Remember Me (54 page)

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Authors: Priscilla Poole Rainwater

BOOK: Remember Me
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After searching for Faith, they found her curled up, hidden in a closet. Coaxing her out, they had then retrieved the lifeless body of her twin sister, then burned the house to the ground, with the bodies of the man and their mother still inside.
Through a friend, Carlito had arranged to have Angel buried quietly and with dignity, without anyone's knowledge but hers, Faith's, Makena's, and the other members of the gang. A half-assed investigation had followed after the house had burned to the ground, but the truth was, no one cared that the two victims of the fire were known drug dealers/users, and investigators pencil-whipped the incident as a drug deal gone bad, turned homicide, turned arson. Angel, she had informed them when they called her in for questioning, had ran away several days before the fire had broken out, and since no third body had been found, the police filed a missing persons on her sister, and that was the end of the official inquiry into the fire. When asked about where she and her sisters would be living, she had stalled for time, then excused herself to go to the ladies room. Squeezing through a narrow window, she had fled to Carlito's house (where her sisters were staying), got their things together, and caught the quickest Greyhound bus out of town, with Carlito, staying with his grandmother in Kentucky.
And that had began her descent into Hell, one night had changed her path in life forever.
As she held this sister in her arms and prayed to find the other, she wondered if she would ever find peace or redemption.
Raven sighed with relief as she watched her sister drift off to sleep, then frowned as she thought of the last words Faith had muttered. “Raven, make me forget what happened to Angel. Take away the night you killed momma.”
Slipping out of the room quietly, she went to her own small, private office, punched in the security code, then stepped inside and closed the door behind her.
Inside the office she checked the secure phone, making sure the line wasn't tapped. She sat down heavily in the leather chair behind her desk, her sister's plea still echoing in her mind. Snatching up the phone on the desk, she quickly dialed the private number she had gotten days earlier. When the person on the other line answered, she said, “Yes, Doctor Santo, this is Raven. I have Brett Parker's notes, and several samples of the original compounds of the drugs used in the first testing phase. Can you make this formula work the way we talked about, without the use of the street drugs mixed in?
“Oh, so I assume you took care of Doctor Parker?” he asked cautiously.
“Don't concern yourself with that, I asked you a question.” she snapped.
“Well, yes, we have the formula close to perfection, but Brett, well, you know what he did. The drug was not only an aid to hypnotize, but could actually wipe away entire blocks of
“Alright, you and your wife pack some bags, I'll be sending someone to get you. Understand this, Dr. Santo, I'm putting my sister in your care. If you fail to do what you said you could do, or any harm comes to her, there will be nowhere you can hide from me. When you arrive, money and a car will be available to you when you need it. My staff will be at you and your wife's disposal, once they return from vacation.”
“I understand.” he answered in a humble voice.
Hanging up, she hoped the deal she had just made didn't blow up in her face. She knew that just one slip up would have not only Thorn on hot on her trail, but Max, as well. And although she was loathe to admit it, even to herself, she found the thought of her and Max facing off more than a little unsettling.


                                                            Chapter 44
                                            Mortensen Estate: Two weeks later
Granger stood watching Cassandra play in the indoor pool as she laughed, then splashed water in the direction of Regan, who screamed and ducked underwater. Grinning from ear to ear himself, he thought that before his wife had disappeared, he had never really taken the time to enjoy simple, beautiful moments like this. Their combined laughter, to him, was as sweet as any song the angels in heaven could sing. Closing his eyes, he thought about how quickly things had fallen into place after he had regained consciousness in the hospital, already on the mend from the surgery on his broken arm. When he had opened his eyes, Cassandra's beautiful face was the first sight that had greeted him. He had been shocked and confused at first when she had told him in a soft voice that they were safe from Brett forever. She had went on to explain about the mysterious woman who had came to their rescue, and of Zeke's efforts to save them both as well. Although he wanted to have solid proof Brett was indeed dead (he would have loved nothing more than seeing the bastard's body with his own two eyes) in the end, he had agreed with both his wife and Zeke to keep quiet about the stranger, as she had warned. More trouble was the last thing he wanted at this point.
Opening his eyes, he winked at his wife as she taunted him, trying to goad him into jumping in the pool to join the fun. “You know I have this cast on my arm.” he laughed.
“Excuses excuses.” she teased, then lunged at Regan, who screamed again and began swimming away frantically.
“Come on Mom,
race! There's no way you can keep up with me!” he called when he had reached the far end of the pool.
“Gonna' let the young whipper-snapper beat you?” Granger teased, then winked at his son
and called, “Take it easy on the old lady, son!”
Splashing water in his direction playfully, Cassandra snorted, “You just hush, mister-man! When you get that cast off I'll swim circles around you!”
Grinning as she ducked underwater and began swimming away, his thoughts drifted back to all the news reports about those poor young women Brett had murdered and buried on the grounds of the abandoned hospital. Shivering, he offered up a silent prayer of thanks for perhaps the hundredth time, thinking about how close his own lovely wife had came to being a victim as well. His heart ached at the thought of all those innocent young victims, and the heart broken families who were left behind. He was also sickened and shocked him by the almost cult-like following the whole sick case was getting from the media and the public. It seemed people couldn't get enough of the horrible details.
In the aftermath, he and Cassandra had decided to donate funds to help the victim's families transport and bury their beloved daughters. In addition to that, at Cassandra's insistence, he had already began the process of purchasing the abandoned hospital and the land it was built on. Their plans were to smash the structure to the ground, remove every trace that it ever existed, then turn the site into a memorial park for Brett Parker's victims.
He had also gladly given Zeke the one-million dollar reward he had posted earlier, and in his eyes, the man deserved every dime for his heroic efforts to save him and his wife. Zeke had confided to him that after he had healed from his gunshot wound, he planned to hunt Martina down if it was the last thing he ever did.
Peeking around the corner and watching her son's family frolicking in the pool, Grace had to admit, albeit grudgingly, that Granger seemed happier than he had ever been. However much she didn't like it, Cassandra was back in their life, and this time the young woman was far from being the passive daughter-in-law she once was. Indeed, the younger woman had shocked her with her newfound assertiveness. Frowning, her thoughts drifted back to earlier events.
Despite the fact he still looked weak from his injuries and the four hour flight home, she watched as Granger still laughed and joked with Cassandra as she helped him inside the mansion, and the entire staff came forward to welcome them both back.
After the initial buzz had died down a bit and Cassandra had led Granger to the master bedroom, she had followed them, then entered the room in grand style, completely ignoring the younger woman. Walking up to him, she had chastised, “Granger, I won't have you running around and endangering yourself any longer! There are people who are paid, and paid well I might add, to risk themselves for you!” Sitting on the edge of the bed, she reached out to touch his face, then thought better of it and pulled her hand away. “Now that you're home and I have hired home care nurses to see after you, I want you to...”
“Excuse me, but that won't be necessary.” Cassandra had interrupted, with just a hint of impatience in her voice. “I'm his wife, and I'll make all the decisions concerning his care.”
“Well, I'm his mother, and it should be my choice to as to what kind of care he receives.” she had snapped.
“Mother.” Granger had intervened, losing his smile for the first time since their return.
“Honey, let me handle this.” Cassandra had replied, then turned to glare at her. “You may be his mother, but he is also a grown man, and more importantly, he is my husband! I'LL be the one to say who, what, where, how, or why he is treated. If you have a problem with that, I can just pack us up and we'll leave right now.
“Mother, Cassandra is right, it should be, and WILL be, her call, not yours.” Granger had replied as he looked lovingly at his wife.” If she wants to take care of me, then that's what I want.”
With a heavy sigh, Grace pondered the recent turn of events, which were most unsettling to her. Grinding her teeth, she wanted nothing more than to confront her suddenly insolent daughter-in-law again, but knew better than to try, at least for the moment. After all, she wanted Granger to think she was at least
to keep the peace, so that's what she would do, until she could figure out a way to gain control over the situation again.
                                                          Later that evening:
Putting her pearl earrings on, Cassandra slipped on the black high heels, then stepped back, taking in her appearance in the full length mirror. The black, very feminine criss- cross dress was simple, but fit her voluptuous body like a second skin. She had agonized for over an hour, trying to select just the right dress to wear for her husband, a choice that was made even harder by the fact he had recently bought her an entirely new wardrobe.
Suddenly sensing his presence, she turned and smiled as she saw him standing in the doorway. “Well hello, gorgeous. Have our guests arrived?”
Walking to her, Granger wrapped his good arm around her waist, pressing her body close to his. Looking at her in silence for a moment, he felt a deep, unwavering love for her unlike anything he had ever felt, and he instinctively knew it would only get stronger with each passing day. “Cynne' and Raidon? Not yet, but they're on the way. Cynne' called, they should be here in about fifteen minutes. Your mother and Tate, any second now.”
Running her hand up his back, she pulled him close as a shudder of raw passion rippled through her. Feeling the cast pressed against her reminded her of just how close she had came to losing him, and the thought nearly overwhelmed her. Resting her head on his
shoulder, she closed her eyes, willing the bad thoughts away. ”I'm so glad we made it through that three year long nightmare.” she whispered.
Placing a tender kiss on her forehead, he murmured, “We made it through alright, but we have the rest of our lives ahead of us, let's focus on that. We have each other, a wonderful son, and we're buying a new home. Maybe we'll start adding to our little family, but whatever we face in the future, we'll do it together. “ That said, he tilted her face up to meet his and kissed her passionately, leaving her mouth burning with fire and her body aching with desire.
“Oh geez, all you guys do is suck face.” Regan said as he entered the room, but the truth of the matter was, he was ecstatic at having his mother back in his life. He couldn't get enough of seeing her and his dad together.
Laughing, they both turned to look at him.
“Well, aren't I the lucky one?” Cassandra smiled. “I have not one, but TWO handsome young men escorting me to dinner.”
Seeing the estate for the first time, Cynne' looked around wide-eyed, wondering how her friend Cassandra must be adjusting, going from a small, one-bedroom apartment, to this. “This is just
WOW.” she whistled as Raidon steered the Hummer up the long driveway.
Turning to look at her, Raidon squirmed in his seat uncomfortably as he stole a quick glance at her thick, yet shapely legs, and the short skirt she was wearing. Fighting the urge to pull over, then pull her to him and kiss her, he concentrated on negotiating the long, winding driveway again. Among other things, he wanted to tell her how amazing he thought she was, but held his tongue for the moment. In the two weeks since their return from Mexico, she had avoided all his phone calls and emails, but had finally been talked into contacting him by Cassandra. But she had made it abundantly clear that this was not a date, just a dinner among friends.
The women he had been with since returning home were boring
hell compared to Cynne', and for the first time in his life, he wasn't even trying to get laid anymore. Every time he got the urge now, he simply sought out privacy and whipped out 'The Crowd Pleaser', then fantasized about Cynne'. He even found himself thinking, quite often, about something funny she had said or did on their trip. Many times he had found himself laughing out loud at her horror movie protocol .
Good Lord, what's next, laying in bed all day long listening to sappy love songs? I can see it now, listening to Air Supply's 'All Out Of Love', while I gaze at a picture of her, pining away. Why doesn't she like me? Mom Bishop says I'm a great catch......
he thought miserably.
However, unknown to him, Cynne' was lost in her own tortured thoughts at the moment, and mired in uncertainty. The truth was, he made her nervous as hell, and was doing
strange things to her without even trying. On the drive over, every time his gaze had wandered from the road to the passing scenery, she had stolen quick glances at him, wanting to break the ice, but fearing rejection and humiliation. But from the moment he had showed up at her door, she had wanted to jump into his arms and commit several acts of public indecency. Feeling herself getting all hot and bothered, again, she thought,
You know he's nothing more than a pussy hound, nothing but trouble!
Reluctantly focusing her attention back to the matters at hand, she mumbled, “Moses smelled the roses, look at the size of that mansion.”
“It ain’t no tar paper shack, that’s for sure.” he sighed, finally giving up and accepting the fact she would never allow him to get any closer to her.

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