Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1)
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Knowing he probably wasn’t in the right frame of mind to provide the full experience, she ran her palms over her breasts. They were still tender from the flogging, and they responded to light stimulation.

“Pinch your nipples.”

She pinched hard and rolled them between her unforgiving fingers. Leaving one hand to continue paying attention to her breasts, she slid the other down, over her stomach, through her neatly trimmed curls, to her clit.

Theo’s slow thrusting of his cock against his palm stopped. He watched as she seduced him with the lazy way she trailed her fingers along the folds of her pussy. Without tearing away his gaze, he unrolled a condom over his cock and squeezed lube into his hand.

He coated his cock with it, and then he reached down and massaged it into the tight muscle ringing her ass. He pressed one finger inside, testing her reaction and making sure she had enough lubricant. She thrust against his finger, moaning and flicking her nail over her clit.

Satisfied at her reaction, he wiped his hand on the towel and leaned over her. She wanted a kiss, but he didn’t oblige. “Sweetheart, this is your last chance to cry off.”

Abandoning her breast, she pulled him closer and planted a searing kiss on his lips. “Not a chance in the world, Sir. You can fuck me as fast or slow, as hard or gentle as you want. I’m going to make you come so hard you see stars, my dear, sweet Sir.”

He disengaged himself from her grasp, and she understood that he didn’t want to be held in any way. As he positioned his cockhead at her entrance, he gave her one last, long look. “Remind me of your colors, sweetheart.”

The feel of him so close to breaching her anus had her fighting the urge to writhe and push for completion. “Red, yellow, green. We’re at green.”

He pushed into her at a slow, steady rate, not stopping until he was fully seated. “Good God, you’re so tight.”

White heat spread through her veins, and she felt so full inside. Darcy fell into a bit of a trance. Something about having him take her this way reinforced the complete submission he’d coaxed from her on the stairs. “Please, Sir, make me yours. Only yours.”

He leaned over her, and she hooked her legs high around his waist to give him the most access. While she loved being taken this way and anal stimulation did a lot to help her achieve orgasm, by itself it couldn’t make her climax. She kept her hand between them, working her clit with hard, punishing jabs. It swelled under the torture, and she closed her eyes to focus the sensation.

“Please, Sir. May I come?”

When he didn’t immediately answer, she opened her eyes. He held himself over her, bearing the bulk of his weight on his arms. His muscles glistened with sweat, and the veins in his neck pulsed with effort. He bit his lip, and his eyes rolled back into his head. With a groan and a shout, he came. She took that as permission to do the same.

Afterward he pulled out and collapsed on top of her. He wrapped his arms around her and held on so tight she had trouble catching her breath. At last he seemed to rouse himself. Lifting up on his elbows, he regarded her with a steady and slightly awed expression. “Are you terribly sore, sweetheart?”

Her heart flip-flopped in her chest, and at that moment, she knew she’d broken through her last barriers. “Wonderfully. Thank you, Sir.”


Though he had never seen it before, Malcolm recognized the look in her eyes. Half of him didn’t want to hear her say it, didn’t want to have taken the leap that would eventually break her heart. The other half desperately needed to know he had it right. This woman continually amazed him. Part of the reason he’d picked a fight earlier had been because he was afraid of losing her.

She’d shocked him by telling him that she wanted him to take off the gloves and force her submission. Brave, bold, and beautiful—a rare combination. She was the perfect mix of mental and physical toughness, yet she was so soft and feminine. She was his dream lover in the flesh. He couldn’t lose her.

He still didn’t have all the evidence he needed. While he had enough proof to get federal warrants, he didn’t know exactly where to find some of the most sensitive information. And he needed definitive proof of Scott’s murder. If he couldn’t offer her that, he knew he might never see her look at him like this again.

There were so many things he wanted to say to her. As his investigation wrapped up, the moment where he hurt her, where he shattered her faith in him loomed closer and closer. Instead he took her lips in a tender kiss.

When he leaned back, light from the hall scattered over her face, and he saw the tears glinting from her lashes.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“I love you. I just wanted you to know that.”

His heart stuttered. He crushed her to his chest. “I love you too, Darcy. Never doubt it.”

Chapter Thirteen

Nothing in the dark room had roused her from the deepest sleep she’d experienced in almost a year. Darcy slid her hand up the soft sheet in search of her pillow. She found it trapped between the mattress and headboard. Without opening her eyes, she retrieved it and shoved it back under her head.

Not a muscle in her body wasn’t sore. After their bath, Theo had worked her over thoroughly. Thank goodness he’d only required one more orgasm from her before he let her surrender to sleep. She smiled as she thought back to their early-morning interlude. Exactly how early had that been?

She shrugged away the question. It didn’t matter. They’d crossed so many milestones in one night. Though they’d talked briefly, she knew they needed to discuss things further.

With the soreness came a deep sense of peace and calm, as if she could take on any challenge, deal with any calamity life could throw her way.

Darcy smiled as she remembered how things had gone when she and Scott first discovered the lifestyle. Eventually, having sex for seven hours straight had been reserved for special occasions. Last night she’d bonded completely with Theo and surrendered everything to him. It felt good. It felt right. It felt like forever.

Thinking of Scott brought with it a flood of emotion. Over the past few weeks, she’d come to question whether she’d ever truly submitted to Scott. Of course she had. Perhaps navigating her new relationship with Theo played tricks with her mind. While Theo made her feel similar emotions, they weren’t the same. Her memories of Scott had become hazy and slurred, but she still remembered how it felt to be with him. She still loved him.

And she loved Theo.

The love she carried for Scott came with the ache of loss. It echoed in a vast, lonely well, a cavern she could see and touch but one she couldn’t truly access. His pillow had long ago lost its scent, and his clothes sat in plastic bins in the basement. She had memories and photographs, but that was all.

But the love she had for Theo was bright and new. When he held her, she knew hope and her heart pulsed with vibrancy and life. With him she had a future. With him she had the strength to push forward and move on with her life.

Finding herself alone in bed, nursing maudlin thoughts and sad resolutions, brought no surprises. Last night had stripped her bare and left her vulnerable. Theo had probably left soon after dawn broke, heading off to service whatever client he had put on the back burner while he spent time on Victor’s projects.

She glanced at her bedside table and noticed the folded paper on her nightstand with her name written in Theo’s bold strokes.


I cancelled your appointments for this morning. Take the day off, sweetheart. You deserve some rest. I’ll be back this afternoon. I love you.

She hazarded a glance at the alarm clock. The green display read 11:17. If he’d neglected to wake her up, at least he’d cleared her morning. While she wasn’t pleased about him rearranging her schedule without asking first, she could appreciate his intention. The warm shower spray shook the cobwebs from her eyes and her brain. She couldn’t take the day off. She’d promised a rough estimate to her new clients, Future Beat, by Tuesday. It would take working most of the weekend to make that deadline.

Wrapped in a towel, she dried her hair and put on makeup. A twinge in her lower back suggested her period was imminent. Then, with a start, she realized she hadn’t seen her monthly visitor in longer than she had realized. Sinking down to sit on the edge of the bathtub, she did the mental math. Six weeks. The first time she slept with Theo coincided with the window of time she would have been ovulating.

If the nausea she’d experienced for the past several afternoons had happened in the morning, she might have suspected something earlier. Apparently the mood swings she’d attributed to nerves were symptoms of something else entirely.

But they’d used condoms every time. She shook her head, banishing the whirlwind of her thoughts. It was no use dwelling on probability. She remembered an old pregnancy test shoved in the cupboard under the sink from the last time her schedule hadn’t come out right. Though they had hoped to wait until after the wedding, she and Scott had wished for a positive result. When it came out negative, Scott had brought home another test, one that promised hospital accuracy. She hadn’t needed to use it.

Digging through bottles of lotion, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, and a whole bunch of other half-empty bottles she should throw out produced nothing. It looked like a trip to the store was forthcoming. She sat back on the edge of the bathtub and thought about what this would mean for her relationship with Theo.

It was a new relationship. Both of them had declared their love for one another, and she knew he meant what he said. She hoped it could survive something as unexpected as this without going sour. While she hated the idea of losing Theo, another part of her very much looked forward to being pregnant. Plus she had faith that he was the kind of man who didn’t scare easily. Steadfast, solid, and loyal, he epitomized the strong kind of man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

But life was full of surprises, and sometimes people didn’t react as expected.

Darcy put her hand over her abdomen and imagined what it would feel like swollen with life. Eventually she drifted downstairs to make breakfast.

Afterward she wandered down the short hall that led to the garage, and she paused at the door to Scott’s workroom. It had originally been meant as a family room, but he had turned it into space for his business. They hadn’t needed a family room for just the two of them.

Half of his things had still been boxed up from the move when the police had removed anything electronic during one of their searches. Now, almost a year later, they still had everything.

Firming up her resolve, she turned the knob and pushed open the door. It hadn’t been locked, and she hadn’t cleaned in there since the last time the police ransacked the room. A fine layer of dust covered everything, but it was surprisingly clean for a space she never used.

She looked around, taking in the mess of tools and component parts for things she couldn’t identify. It was time to pack it up. Replace the carpet, repaint the walls, buy curtains for the window and drapes for the sliding door. Perhaps she’d have a deck built.

Maybe Theo could help her sort through the items. He was bound to know what some of them were. It would be a way to tell him she’d moved on, that Scott would always be in her heart, but he wouldn’t be hanging between them.

She backed out of the room without touching anything, but she left the door open. The room was no longer off-limits.

She spent the next several hours considering how this might change her life, how this would affect her relationship with Theo, and myriad other thoughts and emotions. Between moments of bliss and panic, she managed to set down a skeleton for the Future Beat proposal.


Malcolm spent the morning putting the finishing touches on the program that would provide a long-term back door for the FBI to gather intel on Snyder’s organization. If Darcy didn’t agree to work for Snyder or even go to his house for dinner, then Malcolm’s role in this investigation had come to an end. In failing to deliver Darcy, his career at Snyder Corporation would be finished. He would hand it off to the next person, perhaps advising they find someone like Darcy who could catch Snyder’s eye and slide into the public relations role.

Staring at a mountain of data, as he had been doing for hours each day, Malcolm searched for some clue as to what Yataines had done, what he had found that could have led to his death. It couldn’t be simply over a woman. Snyder was too savvy to resort to murder over a woman in which he had no romantic interest. There had to be more.

He rubbed his eyes as images of Darcy, bound and helpless, superseded the lists of file names on the display screen. She had looked so lovely last night. Her spunky, disdainful attitude had disappeared once he took control. He had no illusions she would suddenly turn into a kitten, and for that he was grateful. He had no desire to spend the rest of his life with someone who lacked passion or a spine. She stimulated his body and his mind.

When her image dissolved, he frowned at the screen. The pattern of file names made sense, and they were in order. However something was missing. A deeper search of the file tree took a few hours. At the end of that time, his eyes were fatigued. He’d found places where the numeric coding for files had been erased. Deleted files were ridiculously easy to recover. Unless the hard drive was professionally scrubbed or damaged, no computer ever truly deleted information. It merely removed the link to the information. When his mother had lost several hundred pictures she downloaded from her camera, he had recovered not only those pictures, but over twelve thousand more. Every photo she had ever taken using that memory card was still there. She had been amazed with his skill, and he had let her go on appreciating his brilliance.

The fact that someone had gone to such lengths to actually erase the files aroused his suspicion. He found scrubbed areas, locations that had been overwritten more than seven times, where he wouldn’t be able to recover the files. However they had been copied before they were permanently erased. Whoever did this hadn’t quite covered their tracks. After another hour elapsed, he had more than a vague hunch. Yataines had stumbled upon something. Malcolm bet he had hidden the files somewhere safe.

Unfortunately he had gone through all the tech the police had seized from their search of the Markovich-Yataines residence. Nothing there hinted at hidden files, but it was nearly impossible to find something without having a clue as to what it was.

Malcolm left for the day. He took the long route to headquarters and buried himself in Yataines’s stuff. At least he had an idea of what he wanted to find.


The steady tap of keys coming from Darcy’s office meant she’d be working for at least a little while longer. His quest to find the missing files had yet to bear fruit, but he had found several clues to indicate that some of Yataines’s hard drives had been tampered with after they had come to be in police custody.

He threw vegetables and shreds of leftover roast into a pot of water to make stew. Darcy was no doubt still sore from last night, so he figured they could relax with a movie tonight.

The short hallway off the kitchen led to the garage and Yataines’s workroom. While she hadn’t prohibited him from entering, she had never once opened the door. She treated the room as if it didn’t exist. If Malcolm hadn’t seen footage of the police search, he wouldn’t have known Yataines’s workshop lay behind that door.

The door was open now. Fading afternoon light spilled through it to penetrate the shadows in the hall.

The room was a good size for hanging out and watching television or rigging out with some serious bondage equipment. The higher ceiling would let him swing the single tail easily.

Had Darcy been in here, remembering the man she’d lost? Malcolm wasn’t stupid. He knew falling in love with him wasn’t easy for her to do, and it wasn’t easy for her to admit. It meant putting Scott behind her and moving forward with her life. His heart beat faster at what had to be a bittersweet process for her.

But the federal agent in him knew he couldn’t pass up this opportunity.

A slow, steady search revealed the husks of computers, three broken space heaters, dishwasher parts, and a lot of tools. Dust coated the tiled floor. The space heaters looked like Yataines had been using one for parts to repair the other two. The cat poked her head into the room, sniffed tentatively, and then slinked inside.

The toolboxes were a mess. Though they bore labels marking them as plumbing, electrical, and technical, none of the tools inside matched their designation. A pipe wrench sat on top of a tiny soldering iron used in computer repair. Socket wrenches occupied space with a stud finder and a live-wire detector.

Miss Priss hopped onto the table and peeked into a box. She batted at the frayed end of a wire poking out. Malcolm took it out and teased the cat, who swiped at it for about thirty seconds. Then she stopped and stared at Malcolm with a too-wise look in her yellow eyes.

“Where is it, Miss Priss? You were Scott’s cat. Where did he hide those files?”

She blinked, sneezed twice, and ran out of the room. Malcolm shook his head and got back to work.

While he was occupied with sorting through the toolboxes, the door pushed open. Darcy’s gaze slid away from his face and fastened on the tools he had spread on the table in the center of the room. She looked a little like she was stuck in a daze.

“What are you doing?”

“I thought I’d fix the dishwasher.” He pulled out the excuse he thought would work best. “You said it never worked. It’s programmable. I thought it was a shame such an expensive piece of equipment never worked.”

She pushed her hair back, tucking a strand behind her ear. “I’m sure it’s not fixable. It’s stupid to keep it around. I just haven’t gotten around to throwing it out.”

He studied her closely. Small stress lines creased around her mouth, but she didn’t seem upset with him. “Are you mad that I’m in Scott’s workroom?”

A bitter frown touched her lips and disappeared. She shook her head. “He’d be happy someone was using it. I don’t know what kinds of tools he has. The police left this room a complete mess. They took away so much of his equipment. I don’t think I’ll ever get it back, not that I’d know what to do with it anyway. I tried to clean it up the best I could.” She ended with a shrug.

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