Red Hot Christmas (12 page)

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Authors: Carmen Falcone,Michele de Winton

BOOK: Red Hot Christmas
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She bit her lip.

“What other options do you have? Really? You start commuting for work from the bus shelter and you would be able to do your job for ten minutes.”

“You’d fire me for living in the wrong place?” Her eyes flashed indigo fire.

“Of course not, that would be illegal. But you’d be a mess and I’d fire you because you wouldn’t be able to do your job. You want to test that theory?”

She shook her head then bit her lip. “Why?”

“Why what?”

“What do you get out of having us stay?”

“Perhaps I just want to keep an eye on my investment. If you really are paying off your father’s debt, I might get a few pennies back once the lawyers and bureaucrats have had their fill. Can’t have you vanishing on me again.”

The pause that descended seemed to go on forever. He could almost see the cogs whirring inside her head as her options played out in her mind.

“I won’t lose my job?”

“Not unless you deserve to.”

Another pause.


“Okay what?”

“Okay, we’ll move in with you. Just until we get back on our feet.”

“I’ll have my driver collect you and your things tonight.” He pulled out his cell. “What’s your address?”

“I can’t get everything packed up tonight. We don’t have to be out right away and…”

“Have you got a babysitter for tomorrow?”

She sighed.

“My housekeeper will organize everything.” He held up his hand as she went to protest again. “Hi, I need you to organize some movers for me. And we’ll have guests tonight. Yes a woman, and her five year old son. If you could set up the bedrooms. Yes.” He put his hand over the phone. “Is there anything Fraser doesn’t eat?”

She shook her head.

“That will be fine. Good. Yes, I’ll pass you over and she can give you the address.” He passed his phone to Gabrielle. While she gave her details to his housekeeper he watched her eyes flash dark. What was going on in her head? Relief? Frustration?
Probably all the above.
Rather than feel any sense of unease at this new turn of events, he found himself looking forward to ensuring she was close.

Gabrielle finished talking to his housekeeper and handed him back the phone. “You’d best finish early,” he said. “Go and get what you need for a couple of nights. The movers will take care of the rest. We can put most of it into storage.”

“For now,” she said firmly.

He just nodded. Taking the few steps to her office door he opened it and called, “I’ll

see you tonight.”

The boy looked up without alarm and waved. “Okay.”

No question about why he’d see him tonight. No question about his intentions towards his mother. A flash of guilt rushed through Nicolas and he let it escape as anger. “You should teach him to be more careful around strange men.”

Gabrielle sighed. “He probably recognized your voice, he might be five but he’s not stupid. And anyway you brought him to me, why would he be scared of my boss?”


“Still. You’re right. You’re probably just the sort of man he should be scared of.”

“Touché.” He had to admire her independence, her chutzpa. Again, the urge to touch her flooded him and he stuffed his hands back in his pockets. Only moments ago she’d been a miserable mess and now she’d pulled herself together and managed to find the energy to spar with him. She was a pretty remarkable woman.

Spinning on his heel he stalked out of her department, not giving her a chance to protest or himself the opportunity to muddy his feelings further. She was coming to his apartment so he could watch and learn. Perhaps even coax the method of her deception out of her. That was it.

But—but if she was such a good fraudster why was she in such dire financial straits? Surely the money she’d embezzled from Able’s would be enough to cover her power bill, if nothing else? No way would she agree to move into his apartment unless she really had to, she’d made that clear enough. Unless the woman protested too much?

Well he was about to find out. Nicolas made his way downstairs to the Able’s foyer and passed the toy store on his way to the main doors. Spotting a green car in the window, his thoughts flashed to Fraser playing in the fake snow. He went inside and took in the wealth of playthings in the store. Seeing what he wanted he crossed to the counter.
It’s just so he feels at home. Not his fault who his mother is.

Another item caught his eye and he flicked out his cell. “Mrs. Tollero. There are a few more things I think we’re going to need.”

Chapter Eight

I could have been anyone. Fraser took my hand and walked up here as if he’d known me all his life.
Nicolas’s words echoed in Gabby’s head. How things would have been different if Fraser had known Nicolas all his short life. Seeing them together had almost stopped her heart. The resemblance was obvious if you knew what you were looking for. Nicolas’s strong jaw hadn’t translated into Fraser’s five year old face yet, but the smoky grey eyes and the way they both held their head to the left when they were thinking…What was she doing moving in with him?

      “You didn’t have a choice. Where would you have gone, really?” she muttered to herself. Picturing Fraser sleeping in a shelter, or worse, at the train station, made her shudder and she closed her eyes, trying to block out the image of her son waking up surrounded by strangers.

      Summoning reserves of energy she didn’t think she had, she sent a couple of emails, checked everything was set for the morning and then bundled Fraser up in his coat. The subway journey passed in a flash as she went through a mental list of things to pack and things to let go into storage.

Opening the door to the only home she’d known for the last few years, Gabby couldn’t believe they were leaving it. “So quickly.”

“What?” Fraser tugged at her hand. “What’s for dinner?”

“I don’t know sweets. We’re going out for dinner.”

Fraser beamed. “Cool. Can I have french fries?”

“We’ll have to see.” She squatted down in front of him. “You know how Mrs. Patel is getting a new hip?”

He nodded.

“And do you remember me telling you that our building had been sold? That we might have to move?”

He shrugged, looking beyond her for a toy.

“Fraser, baby. You have to listen, this is important.” She turned his face back to hers so he had to look in her eye. “We’re going to stay with my boss for a little while. With Nicolas.”

“The man that owns your store? Okay.”

Gabby shut her mouth, the explanation she had ready dissolving unneeded on her tongue. “It means we have to pack some things.”

“Okay. Can I bring my dinosaurs? I already have my car in my bag. What else do I need?”

Pulling him into a hug Gabby squeezed him till he pushed her away. How did she luck out getting such a great son? “We’ll both need our pajamas and toothbrush. Some clothes for school, some books.” Gabby looked around as she spoke. She really didn’t need half the stuff in here. It was amazing how unattached she’d become to things when she’d had to run out of her last apartment. Perhaps this would be good. A fresh start.
And maybe —

She tried to stop the tiny flutter of her heart. Nicolas had been angry with her. Yes, but he’d been angry with her because he thought she’d abandoned Fraser. Yet he was opening his home to them. Gabby shook her head, still unsure what to make of the gesture.

      We’ll take it one day at a time, she promised herself. Starting with making sure she had her own bedroom and wore her flannelette pajama’s to bed every night.

      Pushing clothes into a bag for Fraser and then doing the same for herself, Gabby was a focused frenzy of energy for the next three hours. When the movers arrived she looked around again and decided she really didn’t need anything else. “Let’s go have dinner,” she said to Fraser and followed Nicolas’s driver to his car.

      Even the car ride seemed like a luxury. The driver strapped Fraser’s booster seat next to the window and as Fraser sat with his face practically pressed to the glass Gabby realized with a start that she could count the car rides he’d had on her fingers. She’d been so intent on paying off debt that she’d cut back on every form of extravagance possible, including cab rides, meals out, even new shoes for herself. Looking down at the five year old pair of pumps she wore tonight, Gabby sighed, remembering the ease with which she’d spent money on clothes when she’d finally had a job and cash of her own.

      “Mommy, look. I think I saw a Christmas Elf.”

      Gabby followed Fraser’s excited pointing finger and yes, some reveler was getting a very early start on Christmas festivities.

“He must be lost,” said Fraser gravely. “Do you think we should stop and give him directions?”

“I don’t think he’s a real elf sweetness,” said Gabby as the driver stifled his laugh. “Elves are usually much shorter.” And don’t carry a bottle of bourbon in a brown paper bag.

Unlike Gabby, Fraser seemed impervious to the opulent size and décor of Nicolas’s apartment. As soon as Nicolas opened the door, Fraser seemed right at home, hanging his coat on a small stool and following Nicolas into the kitchen. Left to trail in behind them, Gabby looked around properly. Last time the lights had been low, candles flickered on the table and the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights had smoothed out all the hard edges. But with all the lights on, she realized what a grown up, sleek bachelor pad Nicolas had created.
And he’s just invited a five year old to live in it. This is never going to last.

“Can I get you anything dear?” An older woman appeared at her elbow.

“Um. No. Sorry, I’m Gabrielle.”

“Yes, Nicolas told me. I’m his housekeeper, Tessa. I’ll just show you your room quickly then I’ll leave you all to eat. Must be close to Fraser’s bed time soon?”

Gabby immediately warmed to her. Tessa’s smile was wide and while her hair was grey, there was a youthfulness about her that indicated she’d have no trouble keeping up with Fraser. “I hope this is all okay. Nicolas didn’t give us much choice and well, I was running out of options.”

“Oh, don’t be silly dear. It’s a pleasure. Children are such a joy, especially when you get to give them back!” She cackled like a caricature of a wise old grandmother. “Don’t fret. I’ve had plenty of practice with my grandkiddies. Shall we take a quick look at your room? I’m just taking your Mommy for a second Fraser. Is that okay?”

“We’re fine, aren’t we?” Nicolas answered for Fraser.

It might be Nicolas’s home, but he didn’t get to answer for her son. “Okay baby?” Gabby called to Fraser.

He waved a hand at her, completely at ease in Nicolas’ company and engrossed in the new toy car that had appeared out of nowhere.

“They’re fine. We won’t be long,” said Tessa.

“Um. Okay, sure. I’m sorry again to have put you out. I’m sure you have a home to get to yourself.”

“Don’t fret petal. It’s just nice to see Mr. Morganti settling down. I thought he’d never have children. His grandmother’s ghost would have hunted me down if I’d let that happen.”

“Oh, no. We’re not…Nicolas and I…”

Tessa put a hand on Gabby’s arm. “You don’t have to explain anything to me dear. I’m just glad to help.”

Relieved not to have to explain the conflict of emotions she had for Nicolas, Gabby followed Tessa down the hall. This other wing of Nicolas’s apartment was just as clean and white as the living area, but perhaps because it housed the sleeping quarters , it was a little softer.

“I’ve put you in here, next to Fraser’s room,” Tessa said as she pushed open the door into a bedroom that was almost the size of the whole studio apartment Gabby had just left.

For a moment Gabby was lost for words. “No. It’s too much. I can just bunk in with Fraser.”

“Don’t be silly dear. No one else is using it. It’s nice to have it lived in for a change.”

Stepping into the room, Gabby had to stop herself emitting a girly little squeal at the sumptuousness of the room. Yet despite its size and opulence, it still felt comfortable.

The carpet, walls and drawers were white, like the rest of the apartment. But with wispy drapes over the wall-to-floor windows and surrounding a four poster bed, it was more feminine by far than anywhere else she’d seen in the place. An antique rose bedspread, a chaise in pale gold and a vase of fresh white roses on the dresser completed the look. The place looked like it had come straight out of Home and Garden magazine. “It’s beautiful.”

Tessa smiled. “Lovely isn’t it? Be a waste not to have someone as pretty as you sleep in that bed. For a while at least.” She patted Gabby’s arm. “I’ve put out some towels and a robe for you so you can take a bath after dinner. Your en-suite is just through here.”

Gabby stopped her. “No, I can’t. I might die in a fluffy towel induced coma if I see any more.”

Tessa laughed, a good natured, hearty sound in the midst of all the well-kept refinement. “Fraser’s room is just next door, but I’ll let the two of you discover that for yourselves. I’ll set you up with dinner and then get out of your way.”

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