Read Rebel on the Run Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Rebel on the Run (13 page)

BOOK: Rebel on the Run
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“Bring her into our world, Bryce,” Swinger encouraged his friend. “Make her a Hot Rod for life.”

Chapter Seven

“He’s not joking, Kaelyn. Once you open this door, understand the possibilities, there might be no going back. Being satisfied with less could become impossible. It is for me.” Bryce winced. “I don’t want you to think that you’re not enough for any man, but I can’t imagine my life without this bond, without the whole gang. Is that something you could be happy with?”

“I don’t know.” She didn’t attempt to grant him false security. Honesty ruled. “But I’d like to find out.”

She wasn’t meek or timid. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind.

Kaelyn whipped her borrowed shirt over her head, tossing it in the corner. Then she reached for Bryce’s pants, tugging on the waistband until he lifted his hips. She wiggled her ass as she peeled them down his muscular thighs and shapely calves, loving the gasps from Holden, who enjoyed her display from behind. She crawled backward until the fabric was free of Bryce’s feet and vanquished to the floor as well.

“Are we doing this, Rebel?” Swinger asked.

“Yes. Whatever she wants. Sounds like she’s kind of a rebel too.” His cock thumped onto his abdomen, the tip painting pearly fluid over his six-pack. “Come in and close the door before there’s a whole audience.”

Kaelyn shivered. “Mmm.”

“You’re going to be the death of me, lady.” Bryce groaned as she surveyed the length of his erection and tried not to imagine the rest of the Hot Rods packing the room as if they witnessed some virgin sacrifice or maybe an initiation ritual.

Because that was exactly how she felt. Except maybe more like a goddess than an unwilling participant. The appreciation in Bryce’s eyes thrilled her. He lay back, letting her explore as she’d never had the opportunity to do before.

Thick, hard muscles were covered in soft, warm skin. She petted him, stopping to flick a nail over one of the hardened discs of his nipples. He groaned and balled his fists in the sheets.

Holden startled her by murmuring in her ear. “If he lets himself touch you, it’ll be over too soon. He wants you so badly, Kaelyn. I’ve never seen him this worked up. But he’ll let you take as much as you need. Learn him. Go ahead.”

Having someone else to confirm her instincts as she took a new road relieved her rather than alarming her.

Rustling behind her distracted her only for a moment. She peeked over her shoulder to see Holden shedding his shorts. They had to have been uncomfortable with his cock now rigid again.

“Do you mind?” he asked.

“Nope.” Knowing she had the power to control every bit of the situation turned her on more. Without a doubt, Bryce would have his friend clothed or banished from the room if she showed an ounce of discomfort. It seemed silly though to make him keep his pants on. An artificial bit of modesty she no longer required.

With Bryce, she could be the woman she’d always longed to be.

He would grant her the freedom to follow her heart. And places farther south.

She squirmed on top of him, rubbing her pussy over his thigh for relief.

“You’re gorgeous, lady,” Bryce rumbled from beneath her. This time his jaw clenched as he allowed his hands to roam from her knees to her hips. He nearly encircled her waist with his long fingers before reaching up to cup her breasts in his palms. The beaded nipples pressed into his hands, aching for more.

When she whimpered, he didn’t stop or ask if she was okay. He knew what she needed better than she did. In an instant, the world flipped around. Bryce rotated them so that her back pressed into his bed and he held himself above her.

“Swinger, brace her so I don’t shove her up the mattress.” He grunted. “I’m so much bigger than her, she won’t be able to stay in place.”

“Sure thing.” Holden complied. He scrambled onto the bed and put his back against the headboard. He lifted her so that she rested with her head on his abdomen and his thighs bracketed her shoulders. The hot, hard length of his erection pulsed against her neck.

If it weren’t for Bryce peering down at her, she might have been tempted to turn her head and take a taste of the man cradling her. Freedom raced through her veins. Anything was possible with them. They wouldn’t judge her for stepping outside social boundaries.

For this time, she wanted to focus on the man above her. She hoped it meant something that
was her primary Hot Rod. While it might be fun to play with his friends, she belonged to him. Always would.

As if he could read her dedication in her eyes, he smiled before dropping lower. They pressed together, skin on skin, for the first time. Her lids fluttered, struggling to stay open while he swooped in for a kiss.

Tender, liquid glides of his lips on hers surprised her. When compared to the heavy thud of his cock resting on her belly and the bulk of his muscles, his gentleness impressed her. She wondered idly if she’d be able to take all of him. He seemed so big when measured against her body. In proportion, she hadn’t realized quite how large he was until now.

A gasp must have given her away.

Holden chuckled behind her. “Yeah, he’s a beast, but he won’t hurt you. He’ll go slow and only give you as much as you can handle.”

“I want it all.” Stubborn, she might have crossed her arms if they hadn’t been busy hugging Bryce to her so she could rub herself against his mammoth frame. “All of you, Bryce.”

“You already have me, lady.” He kissed her nose then stared into her eyes.

Swinger made himself useful, caressing her upper arms and even the swells of her breasts while she and Bryce lost themselves in each other eyes. He prepared her body for what would come, even as her mind and heart opened to Bryce and the possibilities he presented.

Kaelyn writhed in their hold, straining to get closer to Bryce and his heat.

When he scooted downward, licking around his friend’s fingers, then lower, she growled. Her hand flew to his hair and tugged, sharp enough to draw his attention away from her stomach. “No. Not the long way. When you did that before, it was amazing. This time, I need more.”

If her face could have flamed brighter, she would have ignited.

Holden cursed softly behind her. “Let him get you ready. He’s big. You’re going to need to be wet, Kaelyn. The slipperier, the better.”

“I already am.” She tried not to whine. “Feel for yourself if you don’t believe me.”

She reached for his hand and dragged it downward. As he leaned forward, he looked to Bryce, who nodded, welcoming the second opinion. When Holden rimmed the entrance to her pussy, she shuddered in his hold, though her gaze never left Bryce’s approving stare. Holden’s finger dipped inside, causing her pussy to clench around him. But he didn’t linger.

“She’s soaked.” Swinger groaned, then withdrew, popping his fingers in his mouth to sample her flavor. “Don’t tease her this time, Bryce. You can do that plenty later. Give the lady what she wants.”

“Yeah, what he said.” Kaelyn reached for Bryce, drawing him back to her. They fit together perfectly as he aligned their bodies and devoured her mouth. The pressure of his blunt tip on her pussy increased as he flexed his hips, prepared to penetrate.

“Bryce.” Holden’s stern tone broke them both from the moment just as Bryce’s cock nudged at her opening, about to breach her.

“Not now, Swinger.” Gritted teeth made the dismissal rough.

“A condom. Here. Put this on.” Holden lunged for the bedside table, rocking her torso when he leaned, then held out a foil packet to the other man above her, poised between her thighs. “We’ve already got one oopsy baby on the way. Let’s make sure you plan for your rug rats, huh?”

Kaelyn wanted to tell him she was on birth control, but by the time she could make her brain switch to something so logical, Bryce had already extended his hand toward Holden.

“Shit.” Bryce scrubbed his hand over his face then took the protection his friend offered. “I’ve never forgotten before. But as much as I want to feel you bare, Kae, I don’t have it in me to debate about it now.”

She agreed a thousand percent. All she could say in response was, “Hurry.”

He rolled the latex over his thick shaft, then ringed the base of his cock with his meaty fist. He aimed the head at her pussy and wedged the blunt cap against her once more. This time he didn’t stop as he fed his length to her bit by bit.

Kaelyn gasped. She shouted his name as he stretched her channel to accommodate his girth. Her chest expanded too as her heart bulged, tucking him inside in a whole new way, beyond the friendship they’d shared as children.

Behind her, Holden whispered encouragement. He told her she could take it, despite the burn spiking through the bliss of holding Bryce inside her. She leaned into his hold, trusting him to ensure her pleasure, exactly as he had Carver’s earlier.

They might be on to something with this arrangement.

Though she’d never attempted tandem sex before, they made it easy for her. Not frightening in the least. In fact, her brain disengaged entirely as emotions barraged her. Her skin came alive. Each nerve ending that was caressed in some way by one of the men bracketing her dropped bombs of pleasure into her system, short-circuiting everything but pure sensation.

“You feel so damn good hugging me like that.” Bryce groaned as he withdrew a tiny bit, then invaded her farther. He pressed deeper with every rock of his hips, tucking her into his friend’s open arms on each pass.

Holden braced her, helped her accept all that Bryce was giving her. She could never thank him enough for easing her way into things and making sure that both she and her
were satisfied.

A tear slipped from the corner of her eye, horrifying her.

“Rebel,” Holden murmured, drawing attention to her emotional overflow.

“Ah, Kae. I’m sorry. Am I hurting you?” He froze immediately, wiping the droplets from her cheek with the pad of one thumb.

“No.” She bit her trembling lip then forced herself to reassure him before he withdrew. “I’m…happy. Relieved. I wasn’t the problem. It wasn’t me. And now I’m not lonely anymore. I’m so thankful I found you today. And your friends too. Fill me, Bryce. Take away the emptiness.”

Holden squeezed her, but didn’t interrupt her moment with Bryce.

Their rebel kissed her with strong sweeps of his lips and then his tongue. And as he did, the matching advance of his hips granted her wish. His cock felt huge as he tunneled beyond the reaches of even her largest vibrator. He spread her open and filled her up.

Locked together, he took a moment to catch his breath and peer into her eyes with raw adoration and admiration. “You’re perfect for me.”

“I hope so.” She sniffled. “Because now that I’ve felt this, I think you’ve ruined me for anyone else.”

“Hey.” Holden grunted behind her, making her chuckle.

your awesome friends,” she corrected.

“That’s better.” Swinger hummed as he rubbed her shoulders, helping her relax so she could hold Bryce more comfortably.

Bryce laughed, making his cock jerk inside her. She groaned and shivered.

He didn’t torture her, but instead gave her what she needed by beginning a slow glide in and out. While he made love to her, he kissed her over and over. Between the weight of his body, the sweeping of his mouth, and the incessant caressing of Holden’s hands, Kaelyn quickly found herself toeing the edge of a massive orgasm.

Her sheath clung to Bryce’s cock, the muscles undulating around him as if to lure him deeper on every thrust. He obliged, fucking her harder as they both lost some of their inhibitions. Holden encouraged them, cheering them on as they raced toward the finish line.

His reassuring hands held her together when she feared she might fly apart in the face of the rapture Bryce bestowed. And when she quaked, afraid to let go and end the most beautiful experience of her life, Holden whispered in her ear, “It’s okay. He’ll give you more. All of us will. You won’t have to wait another lifetime to feel this good. Come for him, Kaelyn. Show him how much you love it.”

“Yes!” she shouted into Bryce’s mouth. 

Bryce didn’t have to say anything, his friend having read his thoughts. Instead he smiled down at her as he changed the trajectory of his hips. Long, languid strokes of his cock that sank him inside her from base to tip turned into shorter, faster hammering. He concentrated on grinding them together at the apex of every lunge.

Kaelyn wrapped her legs around him, her heels drumming his tight ass as she forced him as deep as he could go. Though her eyes had drifted closed to savor the sound and sensations he infused her with, they flew open as she felt the first waves of her climax begin.

She stared into his eyes as she obeyed Swinger’s urging and shattered.

As if he’d been holding back, waiting for her to tip, Bryce grunted her name then joined her, filling the condom he wore with jets of his seed. A low groan accompanied each twitch of his cock inside her, which set off answering pulses of her own orgasm.

And while they both still shuddered, Holden set her on the mountain of pillows. He crawled over her so that his knees rested on either side of her head and asked Bryce for permission silently.

Bryce glanced down at Kaelyn and read the naked hunger in her gaze. He couldn’t back out now, not after promising her a glut of sensation. Despite the rare possessiveness she instilled in him, he seemed to take great pleasure in giving her what she obviously craved.

“Do it,” Bryce answered, looking into her eyes long enough to see how aroused she was by his friend’s ruddy hard-on.

Holden pressed his cock between her breasts. It slipped there in the pearly precome he painted between her mounds. Bryce assisted by pressing her tits together, cupping his friend with her flesh. A handful of strokes was all it took before Swinger joined them, shooting his release across her belly in several warm spurts.

He collapsed to the side while Bryce shocked them both.

The man still locked inside her hunched his back and lapped at the mess his friend had made, cleaning her and accepting the involvement of his partner. It might be Holden tonight, but it could be any of them next. He quaked between her thighs, his orgasm renewed when she clenched around him, milking the last of his semen from his balls.

BOOK: Rebel on the Run
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