Reluctant Genius (63 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Gray

BOOK: Reluctant Genius
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without telephone, 252
work habits, 43, 114, 177, 201, 204-5, 251,
253-54, 308, 319-20, 368, 387-89
world tour, 392-94
personal life: health
anemia, 418
breathlessness, 414
depression, 15
diabetes, 414
general, 17, 44~45, 71, 190-91, 191-92,
223, 233-34, 296, 414-15, 418-19
headaches, 12, 15, 18, 20, 44, 114, 155, 223,
251, 252, 261, 414
insomnia, 15, 223, 414
sciatica, 223
sensitivity to light, 114, 315, 414
tuberculosis, 414
weight, 20, 177, 381, 414-15
personal life: homes
in Boston, 43-44, 153, 154
in Edinburgh, 1, 6
in London, 16, 175, 176
in Nova Scotia, 244-45, 246, 293, 294-95,
305, 312-18
in Salem, MA, 46
Tutelo Heights, 22-23, 28
in Washington, 202, 205, 217, 227, 248-49,
252, 258
Bell and the deaf
American Association to Promote the
Teaching of Speech to the Deaf
(AAPTSD), 285, 394
communication with mother, 3, 8
versus Edward Gallaudet, 281-88
founds school for the deaf, 230, 234
lectures and public demonstrations, 36-37,
233, 276
papers on deafness, 229, 286, 306
as professor, 45-46, 76
research, 229, 297-98 sign language, 39
as teacher of the deaf, 17, 33, 34-37, 38-40,
118-19, 125, 134, 185-86, 269
as teacher of the deaf, private, 36, 43-44,
as teacher of Visible Speech teachers, 118
views on deaf education, 47-48, 274, 276, 281-88
Visible Speech, promotion of, 13-14,
36-37, 138, 216, 230
Volta Review,
on world tour, 393
Bell as inventor and scientist
ailerons, 373, 374
Arctic expedition proposal, 209
awards and honors, 215, 221, 269, 346,
Bell Telephone Company, 160, 162-63,
165, 180, 194, 215
call-bell system, 183
cats, landing on feet, 342
census tabulation, 346
deafness, study of, 229, 273-74
desalination, 346, 416
ear phonautograph, 72, 73-74, 75
flying machines (general), 85, 171, 310-12,
319-20, 323-24, 327-28, 365-67
Bell as inventor and scientist (continued)
glass tubes, for soup, 333
gliders, 371-73, 391-92
grain husker, 11
graphophone, 353, 430
helicopter-like devices, 311-12, 319, 323
hydrofoils, 392, 403-5, 406, 407-8, 409-13,
411-12, 431
induction balance, 228
kites, 338-40, 354-55, 357-6o, 366, 369-71,
376, 392, 394, 431
"Laboratory Notes," 201, 308
mathematical understanding, 254, 328
metal detector, 218-21, 309
multiple telegraph, 43, 44, 70-73, 75,
78-80, 83-88, 90-91, 102
National Geographic Magazine,
340, 353, 363
National Geographic Society, 346, 394
as non-entrepreneurial, 134,185-86, 212-13,
254, 257,411
other ideas, 85, 171, 204, 254, 308, 309,
386-87, 405, 416
patent disputes, 189-90, 192, 195, 196-97,
199-200, 201, 248, 252
patents, 86, 121, 122, 152-53, 180, 183,
184-85, 228, 256, 257, 353-54, 410-11,
430-31, 433-34
Philadelphia Exhibition, 133-39,150-51, 153
ear phonautograph
phonograph, 204, 223, 228, 309, 353
photography, 11-12, 308-9, 323
photophone, 204-5, 209-10, 211-13, 254,
predictions, 124-25, 157, 211-12, 231,
309, 323
pronunciation, 397
public demonstrations and lectures, 129-
30, 133-39, 148-50, 155-6P, 169, 172,
180, 184, 215, 347, 391, 399-401, 411-12
royal demonstration, 180-82
rumors and allegations, 194, 201, 233
safety, 373
sheep breeding, 297-98, 304, 305, 307,
394, 415, 418
 and Smithsonian Institution, 346, 348-51
speaking machine, 1-2, 74
spectrophone, 213
speed boat, 394, 412
subscription forms, 337
talking dog, 16
telegraph, 28-29, 147-50
(see also
telephone, 73-75, 85, 87-88, 91-94, 117-18,
121-24, 129-30, 152-53, 153, 180, 183,
185-86, 254
telephone switchboard, 323
tetrahedral cells, 353-54, 430
thoughts on experimentation, 372
thought transference, 254
tower, tetrahedral, 361-63
vacuum jacket, 223, 228, 333
vibration-measuring instruments, 14
wartime, 406, 407-8
water heater, 309
X-rays, 333-34
Bell, Alexander (grandfather), 3-4, 12, 14
Bell, Carrie Ottoway, 25, 33
Bell, Charlie, 209, 214, 215, 216, 260, 302, 425
Bell, Chichester (Chester), 228
Bell, David, 112, 148, 149, 150, 215
Bell, Edward (son of Alec and Mabel),
222-23, 224
Bell, Edward (son of Melly), 17
Bell, Edward (Ted), 5-6, 14-15, 16, 24,
Bell, Eliza
deafness, 3, 8, 44, 128
death, 335
and deaths of sons, 18, 24
and Mabel, 111-13, 128, 164, 191
marriage, 5
as mother, 7, 15, 18, 33, 72, 75, 79, 80, 215
moves, 31-32, 215
in Nova Scotia, 302, 315
as painter, 5-6
at Tutelo Heights, 24
Bell, Elsie May
appearance, 223-24
birth and childhood, 183-84, 186, 223-24,
225, 240, 242, 245, 249, 278-79
character, 328-29
courtship and marriage, 337-38, 343, 345
health, 300-302, 304, 307
and Mabels deafness, 280
in Nova Scotia, 278-79
in shipwreck, 240, 242
travels, 308, 318, 335, 345, 419
in Washington, 328, 329, 331
Bell, Gracie, 232, 302, 303
Bell, Helen, 232, 302, 303
Bell, Lily, 148, 406
Bell, Mabel Hubbard
and AEA, 361, 366, 368-69, 377, 379, 411,
and Alec’s inventing career, 120, 125,
134-35, 150-51, 154, 159, 190, 195, 359,
361, 366, 410-11
as Alec’s student, 48-49, 67, 69-70, 76, 90,
appearance and dress, 89, 162, 243-44,
304, 382, 402
and Bell Telephone Company, 162-63
 birth, 54
in Boston, 68-70
in Cambridge, MA, 60
character, 104-5, 110, 114, 330, 361, 431
childhood, 51-52, 54-67
communication, 57-58, 61-62, 63, 66, 128,
173, 282, 397-98, 402-3, 423
courtship and marriage, 101-2, 103-5,
109-10, 115, 119-20, 152, 161-63
deafness, 55, 63-64, 65-66, 97, 125-26,
127-28, 128, 224, 264, 279-81, 282, 299,
304, 431
death, funeral, and gravesite, 424-25
and deaths of family, 224, 232, 264, 334-35,
383-84, 420-21, 422, 423, 424, 431
education, 59-61, 64-65
and Edward Gallaudet, 284-85, 287
in Europe, 63-66, 216, 223, 225-26, 307-8,
318-19, 345-46, 348-50
finances, 162-63,203,369,377,384-85,423
as grandmother, 382-83, 385
health, 55
and Helen Keller, 277-78, 280
as hostess, 178-79
house fire, 248-49, 252
as housekeeper, 175-76, 177, 184, 384
in hydrofoil, 410
in Japan, 335
in London, 173, 174-80, 186
before Massachusetts legislature, 61-62
and Montessori education, 396
as mother, 184, 223-25, 244, 300-302, 328,
351, 352
in Nova Scotia, 237, 238, 243-47, 265, 294,
299-300, 304-6, 313, 314, 315, 402-3,
photographs of, 431
photography, 323, 360
political opinions, 152
pregnancy and childbirth, 173-75, 183,
210, 218, 222, 231-32
in Quebec, 188-90
reading, 60
relationship with Alec, 114-16, 120, 126-27,
151, 179, 194, 230-31, 260-65, 402-3
religion, 98, 151, 225
in Scotland, 167-72
sea travel, 165-66
sheep, 415, 423
shipwreck, 240, 242
sight, 423
at Tutelo Heights, 163-65
walking with Alec, 69, 257
in wartime, 409
in Washington, 207-8, 215, 260, 264, 287,
314, 330-31, 397
in western US, 152
world tour, 392-94
Bell, Marian Hubbard (Daisy), 249, 374, 396
appearance, 224
birth and childhood, 210, 278-79
character, 329, 353
courtship and marriage, 353
at glider flight, 374, 375
and Mabels deafness, 280
in New York City, 351-53
in Nova Scotia, 304, 305
shipwreck, 240, 242
travels, 308, 318, 329, 335, 345~46
in Washington, 329
Bell, Melville
appearance, 1, 356-57
in Boston, 163
character, 215
and deaf education, 17, 32
death, 357
as father, 1-2, 8, 15, 17, 18, 44-45, 111, 113
health, 4, 355-57
lectures and public demonstrations, 13-14,
31, 32
marriages, 5, 355
moves, 18-19, 215
and Newfoundland, 4, 236-37, 239, 242
in Nova Scotia, 302, 315-18, 355-57
as professor of elocution, 3-4, 5, 8, 31
as reader, 5
religion, 5
shipwreck, 240
and telegraph, 72
and telephone, 150, 165
Tutelo Heights, 22, 24
and Visible Speech, 8-10, 13-14, 17, 18, 32,
36, 39-40, 45, 75, 79
Bell, Melville (Melly), 1-2, 5-6, 12-13, 17-18,
Bell, Robert, 232, 264
Bell-Baldwin Hydrodromes Ltd., 413
Bell Corporation, 430-31
Belleville, ON, 24
Bell Laboratories, 430
bells, electric, 165-66
Bells Boys.
Aerial Experiment
Association (AEA)
Bell Telephone Company
British Bell, 169, 172-73, 180, 182, 183,
at death of Alec Bell, 423
finances and shares, 162-63,
94, 202,
International Telephone Company, 213, 215

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