Remember Me (66 page)

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Authors: Priscilla Poole Rainwater

BOOK: Remember Me
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“I got part of the tag number, the fucker!” Stewart yelled as he pointed in the direction the car had disappeared. “Give me your cell phone.” he told a very shaken Satin. “I'm calling 911.”
“I'll call, just give me the tag number, what you could get of it...” Satin answered grimly.
“Cass, are you alright?”
Granger asked in a panic as he embraced the shocked, stunned woman. “Are you hurt? Talk to me!!” His stomach clinched tight with fear for both her and their unborn child.
“Yes...yes..I'm fine!” she sobbed suddenly, unable to control the trembling of her body.
Fearing the worst, Nicola sprinted towards them and cried, “Bella, are you alright? That woman must have been drunk. I can't believe how foolish some people are, drinking and driving.”
“BULLSHIT! That was no random drunk driver, whoever it was tried to run them over, all of them! Tried to kill them! Are you blind?” Granger roared.

What, are you dense? YES! The driver tried to run us over, and whoever it was fled the scene. We didn't get a good look at the driver, we were all kinda' panicked, ya' know?” Satin snapped at the 911 operator as she gave another description of the car.
But Granger's gut told him the driver was Martina. “Didn't ANYONE get a good look at the driver?” he asked as his gaze swept the stunned group of onlookers.
“It was definitely a blond.” the woman who had stepped out of the parked car earlier said.
The sound of sirens approaching seemed to snap Cassandra out of her near catatonic state, and she dislodged herself from Granger's embrace.
“It was Martina, I would bet every penny I have in the world on it.” Granger fumed.
Fear coursed through Cassandra at the mention of the woman's name, and the conviction in her husband's voice. Suddenly, she was afraid, not for herself, but for the safety of their child. “REGAN!! If it was Martina, she could try....oh God!” she wailed.
Already on his cell phone, Granger was barking orders to a member of the household staff. “Call Malcolm, tell him what's going on. I want that estate locked down tighter than Fort Knox, and I want every available bodyguard on the payroll surrounding Regan every second, you got that? And tell them it was Martina Shepard, and be on the lookout for her. Malcolm can get on the computer and find a drivers license photo of her for everyone. If anyone catches her anywhere near our property or my son, I want the bitch shot dead, on the spot.” he finished just as three police cruisers and an ambulance came roaring into the parking lot.
“Granger, put me down...” Cassandra whined when he reached for her again and swept her off her feet. “I'm fine! You cushioned my fall!”
“You're going to get in that ambulance, you hear me? No sense in taking any chances, especially with our unborn child. Don't fight me on this
I need to know that you and my child are ok.”
“You're right.” she sighed, then rested her head on his shoulder as two E.M.T technicians opened the rear of the ambulance and pulled out a stretcher.
Brain Lemont adjusted the chain around his neck, so it would prominently display his detective's shield. Stepping out of his unmarked cruiser, he closed the door and made his way through the throng of onlookers, then spotted who he assumed was the driver or owner of the smashed Honda Accord.
Complaining that his parent's insurance would triple, the young man was fit to be tied. “What the hell is wrong with people? Can't even go out and have fun without some lunatic trying to run people down and smash other people's property. Crazy bitch!! My dad just bought me that car!” he fumed, wishing now that he had stayed home and studied instead, like he had told his girlfriend he was doing, instead of going out partying with his frat brothers. He was already trying to think of a good lie to tell her.
Smiling faintly, Brian let the uniformed officers handle the owner of the Honda and take his report.
Walking to the small crowd gathering around the woman he recognized as Cassandra Mortensen, he stood beside the gurney patiently as the EMT's checked her over. The truth was, she looked more angry than hurt, as her overprotective husband fussed over her. Nodding to Granger, he motioned with one hand, tapping his wristwatch, then holding five fingers in the air, indicating he would speak to him later.
Stepping away from the crowd, he began making his way to the owner of the nightclub, but his steps faltered as he spotted Satin standing near the entrance, in another young man's embrace.
No wonder she's been avoiding me, she's been playing snuggly feet with some high school musical extra!!
thought as he struggled to keep his anger and jealousy in check. There was no way he would allow some kid to have her. He didn't share well under the best of circumstances, and he sure as hell didn't see himself sharing the woman he wanted with some pimply faced kid barely out of high school.
Forgetting about the club owner, he made a beeline for the woman who had gotten into his bloodstream like a drug from the very first moment he had ever laid eyes on her. He'd never wanted a woman, hell, he had never
a woman like he did this pint-sized hellion. And he was a man who had never had trouble getting a woman into bed. As a matter of fact, more often than not, it was too easy. But not this one. She resisted and thwarted his every move and effort, and the thrill of the chase was like a fine wine to him, a wine he would savor once she finally gave in and gave him a taste.
Hearing a commotion that sounded like an argument brewing, he stopped, turned around, then began making his way back to the ambulance.
“I want her OB doctor to check her out, so do your job and take my wife to St. Mary's Hospital.” Granger demanded, then pointed to the pressure cuff the E.M.T technician was taking off Cassandra's arm, “Shouldn't you check her pressure again? You said it was elevated, that could be a warning sign.”
Slapping the gurney in frustration, Cassandra snapped at him, “It's elevated because a car almost ran us down! Anyone's pressure would be a bit high if someone tried to murder them, don't ya' think?”
Looking at Granger wearily, the tech said, “She's fine, but we can take her in and have the OB look her over anyway, just as a precaution.”
Nicola interceded for his brother, knowing that if he didn't it would be a battle of wills between his brother and sister-in-law. ”Right, it would ease all of our worries if the doctors checked you out, just to make sure you and the baby are well.” he said, glancing at Cynne'
for moral support.
“He's right, you know.” Cynne' chimed in as she nodded her head in agreement, just as she finished her cell phone conversation with Raidon, making sure Granger's orders for the security teams were being followed to the letter.
Crossing her arms, Cassandra sulked. “Alright, alright! I'm fine, but this is a waste of time! I want to go home to protect my son from that lunatic!” she complained.
Smiling with relief, Granger put his big hands on her stomach, then leaned down and kissed her. “Thank you, I just want to make sure you and our daughter are safe. Malcolm will watch over Regan. Oh, he'll sort that bitch out if she shows up, believe me.”
Melting, Cassandra looked into his blue eyes, so full of concern, and love, then nodded.
Clearing his throat, Brian stepped forward and greeted both Cassandra and Granger. “Mr. and Mrs. Mortensen, I'm in charge of this investigation. Uhhh, dispatch said the perpetrator may have been one of our murder suspects, Martina Shepard. Since no one could positively identify her though, would you mind telling me what makes you believe it was her?” he asked as he glanced back at Satin and her companion, who were both headed in his direction.
Granger shook his head, his handsome face suddenly distorted with rage and frustration. “I couldn't positively identify her, no, but who else could it be? Martina is the only person who would try to kill Cassandra. She hates her, and I mean dangerously so, and she's always been insanely jealous of our marriage. Ask anyone who knows her.”
Nodding his head, Brian was silent for a moment. “I see, that's perfectly understandable, and I can understand how you want to protect the woman you love from harm.” he finally said, then turned and looked straight at Satin. “Even when she doesn't want you to love and protect her. But hey, love makes you do some crazy things sometimes, right?”
Both Cassandra and Cynne' looked on in amazement as Satin diverted her eyes shyly. It was an uncharacteristically demure gesture for the normally outspoken, abrasive woman.
Focusing his attention on the young man who had his arms around the woman he considered his, Brian could barely contain a sneer as he spoke to Satin without looking at her. “Giving up your law practice and going into babysitting, are you? That what you're doing with Junior here? I suspect it might be a couple of hours past his bedtime.” he mocked.
As expected, the young man took offense. Glaring at Brian, he stood to his full 6 feet and visibly swelled with pride, ready to defend his manhood. “The name is Stewart.....Stewart Von. I'm a senior at the college. You've probably seen my picture in the paper? I'm the star quarterback .” he bragged, giving Brian a smug, satisfied look, then took a potshot of his own at the older man. “Guess you played back in the good ol’ days, when they didn't have
pads and helmets, huh?”
Giving the young man a condescending look, Brian fired right back. “That's right, pretty boy, I played when REAL men played, unlike today.” Motioning for a uniformed officer, he waited until the man joined them, then said, “Take Junior...oh..I mean little Stewy here, and get his statement. When you're finished, give him a coloring book and crayons. You know, to keep him busy until his mommy can come get him.”
Laughing, the officer led a red-faced Stewart to his parked cruiser, leaving the detective alone with Satin.
“Are you quite finished?” Satin said in an icy voice, finally meeting her tormentor's gaze. “I'm surprised you didn't pull out a club and pound your damn chest. Your cave man act doesn't impress me, detective. It doesn't impress me at all.”
His eyes boldly roving down her body, he chuckled, amused by the fact he could always get a rise out of her so easily. His gaze lingered on her breasts, and he thought they looked as if they would spill from the tan, halter dress any moment. Lowering his gaze to her shapely legs, he had to resist a sudden urge to fall on his knees and run his hands up them, and beg her to give him what he so desperately wanted and needed.
Refusing to let him get the best of her yet again, she remained silent as the clod ogled her, but felt her body heating with desire at the mere thought of his boldness and apparent appreciation of her sexy outfit. In fact, her center was throbbing so badly she just knew he could smell her heat, her secret womanly scent, and the thought only made her insides quiver more than ever. Frustrated by her own inability to distance herself from the arrogant lout, she nearly screamed as she thought about forgetting the promise she had made to herself, and throwing herself shamelessly at his feet. To beg him to make love to her. That was, until he opened his mouth again.
“Caveman? You'd like for me to use my club to give you a good pounding, wouldn't you?” he smiled. Leaning towards her, he boldly ran his finger down her arm and to her wrist, playing with the gold, metallic cuff she wore.
Nervously, she moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, praying that her anger would overwhelm her insanely intense lust.
“ Admit it, my little spitfire, you're hotter than a freshly fucked fox in a forest fire, just from thinking of me and you between the sheets, aren't you?” Nodding his head towards the cruiser where Stewart was giving his statement to the uniformed officer, he said, “You know that boy can't do a thing for you, not with me around. Come on now, admit it.”

Snatching her arm away, her full lips curled in disgust, and she looked at him as if he had just transformed from a human being to a pile of cow dung. “Why would I want you to touch me, especially since you'll screw anything that won't run from your nasty ass? I've heard all the department gossip, and it's clear you're nothing more than a man-slut, jumping
from one woman to another.” Narrowing her eyes, she stepped away from him. “Now, may we get back to the business at hand, DETECTIVE? I saw what the others saw, a person with long blond hair. Now, if that's all, I would like to leave. My
DATE is waiting to take me home, he's making me breakfast in bed.” she said with a spiteful smile, then turned and made her way back to where Stewart was standing with an expectant, victorious grin on his face.
Gritting his teeth, Brian's vision swam as the young man discreetly flipped him the middle digit, then led Satin off to his shiny red Corvette.
“I didn't figure the great Satin Johnson would be a desperate cougar.” a feminine voice came from behind him. “Kind of young isn't he?”
Turning to look at a fellow detective, Brian noticed the look of utter disdain in the woman's eyes. By the tone of her voice and the look on her face, it was clear to him that Althea didn't like Satin at all, and he correctly assumed it was because the two of them had butted heads several times in court.
SHIT! Not now!
thought. “She's not desperate, and she sure isn't screwing that kid.” he replied, then thought
, Especially since she's mine!
Not wanting to discuss Satin Johnson, she shrugged her shoulders in disinterest. At the moment she was more concerned with her own needs, and she needed Brian Lemont. “You know, if you want to get together later, after work, my husband is gone. Maybe we can go out to dinner. My husband...well, he just left. We want different things.” she said hopefully.
Remembering Satin's words, Brian shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and looked at the ground in shame. It was true, of course, that before meeting Satin he had slept with anything that had two legs and wore a skirt. “Listen, us being together, that should have never happened, it was wrong. Talk to your husband, tell him you made a mistake. Try to work things out.” he said, truly regretting sleeping with the married woman after getting drunk at a squad party several weeks before he had met Satin. In truth, he didn't even remember the night, he had been so drunk.
Her caramel skin hot with embarrassment and the sting of rejection, she replied, “Sure, whatever.” then looked down at the ground.
Hoping to ease the tension, he asked, “We have any videos of the hit and run? Just about every business these days has security cameras in their parking lots.”
Swallowing her pain, she nodded. “Yeah, the club has video of the parking lot. The manager is going through the footage now.”
“Good thinking, let's go take a look at it. The sooner we can confirm it is or isn't Ms. Shepard, the sooner we'll know where to go from there.” he replied, leading the way to the club entrance, wondering if Satin would allow Stewart to spend the night with her.
She better not!

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