Renegade Reject (4 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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I slowly crawl off the bike, hating to lose my connection to Preach.  As soon as my feet hit the ground, I look toward him and smile.  “Thanks for the ride, and thanks for saving me back there.”

“Those boys give you a hard time before?”

I shake my head.  “Kinda, but nothing like that.”

“You’re just a kid. They shouldn’t mess with you at all.”

Hearing him call me a kid makes me angry. “I’ll be eighteen in two months, thank you very much. I’m not a kid.”

A shocked look crosses his face as his eyes take in my body.  “No shit?”

I shake my head with a smirk.  “No shit.”

He continues to stare at me, causing me to blush again.  “It’ll be a long fuckin’ two months,” he mumbles and then motions for me to come closer. 

As soon as I’m within arm’s reach, he grabs me and pulls me close.  He leans his head towards mine and places a soft kiss on my cheek.  “See ya soon, Daisy.”

Chapter Two


Rushing through the door to Grams’ house, I see her sitting on the sofa.  She’s watching her soaps and eating a bacon and tomato sandwich, the staple of her diet.  “Hey, Grams.”

“Hi, Little Flower.”

Walking toward her, I pull a check out of my pocket.  Handing it to her, I plop down beside her.  “Shelia gave me a bonus for staying late when that bus came through.”

She pulls out her wallet and grabs a hundred dollar bill.  “Don’t tell your mom that, or she’ll be wanting more than her usual.”

Handing me the hundred, she sticks my check into her wallet before sticking it back in her purse.  Grams has been saving my checks for nearly a year now.  She gives me a hundred to give to Mom, and I use my tips for spending money, but the rest goes into savings.  Hopefully soon, I will have enough saved up to buy a car. 

I used to keep my stash hidden in my bedroom.  I had over a thousand dollars saved up until my mom found my hiding place. Of course, she stole every dime of it, and since then, I have been letting Grams hold my paychecks for me.  Mom still wants some of it, but she has learned to be happy with the hundred dollars that I give her every week.  For minimum wage, I don’t make much.  Her hundred is more than half of my check, so I don’t have that much saved. 

I settle in next to Grams, stealing a bite of her sandwich.  I’m just getting comfortable when the door opens and Gramps walks in. My eyes instantly lock onto Preach, who is following close behind. It’s only been two days since I first saw him, and he hasn’t left my mind once.  “Lookie there, my baby girl is here.”

Gramps walks straight to me and begins to pull me into his arms.  He has me off the couch and up into his arms in an instant; my feet dangling inches from the floor without breaking a sweat.  He may be nearly sixty, but he’s still strong as an ox.  “Hi, Gramps.”

My words may be for him, but my eyes are back on Preach.  He is just as cute in the light of day, as he was the other night. Well, cute isn’t the right word.  Boys are cute; Preach is sexy.  I can’t take my eyes off of him.  Just like before, I’m staring.  Of course, he notices and winks at me.  “Hey, Daisy.”

For some reason, I lose the ability to speak and end up just smiling at him like some sort of idiot.  Really, what girl wouldn’t lose her common sense when he’s around? Jesus.

Gramps gives me one last tight squeeze before setting me back on the couch.  “What’cha doing over here today?  Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

I shake my head.  “Nope, I went in earlier to pick up my check, but today is my day off.”

“Great, that means you can ride with us,” he says with a smile before turning to Preach.  “You don’t mind having her on your bike, do you?”

A slow smile spreads across Preach’s face; a smile that is nothing at all like the one on my Gramps’ face.  “Nope, don’t mind a damn bit.”

Grams stands up, eyes on my gramps, “Where are we going?”

“Heading over to the Lords’ compound. Need to speak with Miller.  I figured you’d want to visit with his old lady.”

After Grams grabs her purse, we all head out to the bikes.  Climbing behind Preach, I get the same feeling I had when he and Timber saved me.  I feel like I’m home.  I wrap my arms around him and link them over his tight stomach.  He reaches down, squeezes my arms.  “Hold on tight, baby.”

I do, hoping to never let go. 

Thirty minutes later, we pull into the Lords’ compound, which is extremely different than the Renegade Sons’ compound, not in a bad way of course, just different.  There are a few old ladies scattered around here and there, and even a couple of kids are running around and causing mischief.  Mostly, I see club girls.  They are all barely covered, some wearing nothing more than a bikini top and a pair of Daisy Duke’s.  I may not have spent a lot of time in the clubhouse over the last few years, but when I did, it was never like this.  Sure, there were always club girls hanging around, but they stuck to the shadows for the most part, especially when the families were around.

Preach climbs off his bike, and then turns back to me.  He helps me down and grabs my hand.  “Stay close to me.”

As we walk into the clubhouse, I notice the men are staring straight at us.  No, they are staring at me. One man steps up to us with a smarmy smile on his face, as he looks me up and down.  “You brought us a gift.”

I don’t understand what he’s talking about until his hand reaches out to graze my boob.  Before he touches me, Preach grabs his arm.  “Keep your fucking hands off her.”

The guy steps back, looking between Preach and me.  “I don’t see a brand yet.  That means she’s free game.”

“She’s only seventeen. Gotta wait ‘til her birthday to brand her.”

Yet? What does he mean by that? I don’t want to be branded. I’ve never wanted to be an old lady. The fact that they would just assume that I
be branded pisses me off. What a couple of dicks. The idea that Preach is one of those assholes that believes in branding females without her consent just makes it even worse.  If anyone could’ve talked me into wearing a brand, it would have been him, but now, I don’t even know what to think of him.

The man starts to laugh, a nearly silent chuckle.  “I see how it is.  I get ya. Hands off. For now.”

Preach doesn’t respond, just pulls me further into the clubhouse.  As we walk through the door, I immediately look for my Grandparents.  Right now, I want to be as far away from Preach as I can be.  When I finally see Grams sitting at one of the tables, I try to pull my hand from Preach’s. ”I’m gonna go sit with Grams.”

Not letting me go, he says, “No.  You’re staying with me.”

With that, he pulls away and leads me to the bar. 

My anger starts to boil, and I can’t hold it in any longer.  “Why, so you can show me off to the rest of these guys?”

He finally stops walking and looks down at me.  “What are you talking about?”

“You told that guy he had to wait until my birthday to claim me.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks again, sounding confused.

Using my free hand to motion behind me, I repeat his words.  “
She’s only seventeen. Gotta wait ‘til her birthday to brand her.
I can’t believe you’d think that I’d ever be okay with some random man branding me!

He stares at me for a long minute while he processes my words, fighting a smile the entire time.  “Daisy, I promise you that dickhead and none of his brothers are ever gonna claim you.  Before long, you’re gonna belong to a Renegade Son.  I guarantee you that.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, shocked that again he’s assuming that I will let someone claim me. 

He finally lets the smile take shape as he leans down to whisper in my ear.  “You’ll be finding out soon.”

He straightens and continues walking through the clubhouse.  He leads me around the room by my hand, talking to one man after another along the way, but the only thing I really noticed was that each time Preach would introduce me to someone, he would loosely wrap his arms around me. I swear he was staking his claim to everyone inside of the club, wordlessly announcing to the world that I’m his.  By the time we make it to the table where my Grams is sitting, I am beyond confused and horny as hell.  What’s going on?  He can’t want me, can he?  Lord, I hope he does.


I usually enjoy my time at the Lords’ compound, but not today.  I swear I spent most of the time being pissed off over having to watch all of those motherfuckers in the joint stare at Daisy.  When that bastard tried to touch her as soon as we walked through the door, I wanted to rip his fuckin’ hand off on the spot. 

I have no idea what it is about this girl, but there’s something special there, and it’s starting to eat me up inside.  She’s sexy as hell, but that’s not it.  She’s different, not jaded like all the rest.  Just being around her makes me feel clean for the first time since I stepped into jail. She’s so fucking pure; it hurts and soothes me at the same time.

In the back of my mind, I know what it is, but I don’t want to admit it.  Grandpa always told me that I would know when I met the woman meant for me.  He said he knew Grandma was his the first time he laid eyes on her; said it was feeling deep down in his gut.  I’m having that same feeling every time I look into Daisy’s eyes.  I didn’t think I’d be ready for these types of feelings yet, but now I’m starting to wonder if I really ever had a choice? The longer I’m around this girl, the more she consumes me.

Leaving the Lords’ compound and riding with Daisy pressed tightly into my back is probably the sweetest torture that I’ve ever experienced.  I can barely stand the feeling that boils in my gut when she slides off my bike and sends me off with a wave. It was all I could do to pull away from her grandparents’ house and make my way to the Renegade Sons’ compound. Fuck, this girl already has me in her clutches.  How the hell did this happen?

Walking into the clubhouse, I head straight to the common room.  Reese and Kidd are at a table, deep in discussion.  I pull up a chair while motioning for one of the girls to bring me a drink.  “What’s going on?”

“Timber turned himself in,” Reese says before taking a drink.

Shit!  I knew it was coming, but somehow I’d let it slip my mind.  “What are the lawyers saying?”

Kidd shrugs.  “Not much, really.  He can take his chances with a trial, but Skittles isn’t gonna look good on the witness stand.  If he takes a deal, he’s looking at five years.  With good behavior, he could be out in three.”

“If it goes to trial?” I ask.

“Assault with a deadly weapon; he could be looking at fifteen,” Kidd replies before standing up.  “If it was me, I’d take the deal.”

I would too.  Five years seems like a lifetime inside, but it’s nothing compared to fifteen.  I watch Kidd walk away before turning back to Reese.  “He having a hard time with this shit?”

“Yeah, he is.  As President, he seems to think he should be able to do something to keep Timber out of trouble.  He thinks if he had ordered more security at The Kitty Kat, this would have never happened.”

“He can’t control everything,” I reply as one of the girls hands me a beer.  She tries to worm her way into my lap, but I push her away.  The bitches here have their uses, but right now, that’s the last thing on my mind. 

Reese nods in agreement.  “You’re right, he can’t, but that doesn’t stop him from trying.”

We continue to shoot the shit a little while longer before Daisy’s granddad, Wayne, takes a seat at the table.  Not caring that Reese is sitting there he goes straight for my jugular.  “You hurt my granddaughter, I’ll take your ass out.”

I take a drink before answering him and do my best to feign ignorance.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He laughs so hard that his entire body shakes.  “Man, you were sniffing after her all damn day.  Anytime one of the Lords got close, you made sure they understood she was yours. Don’t bullshit me, boy. I saw you pining after her when you had to drop her off earlier, looking like a damn love sick puppy. It doesn’t take a brand to claim a woman, you know, and today you claimed Daisy. I saw it happen with my own two eyes.”

Reese is smiling when he adds in his thoughts.  “Little Daisy, huh?”

I shrug, still not knowing what I plan to do about her and fearing that my balls will permanently clench up from the heat that Wayne is putting on me.  “She’s a nice girl, I guess.”

Damn, did I really say that?  When the hell did we start talking about shit like this?  In the club, there are two types of woman; old ladies and club whores.  Old ladies are respected, and club whores are... well, whores. They get fucked then forgotten, except for Ice.  She’s a whole new breed of club girl, and I’m not sure where she fits in.  “One thing I do know is that she’s still too young for me to be thinking about claiming.”

“She may be young, but not that young, and she has one hell of an ass.  I wouldn’t mind seeing what’s underneath those tight little jeans of hers,” Reese pops off with a smirk.

I have to stop myself from jumping over the table and slamming my fist into Reese’s face.  “Don’t fuckin’ talk about her like that.”

His smile grows as he leans back in his chair.  “Wayne’s right.  She doesn’t need to wear your brand to be yours.  The look in your eyes tells everyone that she’s already been claimed. It’s a done deal, brother.”

I have known this girl for less than a week, and Lord knows that it’s too soon for this shit. Isn’t it? “Whatever.”

Wayne leans forward, bracing his arms on the table.  “Like I said, when you finally wise up and claim her, you need to know that if you hurt her, I’ll make sure your ass is hurting just as bad.  The girl hasn’t had an easy life.  She’s had to live with my daughter as her mother, and believe me when I tell you that Lula has done everything she can to make Daisy miserable.  Unless you plan on stepping up and treating her right, I want you to stay the fuck away from her.”

I can only imagine what life with Lula is like.  I have never met such a self-centered bitch in my life.  No doubt, having a child was not a something she ever wanted or enjoyed.  “I’m not gonna hurt her. I just want to get to know her a little better.”

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