Read Renegade Reject Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Dawn Martens

Renegade Reject (28 page)

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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“What the hell you talking about?”

“She’s done with you, man.  You waited too long to get your shit together.” He starts to laugh before turning to look at Chipper.  “How do you feel about the cop?”

Chipper leans toward the table, looking straight at Timber.  “I don’t think she wants anyone to know.”

I narrow my eyes at Timber, trying to hold in my temper.  “What the fuck are you talking about?  What fuckin’ cop?”

Chipper shakes his head.  “I told her I’d keep my mouth shut, and that’s what I plan to do.”

Reese slaps his hand on the table, causing their beers to shake.  “I’m tired of this high school shit.  Just fuckin’ tell us what you’re talking about.”

Still smiling, Timber starts to talk.  “I stopped by the diner earlier.  Daisy was moving the last of her shit from Chipper’s and the garage to the apartment above Mindy’s.”

He turns his head to look straight in my eyes.  “I gotta tell you, man, she was there looking hot as hell.  Next thing I know, she was walking out of the diner holding hands with some guy.  Talked to one of the waitresses, and she said that Little Flower had started dating some cop from town.  Not just a regular pig either.  This guy is Homer’s son.” 

“What?” I shout.

“From what I hear, they’ve only been out once, but that she had a good time.  The chick I talked to says the guy seems serious about Daisy.”

Reese looks at me, his own cocky smile on his face.  “Good for her.  I’m glad she’s finally over your shit.”

I’m about to respond, to tell him to go fuck himself, when Timber decides to put in his two cents.  “You know, Preach.  I’ve always liked you. I backed Kidd’s play when he brought you on as a prospect, and I really thought you deserved your cut sooner than you got it.  Now, I wonder what the fuck I ever saw that made me think you were good enough to be a Renegade Son.”

This time, I don’t hold back.  “Fuck you, brother.  I earned my cut just like you did.”

He stands up, knocking his chair to the floor.  “If you were a real man, you would’ve claimed her the moment you realized she was carrying your child. There’s nothing standing in your way anymore.  Man the fuck up and put your brand on her, or I will.  I’m not losing her to a fuckin’ cop.”

I fist my hands to keep from punching the motherfucker in the mouth.  “I’m trying, man.  I’m getting there, but just need a little more time.”

“Damn, you are one stupid fuck,” he says, shaking his head. 

Reese stands up, looking between the two of us.  Knowing that we are about to come to blows, he grabs Timber’s arm.  “Come on, man.  Got some new pussy to check out over at The Kitty Kat.”

A minute later, I watch the two of them head out the door.  Still angry, my hands shake as I grab for a beer that I don’t have.  Instead, I end up taking another gulp of damn soda.  “A fuckin’ cop. She’s with a cop.”

“Did I ever tell you about how I met Mindy?” Chipper asks, motioning for the prospect to bring him another round. 

“Nah, man.  You didn’t,” I say, finally lifting the nasty ass can of soda to my lips. 

“Mindy didn’t think she was good enough for me.  She was a club whore, and at the time, I was in line to be president someday.”

I nod, letting him know to go on.

“I didn’t give a fuck if she had spread for every guy in the club.  As far as I was concerned, she was mine.  We fought about it, but she just kept saying no.  I figured she’d give in, so I gave her some time.  Didn’t even talk to her for a few weeks, and I missed her the whole fuckin’ time.  Next thing I know, Mary told me that Mindy was leaving town.” He takes a drink then continues.  “I chased her down and ended up catching up with her right outside of town.  Damn near wrecked my bike, trying to get her to pull over.”

He’s quiet for a second.  I lift my soda, gaining his attention.  “Then what happened?”

A smile spreads across his face.  “I jerked her keys out the ignition and tossed those fuckers in the ditch.  Then I grabbed her ass and brought her back to the clubhouse.  I didn’t let her out of my room until she agreed to be branded.  It took me two nights, but it was fun as hell.” He looks me square in the eye and adds, “We’re not normal men.  We take what we want, and that includes our women.  Now get your sorry ass up and go get yours.”

I take in his words for a second before pushing my chair back.  Just before I stand up, he starts to talk again. “You know, the only thing I regret about my time with Mindy is those few weeks I stayed away.  I swear to you, I’d give my life just to have those weeks to do over again.”

Not wanting to live with the regrets that he has, I turn and walk out of the clubhouse.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Ten minutes later, I’m pulling up in front of the diner.  I start to climb off the bike as I look toward the window.  What I see nearly brings me to my damn knees.  Daisy is standing by one of the tables with her arms around the same fuckin’ cop that stopped in front of the clubhouse the night she caught me with Leah.

I sit outside and watch them through the window, fighting the urge to walk in there and kill the motherfucker with his hands on my woman.  I don’t because she looks so damn happy.  I haven’t seen a smile on her face in forever, and it kills me to know that some other man put it there. 

Looking at them, I know I’ve fuckin’ lost her.  I’ve lost my chance.  No, I shake my head at the thought. That can’t be right.  There has to be a fuckin’ way to get her back.  She’s mine.  She always will be.

When I see the fucker lean over to kiss Daisy, I lose my shit.  Instead of just watching, I storm into the diner and intrude on their cozy moment.  Chipper’s words play through my mind as I step between them. 

“Daisy, let’s go.” I’m doing what I should have fuckin’ done years ago.  I’m claiming my Little Flower.

She seems shocked at the sight of me.  “Garrett, what are you doing here?”

I lean down and place my lips right at her ear. “I’m claiming you, right fuckin’ now.  I know you think you got a choice in this, but you don’t, so you can either follow me out of here, or I’ll carry you out over my shoulder.” I hold out my hand, hoping like hell she’ll take it. “Now let’s go!”

“Why?  After all this time, after all the shit you’ve done, why now?” she whispers.

“Because, I’m done fuckin’ up with you.  I love you, Flower.  Simple as that.” I grab her arm and pull her away from the douche bag, then turn around to face the stupid ass cop. “I see you near Daisy again, my boys and I might just find a hole to put your ass in.”

I lead her through the restaurant and up the stairs to her apartment.  Pushing her inside, I snarl, “Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“Did you fuck that cop?  Did he have his dick in my pussy?”

“It’s not your pussy, and what I do with my body is really none of your business,” she answers, backing away from me. 

I can tell she’s scared, but I can’t back down.  If I do, I could lose her forever. 

“None of my business?  You’re pregnant with my kid, and it’s none of my business that the pig has had his dick in you?”

She shakes her head.  “The only thing you need to worry about is the baby.  As long as I’m not doing anything to hurt her, it’s none of your business.”

I take a step back myself, my heart pounding.  “Her?”

She lays a hand protectively over her little bump.  “I just think it’s a her, okay, but that’s not the point.  We’re talking about you sticking your nosey ass in something that doesn’t concern you.”

I take a step forward, grabbing her waist and pulling her close.  “Everything you do is my business.  Now answer my damn question.  Are you fucking him?”

“Rick and I are just friends.  Yeah, we’ve been out a few times, but that’s it.  It’s really not that serious.  I enjoy spending time with him, and he’s easy to be around.  It’s nice to finally be something to a man other than just another piece of ass.”

“He kissed you.  I watched him put his fuckin’ lips on you.  That didn’t look like friends to me.”

She shrugs.  “He wants more.”

I lean my face closer to her, my mouth barely an inch from hers. “I find out you are with him again, I won’t be happy.  He sticks his dick near my baby, I’ll put him in the fuckin’ ground.”

She tries to pull away before she responds, “That’s not your choice.  I’ll do whatever in the hell I want.”

“Hell no, you won’t.  You are going to stay away from that bastard.  No more fuckin’ dates unless they’re with me.”

She loses it then and starts to scream.  “It’s okay for you to stick your dick in some club whore while I’m pregnant, but I can’t fuck a guy I’m actually dating?”

“I haven’t had my dick in anyone since the last time I was inside you!”  I shout, running a hand over my face in frustration.  “What do I have to fuckin’ do for you to let me in?  For you to forgive me?”

“Can you wash away my memories?  Can you make me forget that you’ve treated me like shit for months?  Can you make me forget that you fucked my best friend?  That would be the only way to fix this, Preach,” she says in a voice full of determination. 

Leaning my forehead against hers, I say, “I can’t take away those memories, but I can love you every day for the rest of my life.”

“You don’t love me, Garrett.  You can’t.  People don’t do the shit you’ve done to me to someone they love.”

Hearing the pain in her voice damn near takes me to my knees.  “I promise, if you give me another chance, I’ll do my best to never hurt you again.”

She tries to pull away, tears running down her face, but there’s no fuckin’ way I’m letting her go.  Ignoring her protests, I start walking toward her bedroom.  Letting go of her, just long enough to get the door open, I push into the room, using my boot to shut the door behind us. 

I head straight to the bed, pushing her onto it.  Pulling my shirt over my head, I kick off my boots and crawl on the bed with her.  “I love you, Little Flower.  You are mine. I’m claiming you, no matter what you say.  I’m gonna fuck you until you agree.”

She closes her eyes and whispers, “I can’t do this. I just can’t do this anymore.  It hurts too much.  Loving you tears me apart.”

I can hear the pain in her voice, and it fuckin’ rips me to shreds.  I did this too her. I broke her heart. “I ain’t gonna hurt you no more, baby.  I promise.  From here on out, I’m gonna do everything I can to make you happy.”


Preach doesn’t give me a chance to respond before he starts pulling my clothes from my body.  I bat his hands away, protesting the way he is manhandling me, but it’s a half-hearted attempt at best.  Just like he knew would happen, I am going to give him whatever he wants, especially if what he wants is me.

His hands are greedy on my body as he strips me of my clothes, taking his time to carefully drag my panties down my legs before moving back up my body and positioning himself between my legs.  My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can barely catch my breath.  I can feel his eyes burning into me from above, and I’m terrified to look into them.  Buying myself some time, I rake my gaze down his body, admiring the cut of his muscles.  My eyes fall to the ring of daisies resting above his heart, and a sob catches in my throat.

His strong hand cups my cheek as he presses our foreheads together.  In this moment, I finally give myself over to the temptation and stare into his eyes.  I’m shocked by what I see.  There is lust in his gaze, something I expected, but beyond that is love; real love, the all-consuming kind.  Seeing his feelings bared for me kills every ounce of fight I had left.  He’s right; I’m his, and I always will be.  Even if I’m done with the fight, I’m still going to let him suffer some for all the heartbreak he has caused me.

Wrapping my leg around his hip, I pull his body closer while my fingers tangle into his hair, bringing his lips crashing down to mine.  I pour everything I have into that kiss; every bit of hurt, anger, fear, and love I feel for Preach.  This kiss isn’t one of sweet reunion.  It’s one filled with regrets and pain.  It’s all teeth and tongues when we collide together almost violently.  I grind up against his jean-clad cock, needing more from him.

He rocks his hips in response, and his hands cup and knead my breasts, before his talented fingers pinch and tug at my over-sensitive nipples.

“Oh god,” I moan in abandon, completely lost to sensation.

He drags his tongue down my neck to my breast before suckling at my nipple. “These are bigger,” he groans before switching to lavish attention on the other nipple.

Reaching between us, I fumble with his button fly, trying desperately to get at his hard cock.  I’m starting to feel like a wanton slut, but I don’t care.  Preach is mine, and I want my man.  Now.

Finally, I free the top two buttons, just enough so I can reach my hand inside and feel the silky smooth tip of his cock already dripping pre cum.  I feel my inner walls contract at the knowledge that he is just as far gone as I am.  Using my foot that’s still wrapped around his waist, I push his pants down, getting them down enough to free his full length. Roughly, I stroke him up and down.  I barely get a couple of good strokes in before he’s taking over, grabbing himself and rubbing his dick through my slick folds.  I gasp when he comes in contact with my clit.

“My Little Flower likes that, does she?” he groans out as he thumps the head of his dick against my clit several times.  The only response I manage is quick nod. “You want this cock?”

“Please,” I beg.

Without hesitation, he slides himself into me fully, not pausing until he is in to the root. “Oh god!” I cry out. “So good.”

Instead of thrusting like I expected, he grinds himself deeper still, causing my entire body to light on fire. Desperately, I rock my hips back and forth, trying to get more friction, anything to relieve the heat he is building inside of me, but he doesn’t relent.  The steady grind is driving me insane.  I rake my nails down his back, grabbing hold of his ass, pulling and pushing.  The desperation has me ready to cry.  Then he’s pulling himself out of me, and I’m so empty.  Oh god, I’m so empty it hurts.  It’s a fleeting feeling though, because Preach plunges back in hard and fast.

BOOK: Renegade Reject
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