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Pleasure & Pain

MMF Office Menage

Ashlynn Cox


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Chapter I – And In Yours


Erica fumbled as she tried to put the key in the car door of her baby blue mustang. It had already been one of those days where everything that could go wrong, did. Her keys fell to the hot black gravel pavement as she said,

“Damn it! Would you…. Could you just…. Oh, for gosh sakes. Just work with me already…  Shoot!”

She stumbled over to pick them up and tried once more to open the car door. She stopped briefly to blow her bangs out of her eyes, so that she could see what she was doing. She flopped herself into her car with her hands full of stuff. She dumped her black work apron, her cell phone, and her laptop onto the passenger seat of her car. Life was just too busy, and there were never enough hours in the day to get everything done that she needed to.

And just like that, she started the car and punched the gas pedal on her way. She was a young college aged girl that was struggling to pay her mounting bills. Not even to mention how she would pay her tuition to keep herself in school. She was on financial aid, but unfortunately her grades had dropped because she had to work more in order to keep up with the increasing bills.

Erica worked a profitable job as a waitress in a high end club. But she was struggling to hold onto that job because she was always running late, or “tardy” as her English boss would say it. She was late for work a lot and her boss had had his fill of her. It was not always her fault though, class would run late, or her roommate would need a ride, or something else always came up. She was a giver at heart and wanted to help anyone and everyone that asked for her assistance but that was inevitably her downfall as well. That was just how she grew up in a small town, helping others that could not help themselves.

But now that she was in the big city, things had changed and she had not exactly adjusted to the ways of the rippers and runners so easily. She still wanted to live like she was at home, like time stood still at the one and only stop light in the center of town. She loved home, simple and slow, but she needed to get an education if she wanted to make something of herself and also to make her pop proud of her.

She slammed on the brakes at the stop sign a block away from her building. She was utterly frustrated by traffic and reckless drivers on either side of her. She knew that she only had moments to get to work before she would be considered late in her bosses mind. He could be a complete prick when he wanted to be, but then again, he could be quite forgiving at times as well. It was all about the timing apparently.

She grabbed her crap from the passenger seat when she finally got to work and made her way inside. She knew what was coming, but she would be damned if she would back down from his assumptions. As she walked in, he started in,

“What the hell? You are late again! What am I supposed to do with that? You try my patience something terrible and then what do you want from me. I am just supposed to say that it is fine. It is just all okay then? Whatever!?”

“Look. I am sorry. I had the keys, then they fell and dropped and everything and piss off already, would you. It has been that kind of a day that is all. Why do you give me such a hard time?”

“God, I have no choice but to fire you! I can’t take it anymore. You make me look like a crazy person, woman. I do not get you at all. You are a narcissist feline at best. I swear! Go home. Go home now!”

In truth, she was utterly devastated. Her jaw dropped to the floor. She knew in her heart of hearts that she ultimately needed the job real bad if she was to stay in school and also to pay her bills. It was no surprise that she turned her attitude around and begged to get her job back. Hell, she was desperate. She needed her job back or else she would drown in her debt. Her desperation peaked as she was willing to do just about anything at that moment in time.

As she begged and pleaded with her boss she thought maybe just maybe she could convince him otherwise. At first Jeb just got more enraged with her begging but after a moment of quick thinking he had an idea. Jeb, her boss told her that she could have her stupid job back if she will do something somewhat special for him. He had not said what that was yet, but she had her inclinations as to what it might entail. But in truth, she had never done anything like that act of kindness before. She was for all intents and purposes a virgin. She just had never been in the right situation, at the right time to do that one little thing. She was not a prude, just inexperienced. That is all.

So Jeb finally said,

“Yeah. I could give you your job back, maybe…. But I will need something from you in return then.”

“What? What could you possibly want from me? I have nothing. Nothing but mountains of debt. What the hell could you possibly want from me?”

“Well, just to put it right out there then. I will just say it. I will say it out loud then. Just like that. I want your body. I want it right here and right now. I want your body, I want your soul, I just want you explicitly.”

“Come in here. I want to talk to you for a minute. Maybe let us just go in the cooler or something. Just come with me already. We need to work this out.”

“Okay, fine then. What do you want from me then for real this time?”

They nervously walked into the cooler to explore the issues at hand. Jeb reached out and grabbed a fresh head of cabbage and threw it on the hard tile floor. He said,

“Why do you expect special treatment from me? Do you think that I am here to please you, because I am not! You need to grow the fuck up and realize that you are no better than anyone else around here and I am really tired of your shit.”

“I know, but I am trying! I got school, work, and I try to have a life outside of here, even when it does not make any sense at all. I try. Damn it, I try!”

Jeb quickly stepped closer to her and pinned her arms above her shoulders as he slowly pressed his soft voluptuously lips against her thin lips so sensually. He kissed her like he had never engaged a girl before, in such a loving and compassionate way. It was so pure and so true. He had wanted this for so long.

He grabbed a handful of her long dark hair and yanked it back behind her back. She did not know what to think as she had never been in a situation like that before. But. In truth, she was intrigued by the recent events.

His manly physique approached her thin frail body in the most masculine of ways. His arm wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her in closely to him. His hands were wandering and horny and wanting to find his way around her fiercely tight body. He had never been in such close proximity to a pure and exquisite body as hers. She was beautiful indeed. Young and beautiful, in fact. So innocent and so perfect.

Chapter II – All In Three


Jeb embraced her with all that he was, loving and genuine, it seemed. Their kiss was passionate and lingering as they proceeded on within themselves so lovingly.  Their touch was indefinite and true as they caressed each other’s bodies so sweetly. It was as if they had never been with another person at all, ever. For her it was true, but for him it was not so much true.

As they continued to make out Seth, another employee, walked in on them and was startled by what he saw. All he could see was flesh upon flesh, body upon body, embraced lovingly with one another. It was not what he expected to see after opening the door to the cooler. Out of the corner of her eye Erica gazed over and made eye contact with Seth. For some reason she didn’t even care that Seth was watching Jeb and her go at it. In fact she was kind of turned on at the thought of Seth watching her. After all she did have a bit of a crush on him. It was surreal, even crazy it seemed. It would all be relevant someday, he reminded himself so that he did not speak out of turn and lose his job as well.

Seth startled and confused slowly closed the door and went back out to the front of the house and joined the rest of the wait staff. He doesn’t think his presence was noticed by his boss. What the hell did he just witness? He was tall and sexy in all of his hairiness. Not only that but he was also strong and muscular, which seemed to translate into bigger tips than anyone else ever got. He was smart in that way. He could be a meat head of sorts but truthfully he had an elegance about him that was unique also. The visual of what Jeb and her were doing kept playing in his head. He was actually kind of turned on by it now that he had a few seconds to process the situation. He had a slight attraction to Erica but never made a pass at her yet.

As jeb continued to kiss her wanting neck while he moved in to the side to suckle in her ear lobe. He was so young and vivacious. He did not think ahead or even worry about his encounters nor would he consider his escapades too carefully. He just wanted to play. That was all, just to play. Young and horny and letting his animal instincts take over. He couldn’t help it really. He saw an opportunity and he went for it.

Jeb moved in behind her like a shadow, mimicking her every move. He was obviously twitter pated by her feminine woes. She would never have seen it, but until that moment he did not see it either. When his biggest fan stepped to him was when he seemed to focus in on something special that he had not seen before in her. There seemed to be a driving ambition in her.   

It was just then that he nibbled on her shoulder as if she had already agreed. But she did not say no either to his touch or his unwanted advances. There seemed to be a rare moment when a virgin would explore something so pure and so uninhibited that one could not foresee.

Jeb smashed his voluptuous lips into Erica’s lips so unguardedly, so sensuously, slurping a little even into her mouth. It was so romantic and physical that it was hard to ignore. The kiss was mind boggling good. He held her arms up high as he kissed her hard. He moved back around and covered in behind her as he nibbled her neck and shoulders so feverishly. His body started to sweat as his excitement surged with every passionate second that ticked by.

His manly hands caressed her shape so endearingly. His hands seemed to be present and in complete tune with her body which was ultimately in check. He was in awe of her body, his abs were so toned as well. It was all that needed to be. That is all. That is it.

As the circumstance ensued Jeb got a little overzealous as he encountered his girl. He was wrapping his hairy arms around her frail waif like body. It was perfect in all of its beauty and perfection. He twirled her around in a dance like fashion and dipped her at the very end, so politely. Even though she ratted on his last nerve, he prided himself on treating her like the proper lady that she was. He gently placed the palm of his hairy hand on her upper chest, feeling her heart beating so fast. He could tell that she was nervous, but he knew that he wanted to take it nice and slow since it was her first time.

Realizing he wanted to take things a little further he quickly exited the cooler off down the hall. He couldn’t risk having his staff witness what he was planning on doing. Certainly he would put his job at risk as well. He led her by the hand to an elevator and together they rode to the seventh floor where his main office was located. They walked inside and he closed the office door behind them. His office was obviously professionally decorated with tall wingback leather chairs, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a delicate tea set on the corner table. His desk; however, was a different story. It was cluttered with dirty coffee cups and papers a foot tall if an inch.
Guess house - keeping forgot to clean his office
, she thought to herself.

He perched on the corner of his desk, all cool and shit like a young alpha male would. He was a bit older than Erica, but not so many years that it would matter to anyone at all. She sheepishly blew a big pink bubble with her chewing gum and it splattered all over her cute freckled cheeks. There was just something so very special about her innocence that intrigued Jeb. At first glance, she seemed kind of homely or matronly in her old ratty blue jeans and kicks.

Her beautiful dark hair scrunched up under a baseball cap that read
Bite This!
with a fishing lure sewn in. Her thick black rimmed glasses did not do her chubby cheeks justice. They only served to hide her face even more so. Jeb tapped his pointer finger on his right temple pondering the thought. He just could not put his finger on what it was exactly that she had that made him chase her like a school boy.

Things now got silent and a little awkward from just a few minutes earlier. Jeb was a little nervous now and she was just along for the ride. In the back of her mind she was very turned on by everything going on and also could sense that the more she enjoyed herself the better the chance she could keep her job. She didn’t know where this sudden explosion of passion was going but she was young and carefree and Jeb was a hot older guy that she never in her wildest dreams thought would be into her. Just moments ago she was racing to work worried about losing her job and now she was minutes away from god knows what and it all brought butterflys to her stomach.

Just then, a silly idea crept into his nervous head and he said out loud,

“Hey. You want to play a game? Do you like games? Come on, let’s play a game together.”

“What game are we going to play? I am not very good at games. I can’t think that good on the spot. You will just beat me. That does not sound like any fun at all for me.”

“But it will be. Do you trust me? Sure you do. So trust me that the game will be enjoyable for us both. Okay?” he added.

“Alright fine. Tell me about the game that you would like to play and not beat me at?”

“It is a little game called
Truth or Dare.
Have you heard of it by any chance at all?” he inquired.

“Of course, I have. I do not live under a rock you know. God!” she answered.

“Well, okay then. See it will be loads of fun! I will start.
Truth or Dare?”

“I have to go with truth because; you would probably dare me to do something crazy or even worse. So, truth.”

“Okay, truth then it is. Do you like boys? Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

“Yes, I like boys but no I do not have a boyfriend. I am single right now” she said
Truth or Dare?”


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