Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations (36 page)

Read Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations
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She quieted, her mind now remembering the event clearly. A gentle squeeze from Blaise brought her back to reality. Blushing, she said, “Sorry. It’s so weird to actually remember everything now.”

“You take your time,” Bethany said. “Don’t let these men bully you into talking more than you want.”

Laughing at the incredulous expression Jack had on his face as he stared at his wife, Grace said, “No, it’s fine.” Allowing the moment of mirth to ease her thoughts, she continued. “Once we got there, we went to the barn and there were several men loading packages from the white SUV into the plane.”

“That would have been Joe Savine,” Mitch supplied. “He legally owns the property but has ties to the cartel. Also, Ricardo Guzman, the highest member of the cartel we’ve been able to capture was the tall, distinguished man you saw with Douglas.”

Digesting this information, the group turned back to Grace, eager to hear the rest of her story.

“It only took a moment for me to realize Jocelyn was part of the group and that she had not called for backup. While they argued, I took off running with Gypsy at my side.” Shaking her head, she said, “This’ll sound weird since I haven’t been able to remember anything for so long, but tonight was like déjà vu.” She saw the understanding expressions on all the Saints and their women, as they stayed riveted to her.

“I managed to get to my car, with Gypsy jumping into the back seat as trained, and I sped off. I thought I was okay, at least, to get to a town. Then, well, you know the next part. What I didn’t find out until tonight was that it was Jocelyn who was in the white SUV chasing me down the mountain. She’s the one who bumped me off the road. And she climbed down the ravine to see if I was dead. Assuming we were, she took my purse and phone.” Heaving a deep sigh, she added, “And left me for dead. I suppose it was her luck that, when I woke up, I had no memory.”

Blaise drew her attention as he said, “I wonder if that’s why you were so afraid of going to the police. Subconsciously you associated fear with the uniform.”

Her gaze held his warmly as she saw the agonizing concern etched into his face. Reaching up, she cupped his jaw, her thumb smoothing the creases. Turning back to Mitch, she admitted, “So that’s all I know. All I remember. But now can you fill in some of the
hows and whys
for me?”

Mitch leaned forward in his chair, resting his forearms on his knees, piercing her with his gaze. “Absolutely, but first, I’ve got to say that you have been amazing throughout all of this. From the moment you climbed out of that ravine, before any of us knew you, to right now…you took care of yourself perfectly. You…and Gypsy.”

Smiling widely, she nodded her thanks. “I don’t think I could have done it without her. Not to begin with. And then without you,” she added turning back to Blaise.

A slight squeeze acknowledged his feelings as his heart overflowed once more.

“So what I can add at this time for all of you, but especially for Grace,” Mitch began, “is that DEA had the Savine farm on their radar for about six months but didn’t want to get just him. They wanted the man higher up on the totem pole and that was Ricardo Guzman, a cousin to the Guzmans of the Sinaloa Cartel that Cam and Miriam were escaping last fall. They were hard to catch because the Cartel can afford to pay, and pay well, to keep their business secret.”

Leaning back, he continued, “They finally got a break when an informant told them that Ricardo was coming into the country to oversee a shipment himself. What they now know is that Jocelyn was the person who would take her pretend drug dog to the Charlestown airport when called and would pass the shipments coming in from the private planes. We don’t know why yet, but the money the cartels flash around is addictive. She would sign off on their paperwork and that was the extent of what she had been involved in…until you made an appearance. Frightened of both being discovered and facing the ire of the cartel, she had to eliminate you.”

Shuddering, Grace leaned back against Blaise’s firm chest as his arms enveloped her.

“You okay, babe?” he whispered.

She nodded rather than answered, and he shot Mitch a look. Catching the need to hurry it along, Mitch said, “Douglas was on their payroll as well. He would recruit willing dog handlers who could be trusted by the cartel. He was also in on the deliveries and made trips to the Savine farm.”

The group released a collective sigh as the investigation came to a close…at least for the Saints. Mitch stood, saying, “Well, I’m heading out now. Grace, we’ll get the official statement from you tomorrow. For now, I’ve got serious as shit report writing to finish.”

Jack stood and walked Mitch out of the house and down to his vehicle. Looking at their FBI contact, who had become a good friend, Jack said, “You ready to quit? Ready to try something new?”

Chuckling, Mitch said, “Yeah…more than you know. Got some things going on…some family issues. I’ve got some decisions to make, but I’ll fill you in on them at a later time.”

“You know you’ve got a place here with us,” Jack said. “I’d be proud to call you a Saint.”

Grinning, Mitch acknowledged, “I’d be proud to work with you, Jack. Hell, with all of you. But not sure life’s gonna take me in that direction.”

Nodding, Jack met his friend’s gaze and smiled. “Understood. You do what you’ve got to do, but always remember…no matter where you go, you’ve got Saints at your back.”


The crowd having
left, lingering only long enough for handshakes and hugs, Blaise alarmed the house with Ransom at his heels. Looking down, he said, “Come on boy, let’s go find Grace and Gypsy.”

Walking into the clinic room, his eyes immediately landed on Grace as she sat cross-legged on the floor next to Gypsy, who was comfortably resting. Struck with the comparison to the first time Grace had been in his clinic room with Gypsy, he could not believe all of the changes that had occurred since then. Talon was curled up in Grace’s lap sleeping. Grace lifted her gaze to Blaise as he walked in and sat across from her.

“Do you really think she’s doing okay?” Grace asked, her face a mixture of concern and trust.

Complete and total trust in him. He felt the punch to his gut at her expression. “I think she’s going to be fine. She’ll sleep well tonight.” Looking down at his watch, “What little of the night there is left.”

She tried to stifle a yawn but was unable to hide her exhaustion. Standing, he took her hand in his and pulled her gently up after scooping Talon from her lap and sitting the sleepy kitten on the blanket next to Gypsy. “Let’s go to bed. She’ll rest for several more hours and then I’ll get up and check on her.”

Sleep did not come easily to either of them. After watching her toss and turn, Blaise finally rolled his large body over hers, pinning her to the bed, holding his weight up on his forearms. Brushing the hair back from her face, he peered down at her, memorizing her face, relishing the feel of her body underneath his.

Lifting her arms to his shoulders, she dug her fingernails in slightly, the feel of his heavy body on hers comforting.

“We’re not sleeping, babe,” Blaise stated the obvious.

Grinning, she responded, “You got something to take our minds off everything that happened?”

Pressing his erection against her hips, he nodded. “Yeah, I can think of one or two things that might just make us forget.”

She giggled, squeezing his shoulders. “Blaise, I’ve been trying to remember for a very long time and now you want me to forget?” she teased.

Leaning closer, until his lips were a breath away from hers, he said, “You deserve nothing but good memories, sweetheart. So yeah, I want to take away all your bad ones.”

His lips touched hers, soft and gentle to begin with, before taking them possessively, erasing her cares and worries. And then, with his body rocking hers into the wee hours of the morning, he gave her nothing but perfect, new memories and a promise of forever.

Chapter 32

A year later

erfect,” Grace said
to the trainee. “Keep your animal calm and quiet as they approach the person in the wheelchair.” Nodding encouragingly to the young woman, Grace scanned the others in the circle. After she completed the training for companion dogs for the elderly, she became a certified trainer herself.

“I heard you used to be trained for security with a drug-sniffing dog,” one of the trainees said, clearly impressed and eagerly waiting for her explanation into the career shift.

Smiling, she nodded. “I was. It’s a noble profession, but,” giving a little shrug, she continued, “sometimes life takes us in different directions than we originally thought.”

“I’d think that going from that action packed world to this would be kind of a downer,” he continued.

“Not at all,” she replied. “Now that I truly understand myself, I like the direction my life has taken.” Just then, Gypsy trotted over, nuzzling her mistress’ hand as the class ended.

Squatting, she threw her arms around her dog’s neck, burying her face in Gypsy’s thick fur. “We know, don’t we girl. We know who we are…who we love…and who loves us.”

Just then a car honked and Gypsy barked. Standing, Grace smiled as the tall, handsome man came stalking straight toward her. Her dog went bounding toward him, receiving the first attention as Grace’s heart sung.
Yeah I know who I am, who I love, and who loves me. No more mystery.
Running, she jumped into Blaise’s arms, safe in his embrace.

Several years later

The trees in
the park were in full green regalia as the summer sun beamed warmly on the families enjoying the weekend. A large pond, surrounded on three sides by thick trees, sported picnic tables and benches along the perimeter.

Two small children were running around the grass, laughing and playing with a large German Shepherd cavorting with them. A woman sat on a blanket in the shade, keeping an eye on the activities.

A man saw them from the distance and began to approach. The children were too entertained to notice him. The dog, growing slightly deaf, did not hear him approach either. His eyes dropped to the woman on the blanket. Long, dark hair blowing behind her in the breeze. A pink top with white shorts showed off her beautiful body…one he knew intimately. He halted as the scene in front of him stole his breath for a moment. Everything he wanted…needed…was right in front of him.

The woman called out, “Ben! Beth! Careful…not too rough. Gypsy’s getting a little old to play so hard.”

As the children fell to the grass, still rolling with the dog, she smiled as she saw the man approach, his hands full. He was huge…tall and broad. With his square jaw and blond hair, he could have stepped from the pages of one of her historical romance novels. Pushing her sunglass back on her head, she watched his natural swagger. Closer and closer he came until he was directly in front of her, looking down.

“Could you use some food, Miss?” he asked, his eyes twinkling.

“What did you bring?” she asked.

“You said to surprise you, so I brought…” he knelt down, placing the containers on the blanket, “hot dogs!” Leaning over to place a soft, meaningful kiss on her lips, he added, “I seem to remember you were partial to hot dogs from the food trucks.”

A smile greeted his words, but before she could respond, the children saw their dad and ran over, arms waving as they tackled him. Gypsy ambled over and lay down on the blanket with Grace, placing her head on her mistress’ lap.

As the family ate the simple meal, Grace caught Blaise’s gaze and smiled. He had done what he promised…erased her bad memories, only leaving her with the ones that mattered. Good friends…family…and love.

The End

Bonus Scene


he Saints finished
their meeting, but before they dispersed, Jack said, “Got Mitch coming by. He said he wanted to talk to us and wanted to do it in person. I told him to come on over.”

Bart grinned, saying, “ ’Bout time he left the Bureau and came with us.”

Monty was quiet, unsure of what his friend’s plans were, but had to admit to himself that he was curious.

“We can head on up. It’ll be informal,” Jack said, standing.

Several minutes later, the Saints were sitting in Jack and Bethany’s living room, the oversized, comfortable furniture perfect for their sizes. Bethany had snacks on the counter and the men had helped themselves.

Opening the door, she greeted Mitch with a hug, inviting him in and then motioning toward the living room. “They’re all waiting. Well, eating and waiting,” she laughed, handing him a plate.

Making his way in, Mitch greeted the others. They ate, the companionable conversation surrounding them for several minutes. Finally, Mitch pushed his plate back and said, “I know Jack told you all that I wanted to let you know what was going on with me and, well, I consider you all friends…so I wanted to do it this way.”

Gaining the undivided attention of the other men in the room, he said, “The only one of you who know this is Monty, but I guess you could say that law enforcement’s been in my blood. My grandfather was the Police Chief of a town on the Eastern Shore of Virginia and when he grew too old to handle the job, my dad, who’d been an officer, became the Chief. That’s where I was born and raised. Both of those men were at my graduation from the FBI academy and I swear, they nearly popped their buttons with pride…more so than at my college graduation.”

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