Redeemed In Shadows (16 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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Bells rolled her eyes and hailed a cab. A black taxi pulled over and she impressed them further with her perfect Arabic.

“Wa ‘alaykim is salēm.” She then went on to ask the cab driver to take them east of the Nile. The four of them got in and the taxi driver with his Arabic music regaled them with sites and places to visit in the markets as he drove.

“There’s a place for chicken curry over there, my cousin sells the best baked goods, just two corners that way.” He pointed down a shallow alley with mini shops

All of them Oohed and Aahed at the appropriate times and Royce sat back, his hand on Bell’s belly listening to the cab driver talk. Save for Sam who’d never been to Egypt, no one else was excited. Dietrich’s men were following close behind. He couldn’t see them but knew they were there. Walkers were sneaky bastards.

“Izayyuku.” The cab driver asked in Arabic.”

Belinda smiled grabbing Royce’s hand. With all the clatter of everyone out on the streets, it was hard for him to get a bead on the man’s thoughts.

“I’m fine sir and you?”

The cab driver didn’t answer but kept going.

“This day isn’t looking good bro.”
Royce thought to his brother.

“No shit, but we’re not going to endanger Belinda and the twins. Let’s play it out.”

“I’m going to fucking kill Gabe! I warned him.”
Royce said to his brother.

“Take a number, cause I’m first.”

The car pulled in front of a building with grey steel doors. Blood stained the archways as if Gabriel himself had passed this particular building on the hunt for his prey.

“You’re destination,” the cab driver said turning. He had a gun pointed at Sam’s head and one pointed at Bell’s belly.

The car doors opened on all three sides, men wearing black galibeya’s and black tarbushes strapped with swords and guns escorted them inside what was the Egyptian base for the Shadow Unit.

“What a welcome,” Royce said sarcastically while taking in the scenery. It was either that or go bat shit crazy. Royce tracked the cabby who’d pointed the gun at his unborn children. He had plans for that fucker and it wasn’t going to be nice.

“Only the best for my fellow brethren,” A man with a thick Arabic accent said. He was standing among the rest of the men, dressed in white linen slacks and a white button up shirt. He had a pair of sunglasses holding up his messy head of thick hair. This had to be Dakarai.

“If this is how you welcome people, I’ll be sure to kill you last.” Ronin said in all seriousness.

The man laughed, opening his arms wide as if to say ‘give it a try’ before placing his hands on his hips.

“Don’t attack Royce.”

Easy for Ronin to say. His darkness was banked. Controlled. Royce didn’t have the control his brother did.

“Why are we being treated like the enemy?” Sam asked.

“Just a precaution I assure you. Gabriel tends to over react if memory serves me correct. That Angel is not to be trusted. The last time he was here an entire city was robbed of its first born males.”

“You should be more concerned about Hulk 1 and Hulk 2. You’re idiot cabbie pointed his gun at their unborn children.” Belinda shared.

The man had the good sense to look worried. But that wouldn’t matter. Nothing could save his sorry ass. The cab driver was a marked man; his time was almost at an end.

“Apologies, my lady. I was not aware you were so soon with young.”

The man started shouting orders and the cabbie made his way to the front of the group. He had the decency to look remorseful.
As the fucker should.

“I offer Ahmed’s hand for your troubles.’ The stranger said. Ahmed looking truly scared now. Royce’s feral nature thrived on other people’s fear. It was adrenaline to his veins. A sweet song that whispered in his ears.

“Will it grow back?” Ronin asked.

“Their host bowed his head saying, “Yes of course.”

It wouldn’t matter if his hand grew back or not. Royce needed more than a hand.

“Not good enough,” Royce said before stepping quickly in front of the cab driver while gripping the sword at the waist of the man to his left, and relieving Ahmed of his head. It rolled at his feet as blood sprayed in an arch against the crème colored walls. The other men went on the defensive and both Sam and Ronin did the same backing Royce up.

“Stand down,” Dakarai yelled. No one cared. “I said stand down.”

Again, no one moved, aside from the cabbie’s body crashing to the floor.

“What the fuck was that for Zarides,” Sam growled, gun at the ready.

Royce turned in Sam’s direction, the darkness in him threatening to break free.

“He pointed a gun at my mate, my unborn. I don’t play that shit wolf. There are no second chances and I’ll never let the first pass.”

Royce looked back at the other men who’d all pulled various weapons and sneered. “Let that be your first and only warning. Don’t fuck with my family.”

Belinda was in Ronin’s arms and Royce checked to make sure she was okay.

“Baby, you good?”

Her hand was placed protectively over her belly and her eyes were on the blood-covered floor, not meeting his.

‘Yeah Royce, I’m good.”

Not handsome, but Royce.


She wasn’t good. It had nothing to do with how she had a gun pointed at her belly, but everything to do with how he’d handled the situation. He could see it in the way her eyes followed the blood as it seeped into the cracks of the tile floor.

”Damage control.”
He said to his brother. She may not want anything to do with him right now, and he’d give her that. But she knew him and his brother for what they were. Ferals. What they presented to the outside world wasn’t their true form or nature. Underneath the smiles and jokes was a beast acting only on instinct.

“This shit is all kinds of fucked up.” Sam stated as he holstered his weapon.

Dakarai looked to his men who also shouldered their weapons and motioned for everyone to follow him.

“This way. I’ll escort you to where you’ll be staying while you’re here. As I’m sure you’ve already guessed, I’m Dakarai.”

He clapped his hands, and two women dressed in ankle length coarse line, and a sheer white cape, began removing the pieces of Ahmed.

Ronin didn’t move and neither did Royce.

“We’re going straight to the temple. That’s our orders.”

The man in the white linen clothing placed his hands in his pants pocket and gave them a tight smile.

“I’ve been ordered by the Mistress Cleopatra to escort you to your accommodations where you’ll be dinning with her an Alexander.”

Ronin pulled Bells to his side. “You know about this Deva?”

Royce could tell she was just as surprised as they were. Cleopatra was Bells very distant aunt. Who was also rumored to be dead as well as her consort Alexander.

“No, but we are in Egypt. I’m sure the moment we stepped foot on the ground she was informed I’d be here.” Bells turned pleading eyes first to Ronin, then to Royce. “Please be on your best behavior. I may be the Matria, but she is the Queen.”

His brother kissed her forehead in answer to her request.

“Don’t worry Deva, we got this under control. Don’t we Royce?” His brother’s silver gaze pierced him; exerting his own force by blasting a thought so powerful, it made him wince. He was to be on his best behavior or he’d be fucked.

“I’ll be cool. No more beheadings. I swear.”

“Sure, now he’s cool after he decapitates another man.” Sam mumbled.

Dakarai turned leading them down a hall into an open atrium lined with palm trees. In the middle was a sunken pool with sparkling gems that rested on the bottom.

“The Mistress will be here post-haste. Please make yourselves comfortable.” He pointed to where a few chairs were set beneath large ostrich feathers that were being manned by actual servants. “Duelle will get you some water, feel free to contact your base and let them know you’ve made it safely.” Dakarai turned hastily and disappeared through another open doorway. Royce walked over to where Bells stood talking to Ronin. Hesitant at first, he touched her shoulder. She turned, her violet eyes resting on his amber ones.

“You didn’t need to do that Royce. He could have loved ones, and I was scared, but I knew you two had it under control.”

They did have everything under control. Under control was the direct result of Ahmed’s death. He could have pointed his weapon anywhere else, but he’d chosen to point it at her womb. Nope, he didn’t play the game of life, he lived it. You were either in it or dead. The man made his choice the moment he pointed the barrel of his gun at her stomach. He wasn’t going to apologize for that.

“He was dead the moment he pointed that gun at your stomach baby. I don’t take chances.” His hands cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her perfect skin.

“I love you. Ronin loves you. We love our babies. Anyone who threatens what we’re building will not live to see their next sunrise. That is my promise, my vow. You know what we are, don’t shut me out baby.”

Belinda placed her hands on his wrists. Her breathing deep, she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, he could see the tears building. He didn’t want to be the cause of her pain; he only wanted to make her happy.

“You need to talk to Ann, someone. I see you Royce.” She shut her eyes again and then whispered. “I see you. I love you so much; you’re the breath that feeds my lungs. I’d do anything for our babies too, but that was all kinds of wrong. I’m still trying to process what happened back there. So step away and allow me some space.”

He searched her face and looked over to his brother for guidance.

“I agree with Belinda brother, give her some space.”

”But that dick deserved to die.”

“You should have taken his hand, not his life.”

“He threated what is ours.”
Royce admonished.

“Let her have her time.” Ronin said aloud.

“Fine, I’ll let you process. I love you beautiful.”

She nodded once, and with the world seeming to fall down around him, he watched as the love of his life stepped away from him and into Ronin’s chest.

Royce didn’t think he’d made the wrong choice when it came to his family. It was them or the driver. He pondered that as he walked to the other side of the glistening pool. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this whole family thing.


Chapter 12


“You have a minute?” Gabe asked Ann. She was just as petite as Xee, but where Xee was rough and crass, Ann was sweet and fragile.

“Sure, come in.” Ann closed her laptop and folded her hands across her desk. “Something on your mind?”

He had tons on his mind.

“Loaded question, don’t even know how to begin with that one doc.”

She smiled tightly.

“Just Ann is fine, Gabe.”

He took a seat on her sofa and rested his elbows on his knees.

“Let’s start at the beginning.”

Gabe let out a muffled laugh.

“What’s so funny,” she asked. He could hear the slight change in her voice and realized she took his laughter as mocking. Maybe he was mocking her a little.

“Nothing is funny about my beginning. How about we start with my family.”

Therapy was after all, supposed to be cleansing right.
Not when you’re beating around the bush.”
His family was a safer topic. Xee was an area he wasn’t ready to explore.

“Alright, your family then.”

His family was dysfunctional on a level that was un-functional. It served no purpose what so ever when it came to, well, family.

“I have four brothers, and we all deal in death in some form or fashion. You could say it runs in the family.”

Gabe waited for Ann to say something and when she didn’t, he looked up and found her watching him intently.

“I won’t interrupt you unless I have a question, or you get stuck.” She crossed her legs and placed her folded hands in her lap.

“Michael is the eldest; he’s also an Archangel like myself. I’m next in line, then Samael, Abaddon and the youngest Azrael.”

“Your parents?”

Ah, how to answer that question. It was a tricky thing having this sort of conversation without putting himself into an even trickier situation with his own family.

“No easy way to answer that, but yes we have parents and no, I can’t speak to them.”

“Alright then, so back to your brothers, how’s that relationship? I assume they’re alive.”

He grunted.

Of course they were alive. Bastards were probably eating popcorn and watching his life as a highlight reel, laughing their asses off.

“I don’t have a positive relationship with my brothers, and we haven’t talked for almost two hundred years.”

“How does that make you feel?”

Gabe looked at Ann arching a brow in question. Did she really just ask the question that all shrinks asked? Classic.

“To be honest, where they’re concerned I feel nothing. No reason to. I can’t trust them, I did once, but that was a long time ago.”

If the head doctor said she was sensing hostility, Gabe was asking for his money back.

“The distrust you have for your brothers is the reason you’re closed off to the possibility of Ms. Hale.”

That got his attention.

His eyes widened at her intuition. He wasn’t closed off. There was no possibility of him and Ms. Hale as Ann had said so nonchalantly. Time was dwindling down and even if it wasn’t, he still couldn’t pursue anything permanent. He hadn’t even considered her in a long-term sense, because her time on Earth would be over in a blink of an eye. His thoughts only dwelled on the short term, the instant gratification that she’d give him. So why wasn’t he satisfied?

“I don’t see Ms. Hale as a possibility.”

It was Ann’s turn to grunt at him. Was he that transparent? It couldn’t be about Xee, she wasn’t his type. She was just a distraction. A wonderful distraction that he craved.

“She’s every man’s type.” Gabe heard Ann say. He must have said that last part out loud.

“How do you figure she’s every man’s type?”

The head doctor leaned forward, exposing her wrists as she did. Two stars big and bold were tattooed there on her pale skin.

“Every man is attracted to a challenge Gabriel. I would say more so for you as no one would challenge Death.”

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