Redemption(Struggle #3) (7 page)

BOOK: Redemption(Struggle #3)
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morning, Mom.”

,sweetheart.” She smiled.
At least the start was better than I expected.
“I was checking your report on the Canada division. You did nice work there.” She smiled again.

“How did you get the report when I
have it with me.” I opened the envelope I brought along. The report was still there, and I hadn’t sent any copy to her.

“Mr. Peterson sent me it by fax t
his morning. It’s his report, actually, not yours.”

“Oh, then here is mine. And what did he write in his report?”
I was curious about Mr. Peterson’s report, too. He was the one who took charge as Managing Director. in Canada. His report was very important.

, he acknowledged your help and he found you amusing. And he also found your boyfriend amusing, too.”

“My boyfriend?”
I never took Nathan to work. All the time I spent in my business meetings, he sat in our hotel room, playing games over the Internet.

“Nathan Brown. right?” Her expression changed in
an instant. With Nathan’s name her face turned very serious. “Does it ring any bell with you?” she asked.

“But how did he know him? Did he sp
y on me?”

“Maybe, maybe
not. You had a personal assistant; he may have given him the required info. I’m not quite surprised that you took him with you.” She stopped for a second and looked deep into my eyes. My palms were sweaty again and I was pushing my right leg into the ground. The Nathan talk wasn’t going the way I had hoped. “Anyways I liked the work you did there and I would like you to get more into our business. Alone.” She stressed on the word ‘Alone’.

It was time. My heart started beating faster. “
Mom, Nathan and I got married a few days ago.”

“What?” Her face changed color instantly. “What did you say?”
she screamed in a harsh tone.

“I said we got married few days
ago,” I repeated slowly.

“Are you mad
, Eva? Is this some kind of sick joke?” She lost her calm and threw the papers she was holding on the couch.

sorry, Mom, I should have informed you earlier, but even we didn’t know it until the next morning. We went to Vegas and got married in a crazy night.” I wanted to tell her a serious story, but I lost my control and told the truth.

, Eva? Why?” She lost control in her legs and sat down on the couch. I’d never seen her as weak as that day.

I ran to her. “Are you
okay, Mom?” I touched her shoulder.

“Go away
, Eva. Don’t touch me. I never expected this from you. What in the hell were you thinking before getting married to that low-class person?” Now she was acting crazy.

“He is not low
class, Mom. He is a good person and I know him very well. Just don’t call him anything.”

“Look at you
, Eva. Now you are fighting with your mom over a man you’ve known for a few months.” Tears splashed out of her eyes. “I grew you in my belly for nine months and have known you for the last twenty-plus years; and you are fighting with me for a man you’ve known just a few months.” Her face was covered in her tears. My marriage turned out to be a real shock for her. I expected her to be angry, but I didn’t expect such a melt down from her.

“I’m so
sorry, Mom, that I didn’t tell you this earlier. But I’m not sorry for getting married to him. He is a very nice person and, more than that, he loves me like crazy. I understand it was a fast and crazy wedding, but it was the logical step in our relationship and I don’t regret it.”

“Listen to me
, Eva. There is still some chance to get out of this mess. I know you are a little childish and I’ve covered you many times earlier. Remember Jacob?”

, I know, and I’m very thankful to you. But comparing Jacob with Nathan is like comparing apples with oranges. Nathan is not Jacob; he is so much more than that jerk and the best part is he wouldn’t even think to hurt me. Do you know, Mom? He flew to Canada just to be with me. Isn’t it great, mom?” I was trying my best to convince her. It was difficult, but I hoped for the best.

“You know what
, Eva?” She stood up with the help of a chair. “I don’t think you are understanding the situation. I think I’m too foolish to do this all for you.” She started breathing fast. “Do you know how many millions our business empire is worth?”

“No.” I
had no other answer. I didn’t know.

“And who do you think I’m building this for? Do you know how much your shoes cost? How much your last credit card bill

shook my head. I really didn’t know that. She always paid my bills.

“Do you think that poor bastard can spend thousands on your shopping?”

“Say whatever you want mom, but it isn’t going to change anything between us. He earns more than enough for both of us,” I said in confidence, but inside I knew Nathan’s financial condition wasn’t so great.

“That’s enough
, Eva. You have said enough. Your so-called husband is after my money, but I’m not going to let him do that.” She paused to take a breath.”You have one week. If you don’t come back to me and give me the divorce papers, I will cut you off from everything. You will be barred from the property,” she said in threatening voice.

My heart was crying, my eyes were full of tears. But
I didn’t like the way she was talking about Nathan. She didn’t know him as well I did. But I wasn’t going to break in front of her. “It’s okay, Mom. I’m fine with it. But I’m not going to break up with him. I love him and we will live with his money. I don’t need your damn money or you.” I turned back and walked away.

“Write it down
, Eva. One day you will come back to me,” she screamed from the room.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks, but
I didn’t turn back. I walked down the stairs and sat inside Nathan’s car, crying out my frustration. Mom was right that I should have told her everything earlier, but she had no right to call Nathan names. He didn’t care for her money and even I didn’t. “Bye bye, Mom. I’ll prove you wrong.” I looked at the hotel for the last time and drove away.



Chapter 10


“Good afternoon
, Nathan,” Mr. Lobo said in a serious tone.

“Yes. Mr. Lobo, what is it that you
needed to call me for.” I was working on the project in the late evening and Lobo called.

“I’m afraid I’ve some bad news for you.”

“What? What bad news now?” There was no way he could complain about the code. Testers were happy with the code so far. So the customer couldn’t be unhappy with me.

“I can’t speak over the phone. We need to meet now.”

“But I have a call scheduled with tester. Can we meet first thing in tomorrow morning?”

, Nathan. You are not understanding the importance of this thing. Do you want to meet us in court?” His tone changed to a threatening one.

“Don’t threaten me
, Lobo. If you want to see me in court, it’s fine with me. We will discuss this there.” He was getting into my head and I didn’t like that. There was a limit for everything and Lobo reached his limit.

He turned qui
et for a moment. “I’m sorry, Nathan, if I forced you or sounded like a threat. But, believe me, it’s for your own good. I’m on your side; I don’t want my client to take advantage of you. There are lots of things going on and I need to talk to you about it urgently. Please come to Club Xavier in half an hour.” He hung the phone.

What the fuck?
couldn’t believe how much of a jerk he was. He was a very professional man and had always been good with me, but in this case he was totally behaving like an ass. I thought for a minute, but then decided to meet him. I quickly changed into a formal jacket and jeans. I looked in the bedroom; Eva was sleeping quietly. She came home in the afternoon and she was having migraine, so she took some pills and went to sleep right away. It was strange that she had been sleeping for more than five hours now, but I couldn’t wake her up. Maybe she was feeling ill.
I will check with her after she wakes up.

My car keys were laying on bed with her
; I took them, kissed her forehead and walked out. I didn’t want to wake her up. She might be exhausted by the work she had been doing in our apartment. I’d had some doubts about our marriage decision at first, but seeing her working so hard to make everything right had started melting the ice around my heart. I left her a note on the TV and got out of the apartment.

Club Xavier was famous for
its night-club and silent lounge. They had many soundproof rooms placed around the dance bar, so people could enjoy the dancing as well as complete business meetings. At one time, it was my favorite club to find girls, but after meeting Eva I lost interest in it.

“I’m here to meet Mr. Lobo
,” I said to the sexy receptionist.

“He is waiting for you in
room number ten.” She grinned a sexy smile at me. If I wasn’t married to Eva I would have asked her name, for sure.

I quickly walked towards
office ten. “I’ll check what that jerk has to say and then I’m outta of here.” Eva was sleeping alone and I wanted to be with her when she needed me. If Lobo wasn’t a well-known agent, I would have just avoided him.

I opened the door, a female voice greeted me. “Come in, Nathan, or should I say son-in-law?” A chill ran through my spine. It was no doubt Martha, Eva’s mother.

What the hell is she doing here?
With many doubts, I entered inside. Lobo wasn’t there.
That jerk set me up.
If Martha had asked me about a meeting, I could have said no to her.
I’m gonna kick your ass, Lobo.

, Martha, I guess it was you who wanted to meet me and not Lobo.” I tried to calm  myself down. I was pissed off by the way Lobo had trapped me.

, indeed. I guess you wouldn’t have come here if I asked you straight.” She lit cigarette. I hated it. I hated people who smoked while talking, but I ignored it for the sake of Eva.

“Yes. Tell me why you wanted to meet me. I
have lots of work to do.”

“I know that.
I know how much money you have in accounts and I know how broke you are.” She gave me a wicked look.

“What do you want
, Martha?”

“How much
do you want Nathan? How much money do you want to get out of my daughter’s life?” She paused to take a drag of the cigarette. “I must give credit to you. You played a very nice game. Vegas, huh? It must have been your idea to go to Vegas and then put some drugs in her drinks and blah, next day both of you are married.” She laughed like a wicked witch.

I couldn’t control my anger. She was getting on my nerves.
I bumped my fist on the table. “That’s enough, Martha. If you weren’t Eva’s mother, I would have answered you in the same manner.”

“Don’t try to act smart
, Nathan. I know your kind. Just tell me your price, because everybody has a price. Just bark your price and I would give you double. It’s a bright day for you my son-in-law.” She laughed like a wicked witch again.

“Who are you?
God? Godfather? Or Mafia?” I was getting sick of her. She was a crazy-minded woman and had thought that everyone was a jerk like her. “I don’t care about your money, Martha, and I earn enough to take care of Eva.”

“Don’t be a
jerk. You know that with the bank balance you have you won’t be able to last long. Tell me the price. One million, two or five. I’m ready for ten million as well. Just get your ass out of her life.”

I just couldn’t believe how insane
this could be. She was the epitome of insanity. “You are just sick, Martha.” My face turned red. I could feel the heat generating inside me. If she had been a man and wasn’t related to Eva, I would have punched her. “I’m out of here. And for God’s sake, don’t poison your own daughter’s mind with these thoughts of yours. She is a nice person and let her be.” I walked out of here. She was not bearable anymore.



Chapter 11


With a squeaking sound of br
akes, I stopped my car in the parking garage. I’d been driving it like crazy. The distance from my home to the Xavier club was half an hour, but I covered it in less than fifteen minutes. My insides were boiling in anger. Martha pissed me off. I was thinking, thinking and pushing the gas harder and harder. If she wasn’t mother of Eva, I would have taught her a lesson for messing with me.
What does she think of herself? Money isn’t everything. You need a heart to work things out and not pockets full of money.

With a thud
, I opened the door and then I remembered Eva was home and I couldn’t tell her the real reason for my anger. But surprisingly she didn’t seem to be at home; at least all the lights were turned off. Quickly, I checked in the bedroom; Eva was still sleeping. I checked the kitchen; everything was clean and nothing disturbed. It was clear that she hadn’t eaten anything. I wasn’t in a good mood, but I didn’t want her to sleep hungry. I made an omelet and toasted two slices breads with cheese on them. They looked good and I hoped they would taste good, as well.

BOOK: Redemption(Struggle #3)
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