Redemption's Edge (10 page)

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Authors: Shirleen Davies

BOOK: Redemption's Edge
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“The new owners won’t take kindly to their man being shot, And no matter who pulled the trigger, they’ll look to me. What else have you heard?”

“The Pelletiers plan to ride into town this morning to hire more men. They’ve got the others bringing in the herd, circling them close.” It had been a good move to insert one of their men into the Pelletier ranch. They’d learned much over the last few months.

“That’s good. Means they’re scared.”

“I wouldn’t count on it, boss. Those two just don’t give up. I’m thinking their plan is to grow the herd, maybe get the place ready to sell. A few hundred more head of cattle and more men would challenge what you have. Some Englishman with money could swoop in and snap up that property real quick if they plan it right. They’ve still got property in Savannah, and jobs in Texas. Why would those two want to stay here? No, I think they’ll get the best price they can for the place and move on.”

King listened to Drake’s comments, not sure he bought into them. He felt certain once they learned the true potential of the land, they might make the decision to stay and build up the ranch. It would be, in King’s mind, an unwise decision if that’s what they did. He wouldn’t tolerate anyone else taking more land from him or keeping what he felt should rightfully be his. They weren’t ranchers—hell, from what he’d learned, they didn’t know the first thing about the cattle business.

“How many men are they after?”

“Don’t know for certain. My guess is at least a half-dozen.”

King thought about the number, which would bring them up to about the same number of men as him. It made a statement. They were willing to fight for the ranch, and that was unwelcome news. Tolbert stood and walked to the window, pulling back the curtain to look out at the distant mountains.

“When are they bringing in the cattle?”


King narrowed his eyes at Drake. “Get the men out there, scatter the herd, and don’t let them get close to the inner pastures. No gunfire. And don’t let them see your faces. I don’t want them tying it back to us.” His goal wasn’t to kill, only to show the Pelletier brothers the true nature of ranching and discourage them from staying. When they give up, he’d be ready to buy them out.

“And if they get in our way?”

“No killing, Drake. Scare them. If you have to fire, aim into the air. I don’t want anyone shot. Do you understand?”

“Sure, boss.” Drake’s heavy footsteps echoed in the hall as he left. King could hear the front door close and knew the man wasn’t happy about the last instruction.

He looked up at the soft knock on his office door and guessed it to be his daughter, Abigail.

“Come in.”

“Good morning, Father.” Her soft voice and quiet ways always tugged at her father’s heart. “I thought I heard you in here.”

King watched Abby close the door. She’d always been the exact image of her mother. Beautiful, deep red hair, creamy complexion with a sprinkling of freckles across her nose, and a smile like the morning sun. She reached up and placed a kiss on her father’s cheek.

“Drake had some things to talk over with me. What are your plans?” He noticed her eyebrows arch at his question.

“You didn’t forget about taking me to town today, did you?”

He had, and felt a pang of guilt, but that was easy to correct. “Of course not. When will you be ready?”

King watched her eyes light up. “Now, if it suits you.”

“Get what you need and I’ll have someone ready the buggy.”

As she rushed out of the room, he wished life could be different for the young woman. Her mother had passed away a few years after Abby’s birth. He’d just started building the ranch and the time he could spend with his daughter had been slight. She’d attended boarding school and finishing school in Philadelphia, surrounded by other girls from well-to-do families. Abby returned to Montana before Christmas, asking him to allow her to stay. He’d agreed. The time had come for her to be courted, yet the possibilities were few in this remote area.

King couldn’t worry about the quality of her suitors now. He had more pressing matters, such as the land he coveted, which rested in the hands of two ex-Confederate soldiers. He walked outside and called for one of the hands to prepare the buggy.

“I’m ready, Father.”

The cowhand who’d harnessed the rig helped Abby onto the seat. King watched as the man’s eyes roamed over his daughter, making him reconsider his previous thought. Perhaps he’d need to
time to identify someone suitable for his daughter sooner rather than later. He had many ties in the territorial capital of Big Pine. Perhaps he’d look there.

King slapped the reins, deciding to give both his daughter and his troubles with the Pelletiers more thought.

“That’s five men.” Luke and Dax sat at the restaurant connected to the boardinghouse and finished their noon meal. They’d been lucky. A rancher across the line in Idaho territory had sold out. The new owner brought in his own men, letting many of the others go. A group had ridden into Montana, some rode south to Utah, and others rode toward Washington and Oregon. Dax had spotted them at the livery, and after a few minutes, the five had found work. They were now on their way to the ranch, while the brothers stayed to pass the word around town.

“We’re fortunate we saw them before they spoke with Tolbert. He might have hired them to keep the men out of our reach.” Luke placed the last bite of food in his mouth and clasped his hands behind his head.

Dax finished his meal and leaned back in the chair, looking outside toward the livery and the Rose Saloon across the dirt street. He thought about Rachel, had been thinking about her since the day he’d taken her back to town. It irritated him that he couldn’t get the woman out of his mind. Dax had considered staying in town that night, going to the Rose, and finding one of the women to take the edge off. A couple of them were pretty enough. The trouble seemed to be that none were worth the effort and he’d still leave with an ache for the beautiful nurse. The best course was to follow their plan to get the ranch ready to sell, find a buyer, and ride back to Texas and the jobs they’d left behind.

Luke rapped him on the arm. “Isn’t that Miss Davenport walking toward the livery?”

Dax sat up and debated only a moment. “It is.” He stood and looked down at his brother, his jaw working.

Luke suppressed a grin. “Might be a good idea to go say hello. You can never thank a pretty woman too much.” He ignored the contemptuous look Dax shot him as he turned toward the door. Luke had thought his brother might have something on his mind. He just hadn’t connected it to Miss Davenport. In Luke’s opinion, the time had come for Dax to show a little interest in a woman. Someone who might bring sense back into his brother’s life. Rachel Davenport might be the perfect woman to do it.

Dax followed her toward the livery and stood back, leaning against the wall of the Western Union office next door while she spoke to the blacksmith. Dax had met the tall, bruiser of a man with broad shoulders and muscled arms. He towered over Rachel and had to lean over as they spoke. She reached into her reticule, pulled out some money, and placed it in the smithy’s hand, smiling up at him.

“Thanks again, Mr. Brandt, for doing the work and keeping Old Pete a couple of extra days. I hope that covers it.” She nodded to the coins in his hand.

“That will cover it fine, ma’am.” He grabbed the horse’s reins and handed them to Rachel before turning back to his work.

Dax watched as Rachel whispered a few quiet words to her horse, then led him outside. Her eyes registered surprise when she spotted him.

She raised her hand to shield her eyes from the sun and smiled up at him. “Hello, General. What brings you to town?” She fought the hope he’d come to visit her or even ask her to supper.

Her smile speared clear through him, almost painful in its intensity. He’d never been affected by a woman to this degree before and didn’t quite know how to take it.

Dax touched a finger to the brim of his hat. “Good afternoon, Miss Davenport. Luke and I rode in to see if we could hire some additional men.”

“And did you find any?” She pushed aside the disappointment at not being the reason for his visit.

“We were fortunate. Five were at the livery having Brandt check their horses. They’d just ridden in from Idaho and were looking for work. We hired all of them.” He ran a hand down the horse’s withers. “He yours?”

She threw an affectionate glance at the horse. “This is Old Pete. He belongs to my uncle, but I’m the one who usually rides him. Poor boy threw a shoe. Mr. Brandt took care of him for me.” She looked back over her shoulder. “Uncle Charles told me he and another ex-soldier came to town almost two years ago. Mr. Brandt stayed, but his friend rode on. Restless, I guess.”

“They fight for the North?”

“I believe so. I’ve never asked him. All I know is he’s a nice man and does good work. He’s a good choice if your ranch ever needs a blacksmith.”

Dax looked down, letting his eyes lock on hers as he crossed his arms over his chest. “That so?”

Rachel cleared her throat at his close scrutiny. “Why, yes. I believe he’d provide excellent work for you.” She glanced away and looked past him toward the main street, spotting King Tolbert and his daughter coming their way. “Have you met King Tolbert yet?”

Dax’s brows lifted at the sudden change of subject and his body went on alert. “No, I haven’t had the pleasure.”

She noticed his voice held an edge. “Well, now’s your chance.” She nodded behind him.

Dax turned to see a man, perhaps ten or fifteen years older than him, driving a buggy, a young woman sitting next to him. He stopped at the livery and jumped out.

“Good afternoon, Miss Davenport.” He doffed his hat and walked around to help his daughter down.

“Hello, Mr. Tolbert. I don’t believe you’ve had a chance to meet our newest resident, Dax Pelletier. He and his brother are the new owners of the Hanes ranch.”

King’s grin fell enough to let Dax know the man hadn’t expected to meet him so soon, and definitely not in the company of Rachel.

“Pleased to meet you, Tolbert.” Dax extended his hand, which the man accepted.

“Mr. Pelletier, this is my daughter, Abigail. Abby, this is Mr. Pelletier. He’s part owner of the ranch to the west of us.”

Abby gave a slight curtsey before looking up into haunting gray eyes and an incredibly handsome face. “Good afternoon, Mr. Pelletier.” Abby inched to one side, glancing behind Dax and into the livery. Her eyes landed on Noah Brandt at the same time her heart rate picked up a beat. She’d met him a few times while in town with her father. Abby knew her father would never approve of her attraction to the town blacksmith, yet she couldn’t help her reaction to the taciturn ex-soldier.

“It’s a pleasure, Miss Tolbert.” Dax shifted his attention back to Rachel. “You’ll have to excuse me. It’s time I met up with Luke and headed back. Good to see you again, Miss Davenport.” He glanced over at the others. “Good to meet both of you.”

Abby couldn’t speak past the lump in her throat. To her father’s disgust, her wide eyes told it all, except he’d mistaken the object of her fascination. He thought she’d become enamored with the rugged Texas Ranger, never suspecting her true interest lie with the smithy hidden in the shadows.

“Mr. Pelletier,” King nodded.

Feeling bereft, Rachel’s gaze stayed focused on Dax as he crossed the street to the boardinghouse and restaurant. She wanted to run after him and talk further. He was a complicated man. One she wanted to get to know better.

“Sorry to have missed you at supper the other night, Miss Davenport.”

His comment brought her attention back to the man in front of her. “I do apologize. Mr. Wilson, at the Pelletier ranch, was shot and needed immediate attention. I didn’t get back to town until late.”

King noticed she offered no further explanation. But she didn’t need to. Tolbert already knew about the shooting.

“Your uncle told me there had been an emergency. Perhaps another time?”

“Yes, perhaps. I never know when someone will come into the clinic seeking our help. I’m glad you understand. Speaking of the clinic, I’d better get Old Pete back into his stable. Uncle Charles won’t eat unless I’m there to remind him. Good day, Mr. Tolbert, Abby.”

“See you soon, Miss Davenport.”

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