Reluctant Genius (66 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Gray

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Morton, Levi P., 252
Motor Boat,
motorcycles, 368
motors, 327, 394, 408
Mount Pleasant, ON, 148
Mount Rushmore, 352
mourning, 161-62
movies, 397-98, 428
"Mr. Watson, come here, I want you," 122-23, 400
multiple telegraph
development, 70-73, 75, 77-80, 83-88,
90-91, 121, 129
patents, 86-87, 121, 433
principles of, 83-84
public demonstrations, 133
quadruple, 129
Munn, Charles, 373
Murray, James, 16-17
Myers, Mr., 374
"My Story" (Keller), 271


Nantucket, 95, 107, 108
National Academy of Sciences, 229, 231
National Bell Telephone Company, 201-2
See also
Bell Telephone Company
National Geographic Magazine,
336-37, 338,
340, 353, 363, 382
National Geographic Society, 287, 331-32,
336-37, 346, 353, 394, 419
Nation’s Business,
Nature, La,
Nellie (nursemaid), 237, 240, 249
Newcomb, Simon, 258, 275, 341-42
New England Journal of Medicine, The,
Newfoundland, 4, 239-42
New York City, 344
New York City Auto Show, 366-67
New York Daily Graphic,
New York Herald,
159, 344
New York Sun,
New York Times,
160, 212, 229, 326, 327, 379,
390, 397, 415, 422, 424
New York Tribune,
28, 133
New Zealand, 392
Niagara Falls, 163
Nightingale, Florence, 229
Norton, Charles Eliot, 99, 236


oatmeal, 251, 415
obituaries, 422, 424
one-handed manual alphabet, 270
Ontario Institute for the Blind, 148
the Sensations of Tone
(Helmholtz), 21,
29, 43
oralism, 38, 268.
See also
deaf education
orthopter, 374
Orton, William, 76-77, 88, 94, 129, 184
Osborne House, 180-82
Ottawa, 391-92
Ottoway, Carrie, 17.
See also
Bell, Carrie
Oxford English Dictionary,
Oxford University, 346
ozokerite, 309


Pan-Electric Telephone Company, 200-201,
233, 248, 252
paranormal events, 155
Paris, France, 318, 394
Paris, ON, 18-19, 149-51
Paris Peace Conference, 415-16
party lines, 399, 428
patent disputes, 159-60, 184, 189, 192, 195-
201, 233.
See also under
Patent Office, 86, 121-2, 189, 194, 200
patents, 78-79, 433-34
ailerons, 374
airplanes, 411, 434
graphophone, 353, 434
hydrofoils, 410-11, 434
multiple telegraph, 86, 121, 433
phonograph, 353, 434
tetrahedral cell construction, 353-54, 434
See also under
Paxton, Joseph, 180
Pedro II, emperor of Brazil, 132, 134, 137,
People s Telephone Company, 199
Perkins Institution for the Blind, 58, 268, 269,
Perrin (coachman), 227
Philadelphia, 130
Philadelphia Exhibition, 130-39, 150-51, 153
Philadelphia Times,
Philological Society, 16
Philosophical Society, 213
phonetics, 8-9.
See also
Visible Speech
phonograph (record-player), 430
phonograph (sound-recording device), 204,
223, 228, 309, 353
photography, 11-12, 308-9, 323, 325, 354
photophone, 204-5, 209-10, 211-13, 216,
photosphere, 418
phrenology, 230
Pickford, Mary, 398
plagiarism, 272-73
Polk, James K., 27
Pollock, Anthony, 207
pony, 386
pony express, 27
Poole, Robert M., 332
pope, 65
Portugal Cove South, NL, 241
post office, 186
Potts, Mary, 131
Powell, John Wesley, 258
Preece, William, 178-79
Progress in Flying Machines
(Chanute), 365
pronunciation, 397
propellers, 311, 323, 327, 388
Providence Press,
Providence Star,
158, 159
“Psalm of Life” (Longfellow), 275, 422
punctuation, 389-90
(Shaw), 5


quadruple telegraph, 129
Quebec City, 188
Queen s University, 346


radio, 199, 310, 418
railroads, 10, 24, 255
receivers, 183
Red Head, 244, 246, 247.
See also
Red Wing,
Reis, Philipp, 71, 200
Remembrance of Things Past
(Proust), 428
Reynolds, William H., 160, 169, 172, 173,
181, 182, 183
Rich, Isaac, 45
Richardson, Henry Hobson, 206
Rochester, NY, 276, 345
rockets, gunpowder, 323
Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 333
Rogers, Harriet B., 32, 63, 64, 65
Rogers, James W., 200
Royal High School, 10-11, 24, 417
Royal Institution, 215
Runyon, Damon, 399
Russia, 427


safety, 373
Salt Lake City, UT, 152
Sanders, George, 44, 46-48, 70
Sanders, Mrs., 46, 102-3, 157
Sanders, Thomas, 78, 79-80, 160, 165, 189,
San Francisco Examiner,
Schawlow, Arthur, 430
School of Oratory, 45-46, 76
schoolteachers, men as, 40
sciatica, 223
257-58, 259, 306, 325
Scientific American,
153, 373-74, 376, 392
scientific demonstrations, 155-56.
See also
Bell, Alexander Graham: as
inventor and scientist
Scots, in Canada, 22, 24, 237-38, 296, 297
Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 169
Scott, Robert R, 397
Scott, Sir Walter, 10, 31, 126, 172, 416 , 418
scrapbook, 159
Scudder, Simon, 259
seagulls, 85, 171, 321
Sears, Mrs., 249
seawater, 346, 416
Selfridge, Thomas E., 366, 369-71, 372,
semaphore, 27
septicemia, 173
servants, 174-75, 187
sewing school, 299
Shakespeare, William, 129, 148, 150
Shaw, George Bernard, 5
sheep, 245, 294, 297-98, 304, 305, 307, 333,
394, 415, 418, 423
Sheepville, 298, 302, 307
Sheila (dog), 248
Shipley, Harriet, 355
shipwreck, 239-43
Shulman, Seth, 368
Siasconset, MA, 107, 108
sign language, 38, 39, 62, 268, 281.
See also
deaf education, debate over
Silver Dart,
376, 391
Six Nations Reserve, 30-31, 36
skyscrapers, 310
Smith, Chauncey, 195, 197
Smithson, James, 349-50
Smithsonian Institution, 252, 322, 334, 346,
Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts among
Boys, 11
Society of Arts, 129, 216
Society of Telegraph Engineers, 179
solar heating, 386
Songer, Miss, 61
songs, telephone in, 428
in Alec Bells childhood, 2-3, 9, 19
electrical transmission of, 73
sound-recording device.
sound waves, 73
speaking machine, 1-2, 74
speaking telegraph, 133
spectrophone, 213
Spelterini, Maria, 163
spitting, 259
Squibnocket, MA, 273, 297
St. John s, NL, 242, 243
St. Vitus' Dance, 300-302
Stalin, Joseph, 427
Standard Elocutionist, The
(M. Bell), 8, 31
Statue of Liberty, 132
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 422
Stewart, William Morris, 206
Story of My Life, The
(Keller), 267, 277
Strachey, Lytton, 423
streetcars, electric, 310
Strong, George Templeton, 28
subscription forms, 337
Sullivan, Annie Mansfield, 267-72, 276, 278
Sullivan (police chief), 344
switchboard operators, 428
switchboards, 204, 257, 323
Sydenham chorea, 300-302
Symonds, Edward, 147, 148
Symonds, Eliza Grace.
Bell, Eliza
Symonds, Mary, 2, 7, 8
sympathetic vibration, 73-74


Tainter, Sumner, 204, 209, 218, 219, 220,
229, 430
“telefon,” 71
telegraph, 26, 27, 28, 76, 186, 198, 427
harmonic, 29, 83
multiple, 29, 42, 43, 70-73, 83-88, 90-91, 94
quadruplex, 71
Telegraph House, 238, 243, 294
telegraph lines, 26, 27-28, 184, 193
Alec Bell without, 252
in art and letters, 161, 428
assemble-it-yourself, 182
attitudes toward, 129, 154, 159, 182-83, 186
“butterstamp,” 154
conception, 73-75, 85, 87-88
development, 91-94, 122-24, 147-50, 153,
183, 254
impact, 425-28
improvements, 193, 195-96, 207
long-distance, 399-401
patent disputes, 184, 189, 195-98, 198-201,
248, 252
patents, 121-22, 152-53, !53-54, i59~6o,
165, 172-73, 180, 182, 183, 184-85, 398,
predictions for, 157
principles of, 92
production, 160
proliferation, 154, 160-61, 165, 182, 192-
93, 255, 398-99, 428
public demonstrations, 129-30, 133, 137-38,
148-50, 157-60, 169, 172, 180, 184

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