Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (38 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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Timber lays his hand on her shoulder.  “Mary, you don’t even ride a bike.  How the hell do you expect to fix one?”

She shrugs his hand away and snarls at him.  “Make the damn bet.”

Preach steps forward this time.  “Sorry, can’t do. If I took your money, Daisy would beat my ass.”

Mary puffs up her chest and places her hands on her hips.  “Fine, no money.  If I can’t fix it, I’ll make the entire club my fried catfish with all the fixins’.  If I do fix it, you boys have to do whatever I want.”

Timber slides his arm around her shoulder again and winks.  “Darlin’, I would love that, but Tabby might not be so happy about it.”

Even though I know he’s just fuckin’ with her, I add my two cents.  “Yeah, Jenna would be a little pissed.”

She throws her elbow into his side, causing him to grunt.  “I don’t want your ass in my bed.  I have two men that keep my sheets occupied every night.  What I want is for you boys to be available for a few hours tonight to do me a little favor.”

“You’re not gonna give up on this are you?” Preach asks.

She shakes her head, and he smiles.  “When you lose, we get your fried catfish?”

Her face flushes red with anger at the implication that there is no way in hell she can fix the bike, but she still nods. 

Preach looks to Timber and me.  “I say we go for it.  Everyone knows that Mary’s catfish is fuckin’ delicious.”

Nodding, I look to her.  “Fine, give it a go.” 

Instead of touching the bike, she looks over her shoulder and shouts.  “Holt, I need you out here.”

A few seconds later, he comes walking out of the club house with a wrench in his hand and a smile on his face. 


I walk into The Kitty Kat and see all my friends rushing around to put out food and drinks.  I told Skittles this morning that I would be drinking tonight, but that all changed a few hours ago.  No more drinking for me; not now, and not for a long damn time.  “I’m here now, so let the party start.”

Daisy laughs at me and shakes her head.  “Only you would want a party at a strip club.”

“Yeah, but tonight it better be a male strip club,” I say, looking around the club for Skittles.  “The boys had stripers last night, so I get some tonight, only mine will have dicks.”

I hear a giggle come from behind me and turn to see Tabby walking in the door.  Her face is beet red, and she’s got a smile on her lips.  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.”

She has come a long way since she moved to Big Clifty, but she’s still shy as hell.  “Hey, Tabby. I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

She moves closer, stepping next to Daisy.  “You’re my friend.  I wouldn’t miss your big night.”

If someone would have told me a few months ago that I would be friends with a chick like Tabby, I would’ve laughed.  Now though, I’m honored to call her friend.  The shit I went through as a kid was bad, but Tabby lived in hell for years and never gave up.  “I’m glad you’re here. Let loose and have fun,” I say, giving her a smile.

“I will, thanks,” she says quietly.

“Alright, bitches! Let’s get the night started!” Skittles yells from the stage before jumping down and taking a seat.  A second later,
You Shook Me All Night Long
by AC/DC comes blaring from the speakers, and the lights go out. 

I make my way to the stage, taking my spot right in front.  As soon as my ass hits the seat, Kidd steps onto the stage.  Preach, Timber, and Reese follow him, and none of them look happy.  In fact, they look mad as hell.  This has to be some kind of joke.  I know my man, and there is no way in hell he’d ever get on stage and strip.

As the chorus starts, they begin to move.  I can’t hold back my smile as they start to shake their asses.  The boys may not have any rhythm, but they look sexy as hell in their leather chaps and biker boots. 

Skittles is laughing and stands up, shouting. “Fuckers! What did you do to the men I hired?”

She looks at me and shakes her head. “I hope they didn’t kill the poor bastards I paid, but this is fuckin’ awesome as hell.”

Before the song is even half way over, Timber jumps from the stage and stalks over to Tabby.  I watch as he grabs her hands and pulls her into a private room, before I turn back toward the stage.  Preach goes next, throwing Daisy over his shoulder as he strides out the door.  Then, Reese grabs one of the serving girls and heads to the back. 

With only Kidd left on stage, I jump up and saunter over to him. Pausing to grab the pole, I ask him, “You taking up a new hobby and forget to tell me?”

He barks out a laugh before taking a step toward me, “Ah, ah, ah...” I warn, stopping him in his tracks. I reach high up on the pole and throw my weight into a spin. With my feet firmly back on the stage, I grind my hips into the pole as I reach behind me to undo the zipper of my dress.

Kidd growls when the dress falls to pool at my feet, baring my panty clad body. Throaty moans and laughter come from the private rooms, grabbing Kidd’s attention.

“Over here, baby.” I grab his attention and wrap my leg around the pole as I start rubbing my body against the cool metal, dancing for my audience of one.

“Enough,” Kidd says before lifting me up by my ass. I wrap my legs around his hips and my arms around his neck as he carries me offstage.

His cock is hard and straining against his leathers. Each step creates a delicious friction, and I can’t hold in my moan.

“You’ll be the death of me, baby girl.” His voice is rough with desire. “You have no idea what you fuckin’ do to me.”

I wiggle my hips. “I think I have a damn good idea.”

Faster than I thought possible, he has me in the office of the Kitty Kat with the door slamming behind us. Two more steps inside, and he sets me down on top of the desk. His lips are hot and fierce on my skin, leaving a fiery trail of pleasure in his wake. As he gets to my nipple, his tongue flicks out to tease the pebbled flesh.

“Lay back right now,” he demands.

I hesitate for a moment too long as I try to move the paperwork out of the way. Kidd reaches behind me and swipes everything to the floor before pushing me down flat on the hard surface. His lips pick right back up where they left off, leaving kisses down my stomach, his tongue darting in my belly button causing me to jerk.

“That tickles,” I complain as I fight between wanting to move away and closer at the same time. God, this man drives me crazy.

One calloused hand rests between my hips to hold me in place, while the other makes quick work of removing my drenched panties. Now, I’m fully bared to him, left only in my stilettos.

“Damn, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” A mixture of love and lust is warring in his voice.

Before I can respond, his tongue flicks out, licking my slit from bottom to top. With each swipe of his tongue, he delves a little deeper, until I’m writhing and breathless. “Please, Kidd. I need you now.”

Finally, his tongue connects with my swollen clit. I weave my hands into his hair, pushing his face into my pussy and grinding myself up into him. I’m begging with my body and my moans for the release only he can give me. Just when the fire is about to explode in my belly, he forces his mouth away from me. Before I can protest, he thrusts two thick fingers inside my drenched core, driving my need higher.

“That’s it, baby. Let it go for me.”

Just when I think I can’t handle any more, he changes the angle of his thrusts to hit my g-spot, causing my moans to switch to mindless screams. His lips suck my clit back into his mouth, and I explode around his fingers, lights flickering behind my eyelids. His fingers slowly pump in and out, dragging out my pleasure.

Pulling his thick digits from my pussy, he stands, shoving his pants down around his knees. He lifts me off the desk so I’m standing in front, and my hand instantly finds his thick cock. He crushes his lips to mine, kissing me as I stroke him. His hips are thrusting against my hands, but then he pulls away without warning.

“Turn around and hold on.”

I barely get my hands braced against the desk before he thrusts into my pussy, setting a ferocious rhythm. Within moments, I’m already on the verge of coming again. “Fuck me, Kidd,” I cry out. “Harder.”

His hands grab my hips almost painfully hard as he pounds into my wet pussy.

“Going. To. Cum. So. Hard,” Kidd grounds out with each thrust.

“Kidd, ohmygod, I’m coming.”

His thrusts lose the calculated rhythm they had, and I know he’s close. I stop fighting back the orgasm, letting it crash over me and steal my breath. Kidd lets out a warrior’s cry, and I feel his cock spasm inside me as he pumps into me, filling me up. His big body crashes down on top of mine, pinning me to the desk.

“Fuckin’ love you, Jenna.”

Chapter Four


Mary walks into the room, a blood red rose in her hand.  “Here you go, Ice.  Are you sure you only want one?”

I nod, looking at the perfect rose.  “One is all I need.”

I lay it on my lap and stare into the mirror.  I can’t believe the day is finally here.  I can finally get rid of the Chandler name and be a Jones for the rest of my life. 

Mary leans against the wall with a huge smile. “Enjoy the show last night?”

My eyes narrow at her. “You did that.  Kidd wouldn’t say a damn thing.  He just told me not to fuckin’ ask. How did you manage to get them on the stage?”

She tells us about Timber’s bike and the bet.  “Boys’ shouldn’t have bet against me,” she finishes then walks out of the room.

I look at Daisy. “Your Grams is the shit!” I bust out laughing.

Daisy is wiping a tear away from her eye, still laughing uncontrollably. “Yes, she is.”

Tabby is braiding baby’s breath into my hair while she laughs.  “I can’t believe they did it.  I would have told you to just forget the silly bet.”

Skittles shakes her head.  “No way.  They would never back out. It’d make them look like pussies.”

“Did you see how Timber tried to move up there?” Daisy asks Tabby, but I answer for her. 

“Yes! Oh my God! That man was like a stone. He couldn’t find a beat to save his life.”

“Hope to God the bastard has better moves in bed,” Skittles says, laughing just as hard.

“Trust me, he does,” Tabby says in a whisper. 

I’m so shocked that I jerk my head away from her hands.  “Damn, Tabby’s inner biker bitch is shining through.”

She laughs before grabbing my head and getting to work again.  She’s just putting on the finishing touches when Chipper walks in.  “Are you about ready, Jenna girl.”

“Hell yes.”


I’m standing near the make-shift alter that Mary made, waiting for Jenna, while I look around the yard. Everyone is here- my family, my brothers, everyone except Reese. My eyes narrowing, I search the crowd for him.  “Anyone seen Reese?”

“In his room, plowing into a new pussy from The Kitty Kat,” Timber says.

“Go get his ass.  Jenna wants him here.”

“Reese is tore the fuck up right now, man.  You need to leave him be.”

I shake my head, frustrated that he’s acting like such a sorry motherfucker. “Think he’d be over this shit.  He always knew she’d end up with me.”

“How would you feel right now if Jenna was marrying some other dick?” He pauses for a second before landing a verbal punch.  “He loves her, man, almost as much as you do.”

Hearing him say that, I clench my fists and repeat myself. “He has always known it would never be him. He knew she was mine.”

Timber shakes his head.  “Knowing and seeing it are two different things.”

I take a second to let that sink in, then nod.  “I didn’t expect him to be happy about this shit, but he’s my brother.  He should be here.”

“Let him be, man,” Timber replies, just as the opening chords of
Without You
by Motley Crue start to play. 

I turn my head just in time to see Jenna, my Jenna, being led to me by Chipper.  The sight damn near takes my breath away.  She looks fuckin’ beautiful.  Her red dress fits her like a glove.  I can’t keep the smile off my face. Should have known my baby girl wouldn’t wear white.

As soon as she gets near, I grab her hand from Chipper and pull her in for a kiss. She runs her tongue over my lip, and then pushes away from me slightly. “Its time to make me Mrs. Jones.”

“Hell yeah, it is.”  Its fuckin’ time to make her my wife. 

“Let’s get this show on the road,” she says, giving me a wink and turning to Preach. 

Even after all of these years calling him Preach, I had no idea my brother is an ordained minister.  I’m sure it’s something his fuckwad of a dad forced him to do, but it’s coming in handy today. 

“We are gathered here today to...” he starts.

“They know why we’re here. Just hurry the fuck up and make her mine.”

“Jenna Chandler, do you take Kiddrick Jones to be your...” Preach begins, but Jenna cuts him off.

“Hold up there.  Before you even start that shit, I want to get one thing straight.  I will not obey him.  I will have him, and I’ll definitely hold him, but no fucking obeying. So let’s just cut right to the part of you saying he’s mine,” she says grinning.

Preach does as she says and cuts out all the extra shit.  A few moments later, I’m kissing my baby girl again.  Only this time, she’s my wife. 


He leads me down the hall to our room.  We barely make it through the door before he pulls me into his arms.  “You’re mine now.”

Leaning my head against his shoulders, I reply, “I’ve always been yours.  Nothing’s changed but my last name.”

He gives my waist a tight squeeze.  “Jenna Jones sounds good as hell.”

“It sounds like a porn star’s name,” I say with a grin.

I slowly pull out of his arms and start to wiggle out of my dress.  As soon as I reveal my white lace teddy, he lets out a low whistle. “You’re so fuckin’ sexy, wife.”

Moving close to me, he runs a hand over the swell of my breast. “Look at all that creamy skin.”

He runs the backs of his fingers across the top of my tits, caressing my sensitive flesh. “So damn beautiful.”

He leans his head in, and his wicked tongue licks up my neck, before his lips settle in to suck on the tender spot below my ear that always manages to make me squirm.

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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