Redeemed In Shadows (12 page)

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Authors: Tigris Eden

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Redeemed In Shadows
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“Xee?” Gabe whispered.

“Shut up Angel Boy, this changes nothing.”

Jutting her bottom lip out experimentally, her lip rested on his, and she froze. As they made contact, their noses bumped and Gabe’s hands moved to her thighs, squeezing. It made her tense; a small moan slid up her throat and lingered between them.

And that was her mistake.

Her mouth opened and he dove in, taking control of the experimental kiss. Long, deep strokes of his tongue invaded her mouth. He consumed her as if he was memorizing every part of her. Her hand tightened at his neck. Her fingers found stronger purchase in his hair and she tried pulling away, but his hands tightened painfully on her thighs until she squeaked. His teeth chewed at her lips and she really tried not to make those ridiculously needy sounds, but he pulled the sounds from her mouth offering her more of that scent that was now a flavor on her tongue. It saturated her taste buds, setting up shop permanently. His scent was strong and masculine, but not overpowering it was just the right amount of cool mint, like he’d been chewing on a breath saver, and right when the coolness seemed to take over there was a flash of fire and heat an incense of cinnamon and sugar.
He tasted delicious.

Her world was rocked. Literally, somewhere during their kiss she was over taken and was sinking fast. Finally, he eased back searching her eyes with questions from his own that she didn’t have the answers to.

“I…I gotta go.”

For the first time in years, she ran. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, because that wasn’t the proper way to escape the seven foot tall Angel of Death who she just so happened to kiss her in a way that may have marked her for life. She couldn’t feel her lips as she made her escape. She couldn’t feel anything but the roaring of blood as it rushed heatedly through her veins, propelled by the pounding of her heart. She made it all the way to her door only to be greeted by Jesminda and Bells who were waiting for her.

“Um… Hi.”

“Hi yourself.” Jes echoed.

“Mind if we come in and chat?” Belinda asked.

Please don’t let this be girl talk. Please don’t let this be girl talk.
Xee chanted to herself.

“Don’t fuck this up!”
Micah commented moments later.

“Depends on what we’re chatting about.”

“Girl stuff.” Jes said smiling wide.


“I don’t do girl stuff,” to make sure they understood, she swept her hands down the front of her clothes and then pointed to their attire. They were both wearing sundresses. Jes had golden brown skin with honey colored eyes and beautiful mahogany hair she’d twisted up on top of her head. Loose curls swayed around her curved face. She was maybe five seven and five nine with heels, Belinda was notably taller with long legs, long straight black hair and violet eyes. They were almost the same shade of brown, only Belinda was mostly untouched by the sun and her skin gave off a luminous glow. Xee looked like she stayed in the sun with actual tan lines and her legs didn’t go on forever. They stopped. Compared to them, she was definitely not up for girl talk. She didn’t dress dainty, she dressed rough, and more times than not, mannish. She didn’t giggle, and definitely did care for the make-up and her hair; therefore, she didn’t do girl talk.

“We want to know all about you and Dietrich.” Jes squealed looking thoroughly interested.

“There’s nothing to tell.” She stepped into her room and both women followed.

“You two were all buddy-buddy. That never happens and the comment he made about dinner?” Belinda asked.

“Oh that, we just went out for dinner and some good music last night. We picked up some chicks and took them to his crash bad. Nothing else to tell.”

Xee sat down at the table and rubbed her thighs, she was going to have a bruise where the Angel had latched on to her legs.

“So you two didn’t get busy together? Just hooked up with randoms?” Jes asked, her enthusiasm now deflated.

“Yeah, so?”

Draven’s mate took a seat and stared. People staring really made her uncomfortable.

“Then why are your lips swollen and cherry red like someone was sucking the life out of your lips.”

Because someone had, only it wasn’t D. Xee’s hand flew to her lips. They were plump and just a little sore.
Damn Angel.

“So, tell us,” Bells asked just as excited.

“You two always this nosy?”

Belinda shrugged and Jes continued to stare, waiting for her answer. These broads weren’t going to let up unless she talked.

“It wasn’t Dietrich okay, it was the Angel. Gabe.” She admitted on a rush.

“Holy shit!”

“Oh my God!” Both women said at the same time.

“You got into a tongue battle with Gabe? You lucky bitch!” Jes gasped, clapping her hands excitedly.


Xee rolled her eyes. Draven’s mate was one of those girls who thought everything was cute and romantic.

“I take it you like him?”

“He’s alright.” She answered Bells question as truthfully as she could. “I don’t like men, I’m into women.”

“If that were true, why let him kiss you,” Jes asked. She walked over to the sink pouring herself a glass of water before downing the entire glass. “This boy is always thirsty or hungry or both at the same time.”

Xee looked to Belinda and noticed the lights of her babies shinning. She’d almost forgotten the other woman was pregnant.

“So what about you? How come Jes is showing but you’re not. You both look to be about the same in weeks.”

The Phoenix’s eyes were huge as she stood with her mouth open.

“Bells isn’t pregnant.”

“She has three lights, you only have two. I’m a Host, so not only can I see you for who you truly are, I’m also able to see souls. You have one and she has four. I know one of those souls belong to Bena. The other two are the babies she’s carrying.”

“Bells?” Jes whispered.

“You’re wrong, there’s only Bena.”

As if to prove her point, she lifted her shirt and the tattoo that was now on her belly, peeled from her skin and the beautiful majestic bird now stood next to Belinda. The bird shook its head rustling its fiery feathers and made its way over to Xee where she climbed the chair to perch on her shoulder.

Animals always seemed attracted to her.

“Belinda Raine Ignis, you’re preggers!” Jes shrieked running over to hug her friend.

“Shut up! I don’t need this broadcasted far and wide!”

“Do the twins know?”

“No, waiting for my first trimester to pass before I go and alert hulk one and hulk two.”

Xee laughed. Both women turned in her direction giving her an odd look.

“Sorry…sorry,” she said grabbing her stomach. “I thought I was the only one to refer to the twins as hulks.”

“You shouldn’t go on the mission.” Jes said, placing a hand on Belinda’s belly.

“I’m pregnant, not on my deathbed. I can still contribute to the team.”

“Still, you need to be careful.”

Xee watched as Jes fretted over Belinda and a small part of her wished she knew what it was like to have people care about her like that.

Belinda glared at her. “Nice subject change Hale. Now spill it. What’s going on with you and Gabe? You realize he’s out of here at the end of next week.

She’d remembered something about him leaving, but it was nice to know Bells was a fountain of information. The other woman was right. She didn’t need to start anything new with the Angel. Sighing she said, “It was just me being curious. I’ve never kissed a guy before. He was willing, I was willing. We worked it out. Although what’s up with the smell, it’s like witchcraft. It lures you right in.”

“He smells funny?”

Xee shook her head. “No he doesn’t smell funny, he smells like,” she thought about it for a moment and then gave up. “Oh hell, I don’t know, he just smells.”

“So you’ve never gotten down and dirty with a dude before? What about penetration?” Bells asked, her eyes glinting with curiosity.

All she could do was shake her head no. She’d never gotten anything on, with any guy, clean or dirty. Things were complicated enough for her.

“Hold up,” Jes turned, narrowing eyes on her. “You’re telling us you’ve never had sex with a man? That’s like a heterosexual woman saying she’ll never suck dick. Either you’re lying or girl, you’re missing out.”

Xee shook her head again.

“She did just say she never kissed a guy,” Bells threw in.

Xee acknowledged with a head nod.

“Well, did you at least like it?”

How was she supposed to answer that? It wasn’t like kissing a woman. Women were softer, men, well Gabe was hard. His lips, commanding and his taste, she couldn’t accurately describe the effect of his taste, but it was potent. Magic. Recalling their kiss made her stomach pitch and flutter as a slow heat settled below her waist making her moist.

Yeah. She liked the kiss.

A lot.

She stared at both women and for the first time noticed how happy they were with their men. She could have that as well, but it didn’t have to be with a man, did it?

“You sure know how to pick them girl. You’re first time with a seven foot tall Angel with blonde hair, and eyes that are just wow and a body made for banging. I say rock on!” Jes beamed.

“Wait…What, no. I didn’t say anything about the two of us getting together.” She was sputtering like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

“Yeah Jes, she’s right. Gabe’s leaving at the end of next week. He won’t be back unless he’s coming to take us for that forever kind of sleep. Let’s not start planning mating ceremonies.”

“I’m not interested in him like that anyway.” Xee reiterated more for her benefit and not theirs. She wasn’t going to open that up for exposure. Starting a fling with Gabe had all kinds of troubled stapled to it.

“Sure you are, you just kissed a boy, and you liked it!” Draven’s mate laughed clapping her hands with glee.

These broads were all kinds of crazy.

“No, he’s training me and that would just be awkward.”
It’s already awkward.

“No one says your job is on the line Xee.”

“Well, I like girls.”

“You sure about that?” Draven’s mate asked again.

Hell yeah she was sure. She’d just banged two chicks last night.

“Correction there ace, I banged two chicks last night, you barely did anything. You don’t even remember it happening.”

Now he wanted to chime in at the last hour.

Soft on soft felt nice. It was familiar. It was all she knew, what was comfortable for her. She didn’t want to know what it would feel like to have
hard body crushing her soft one. There was just so much of him. Everywhere she looked, he was big. Hands, legs, shoulders. Other places she wasn’t going to picture in her mind because it would only serve to irritate her.

“Please don’t think about his dick. Just gross Xee. Gross!”
Micah scolded. Well now she was, because her para-house had brought it up.

“It would be weird.”

“What’s weird about being with a man?” Jes would not drop the subject.

“I’m really tired and I need to shower. It’s not going to happen again.”

“Fine.” The women both made their way to her door. Bena who was still perched on her shoulder flew over to Belinda and slowly melted into her shoulder. Xee hadn’t realized that the entire time they’d all been talking she’d been stroking the bird’s feathers.

“Let’s not mention the other thing just yet okay. I don’t want to worry the twins.” Belinda said as she quietly closed the door behind her.

“Belinda,” Xee called.

The door opened again and Bells popped her head in.


“The souls you’re carrying are strong. They’re not going anywhere.

“You can’t be sure.”

“I’m a Host. It’s something I know without a doubt. Tell your men beautiful lady.”

Bells turned away from the door, pulling Xee into a tight hug.

“Thank you for saying that.”


Chapter 9


If he thought he was obsessed before, he was truly a goner now. After their kiss, it was all he could think about. His Blossom or bane of his existence, as he now addressed her, wouldn’t even look at him. She’d showed for training, even ran through the exercises with him, but they never once talked about the kiss they shared. She been tight lipped for the last two days and because she didn’t bring it up, neither did he.

He’d tried sleeping. He’d tried working out, but as the days became nights and his time short, he couldn’t help but think of mistakes he’d not forgotten. Including their kiss. Dravaggio was right, he shouldn’t engage her. But after leaving the H.I.V.E early this morning all he’d wanted to do was sleep. Blessed sleep. Instead, his memories took him to a time when he felt he had no cares at all in the world.

“You worry too much Jibrīl.”

Mikhail, the oldest and wisest of his brothers stood tall atop the snow-capped mountains of their home. The Black Veil looked nothing like that of Earth’s realm. There was no darkness, or light. Just colors. Lush and vibrant colors everywhere. Greens, blues, pinks, oranges and reds all blazen in their own rights.

“You don’t worry enough brother. These demons are growing in number, over populating Earth’s realm.”

His brother turned Caribbean green eyes on him, stretching his silver tipped wings high above his shoulders.

“The Fate’s threads are not to be severed. Let them intertwine and weave as they were meant to do. We aren’t to interfere.”

Again with the warning not to interfere. Why couldn’t they? Humans were so fragile. Their lives barely a section of a much larger canvas. Ending the life of one could give life to so many others. The Fates were cruel in their aspect of designing such short-lived beings. Their mortality blocked any chance to better themselves. How could they improve if they were never given the chance to truly live?

All his brothers didn’t feel the same way Mikhail felt. Samil as always played both sides, and Abaddon and Azrael enjoyed toying with their subjects. But Azrael was the one to come forward with the information. His brother on his best days was at his worst, but he’d come to him with clear hurt in his voice and pain in his eyes. Jibrīl felt compelled to help him. He didn’t like to see any of his brothers suffer.

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