Reforming Little Anya (18 page)

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Authors: Rose St. Andrews

Tags: #Little, #Reforming, #Anya

BOOK: Reforming Little Anya
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She did, and he reached behind his back. He pulled out a baby bottle, and it looked to be full of milk!

“What the—”

He stuffed it in her mouth. She reached for it, and he easily pinned her hands behind her back.

“Settle down, little one, this is also for your own good. A nice bottle of warm milk will help you to sleep. I know it’s an old wives’ tale, but it does happen to work. I remember what you were like back home, sweetie, when work got to be too stressful, you had trouble sleeping. Well, I’m going to make sure you get a good night’s sleep.”

Jessica struggled for another minute, and then calmed down. Once again, she hated to admit it, but he was right. She had terrible sleeping habits, and work always gave her insomnia. The milk definitely had a calming effect on her. By the time she emptied the bottle, she felt serene and relaxed.

Drew put the bottle aside and gently rolled her over on his lap. “That’s my good little girl. So, now Daddy will burp you, and then he’ll give you a ride to bed.”

“Burp me? What are you—oh!” she squeaked.

Drew had dropped her flap and his fingers were inside her, stroking and tickling her clit.

“Here we go, baby, you just relax and let Daddy do everything.”

“Ohhh, ahhh-ah, Dadddyyyy, I-I-I—ohhhh,” she moaned, even as he slid deep inside her to make contact with her g-spot. “Oh! Going to… going to… oohhhh…”

“Be a good little girl, don’t cum yet. Only
girls cum too soon,” he scolded playfully.

Jessica couldn’t think straight, her brain was being pulled in multiple directions. She was over Drew’s lap and exposed, which was incredibly humiliating, and yet she was also being taken right to the edge of pure delight. Gripping his trouser leg until her nails turned white, she was good, she was naughty, and she was so turned on—all at the same time.

“Y-y-yes, Daddy, I tryyyy. I-I-I sorry if I was a-a-a
naughty earlier,” she gasped out, even as her breathing sped up. “If you feel I need a
spanking for that, it—oohhhh—aahhhh—okay.”

She looked over her shoulder, even as her teeth began to chatter and she panted, and saw the twinkle in Drew’s eye.

“Well… maybe you do,” he said, even as he withdrew his right hand and replaced it with his left. His right came to rest on her right cheek, and she shivered. “Daddy doesn’t like it when you’re
, little Jessica. When you’re
, what does Daddy do?”

“Ohhhhh… Gawwwddddd!” she heaved. “He-he-he puts me over—ahhh—his lap and—and spanks—”

And he did just that. Slowly, deliberately, he flicked his right hand to smack first her right cheek, and then her left. Drew was careful; the spanks were just enough to give her a sting, and timed to coincide with the bucking and heaving of her hips as she bounced on his lap. He shifted his leg to grind his right knee into her clit. Jessica’s hands flew up to her breasts as her head snapped back. Her nipples were hard as pencil erasers, and she shook with each new stimulation to her body. She couldn’t separate them: pain, pleasure, embarrassment, delight. They were causing short circuits in her brain.

As the minutes ticked by, he gradually stepped up everything. The smacks grew harder and faster, the thrusts and probes of his fingers went deeper, and he started to bounce her on his knee. All the while, he scolded her for being naughty.

“I’m sorry to have to do this, little Jessica, but when you’re a
naughty little girl
, Daddy has no choice. He has to put you over his lap and spank your cute little bottom until you cry like a baby.”

“Daddy, Daddy, I-I-I… ohhh…” she wailed.

That was the last straw. She lost it. Over the top she went, and she came hard. In her entire life, she didn’t think she’d ever known such a climax. It was one for the books, the kind she’d heard about in an adult book or good porno movie. The woman cumming so hard she just about literally hits an operatic high note. Well, Jessica was no singer, but—right now—she felt sure she could shatter every window in the cottage.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour (although she was sure it wasn’t), she came down. The next thing she knew, Drew was helping her into bed on her stomach, and then he was inside her, taking her from behind. He lifted her up on her knees, her head down, and got on his knees behind her. Slowly, gently, he rocked and thrust into her, his hips banging her stinging bottom. While she did wince and yelp in pain, it was a warm delicious pain that quickly renewed her passions.

Holy shit, I’m on track for another climax!

His hands snaked their way inside her pajamas to knead and caress her small breasts. It made her feel good to know that Drew wasn’t disappointed with their size. He lifted her up, pulling her close to his chest, even as his cock made that final connection: its tip linked up with her g-spot, and she again wailed in delight.

“Daddy—Daddy—Drewwww—yessssss, right there! Pleaseeee, hold onnnn—aahhhhh!” she howled.

“Yes—yes—yes,” he growled in a husky voice in her ear.

She shook, shuddered, and felt his hot seed spreading inside her. Everything exploded inside her mind and pussy, and she came too. Collapsing on the bed, he withdrew and rolled her over, and they embraced. He felt so very good. Well, his remaining clothes were a bit rough, but she could overlook that. They stayed like that, wrapped together, until he ‘reloaded.’ After that, it was back over his lap, and they reset the whole scenario.

It was several hours before Drew tucked her in and kissed her good night. Yeah, her ass stung, but it was one hell of a great sting!

Chapter Fourteen



Jessica slept like she had never slept before. She didn’t know if it was the warm milk, the sex, knowing Drew was there to take care of her, or maybe the fact that she had a new purpose in life. It was probably a blending of all of them; kind of like different metals mixing to form a stronger alloy. Her dreams were filled with wonderful images: her working, Drew and her enjoying life, and some great sex!

The next thing she knew, Drew was gently waking her. She yawned and stretched, rubbed her eyes, and sat up. It was clearly early, but she knew they had a lot to do today.

“Morning, sweetie, you sleep good?” he said, taking hold of her about the waist.

“Oh, you bet, Daddy, that was just about the best sleep ever,” she replied, smiling. Then she frowned. He was putting her across his lap! “Ahhh, Daddy, what’s going on? I didn’t do anything bad.”

“Oh, didn’t you? I seem to recall a very long ‘Naughty List’ with your name on it, little girl. But no, this is not a spanking—not yet. This is your morning routine.”

She was confused.
‘Not yet’? What does that mean?
She felt her jammies’ flap go down, and heard the drawer of her bedside table open.
What is Drew doing?

“Oh, yeah, I do have a long list of ‘crimes’ to deal with. But what do you mean by ‘routine’? I—oh!” she squeaked.

She felt a new invasion, and knew only too well what it was: Drew had stuffed a thermometer up her ass. Groaning, she squirmed on his lap and tried to reach back for it. This only served to get her hand pinned to her side, and a couple of warning spanks.

“Daddy, what are you doing? I’m not sick,” she whined.

“I know, and I intend for you to stay that way. So, you’re getting your temperature taken every morning.”

Her eyes popped open wide. “Every?! Daddyyyy, that’s not fair.”

“Little girl, the subject is not open to debate. Now, you lie there and behave—or else.”

Jessica pouted, not liking the situation one bit, but bit her tongue to keep from saying something to get her into trouble. It seemed like forever, but Drew finally withdrew the thermometer, and she heaved a sigh of relief.

“And… you are healthy,” he said, reading it. “So, that means you’re well enough for a good sound spanking. Isn’t that wonderful?”

“What? Wait a minute, I—ouch!” she yelped, trying to push herself up off of his lap.

She failed, and Drew proceeded to warm her bottom nicely. Granted, it wasn’t an overly severe spanking, but it did get her yelping long before he was done. There were so many feelings coursing through her mind. First, there was control—she’d given it up, Drew was calling the shots. Then there were the dual sensations of embarrassment and eroticism. After all, she was across his lap getting spanked in the position normally reserved for a naughty child. Yet, there was the intimacy of lovers, and all her charms being on display. Next, of all things, she felt her mind being cleared of troubles. As each smack fell, another chip in her debt of naughty acts was cashed in. This also led to her experiencing cathartic and therapeutic feelings, which further made her feel better—even as her ass grew hot and tears began to drip to the floor.

Afterwards, he stood her before him, flap down and her hands furiously rubbing, and wagged his finger at her.

“All right, young lady, that was your first spanking for your list, clear? Now, I’m going to make a deal with you, Jessica, these will continue—every morning—until
decide that you’ve paid for every act.”

Her face just about exploded into a broad smile. “Really? Oh, Dre—Daddy, that’s-that’s… oh, that’s so cool! Thank you, and don’t you worry, I won’t scrimp on the number of spankings I deserve.”

Drew stood and stroked her hair. “I know you won’t, honey. From what Misha told me, you’ve developed quite the conscience, and that’s why I know I can trust you on this.”

“Yeah,” she replied, straining to look over her shoulder at her stinging seat, “and sometimes it can be a real pain in the… behind.”

He chuckled, and took her by the arm. “Yes, I think it will. Now, come on, let’s eat and get to work. We’ve got a lot to do today.”

They headed downstairs, Jessica closing her flap as they went, and then they made breakfast. She winced at bit at sitting in a chair again, but her chief complaint was being denied coffee.

“But, Daddy, I’m not a real little girl. It’s not like it’s going to stunt my growth,” she whined.

“I know, baby, but I’ve also seen what too much caffeine does to you. Remember the cappuccino incident last year?”

“I… ahhh, ummm, well, kinda,” she mumbled, hanging her head.

She remembered it only too well. She had three cappuccinos at dinner, and been so incredibly wired she hadn’t come down until about noon the next day. It did not make for a good day at work.

Drew grinned, giving her a glass of juice. “I rest my case.”

Breakfast then passed without further argument.

“Ahhh, last night was great,” she stammered.

“Yes, it seems a light spanking it most efficacious at getting your motor up to full revs. I think I’ll add that to your nightly routine.”

“Oh, why do I get the feeling my bottom is going to sting for the rest of my life?”

He laughed. “It’s entirely possible!”

Once done, he left her to clean up, and he went to get dressed. Jessica was a bit confused by this, until she got up to her room, and saw the outfit laid out on her bed.

“Dre—Daddy, you get in here,” she shouted.

A creak, and she turned just in time to see Drew’s happy smiling mug fill the doorway.

“Young lady, we do not shout in this house,” he said, his tone just a bit playful. It was clear that he knew exactly why she’d yelled.

“Yes, yes, I know, and I’m sorry about that, but explain this,” she demanded, holding up the blouse.

“I would think it’s self-explanatory. That’s what you’re to wear today.”

Jessica shook her head. “I don’t think so! I want one of my power suits. Now, where are they? In the other room?”

“No, I got rid of them,” he said simply.

“What? Why? Do you have any idea how much they cost?” she screeched, and tore the blouse in two.

“Jessica, your clothes were completely wrong for what you were trying to accomplish. You wanted to dress to display power, right?”

“Exactly. My parents taught me: dress for success and to let your subordinates know who’s in charge.”

“Yes, well, that’s the wrong way to go about it.”

Her brow wrinkled. “I don’t get it.”

“Jessica, real power comes from within. Think of it this way: people respect a boss right away, simply because they’re the boss. They don’t respect the person until they earn that respect, and a fancy suit doesn’t say ‘Respect me.’ It says ‘I have no confidence in myself, and the only way for me to impress people is through my clothes.’ Understand?”

She slowly nodded. “Ohhh, I get it. It’s like a man buying a big car to compensate for his shortcomings. Right?”

“You got it. Dress smartly, and let the power come from your actions.”

“So, I guess that’s why you own a
Smart Car
. Right, Daddy?” she said with a smirk.

“I… ahhh, well,” he stammered.

Jessica giggled—now he had two red cheeks too! “Okay, I’ll wear it. Oh, wait, I need a new blouse.”

Drew nodded, even as he moved to her dresser and picked up a stout hairbrush. “Yes, you do, but first, you have to come over here,” he ordered, sitting on the one ‘adult’ chair.

Her back stiffened, and her hands flew to cover her ass. “What? Noooo! Daddy, I said I’d wear the clothes. What’s that for?”

“Excuse me, little girl? You just destroyed a perfectly good blouse, and shouted at me. These are things not permitted in this house. So, come here, and get over my lap, unless you want double!”

“Eeep!” she squealed, and bolted across the room.

She just about dove across his lap, and he again dropped her flap. Jessica trembled. She hadn’t done anything to earn a really severe paddling in a long time.

The brush struck without warning, and she bounced on his lap. Before she could even cry out, a matching blow landed on her left cheek.

“Ow! Daddy, that really hurts!”

“Good, it’s supposed to,” he scolded, picking up the pace. “Now, tell me what you will not do in future?”

“Ouch! Ow! I won’t—owwiieeee—tear up good clothes, and—ow—I won’t—ouch—ow—yell at youuuu!” she choked out between yelps.

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