Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four (20 page)

Read Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four Online

Authors: Kathy-Jo Reinhart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Redeem Me: Oakville Series:Book Four
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e need to talk about Katie. It’s hanging over us like a rain cloud ready to let go at any minute. Moving forward is not an option until we deal with this,” she whispers apprehensively. A huge chasm opens up in the pit of my stomach. I’ve avoided thinking about this topic for so long. I’m scared to hear what she has to say. Afraid I may not be able to handle the information.

“We don’t need to do this now. You should rest. This can wait for tomorrow. Besides, I planned a nice, romantic evening in our new house. I envisioned us christening every single room,” I say with a wink, hoping to get her mind on something other than the dreaded subject. By her sullen look, I know my plan isn’t working.

“I know you don’t want to deal with this now, but I need to get it off my chest. There’s no easy way to do this. I only wanted to give you some closure and end the battle in your head over not knowing what happened to her and where she was. Never would I intentionally hurt or deceive you,” Chelsie explains. I know now there was nothing malicious about her search. She was trying to help me because she loves me. Nothing more. It was my fears that made me lash out. I just need to man up and hear what she has to say. I take a deep breath as I wait for her to continue.

“I found your sister, and she’s alive and well. She was adopted right after being taken and has grown up in a nice, loving family,” she says uneasily. Relief washes over me, but it quickly vanishes as anger flares deep in my gut, but the anger morphs into confusion just as fast. How could this be? How could she be alive all this time and I not know it? Why would someone take her just to put her up for adoption? The questions running rampant cause my head to throb. I need a drink.

I stand up with Chelsie still in my arms and gently place her back in the rocking chair. She looks up at me with big, concerned eyes. I’m sure she can see the turmoil I feel written all over my face.

“I just need a drink to clear my head, sweet pea,” I tell her, hoping to calm her fears and wishing I could calm my own. Turning, I leave the room, make my way downstairs to the kitchen, and go straight for the whiskey. Not bothering with a glass, I open the bottle and tip it to my lips. I welcome the burn of the liquid as it washes down my throat. I have no idea how the hell to handle this or how to feel about it. Do I get in touch with her? If I do, what the hell do I say?
Hey, I’m your brother. Someone kidnapped you on my watch then put you up for adoption
, just doesn’t sound appropriate. What if she doesn’t know she’s adopted and this news screws up her entire life?

As I take another swig, I feel Chelsie’s hands wrap around my waist from behind. Her warm breath blows through my shirt, heating my skin. Instantly, my emotions calm and my thoughts clear. I would be lost without this woman by my side; she’s the strength I need to get through this nightmare.

“I’ll be here with you every step of the way, babe. That is, as long as you want me,” she whispers into my back. Of course, I want her with me. I need her with me.

“There’s nothing I want more, sweet pea,” I assure her. I turn around and hold her close to my chest, relieved that she just holds me quietly, knowing I need a few minutes before hearing the rest of what she knows. Deep in my gut, I know who Katie is. I think I’ve known since the first day I saw her. I just didn’t want to believe it. I lead her into the living room and we both sit on the couch.

“It’s Kayleigh, isn’t it?” I question. My heart is in my throat as I await her confirmation. I see the answer in her eyes before she nods. I blow out a deep breath, and steel myself for what’s to come. “Okay, tell me everything.”

Chelsie starts at the beginning. She tells me about seeing Kayleigh’s necklace, how it was exactly like the one I gave her, her conversation with Beasley, and the information she gave him to investigate.

“Her adoptive parents were told her real parents had died. The man who put her up for adoption said he was her uncle,” Chelsie explains. Uncle? We didn’t have any relatives that I knew of, and if we did, why would they take her away? Seeing the puzzled expression on my face, she continues. “The man claiming to be her uncle was Angelo Walker. I’m sorry, Angel. It was your father who took her.” My head spins. It makes no sense. Why would he leave us only to come back, steal Katie, and then give her away? I don’t understand.

Shooting up from the couch, I go back to the kitchen, grab the whiskey, and chug it down. This can’t be happening. Why would my father do this to my mom? After another swig, I get my keys. The walls seem to be closing in on me, suffocating me. I need to get out of here. As I reach the door, I turn and glance at Chelsie, her face stricken in pain. I hate that I’m hurting her, especially after I told her I wanted her by my side, but I just have to go. I need to be alone.

“I’m sorry, sweet pea,” I mumble, and walk out.


s soon as the door closes behind Angel, I fall to the floor on my knees, loud sobs shaking my body. My poor broken Angel. He looked so devastated, and it’s all my fault. If I would’ve just left well enough alone, he wouldn’t be in this pain. The look on his face when I told him it was his father who took his precious sister from him all those years ago flashes behind my eyes—all the joy I had witnessed only moments ago stripped away with a few words. And he walked out on me—again. I lie down and pull my knees to my chest, tears streaming down my cheeks, wondering if he left for good this time. Did I damage him beyond repair?

I wake up and look over at the clock, surprised to find three hours have passed. I must have cried myself to sleep. My back and legs ache from being curled up on the hard floor. I get up on my feet and make my way to the front door, hoping I’ll find Angel sitting outside. I open the door and I’m startled to I see Amber right in front of me with her hand raised, ready to knock. I glance over her shoulder toward the driveway and my heart sinks. Angel’s car is gone. Not only did he walk out, he left me with no vehicle.

Amber swiftly encases me in her arms and pushes us through the doorway to the couch. I begin to cry, unable to stop. She soothes me as best she can, but it doesn’t halt the gut wrenching sobs leaving my body.

“Whose ass do I need to kick?” Amber quips. A giggle slips through my lips and my bawling lets up. I proceed to tell her the entire story, everything about Angel and his sister, but I don’t reveal that Kayleigh is really Katie. When I get to the part about Angel’s dad being the one who took Katie, she gasps. “Why would he do something like that to his own son?”

“I wish I knew. When Angel heard that, it was just too much for him. He took off. The only thing he said to me was sorry. I have no idea where he is or if he’s coming back,” I babble. She shakes her head, looking annoyed.

“I bet I know where he is,” she says, sounding extremely irritated. “Sweetie, he loves you. Of course he’s coming back. He’s probably at the bar drinking himself into oblivion.” She reaches into her purse and takes out her phone. With a scowl on her face, she places a call.

When a grin replaces the scowl, I know she’s talking to Kyle. She always gets that goofy grin when she sees or talks to him. I can’t say much—the same probably happens to me.

“Is Angel there?” By the tightening of her lips, I know he said yes. My thoughts drown out the rest of her conversation. I get that his head is jumbled, but I’m afraid he’ll fall back into the Angel he used to be. The one who thinks he doesn’t deserve to be loved, who refused to allow himself to love.

“Kyle says Angel’s been at the bar for the last few hours. I’ll go drag his ass out of there right now if you want me to,” Amber offers. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’d march right in there, grab him by his ear, and yank him right out the door. The thought makes me smile.

“Thank you, but I’ll give him a little more time to come home on his own.” At least, I hope he comes home to me. A part of me is terrified he’ll run for the hills.

“How about I stay and we have a girl’s night—movie, popcorn, the whole nine yards?” Amber suggests excitedly. I love that she’s willing to stay and keep me company, but it’s not necessary. Besides, I think I’d rather be alone.

“I appreciate it, but I’m exhausted. I think I’m gonna take a hot bath in my gigantic new tub then go to bed.” She gives me a questioning look, most likely trying to figure out whether I’m lying or not. “I swear, I’m okay now. Angel will come home soon and everything will be fine,” I assure her. I have to believe he’s coming home, that he just needed to blow off some steam. We’ll talk this all out and everything will go back to normal.

“As long as you’re sure. Call me if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk. I don’t care what time it is. And the offer still stands for dragging his ass off that damn barstool,” she demands. She hugs me tightly then walks to the door. “Anything. Anytime. I mean it,” she says, pointing her finger at me before she leaves.

Slowly, I go to the fridge, grab a bottle of water, and decide to get a better look at the house. It’s beautiful. Big, but not too big. There will be plenty of room for the four of us. The twins will be able to have their own rooms when they are old enough. In the family room, I can picture a huge Christmas tree lit up with tons of gifts underneath. I always loved Christmas when I was a kid. My parents would always go all out: baking cookies, making gingerbread houses, decorating both inside and out. I’m so excited to teach these traditions to our kids.

The more I think about the future, the more my heart aches. This day started amazingly and quickly turned to shit.

When I make it to my bathroom, I notice an array of bath salts, bubble bath, and candles. This man thought of everything. As the water fills the tub, I add some vanilla scented bubble bath and light a few of the candles. After I turn off the light and take off my clothes, I slip into the steaming water. As soon as I’m submerged up to my neck and the vanilla hit my nostrils, I’m instantly relaxed. This tub is as heavenly as I imagined it would be. I close my eyes and allow myself to doze.



gh,” I groan out loud and rub my hand down my face. My fucked head is pounding like a jackhammer. Slowly, I open one eye, and then the other. As soon as the light registers, my head throbs harshly. I close my eyes and pull a pillow over my face, drowning out the light. The smell of the pillow is off. It doesn’t smell like Chelsie…
. I lunge into a sitting position, the room swaying slightly, and look around. Fuck. The apartment above the bar, I must have passed out here. Jumping to my feet, I look around for my keys, needing to get home to Chelsie. Who knows what’s been going on in her head since I left. “Fuck,” I shout, dropping back to the bed. God, I fucked up—again. And my fucking head hurts. I can’t think.

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