Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (36 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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He throws his head back and laughs.  “Best old lady in the whole fuckin’ world.”

He leads me to where Ice and Timber are standing near the food table.  “Be right back, babe.”

“What’s that all about?” she asks as she watches him walk into the clubhouse. 

I shake my head. “I don’t know.” 

Shaking off my trepidation, I look at Ice.  “So, still fighting with Kidd about the wedding?”

She smiles. “Bastard wants to just go to Las Vegas, but I’m not down with that.  We’re gonna have it in September, at the club, just like I had planned.  I want a real biker wedding.  Not that there was anything wrong with yours, it was perfect for you, but you know me.  I’m not into the frilly shit.  I just want to say I do in front of the family, then go fuck the night away.”

“I’m gonna go see what’s going on,” Timber butts in, still staring at the door that Preach just walked through.

Ice cuts her eyes to him.  “Do you think something’s wrong?”

He shrugs.  “I don’t know”

I see him start to walk away and grab Ice’s hand.  “Let go see what’s happening.”

As soon as we step inside, I see Preach with his arms wrapped around a woman.  She has her face buried in his chest, and she’s crying.  A second later, I notice a young boy with a black eye standing beside her.  He’s holding onto the hand of a little girl that couldn’t be more than three.  I instantly notice their resemblance to Preach, the same tiger colored eyes.  “Oh my God.”

My stomach drops at the sight, but it does a complete somersault when the woman looks up at me.  Her hair is light brown, with shades of blonde weaving throughout it.  She’s pretty, even with a scar running down her cheek.  As soon as I see her eyes, it hits me like a ton of bricks.  “His sister.”

I don’t notice Timber standing next to me until I hear him mumble out, “Fuck me.”



I run my hand over my aching hip as I climb off my bike.  I know I should park it in the garage and drive my truck, but I’m not ready for that just yet.  I can’t give my Harley up. I just can’t, but it makes me hurt like hell every time I straddle it.  When I feel the vibration travel up my spine, I forget about the pain and focus on the ride. 

It only takes me a few minutes to make it to her.  The cold stone, as cold as her heart, sits there as a testimony to her wasted life.  “How’s hell treating you, Lula?”

I know I’m not gonna get a response, but I still ask the question every time I come.  Some folks would think I’m a sick fucker, visiting the bitch’s grave, but I need this.  I need to rub her nose in how wonderful our lives are without her in them.  “Little Vi is growing like a weed.  She looks so much like Daisy cutest damn thing I’ve ever seen.”

I smile at the thought of my granddaughter toddling through the house, her cute little blond curls bobbing up and down with every step she takes.  She always has a cookie in one hand and a toy in the other, and she always has a huge ass smile on her face. “She’s so damn smart.  Every time she comes over, she goes straight for the kitchen.  She may be only two, but she knows exactly where Brenda keeps her favorite cookies.  She’s just like me there and loves her chocolate chips.”

Brenda is a wonderful grandma, even though Violet isn’t her blood.  Hell, the woman has so much love to give, it’s mind blowing.  I thank the good Lord every day that she came back to me, that she was willing to give me another chance.  After twenty-three years of living in a world of shit, she has finally showed me how to find my dream.  A good woman, my baby girl, my beautiful granddaughter: that’s what it’s all about—pure fuckin’ bliss.

“Brenda and I are getting married next week.  Took me two damn years, but I finally talked her into it.  We’re not doing anything big, just heading to the courthouse and having a little thing in the backyard afterwards.  I would’ve given her anything she wants, but she says all she needs is me and our family and she’ll be happy.”

Daisy and Brenda have become really close over the last couple of years.  Still, Brenda was worried that Daisy would have an issue with us getting married, but I knew better.  I knew my girl would be happy as long as I was, and being with Brenda makes me fuckin’ ecstatic.  My smile grows as I remember Daisy’s reaction when Brenda and I told her we were getting married.  My girl broke down in tears, so happy for me, so happy for herself.  She told me all she ever wanted was to have a real family, and now she does. 

“I got some big news, not that you’ll care.  We got another grandchild coming.  Should be here this winter.  Daisy is sure this one is going to be a boy, but I hope it’s another girl.  A man can never have too many little flowers.”  Preach agrees with me; he wants another girl.  He says that he’s going to name her Lily to keep the tradition going.

“They finally bought that house down the road from Kidd’s.  Our baby girl finally got her white picket fence.” I smile, knowing all those dreams she had has come true. “Preach worked his ass off to get the down payment.  I tried to loan him the money, but you know how stubborn his ass is.”

Shrugging, I tell her the secret I’ve been hiding for everyone but Brenda.  It’s not like this bitch can tell anyone.  “I talked to Old Lady Reed’s son, worked out a deal with them.  I gave him twenty thousand cash, and he knocked it off the cost.  Told Preach that he needed to sell right away, so he had to lower the price.  I figured I owed it to Daisy for all the shit I’ve put her through over the years.”

Walking closer to her tombstone, I look down at her name etched in the marble.  Lula Marie Anderson.  I hate, just fucking hate, that the bitch carries my name, even in death.  “This is gonna be my last visit.  I’m starting a new life with Brenda tomorrow.  It’s time I leave you behind.  I gotta put all our shit in the past and live free.  Before I do, I gotta tell you something.”

Taking a deep breath, I utter the words I thought I would never say to this woman, words I never would have said if she wasn’t already six feet under.  “I’m sorry, sorry for everything—all the drinking, the fucking around, every damn thing.  I remember when we first got married.  We were both just kids.  You weren’t the bitch then that you were the day you died.  If I had tried harder, you might have too.  Then, our life wouldn’t have been such shit.”

Closing my eyes, I lean my head back and let the bright sunshine warm my skin. “We weren’t meant for each other, Lula.  No matter what we did, I don’t think we would’ve ever been happy together, but we could have made a go of it.  I’m sorry that I didn’t at least give it a try.”

Shaking away the thoughts, I walk to the foot of her grave.  “With that said, there’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years.”

I unbutton my jeans and slowly slide down the zipper.  Holding my cock in my hand, I let out a stream of piss that drenches the grass growing above Lula.  “I may be sorry, but I still hate your fuckin’ ass.”

The End

Renegade Wedding

A Renegade Sons MC Mini-Novella

Chapter One


“Fuck,” he growls out as I slowly grind down on his cock. “I need you to move, baby girl.”

“No,” I moan out. “We’re going slowly. This is my ride.”

“Please,” he begs, sounding like he’s being tortured.

“I’ll go faster if you say yes,” I say as I circle my hips, clenching my muscles tight around his hard cock.

“Yes to what?” he asks as his big hands grip my hips.

He easily lifts me off his dick and slams me back down. I can’t hold back the cry of ecstasy, but stubbornly, I don’t move any faster. “Not till you say yes.”

I sit up and trail my fingertips down my chest and past my belly to my over-sensitive clit. His eyes flash with lust as he watches my fingers circle my bud... once... twice. Again, I flex my inner muscles, letting him feel how good it is.

“You know what I want,” I say between moans.

Still holding my hips, he uses his strength to pull me down to his chest, holding me flush against him before he powers up into me, sending his cock deeper.  I bite down on the flat disk of his nipple, causing him to lose his hold on me.

“Ow! Fuck, Jenna.”

Leaning back, my hands propped on his thighs, I start my slow grind on his cock once again. “Keep that shit up, and I’ll stop.”

“You just did!” he yells, bucking his hips. “Fuckin’ move!” 

“If you say yes, baby, I’ll fuck you so hard that you’ll be begging me to slow down.”

I start to move again, slowly sliding up before slamming back down, circling my hips to take him so deep it makes my breath catch. With each wet slide, I gain momentum. “Say yes, Kidd.”

Powering up again, he groans.  “Fuckin’ yes, baby girl.  Any damn thing you want... if you’ll just fuck me like you mean it.”

I move my hands back to his chest, looking him in the eyes.  “No more talk of going to Vegas. We’ll have the wedding here at the clubhouse, and we’ll do it on Mindy and Chipper’s anniversary.”

“Anything you want, Jenna. Anything.”

Chapter Two


I pull up to Daisy and Preach’s house and honk the horn.  “I can’t believe he’s making me do this.”

Skittles laughs.  “You agreed to marry him. You had to know you’d have to get a wedding dress at some point.  To be honest, I don’t know what the problem is.  You like to shop, so why’s this pissing you off so bad?”

I can see her point; his too.  The wedding is in two days, and I haven’t even started looking.  “Come on. You’ve known me for years.  Do you think I’m the type of woman that sits around fantasizing about a white dress? If it was up to me, my dress would be red, or maybe black, but definitely not that traditional all white bullshit.”

“It’s up to you.”

I jerk my eyes toward her and smile.  “It is, isn’t it?”

She nods, smiling at herself. “I’m thinking red.  You are the Pres’s old lady, and everyone knows he loves red, so why the hell not?”

Finally getting excited, I honk again.  After a few more minutes, Daisy comes running out. “Sorry, I had to finish pumping or Vi wouldn’t have had enough to last her while I was gone.”

I scrunch my nose at the thought.  “I’m telling everyone right now- I’m not doing that shit.  I like my tits too much, and so does Kidd.  If we ever have a kid, it’s getting a bottle.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing.  These things are amazing.  They’ve gone up a full cup size since I started nursing.” Daisy cups her tits and gives them a shake.  “When Vi gets too old to nurse, I’m gonna get pregnant again, just so I can keep my boobs.”

I know she’s teasing, but I don’t laugh.  Right now, getting pregnant isn’t a laughing matter to me.  It’s been five months, five long months, since Kidd and I started trying to have a baby.  The doctor told me not to worry, and that if I’m not pregnant within the year, he will run some tests.  Right now, though, he thinks I just need to quit stressing about it. 

Shaking off my thoughts, I start to back out of the driveway.  “Is Tabby watching her for you?”

“Yeah, she’s really good with Vi, and Noah loves to help.  Anna does too, but she’s still too little to do much more than jabber at her.”

Tabby is Preach’s little sister.  She has two kids; Noah and Anna.  They’ve all been living in hell for a long damn time, but Timber is helping them find their way out.  “That’s good.”

“Yeah, but I just don’t like being away from Violet much. This is really the first time I’ve been gone from her for more than an hour or two.”

Skittles butts in, looking back to Daisy.  “You know I love little Vi with all my heart, but we’re supposed to be talking about damn dresses, not pumping your tits or your fucked up separation issues.”

Daisy laughs.  “Fine, let’s get to the store then.”

It takes us nearly an hour to get to the bridal shop.  I cringe when I look at the white satin dresses, mocking me through the display window. “This place probably doesn’t have shit that I’d even consider wearing.”

“Quit bitching,” Daisy says as we get out.

She then grabs my hand and starts pulling me forward.  “I’m sure you’ll find something you like.”

It turns out that Daisy is right, but it takes me nearly two hours and at least a hundred dresses to find the right one. “I’ve got it!”

I hold up a red satin dress with black roses embroidered down the sides. It looks like something one of the old pin up girls would have worn.  It’s short, so short I doubt it will even reach my knees.  Judging by the deep V in the front, it’s gonna give Kidd a great view of my tits too. “This is fuckin’ perfect.”

“Umm, that’s not a wedding gown.  It’s a cocktail dress,” The sales girl explains, using a tone of voice that should never be used on anyone older than ten.

I swear the bitch has been sticking up her nose at us since we got here.  As soon as she saw the brand on my arm, she started bringing me dresses that would cover it up.  I let her know really quickly that I wanted it displayed at the wedding.  I don’t think she liked that idea much, though. Each time I tried something on, she would just stand there and stare at Kidd’s mark with her face all scrunched up.  I swear she looked like I had just stepped in dog shit or something.

I’ve been trying to let it roll off my back, but this attitude she’s openly throwing at me right now is too fuckin’ much.  Taking a step toward her, I tilt my head to the side. “I said it was perfect, didn’t I?”

She nods.  “Yes.”

“You’ve showed me one piece of shit after another since I walked in here, but I haven’t like even one of them.  Have I?”

She shakes her.  “No, you haven’t.”

Getting in her face, I raise voice.  “Why in the hell would I get some white gown that looks like it belongs on some fake ass princess, when I can buy something that makes me looks like a sex kitten?”

I turn to look at Daisy and Skittles. “Do I look like a princess to you?”

“A biker babe princess,” Daisy replies with a smile, repeating the words she used to describe herself not long ago.  She then motions toward the dress I’m holding.  “And that dress right there looks like it was made for a biker babe.”

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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