Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1)
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Chapter twenty-five

Devlin's plan had taken a little bit longer than he anticipated, but it worked. After he defeated Smythe and took over the Xinara clan, the Davara and Tunara clans pledged their allegiance to him within the hour. The Cranara clan had already aligned themselves with him before he fought Smythe, which left only the Rynara clan to deal with. Unfortunately, they were proving much more difficult to subdue than he had anticipated. They had sequestered their leaders and resorted to guerilla tactics on Devlin's forces. To normal humans, it must have looked like an uptick in gang activity had hit the DC and Baltimore areas with a vengeance. Devlin knew that to the Council of Light, it would look as if he were unable to get full control over the Shadow Assembly. These battles had to end soon. The longer they lasted, the longer he would have to wait before he could begin his master plan.

Devlin wanted to kill the bulk of the world's population. He wanted to purge them, and rule over the survivors. To say his goals were apocalyptic would be an understatement. He and Antonio had created a virus that would drive normal humans mad, but would not affect Ethereal physiology at all. Hundreds of millions of humans would go mad and slaughter each other. When there was less than five hundred million people left on earth, he would release the cure into the air and the survivors would be free to create a new society with him as their leader. As he was musing about world domination, Antonio entered the room with a report.

"The Rynara clan still fights us, but we have a lead on their second most influential elder. Most all of our forces have arrived and occupy the area from two hours south of DC to north of Baltimore, near the border of Maryland. People are starting to notice the large amount of visitors and are beginning to ask questions."

"Let them ask, we have close to four million Ethereals in the dark clans and thousands of the warriors are ready to go to war with the Light. By the time humanity figures out what is going on, it will already be too late for them. Is there anything else, Antonio?"

"Yes, Darcy would like a face-to-face meeting with you?"

"Concerning what?"

"She feels she is the most powerful Shifter in the Dark clans, and I am inclined to agree with her. She would like to meet you, and be brought into your confidence as I have been. This way it will look as though the leadership is complete with a Zdrada, Shadow Mage and Dark Shifter aligned at the top, under you of course."

"Of course," Devlin replied. He knew young Darcy craved power, and she was powerful. Maybe it would send a better signal to the united dark clans if he installed a Dark Shifter alongside his Shadow Mage. "Tell Darcy I have not refused her request, I will take some time to think through all of the scenarios this appointment could set in motion."

"As you wish," After a slight bow, he left the room.

Devlin meanwhile continued to think of ways to bring the Rynara clan under his heel. Once he gave the okay to take their second most influential elder, it would only be a matter of time. Time, however, was the one currency he did not wish to spend. Another tactic would need to be devised in order to gain complete control of the Shadow Assembly. They may have all pledged allegiance to him, but they were not going to step in and help him subdue the last clan. They were all anxious to see if he had what it took to lead them all. He shuddered to think of what would happen if they decided he did not.


"Attention, American Airlines, flight 227 has now arrived at Dulles International Airport. On behalf of American Airlines, we would like to welcome you to Washington DC. As you exit the aircraft, please make sure you check around your immediate seating area for any personal belongings you might have brought on board. We know you have many choices of air travel, and we thank you for choosing to fly with us today."

Lucas grabbed his backpack and trudged towards the plane's exit. He always found aircraft announcements to be amusing.
Personal belongings? What other kind of belongings are there?
He would much rather muse about the redundant nature of airline announcements than think about what he was here to do. He had never considered himself to be a Shadow Mage, maybe a mischievous Mage, but not dark. He may have used his powers on occasion in the casinos, or to increase his chances with whichever blonde caught his eye, but he had never used them for outright evil. Now, he was going to meet with his father and he knew he would be asked to do just that. Even worse, it was probable he was going to have to use his powers against his best friend. All in some insane quest to accomplish a goal he didn't want to see happen.
I like normal humans, especially the women. I like sports, gambling and drinking. All of that goes away if humanity is wiped out. Why would I want that? Where would the fun be then?
He was so at odds with what he knew that he was going to be asked to do, that he couldn't think straight. He stepped into a cab and before he knew it he had arrived at his destination.

He exited the cab in front of his father's office building, DSC holdings. He was to be greeted by a man he had never met. A trusted confidant of his father, named Antonio. A man who fit Antonio's description was waiting outside the building with a cute blonde he thought he recognized.
Wait, is that? It is...
"Darcy, this is a surprise, I was wondering what side you were on."

"Come, Lucas," Antonio began, "your father is anxious to see you."

"Wait, his father is..." The look of shock that crossed Darcy's face was priceless and Lucas smirked at her while Antonio took in the situation.

"Yes, his father is Devlin. Is there something I should know about?"

"He is the pig friend of the champion, the one that helped him escape our grasp." Darcy blurted out before she could stop herself.

"Careful, Darcy," Antonio reprimanded her, and then turned to Lucas. "Is this true, Lucas?"

"Yes it is, because no one bothered to tell me whose side she was on. Thomas had sent me a picture of the Fitzpatrick girl and after his apartment had been attacked, Thomas was flushed out in the open. I figured Darcy was working with Abby to make sure the Council of Light would have him. My plan was to bring Thomas here to hide and deliver him right to my father. It seems someone should have done a better job coordinating our efforts." This was mostly true, but Antonio didn't need to know that.

Lucas knew that Antonio was going to have a hard time explaining to Devlin that Thomas had slipped his grasp because no one knew he had a son.
That's how dear old dad likes to play his games, but this time it backfired.

"I'm sorry I slapped you, Lucas." Darcy offered with her head down. He could tell by her body language that she was not happy with this revelation.

"I wish I could say that I was sorry I knocked you over, but it was actually kind of fun." He winked at her, and then walked into the office building.

Antonio dropped back and spoke in hushed tones to Darcy, but Lucas paid close attention. He was looking for anything he might be able to use to get himself out of what he knew was coming. "This puts a crimp in your plan to get close to Devlin and seduce him, doesn't it?" Antonio asked.

A look of surprise crossed Darcy's face, "How did you—?"

"Come now, Darcy, it wasn't hard to figure out. You are an attractive young lady, rising up the ranks and you have begun requesting additional face-to-face meetings with Devlin."

"Does he know?"

"I haven't told him, and he hasn't mentioned it. I don't care who he chooses to be with. You must realize now that he will never even look at you in that way, once he knows you have been with his son."

"Does he have to know?" she pleaded.

Antonio raised an eyebrow, "You're playing a very dangerous game, Darcy, he will not hesitate to kill you if he finds out you have tried to play him for a fool."

"I think I can get Lucas to agree not to say anything. I'm sure the thought would be amusing to a pig like him." They were not aware Lucas was eavesdropping, until he tried to stifle a laugh at Darcy's comment.

"Careful, Darcy, Devlin will also not hesitate to kill you if he hears you talking about his son in such a manner. He would also not hesitate to kill me if he knew I withheld this kind of information from him. Which means, you will not be seducing him, but take heart, he is giving your proposal to be top Dark Shifter very serious consideration, so there will be no need for you to enact your misguided plan."

When they walked into the office, Lucas was smiling and Devlin looked a little annoyed. "You slept with my son, Darcy?"

"Yes, sir, I did," she replied without hesitation. "You wanted me to get close to Archer, um Hunter... whatever his name is now, and Lucas was his best friend. Fitzpatrick had already gotten to him, so I did the next best thing. I was not told he was your son."

"Would that have stopped you if you knew? I know you crave power, Darcy, I suspect you were going to try and seduce me to get it. Your plan would not have worked, but my son would be a great second choice for you."

"It's not like that, sir, I really didn't know—"

"Easy, Darcy, Not even Antonio knew," he interrupted. "I believe you are one of the most powerful Dark Shifters we have, and I am considering giving you the position you have requested. It would go a long way to legitimizing your position, if you were by my son's side."

"What?" they simultaneously yelled. Lucas smug grin was gone. He wanted nothing to do with this woman. While he might not mind the occasional dabble on the dark side, mostly to get his father off his back, Darcy was pure evil. She craved the very power he wanted nothing to do with. A betrothal to her would further entrench him in this war that he was hoping to avoid.

"Dad, this is a terrible idea, we don't exactly get along. Give her the top spot, she deserves it, but please don't make me part of the deal."

"You have no say, son, your days of childish philandering are over. Darcy shall be your mate, this will strengthen my power." Lucas started to speak again, but a look from his father told him that would not be wise. He instead tried to storm out of the office when without warning, he felt himself floating back towards his father. He was placed on the carpet, right next to Darcy. He looked at both of them with intense eyes. "Darcy, this is as close to what you want as I can give you, take it or leave it. Lucas, no one is saying you or Darcy cannot stray on occasion, just be discreet. It is my hope you can learn to live with one another, but I am not making it a demand. This will happen, like it or not, unless Darcy no longer wishes to be the top Dark Shifter in the organization. It's her choice."

Lucas looked to Darcy who smiled at him with mischief in her eyes. She had been surprised to hear Lucas say she deserved the top spot, but it was not enough. She looked back to Devlin and replied, "I would be delighted to be your son's mate."

"Good, we shall have a quick and quiet ceremony, nothing big since you have already been intimate. Tomorrow, you shall both be introduced to the organization as man and wife and at the very least, you had better put on a convincing show for the Clans." He turned to walk away, indicating that the conversation was over, but Lucas wasn't ready to let it drop.

"Dad!" he yelled "Dad, wait!" Devlin stopped and turned. "Why am I being punished here? You would already have Thomas if Darcy hadn't screwed up my plans. I shouldn't be punished for that."

"I would hardly call being forced to marry a beautiful woman, that I know you find attractive, punishment, son."

"You know it is, dad! Why? I didn't even know Thomas was the one you sought until he showed me the picture of Abby. He never manifested any powers or indicated in any way that he was different. You didn't know for sure either, dad, or you would have killed him six years ago. Maybe you should have just killed him when you suspected instead of making me go through this six year charade. It's just as much your fault as it is mine, so don't punish me for it." Lucas could talk to his father this way because he was his son, but he knew he was approaching the limit to his father's tolerance.

"You want to know why, Lucas? Fine! It's because I know you do not want this war, this power, any of it. I know that you never intended to bring Thomas before me. You had six years to do it, Son. I don't believe you that he never seemed different. He's too powerful. That's why Darcy went in without me telling you, I knew you would try to help your friend. While your loyalty is admirable, it is also misplaced! Now, you shall be part of the power structure here, in DC, whether you like it or not. I will have both Darcy and Antonio to help keep an eye on you. Now go get yourself ready, Lucas, you have a big night ahead of you. Tomorrow, the world finds out you are my son, then any illusion of a friendship with Thomas Hunter will be wiped away forever, and you can begin to learn what it takes to run this organization."

"Oh, I think I know what it takes." Lucas turned from his father, the disdain evident as he stormed out of the room. He had never liked his father, but right now, he hated him. The thoughts swirled in his head.
Thomas is going to hate me and I can't blame him. I'd be pissed if it were me. That was my father's whole plan. He's hoping Thomas will seek some kind of vengeance that will finally push me over the edge.
Lucas flung open the door to his room and then shut it behind him with a telekinetic slam. He had to find a way out, before it was too late.

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