Reforming Little Anya (20 page)

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Authors: Rose St. Andrews

Tags: #Little, #Reforming, #Anya

BOOK: Reforming Little Anya
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“Naughty girls who steal have to sit to eat, and they also have to clean their plate,” he scolded, scooping up some of it.

“Owwwiieee-oowwiieee-ow,” she yelped, and then frowned as he stuffed the food in her mouth. She chewed and swallowed, and made another foul face. “Daddyyyy, I hate this stuff!”

“Jessica, you will eat—or else,” he snapped.

She cringed, and started eating. Dinner was miserable, as were their after-dinner activities. She got dessert—ice cream—but he made her watch an educational DVD before bed, which was early. He bathed her, spared her the pain of an enema, gave her a bottle, but didn’t burp her, and then put her in one of her cute little nightshirts—a
Dora the Explorer
one. So, sex was out for tonight. Then he did something that made her smile.

He picked up a jar of cold cream from the bathroom.

Sitting on her bed, he patted his lap. “Okay, baby, I think you’ve been punished enough. Get on over, and I’ll give you some relief.”

“Yes, sir,” she chirped, getting into position.

Once she was over his lap, he slipped her loose-fitting nightie up, got some cream on his hand, and started to rub it in. She winced and grit her teeth, and tried hard to hold still, which wasn’t easy. He was applying it gently, but her poor ass was

“I doubt you’re going to be able to sit tomorrow, sweetie, but this should help you heal quicker. I hope you’ve learned something from this painful lesson, little girl.”

“Eeep—uhm—yes—yes, sir, I have. I really have. I promise, no stealing—never ever again,” she stammered out between grunts and groans.

Once she was well covered in lotion, he helped her to bed—on her tummy, of course—tucked her in, and kissed her good night.

“I love you, baby. Go to sleep, and wake up determined to start anew, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy, and I love you too.”


* * *


Come the morning, Jessica found she was still very sore. Going to the bathroom was difficult—she just about peed faster than she’d ever done it in her life—and the temperature-taking was miserable. One good thing was that she’d finally gotten beyond those horrible morning spankings. Still, she yelped and groaned through breakfast, and Drew again seemed to find every pothole on their drive.

Suddenly, he stopped and put the car in park.

“Ahhh, darling, what’s going on?” she said, concerned she’d done something to earn a re-warming.

“I just thought of something. You need another driving lesson. Come on, slide over, and you drive us the rest of the way.”

Jessica’s eyes popped open. “What? Drew, nooo! It’s hard enough sitting now. Driving means I have to flex and tighten my leg muscles, which means doing the same to my glutes.”

“Young lady, you haven’t had a lesson is almost a week. You keep putting me off with vague promises and complaints that you’re busy. Well, I’ve just decided: Lesson, now. Or…”

She shrank into the seat and swallowed hard. A spanking on the side of the road would be horrid, and she was certain everyone at the job site would be able to hear. Yeah, it might be miles away, but she’d probably scream loud enough to be heard in Prague! So, she got behind the wheel, Drew got in next to her, and she started driving.

And softly yelping.

Every push of the brakes, every tap and release of the gas had her whimpering and groaning in pain. Still, she managed to drive straight, and got them safely to the site.

The place was a beehive of activity. Everywhere she looked, she saw people working, which made her smile. They were on track and on time with every aspect of the project. Then she saw something that made her brow wrinkle in confusion. The flagman was furiously waving his flag, and he seemed to be shouting something.

As she drew near and rolled down her window, she could hear him, and she rolled her eyes.

“Run for your lives! Miss Alban is driving again.”

A snort on her right caught her attention, and she turned. Drew was clearly trying as hard as he could not to laugh. He was failing.

“Sure, take his side. My driving is fine, I’ll have you know.”

“I didn’t say a word,” he chuckled. “Jessica, watch the road!”

She spun her head back to face front. All around her, people were running for cover. Of course, it was all for show. She wasn’t driving fast, and none of them were anywhere near the car. No, this was just their little joke, and she didn’t appreciate it. Moving to the trailer, she parked next to it, and hopped out. Bounding inside, she said hello to Ingrid (the secretary), declined her offer of coffee, and headed for the conference room. Barry, the GC, was already there, as were half a dozen of the subcontractors.

“Morning, Barry, gentlemen, are we ready to roll?”

“Yes, Miss Alban, and you’ll be happy to know that the tile for the foyer has arrived, the electrical has been roughed in, and we’re a week
on the plumbing,” he said with a smile. “Care to have a seat, or do you prefer to stand—again?”

She smiled, partially as a cover for her discomfort, but mostly at hearing the good news. “Ah, you know me, Barry, too much nervous energy to ever sit.”

“That’s why she avoids coffee too,” Drew said, taking a seat. “Why, one too many cups, and it’d be hair, teeth, and eyeballs all over the walls.”

Everyone laughed, and they continued the meeting.

Later, driving home (Jessica again behind the wheel), she felt a lot better. Yeah, her ass was still burning up, but the project was going well, and she’d volunteered to make dinner. Again, she wanted to work at making amends to Drew.

How long before she repaired their relationship? How long before she could sit again? Only time would tell.

Chapter Sixteen



Time rolled on, and soon the leaves were changing. With them came other changes. The resort grew, as did Drew’s renewed trust in Jessica, and their love. She made a point of checking on the girls and Iva (now enrolled at the conservatory) regularly, although she did it surreptitiously. Jessica was still worried that being around them too much might get them figuring out her little secret. A number of the girls found work in the village, and several—through Jessica’s influence—were lined up with future jobs at the resort.

A couple of the girls found love, and left town to marry. Jessica was very happy for them, and saw to it that they each got a nice dowry. She also set up an account to insure Viktor, Misha, and the whole staff would get a proper salary from now on.

Jessica managed to stay out of trouble—overall—but she did feel Drew’s paddle and spoon, and her hairbrush on several occasions. And then came a day when work did
go too well.

Driving them home, Drew frowned at a pouting Jessica. “Well, that was just about the most immature display I think I’ve ever seen.”

She mumbled something under her breath, even as she crossed her arms and lowered her head.

“What was that, little girl? It’s hard to hear you when you sulk like a four-year-old!”

“Barry’s a stinky-assed jerk,” she snapped.

“Ah, yes, so eloquently put, my dear,” he said, his voice thick with sarcasm. “Oh, you are
getting it when we get home.”

“No, I’m not! I didn’t do anything wrong. Barry was wrong, I pointed that out, and now he’s going to deal with it.”

Drew raised his right eyebrow. “Excuse me, little girl?
do not decide matters of discipline in this family.”

She sat up, uncrossed her arms, and glared at him. “I—did—nothing—wrong,” she growled, jabbing her right index finger into her left palm to punctuate each word.

Drew opened his mouth, but froze and said nothing. He chewed his lip, and Jessica was taken aback. Had she actually made a good point and was going to get out of a punishment?

Holy shit, this is an event to commemorate.

“Jessica, let me try to explain this. Look, being the boss doesn’t mean you get to be bossy, it means you’re responsible for everything.”

“I was being responsible. I was letting Barry know that he screwed up, and if he wanted to keep his job, he had to fix it.”

“Yeah, okay, you did that. It’s not what you did, sweetie, that I find objectionable, it was
. You were abusive, demeaning, and at times you squealed like an immature brat. You didn’t listen to Barry’s explanation, you questioned his judgment and abilities, both of which everyone knows are stellar, which only made you look foolish, and every time he made a valid point you insulted him. You practiced the
ad hominem

“The what?”

“You tried to discredit Barry by attacking him instead of his arguments.”

“I didn’t see it that way!”

“Oh, boy, let me see if I can illustrate my point. You clearly need to understand what it means to be boss, to be in command. Oh, I know. You remember that Mel Gibson movie we watched the other night?”

“Mel Gib…? Oh, I know the one,
Okay, what about it?”

“You remember how afterwards you wondered about the real story, and we looked it up online?”

She nodded. “Yeah, the mutineers ended up on some island.”

“And what happened to Bligh?”

“He got another command.”

“Right. He wasn’t thrown out of the navy, he wasn’t even disciplined. Why was that?”

“Ahhh, because he didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Right once more. In fact, he was the only captain in history to have
mutinies, and yet he retired a vice-admiral from the British Navy. Again I ask: Why?”

Jessica hung her head. “Because, in all those incidents, all the floggings, all the cruel punishments, the starvation rations, the overwork, he did everything by the book.”

“Now, does that remotely make sense? Think about it. Which is the more likely scenario: That Bligh was a terrible commander, or that three completely different crews were wrong or evil, or whatever you want to call them?”

“I… ahhh, well…”

“What did we decide?”

“We discussed what sort of captain Bligh was. He was legally right, but morally wrong.”

Drew nodded, even as they approached their cottage. “You got it. So, what about what you did today?”

“It was… right, but… wrong,” she said, barely above a whisper.

“I’m proud of you, sweetie, realizing that is the first mature thing you’ve done today.”

“I’m sorry, Drew.”

“I’m not the one you need to apologize to. So, here’s what’s going to happen: first, you’re going to go inside and change into your ‘regular’ clothes, and then get my strap, the heavy leather one. Then go stand in the corner of my study with the strap held in your teeth. When I’m ready, I’ll come and deal with you.”

“Ohhh, not the strap, that really hurts.”

“It’s supposed to, young lady. Now, move, unless you want me to double your punishment.”

“Eeep. No, sir,” she squeaked, and bolted from the car.

Once inside, she put her business clothes in the closet, and got on one of her so-called ‘regular’ outfits—khaki shorts and a t-shirt—and then followed the rest of his instructions. Standing there in the corner, it seemed like hours before she heard the door open. As with the other times she’d been in this situation, she knew not to turn to face him—yet.

“All right, little girl, turn around, and come over here.”

She cringed, but did as he said. Just like before, she had to hand him the implement, and then tell him why she was getting this punishment. He sat on the desk, slowly nodding as she spoke, and finally gestured at the desk with his head.

“Very good, little one. Now, stand at the desk, bend across it, and hold on to the other edge.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, and got into position.

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Drew taking up a stance so he could let her have it, and then came the tap, tap, tap of the strap against her poor ass.

“After we’re done, you’ll spend the rest of the day in your room, and tomorrow you’re going to apologize to Barry in front of the entire staff.”

“What? No, Daddy, can’t I just talk to him in private? I’ll be embarrassed doing it in front of everyone.”

“Exactly, which is as it should be. You humiliated him in front of everyone, so the apology has to match.”

“Yes, sir, I see your point.”

“Good. Now you’re going to feel my leather,” he scolded.

Without a pause to give her a chance to brace, he struck. Jessica bounced on the edge of the desk, and gripped the edge harder.

Oh, what a sting that thing delivers!

Crack! Smack! Swat!
The strap landed again and again, and Jessica was yelping and howling in no time. Her feet proceeded to snap up at each smack, much like a person’s knee reacting to the tap of a doctor’s reflex hammer. Yet, she kept a firm grip on the edge of the desk. She knew extra would be portioned out if she dared let go. Over and over he struck, and Jessica went from promises to begging to sobbing in short order. Then something happened that she never expected.

Drew’s computer beeped.

His laptop sat at the center of the desk, just next to Jessica’s left arm, and she recognized the sound. Someone was calling on Skype. Drew stopped the strapping, reached over, and turned the computer so he could see the screen.

“Ah, it’s Kelly calling,” he said casually. “We better answer it, might be important.”

“What? Bu-bu-but what about…? I mean, so, we’re done here, right?” she squeaked, praying he’d say yes.

“You stay right where you are, little girl,” he ordered, and activated the video chat.

“Drewwww, nooooo!” she whined, and then saw Kelly’s happy smiling face appear on the screen.

“Ah, Jessica, there you… are,” she said, the smiling vanishing, to be replaced by one of confusion. “Ahhh, dear, what are you… doing?”

Jessica bit her lip. “I… ahhh, ouch!” she yelped, Drew giving her a smack.

He bent down next to her so that Kelly could see him. “Kelly, it’s a long story.”

“Ah-huh,” she replied, sitting back and crossing her arms. “Well, I’ve got plenty of time. Enlighten me.”

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