Renegade Reject (5 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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“Well, while you’re getting to know her, remember to keep your dick in your pants.  She’s not a club piece, and I won’t have her treated like one.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.” I mean the words.  I’m not going to touch her, even though I can think of nothing I want more than being inside of her.

Wayne looks me over once more before pushing away from the table and standing up.  “If and when you do decide to claim her, you need to at least wait until she’s eighteen.  If I find out your dick went anywhere near her before her birthday, I’ll bury your ass. That’s a promise!”

I watch him walk away as my balls finish their final ascent into my stomach.

It’s gonna be a long fuckin’ two months.

Chapter Three


As soon as I walk into the diner, Daisy comes rushing toward me. It’s been a week since I saw her, but she hasn’t been out of my mind for a second.  There’s something about this girl; something I don’t think I’ll ever completely understand. 

A beautiful smile is on her lips, and a girlish blush covers her cheeks.  “Hey, Preach.  I’m sorry, but we’re closed.  I can try talking Sheila into making you something to go.”

I shake my head and smile back to her.  “Nah, babe. I’m not hungry.  I’m just here to make sure you get home safe.”

She looks toward the window overlooking the street. “My Dad is supposed to pick me up.”

Considering Maker was passed out on the couch when I left the clubhouse, I doubt that’s gonna happen.  I don’t want to tell her that though. I get the feeling this girl is used to being forgotten by her dad.  “Actually, I was heading out this way, so I told him I’d pick you up.” 

I can tell she knows I’m lying when she looks towards the floor and whispers, “You don’t have to do that.  Those boys aren’t going to mess with me anymore. Timber made sure of that.”

He sure the fuck did. I just wish I could’ve helped him.  Three of the fuckers are in the hospital, and the other one is at home nursing a few broken bones.  “No, they won’t, but I’m gonna give you a ride home anyway.”

Another smile spreads across her face.  “Are you on your bike?”

“Hell yeah, I am.”

“Okay, just let me cash out and let Sheila know I’m leaving,” she says before she walks to the back of the diner. 

I can’t stop myself from watching her ass sway from side to side as she walks away. The chick is fucking gorgeous. She reminds me of the cheerleaders I use to jerk off to in high school, all cute and perky.  I swear just looking at her makes my dick instantly hard. 

She’s a tiny thing. The top of her head barely reaches my chest.  Even though she’s small, she’s got the curves of a woman; a tight ass and beautiful tits that are just begging to be touched, licked, and nibbled on a bit. 

Her blonde hair is so light that it almost looks silver.  It’s the kind of hair most bitches pay out the ass for, but there is no doubt in my mind that hers is natural.  I’ve only seen her twice before now, and both times, she has had it pulled back high on top of her head and away from her face.  I swear I’d give my left nut to see it flowing down her back. 

Her eyes, though, are what really set her apart from all the rest. They remind me of a summer sky, bright blue and constantly changing. I have a feeling that when I get to know her better, I’ll be able to tell what she’s thinking just by looking into her eyes. 

It takes all my willpower to keep from following her to the back, tossing her over my shoulder, and taking her somewhere to bury myself deep inside of her tight little body. I’ve honestly never had this kind of reaction to a woman before.  Sure, I’ve met quite a few I’d like to fuck, but I’ve never wanted anyone for more than a quick lay. 

Every instinct I have is saying that she’s mine, even though a little voice in the back of my brain is constantly reminding me that I can’t claim her yet. She’s not even eighteen, but thank God her birthday is coming soon.  I only have two months to wait, and I know they are going to be the two longest months of my life.

It only takes her a few minutes to get her shit together, and then we’re climbing onto my bike.  I know I should take her straight home, but instead I drive out to the mines.  I may not be able to make her mine tonight, but I can at least spend a little time alone with her.  A small part of me wonders if maybe I get to know her a little bit better, this fascination I have for her will disappear. Then again, that little voice is probably full of shit.

“What are we doing here?” she asks as she climbs from my bike. 

“Enjoying the night.”

As soon as my feet are on the ground, I grab her hand and pull her toward one of the old mining pits that has been filled in with water.  “You ever been out here before?”

“Yeah, my uncle works at the mines.  He used to bring my cousins and me here to fish when we were little. He even taught us to swim here, but that was years ago.”

“I learned to swim in the strip pits near home.  My dad took me out in a little Jon Boat and tossed me in. He said it was either sink or swim, so luckily I’m a quick learner,” I say, matter-of-factly.  “I was scared shitless, because he always told me that the pits were bottomless. I just knew I was gonna drown, and no one would ever find me.”

“Oh my God, your dad sounds like a total dick.”

She has no idea how true her words are.  “He is, babe; a huge fuckin’ dick.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispers.  “My dad’s pretty cool, but my mom is a bitch, so I kind of understand.”

I nod, agreeing.  Maker is cool as hell, but as far as I’m concerned, he’s a worthless piece of shit. If he weren’t, his daughter wouldn’t be walking home alone in the middle of the night.  Instead of taking care of his family, he spends all of his time drinking himself into oblivion. 

Her mom, Lula, is a fuckin’ skank.  I swear that woman spends more time with her legs spread apart than most of the club whores do.  I have no idea why Maker puts up with her ass. Old Ladies are supposed to remain loyal to their man, and if they don’t they get the boot. I’m pretty sure the only reason that shit hasn’t happened with her yet is because she’s a member’s daughter. I don’t give a fuck though. I still don’t think she deserves Maker’s brand.  “I’ve known your dad for a few years now.  He’s a good guy.”

“He’s a drunk,” she states matter of fact.

Her bluntness throws me for a loop.  “I guess he does spend a little too much time at the bar.”

“He spends all his time at the bar. That’s the problem.  If he wasn’t drunk, he would’ve picked me up. Those boys never would have touched me, and you wouldn’t be playing babysitter right now.”

“You should tell him what happened last weekend. He might see the light.”

“If my dad cared more about me than he does his alcohol, he would have saw the light a long time ago.  That may be the first time those boys ever really scared me, but it’s not the first time they’d bothered me.  I told him about them when I asked him to pick me up.  I’ve told him every weekend for the past few months.  In all that time, he’s only showed up three times.  All the rest, I had to deal with them harassing me.”

It never dawned on me that Maker knew and was just ignoring this shit.  If it was my daughter, I would’ve killed the little bastards the first time they fucked with her. “Wayne and Mary are your grandparents, right?”

When she nods, I have to wonder why they let this shit go on.  Wayne is one of the old timers.  He’s been with the club from the beginning.  He’s a good man and a damn good brother. Mary’s his and Holt’s old lady.  Actually, she’s a club whore, since she doesn’t wear either of their brands, but if Wayne or Holt heard you calling her that, they’d take your ass out.  “Do they know you’re walking home alone?”

She blows out a breath, frustration and a little sadness crossing her face.  “No, I haven’t told them.  If I did, they’d be mad at Dad.  It’s easier just to deal with those boys than to deal with my family fighting each other.”

I’m sure I know the answer, but I ask anyway.  “Why doesn’t your mom pick you up?”

She laughs, sounding bitter but also resigned.  “There’s no way in hell she’d ever take the time to pick me up. Mom doesn’t do anything for anyone but herself.  You’re a brother, so you know how she is.  Just because I’m her daughter doesn’t mean I get special treatment.”

I can see that being true.  I’ve never seen anyone more self-serving than that bitch.  Her mom may not care, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let this shit happen again.  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that shit anymore.  From now on, someone from the club will pick you up every night.”

“No, that’s okay.  I doubt those boys will mess with me anymore.  Plus, I’ll be getting a car soon.  I’ve been saving for a while,” she says with a proud smile.  “Enough talk about me; I know your dad’s an ass, but what’s your mom like?”

I hate talking about my family, but for some reason, it seems easier with her.  “My mom is the perfect preacher’s wife, totally devoted to my father.”

A smile crosses her face.  “Aww that explains it. You’re called Preach because your dad’s a preacher.”

I nod, smiling back at her.  “Yeah, I made the mistake of telling Kidd about my dad, and he started calling me Preach.  The name just stuck.”

“That’s not so bad.  At least everyone doesn’t call you Little Flower.”

I throw back my head and laugh.  “I would have to lay a fucker out if he called me Little Flower, but I think it’s the perfect name for you.”

“Yeah, my dad started calling me that when I was a little girl. I wish I had been named something simple, like Ann or Jane, anything but Daisy.  Then, I wouldn’t have the stupid nickname.”

I pull her close to me, bringing her against my chest. “You’re delicate, beautiful, and precious. Even if your name wasn’t Daisy, Little Flower would still fit you to a tee.”

“Beautiful?” she asks, sounding shocked.  “No one has ever called me beautiful before.  Well, my grandparents and Uncle Holt do. My dad has a few times, but only when he’s drunk, so that doesn’t really count.”

I cup her cheek with my hand, running my thumb over her lower lip.  “You should be told that you’re beautiful every day.”

She doesn’t respond.  Instead, she goes up on her toes, bringing her face closer to mine.  I can feel her heart pounding against my chest, and I can’t stop myself from kissing her.  As soon as my lips touch hers, I know I’m done for.  My life of easy pussy is over. This girl owns me.

My tongue slides into her mouth, explicitly enjoying tasting Daisy for the first time.  The taste of her is indescribable; exquisite.  Never in my life have I ever tasted anything nearly as delicious.  I swear I could come just from the feel of her lips and the flavor of her innocence that cloaks the air around us. 

Rubbing up against me, she moans into my mouth.  The sound causes my dick to twitch and my balls to ache.  Slowly, she rubs her body against mine, grinding my cock into her stomach, and I know I have to get the fuck away from her as soon as possible.  If not, I’m gonna take her right here on the ground and seal my fate as a dead man. 

Slowly, I pull back.  I have to grab the top of her arms to keep her from following my lead. When she finally realizes that I’m not kissing her anymore, she cocks her head to the side.  “Why did you stop?”

I shake my head.  “I’m not fuckin’ you here on the ground.”

“We were just kissing, not ... well, you know.”

Taking another step back, I shake my head again.  “But I want more, and that ain’t happening here.  It also ain’t happening until you turn eighteen, so we need to get you home.”

Shock flashes through her eyes when my words sink in.  “I’ll be eighteen soon.”

“Yeah, babe, you will.  When that time comes, you’ll be on the back of my bike.  Until then, no more kisses like that,” I say before grabbing her hand. “Come on, Little Flower.  I need to get your ass home.”

“I don’t want to go home,” she whispers, looking hurt. 

“I don’t want to take you there either, but I’m going to anyway.  I have to.”

“Can’t we just hang out and talk?”

Stepping up to my bike, I pull her into my arms again.  “Daisy, I got to take you home.  If I don’t, I’ll end up doing something we’ll both regret.  That’s not what I want.  Please, get on the bike.”

She finally nods and steps back, giving me room to climb on.  A second later she’s behind me with her arms wrapped around my waist. 

“Only two more months, and then you’re mine.”


As soon as I close the door, Mom starts screaming, “What the hell were you doing with Preach?”

Damn!  I was hoping she would be gone.  She usually is, but it’s just my luck that she’s actually home on a night that I ride in on the back of a bike.  “He was just giving me a ride home.”

I don’t bother explaining why.  She wouldn’t care about what happened.  If anything, she’d just say that I should’ve let the boys have their fun.  She’s the only mother in the world that ridicules her seventeen-year-old daughter for being a virgin.

“I don’t really care why you were with him.  I told you to stay away from the brothers, and I meant it,” she says as she stomps forward with her arm raised.  Before she can reach me, the door swings open, and my dad staggers in. 

“Hey, Little Flower,” he slurs at me with slobber trailing down the side of his mouth. 

It takes his drunken mind a few seconds to take in the scene around him, but when it finally clicks, his face contorts with rage.  “What the fuck’s going on here? I told you not to be touching her.”

Mom lowers her hand and steps away from me.  “I didn’t lay a hand on your precious little girl.  I was just making sure she understood to stay away from the boys at the club.  You know how I feel about her being around them.”

Dad looks puzzled for a moment, like his brain is trying to work in overdrive.  Finally, his eyes clear a bit and he shakes his head.  “That was my fault.  I drank a little more than I should have, so I asked Timber to pick her up.”

I don’t correct him; don’t let him know that happened last weekend.  No matter what Preach said, I know Dad forgot about me tonight. 

He smiles at me, proud that he remembered that I needed to be picked up.  “I told you I wouldn’t forget. I couldn’t pick you up, but I made sure that you had a ride.”

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