Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1)
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His knee came down on the step right below her pussy, and his thigh, covered by his gray slacks, brushed against her wetness. She tried to read his face, but she could find nothing outside of his implacable calm.

drew her attention to her belly. He lifted the lowest button away from her shirt.

“Can’t you unbutton a shirt like a normal person?”

He cut another one away. “Nope. In the future, when you run from me, you should be naked or wearing clothes you don’t care about.” As he spoke, he made his way up her blouse.

By the time he finished cutting away her buttons, fury stained her chest. He slid the open scissors between her breasts and cut the narrow band of fabric connecting the cups.

“Damn it, Theo. This is my only white bra, and it’s almost summer.” While she knew she needed a few more light-colored bras to get her through the season, it wasn’t easy to find a comfortable one that fit well and made her breasts look good. That bra had satisfied all criteria.

He lowered the scissors. “I guess you’re going to be really pissed about this, then.”

Darcy watched in shock as he sliced open the skirt bunched around her thighs. He didn’t even cut on or near a seam, not that it mattered too much. The tight skirt didn’t allow for repair from this kind of damage. She struggled against the ropes, but with her feet in the air because the ropes were wrapped around her thighs, she had no leverage. Her hips thrust forward in an overtly sexual manner. That would come in handy later, she was sure, but now it just pissed her off.

When her ability to speak returned, she screeched. “You son of a bitch! You didn’t have to do that. It wasn’t in your way!”

He put his hand on her pelvis and pressed down when he got closer to her skin. “You might want to stop squirming for a second, sweetheart. I’d hate to nick you with the scissors. I’m not into blood or body fluids not normally associated with coming.”

When he finished, he stepped back to survey his handiwork. Tied to the banisters on both sides, she reclined on the stairs with her clothing pooled around her body. The edges of the steps pressed into her back and neck, and she hoped he didn’t notice how the sleeves of her blouse still covered her arms. As it stood, the blouse was salvageable. Buttons could be sewn back on.

Darcy didn’t take the moment to bask in his open appreciation. She growled. “Fucking Neanderthal. I’m surprised you didn’t just rip all my clothes off.”

He grinned, easing the hawkish severity of his features. “I’m downright civilized, sweetheart. Tearing off a woman’s clothing isn’t romantic. It hurts in all the wrong ways. You like to feel stinging and heat against your skin. I don’t get the sense you care for pulled muscles or ripped tendons.”

Stepping around her splayed body, he ascended the stairs. “No, scissors are the way to go. Take note because every time you run from me, I’ll take that as an invitation to cut off your clothes and use your body how I want.”

She strained to hear him as he disappeared into her bedroom, but he stopped talking. She listened for sounds that would betray his intentions, but she heard nothing. Closing her eyes, she wondered what he was planning. While she couldn’t move, and she wasn’t panicking, she couldn’t say she felt a need to submit.

A rule from a demonstration she and Scott had seen surfaced in her memory. “Hey! I thought you weren’t supposed to tie up anyone and leave them alone.”

“You aren’t alone.”

She threw her head back so fast that it thunked on the step. She grunted because she felt stupid for doing something so lacking in grace, but she didn’t wince because it hadn’t actually hurt. “Sneaking up on people isn’t nice.”

He smoothed her bangs back away from her face. “Hurt your head, sweetheart?”

“No.” Nobody should be able to move so quietly. It was disconcerting, and she wasn’t even blindfolded. Then silky darkness stole her vision, forcing her to adjust her previous thought.

“No, what?”

She rolled her eyes under the blindfold. “You cut my clothes. I revoked your title.”

His low, rumbling chuckle rippled through the air. “When you misbehave, you go all out.” Hot breath warmed her neck. “I like that in a woman, sweetheart. You’re about to find out how much I like to punish my closeted smart-assed masochist.”

She snorted. Being bound freed her to not resist her urges. The worst he could do with her in this position would be to flog her and fuck her. As much as she might wish for the single tail, he wouldn’t use it anywhere except on her ass, the back of her thighs, and her upper back. Because this was a punishment, he probably wouldn’t let her come, but Darcy didn’t care. Given a choice, she would take the flogging any day. An orgasm was icing on the cake.

Plus she didn’t plan to hold back. One mistake and she would snatch a forbidden orgasm.

His hand slid behind her neck, lifting her head and the upper part of her back. “You’re going to be here for some time before I get a chance to work on your backside.”

Something plush filled the space between the hard step to pillow her back and head. She figured it for a pillow. Considering the awkwardness of the location, she was surprisingly comfortable.

He slid a finger along her slit and found very little moisture. She had found the chase exhilarating, and the struggle had turned her on, but being bound and blinded did not further that arousal.

He used his mouth to reverse that trend. He used it on her neck, brushing his lips against her skin so lightly he left nothing but shivering gooseflesh in his wake. He didn’t use his teeth or tongue to nip and lick as he normally did.

The paths and curlicues he traveled widened. He spent time on her shoulders and chest. Her nipples hardened in anticipation, but he veered off to lavish attention on her arms. Darcy had never considered her arms erogenous zones, and Theo elicited reactions she would have never imagined when he feathered his lips over the tender skin on the undersides of her arms.

Moans escaped, quiet at first, but growing louder as he kissed the insides of her ankles and the undersides of her breasts. Her body became a mass of shivers, reacting to the slightest stir of air.

When he closed his hot mouth around her nipple, she screamed. “No. Yes. No. Fuck.”

She wasn’t able to sense a reaction. That last word might have been an oath or a plea. She wasn’t sure which.

He sucked with a gentle pressure that almost overwhelmed her senses. Comprehension eluded her. She could understand being this sensitive after she’d been flogged, but she couldn’t fathom how this gentle treatment could arouse her the same way.

This time, when he ran his finger along the edge of her labia, she dripped wetness.

And then his mouth was there. Slow licks gathered cream and commanded her body to make more. The tip of his tongue teased around her clit, never coming into contact with the hard nub poking from its hood and clamoring for attention.

Her body strained to maneuver so that his tongue landed where she needed it. She whimpered and moaned. Her head thrashed from side to side. Even as she appreciated the deviousness of his technique, she hated the way he commanded her body’s reactions.

“Please. Oh please.”

He kept right on licking, circling her clit with clever strokes that kept her on the edge.

She gave in a little. “Sir, please make me come.” What she meant as a command came out as a plea punctuated by sobs.

His lips locked around her clit and suckled with the same gentle pressure. She threw her head back and keened as the climax washed through every part of her body he had kissed.

Instead of backing off, he increased the pressure of his mouth. He sucked in short, hard bursts. Her hips jerked as much as they could, trying to escape the extra stimulation. Wanting to pull his head away, she found her intent hampered by the ropes she kept forgetting about.

“Sir, please stop. I need a break. Oh fuck.”

Her pleading only served to goad him to continue. He sucked harder and faster, pushing her over that cliff again. She screamed, and tears wet the blindfold where it caressed her eyelids.

Now he added his fingers. They traced her folds while he kept sucking in that hard, fast rhythm. Her entire body shook. None of her muscles responded to the messages her brain sent. Either that, or her brain had forgotten how to send messages.

Her clit throbbed and retreated behind its hood. Theo peeled it back with his teeth and flicked his tongue over the hard peak. He slid his fingers into her opening, curving to rub against her sweet spot. He kept her there, trembling on the brink for an excruciatingly long time, and then he pushed her over.

She came again, and Theo moaned. The vibrations drew out her climax, as did the fingers in her pussy that never stopped moving. She thought he might have a heart and let her rest. Since he didn’t let her come down, she decided he was heartless and the only rest allowed would be what happened after she passed out.

“One more, sweetheart. Give me one more.”

Her oversensitive pussy throbbed, and she wanted to close her legs, but the ropes wouldn’t let any part of her hide. Gathering her willpower, she calmed her breathing to prepare for one more. He wanted one more. She could give him that one more, and he would let her rest.

As punishments went, this was far worse than not being allowed to climax. While it felt wonderful, it sucked away all sense of control. For the first time, she began to believe he could force her surrender.

“Yes, Sir. One more.”

He pressed the flat of his tongue hard against her clit and used his fingers to massage her pussy in all the places he knew made her tremble and writhe. The ropes allowed only trembling, so all the energy she might have released through writhing came together between her legs. It took longer, but she managed to give him the “one more” he demanded.

Light returned as he yanked off the blindfold. She lifted her head to impale him with a glare, but her face failed to form any kind of forceful expression.

He sat between her legs on the step below where her ass rested. Her reclined position gave her the perfect vantage point to see everything. He leaned against her thigh and traced lazy circles around her clit with one finger. Every revolution sent electric waves of sensation through her body. It hurt and it felt good, much like those feelings generated by a thorough flogging.

Lifting his finger to his mouth, he licked her juices away. The gesture drew her attention to the way her juices glistened around his lips. She whimpered at the thought he might continue and at the thought he might stop.

“This is one gorgeous pussy. It’s mine, sweetheart. Say it.”

She wanted to stay silent, but a primal piece of her heart and soul responded. “It’s yours, Sir.”

“Nobody touches my pussy, including you, without my permission. Do you understand?”

She nodded, her head rubbing against the pillow she thanked goodness he’d put there. “No masturbating without your permission.”

“Very good. Let’s continue playing.”

Her eyes widened. “Playing? This isn’t punishment?”

He shrugged. “Pleasure, punishment, play. Tonight we’re combining everything. You can try to differentiate, or you can just accept you have no control over what happens here.”

He plunged his fingers back into her pussy.

She rested her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. “Oh God.”

He brought her to the brink and stopped. A fine sheen of sweat coated her skin, and she hadn’t even been allowed to move. Her entire body trembled. Tremors and mini shock waves shot through her even though he wasn’t touching anything.

He shifted, reaching over her so close it allowed her to inhale the musky, male scent rolling from his neck. He gave her a cocky grin as he retreated to kneel at her pussy.

Pleasure and trepidation kept her from returning his smile.

He grasped her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the hard peak lightly. Then he squeezed. She cried out at the unexpected violence and the sparks of pleasure rocketing through her body.

Without easing the pressure, he pulled her nipple toward him. She arched her back as much as she could to follow him, but he stretched her until she whimpered. He produced a nipple clamp, the kind that resembled tweezers, and slid it into place.

He treated her other nipple with equal cruelty. Darcy panted at the pleasure-pain combination. Her pussy, so recently in need of a break, swelled and throbbed. Fresh cream flooded so fast it ran in a thick river to pool on the step. Thank goodness she had them finished in wood and not carpet.

“Sir, oh Sir.”

Holding up her largest vibrator, he turned it on. It resembled a rapier. The dildo portion formed the blade. It would fill her pussy while the anal and clitoral stimulators jutted out like a hilt.

He circled the tip over her distended and swollen nipples. More pleasure-pain had her whimpering, and her cunt wept to be conquered. Drawing it down her belly, he teased the quivering muscles of her abdomen and inner thighs.

She sobbed. “Please, Sir.”

“Do you think my pussy is wet enough to forego lube?” He lifted a brow, but he didn’t look for her opinion. It wasn’t relevant. She whimpered, not caring whether or not he doused it in lube.

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