for his benefit

truly I am


And so we leave King Slip and Queen Crinkle to their astonishment, the Fendels to their bafflement, and Pete to his murderous task, and as the sun set on another day in the King-tank, so all seemed well with their fishy fate
s. However, the term Renegade T
M refused to leave our tiny friend, and much later that night, when most of our fishy friends were fast asleep, Fendel the Tiny floated there, resolutely awake, trying to dispel the events o
f earlier by reasoning it out, and talking aloud.


But it was all so real
he said to himself

King Slip as a space disc-jockey, Queen Crinkle his number two, Pete was there as some abhorrent apelike species
e sighed, before adding

well what of it anyway, if nobody else gives fig, why should I?


And on that rhetorical question, he closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.




Dink arrived at the Rikorn offices at demi hour past middy
, three entire cycles
late. After dismissing the transportable in what he considered to be a suitably gruff and under-satisfied manner, he marched his way through the front doors, preparing himself for what he imagined would be a particularly unpleasant meeting with his boss, Mr Framer.


Mr Mormid

chirped the cyber-secretary on the front desk.

replied back testily, barely slowing his gait.

Mr Framer wants to see you

I know

That was three cycles
she went on unhelpfully.

I know

Oh Mr Mormid.”

What is it
he said back angrily

I’m late

s strictly no fishing allowed on
the premises

Oh right
he replied sarcastically

thanks for informing me


Dink stuffed his fishing rod/broom handle hand as best he could into his coat pocket and pushed the button for the levi-lift. As he waited, he decided that honesty was going to be the best policy, and made up his mind, to be completely frank and open in his meeting with Mr Framer. As the door to the levi-lift closed behind him, three conspicuous characters made their way into the atrium.


We tried being completely frank and open with him
began Crinkle

and that didn’t work at all

Sure didn’t
agreed Slip

so what are you saying

We lie
she replied flatly.

Hang on Crinks
put in Pete

we can’t lie to the guy. I mean, Dink’s okay, he’s got the patience of a saint, we all saw him earlier and how he dealt with his psychotic girlfriend

He’s okay
she replied

are you forgetting what he becomes Pete

, I know, evil galactic Co-leen overlord
he answered, wishing he could do more to help the luckless Dink, with whom he felt a shared past and unlikely kinship with.

So we’re agreed then
she continued

teethy grins everyone, we’re about to lie through them


Dink arrived at Mr Framer’s office and knocked hesitantly on the door. Mr Framer was not of Co-leen origin and actually came from the Jolsta Nebula. Entirely unhumanoid in appearance, (as Pete would say), Mr Framer was more like a blob of jelly which hovered in the air with the aid of a levi-chair. Utterly incapable of any physical movement, its words and actions were conveyed through the use of a very technical piece of equipment called a mind-beanie. It was then quite remarkable that he had risen through the ranks of the Rikorn hierarch
, and was currently hi
s immediate superior.


Mr Framer heralded from within.

Okay, here goes
said to himself, opening the door and making his way inside.

Ah Mr Momid, at last
said Mr Framer’s mind-beanie, which was sitting unoccupied on his desk.

Hello sir
he replied
nervously, before asking sheepishly

will Mr Framer be joining us

I am Mr Framer you idiot, well I am Mr Framer’s brain anyway! Why am I not good enough for you?
shouted the mind-beanie, clearly angered by his comment.

no, not at all
he whimpered

all I meant to say was
that I expect
ed Mr Framer himself
to be here

And I am
the mind-beanie.

he said, realising there was nothing further that he could legitimately add.

began the mind-beanie, getting down to business

it really is a very serious matter you being late like this

imagined the machine was tut
ting at him, and looking down
on his biological self
as he might look down on a calculator if he was asked to compare his existential value against it.


Very serious indeed
continued the machine

and what wonderful excuse do you have for me


opened his mouth to answer.


no, don’t say it, let me guess, you were stabbed
suggested the irksome machine

no wait even
better, you lost a limb, right?
ou lost a limb and had to have new limb transplanted

Erm , yes actually
he replied timidly, instantly realising that perhaps honesty is not always the best policy.

Ha I knew it
aughed the device, mocking Dink for what it considered to be nothing more than I pack of quite extravagant lies.

No really, it’s the truth

You can’t handle the truth
houted the machine, without fully understanding why.

Look see
he declared
, revealing his fishing-handle-broom-rod hand from his pocket.


The mind-beanie may well have been completely astonished at this; however, being nothing more than an inanimate object, I guess we shall never know.


Going fishing
sked the device in earnest.

he replied

it’s meant to be my new hand

replied the mind-beanie sounding anything but

look, Mr Mormid, I’m afraid Rikorn cannot be seen to condone tardiness in the office, or in this case, not in the office


This clearly tickled the machine as it simulated a sort of laughter sound, and an orange light flashed up on its display.


And after weighing everything up
it went on

it is with
no regret that I inform you that, you’re…”


shouted Pete, Crinkle and Slip, barging their collective way into the room

you can’t fire him

Oh no
said Dink fearfully

not you psychos again

Yes, it is us psychos
replied Slip unas
hamedly, before adding convincingly


Who are you people
uestioned the machine, obviously put out at their entrance

and what the devil are you doing in my office

We are from the fut…


Crinkle swiftly elbowed Slip in the stomach before he could finish.


What my colleague means to say
she said thinking quickly

is that we are from the futon company, and we’re here to deliver a cushion

Well go on then
demanded the mind-beanie

we were in the middle of something

Of course
interjected Pete finding his voice

right away, all we need is a signature

And it takes three of you to deliver one cushion does it

neered the machine.

replied Slip, obviously thinking this a most complete and enlightening answer.

Least it would
added Crinkle

if we were actually in possession of said cushion

You mean to say, you don’t actually have the cushion with you?

replied Slip, who was really on a role now.

So, what do you need a signature for?
arked the machine, growing ever angrier.

That’s just to say that you didn’t take delivery of a cushion
answered Pete with a wink.

What’s wrong with you people?

That’s what I said
agreed Dink with the machine, glad that the attention had moved away from him.

Oh there’s nothing wrong with us
answered Slip

it’s the universe that’s at fault here, though it’s nothing that a silken weave, leather trim, Persian plumper couldn’t fix

The cushion


The cushion you don’t
dded the mi

said Pete.

And you know these people do you
sked the beanie of Dink.

he replied

they’re the reason I’m late

Is that so
mused the machine enigmatically.

Dink almost yelled, finger-pointing furiously at the trio

it’s entirely their fault

Is this true
sked the device.

ventured Crinkle

it is entirely true

said Dink, the relief evident all over his face

they are
completely mental, certifiably so!

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