Read Real Vampires Get Lucky Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Horror & Ghost Stories

Real Vampires Get Lucky (42 page)

BOOK: Real Vampires Get Lucky
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I put my hand on his arm as he helped me down the steps and onto the brick path that led back to the terrace. "Jerry and I are pretty solid, Ray. Don't save your vampire virginity for me."

He slid his arms around me and held me for a minute, his chin on my hair. He hummed my song, like he thought his music might work on me when his words hadn't. I felt him pressing against me and knew he wasn't going to wait long before he took care of the whole virginity issue. I was flattered, flustered and more tempted than I wanted to be. And I was not turning around.

"Good night, Ray." I slipped out of his arms and hurried back to the party.


Valdez joined me at the edge of the dance floor.

"I was about to form a search party."
He sniffed.
"You been up to something with Caine?"

"Don't start. He made a move, and I told him no. You happy?" I looked around and spotted human Randy stuffing a hundred-dollar bill into a silver donation bowl. "Oh, this is choice. Follow me. You're going to love this." I strolled over to Randy.

"Have a good time upstairs?"

Randolph froze, then turned around and smiled. "A gentleman never tells."

Valdez sniffed, then growled.
"If it isn't rat cat. Does the mistress know you're
Randolph looked at me. "And does your mistress know how you and your girlfriend-"

"Shut your mouth

"Enough!" I stepped between them. Several people had turned to look at us. "Randy, I have a feeling Mag's been looking for you. And Mara. Are we allies now?" I smiled and waited for his reluctant nod. "I'm glad we understand each other. You get some information I need, you'll pass it on. Right?" Another nod. Oh, but I loved the power. "And Randy? Your secret's safe with me, no matter what. You ever need another job, come see me. Can't be easy as Mag's whatever." I put my hand on Valdez's head when he seemed inclined to put in an opinion. We both watched Randy disappear into the darkness to no doubt change back into kitty form.

"Now if that isn't a kick in the pants."
Valdez sat and scratched on his ear.
"Randy and Mara? What would Blade say about

"He will never know." I looked Valdez dead in the eye. "Now about Brittany."

"So? We had us a moment. Won't happen again. Look at me."
He slumped down on the tile floor.
"Look where she hangs
out. With Will, Caine, God knows how many other hot guys. Hell, I'd be lucky to get play from a stray Chihuahua lookin'

like this."

I rubbed his ears. "I'm sorry, puppy." And I was. "I'd like to be alone with Jerry. At my place. What if I ask Ray if you can stay at his house tonight?" I leaned closer. "And if you shift during the day while the vamps are asleep? Who's to know?"

"I'll know, Glory. I gave my word. I'll keep it."
Valdez sat up, his tail thumping.
"But I'll take the time with Brit. Here they

Sure enough, the entire Israel Caine contingent was headed for the door. Even Nathan, whose pale face meant Diana had probably had her way with him.

"Ray, could Valdez go home with you guys tonight?" I smiled, hoping no one was going to ask why. Especially after what Ray and I had gone through earlier.

Ray looked down at Valdez. "The old lady kicking you out?"

"I was hoping you'd take me for a boat ride, Ray. Brittany says you go out on the lake every night."
Valdez looked at his lady, his tail quivering. Which he'd hate if he knew he was doing it.

"Come on, then. We've got a couple of hours before dawn." Ray smiled at me. "Some night I'll take you out, Glory. Nothing like night water skiing, or we could take out the Jet Skis."

"You're going to break your damned neck, boy." Desmond Caine slapped his son on the shoulder.

"Guess it would heal. What do you think, Will?"

"One way to find out." Will grinned. "Nate, you don't look so good. What did Diana do to you?"

"What didn't she do to me?" Nate's grin was lopsided. "I think I need a rare steak, some red wine and a vitamin."

"Now you're being mean." Ray was supporting his friend as they headed out the door. "Dad can cook you all breakfast after I'm out for the day. Vampire sex really hot, is it?" He glanced back at me and winked.

I watched them go, Valdez close to Brittany. Jerry walked up behind me.

"You let Valdez go home with them?"

"Yep. I thought we needed some alone time. Your mother okay?"

"She thought she'd lost Randolph. Was sure one of the were-wolves had taken him down. Then Mara had disappeared. But they both showed up. Mara had been counting donations and Randolph doing his usual spying. Had some gossip about a European countess Ma hates." Jerry hugged me. "I'm glad you're not that devious."

I didn't comment. "Then, come on, old man. Take me home." I glanced at one of Damian's antique clocks. "Did Lucky and Etienne take off yet?"

"To everyone's relief. I think there are at least half a dozen people here who owe her family money. She claims there will be another collector arriving shortly to take over where she left off." Jerry smiled as he settled my cloak over my shoulders. "You don't owe them anything, do you?"

"No, but thanks for asking." I looked around the room. I could see at least a dozen costumes that had come from my little shop, including a Spiderman that was about a size too small. That guy never should have been showing off the goods like that.

"We need to say good-bye to Damian and Diana."

"Diana is dancing with Igor. I don't think she wants to be interrupted. They're taking the tango to a whole new level. Not easy in a hoop skirt." Jerry chuckled. "And I'm not the only one here who doesn't bother with underwear. I could hardly tear myself away." I slapped Jerry on the arm. "Where's Damian?"

"Here I am, my darling." Damian had changed out of the Elvis costume and was now a cowboy. "I'm Russell Crowe in that last western he did. Do I look dangerous?"

"Always." I reached up to kiss his cheek. "Great party. How do you feel about your sister's marriage?"

"I'm amazed. And pleased. Richard is a good man. Not an artist. Florence is coming to her senses." Damian turned and laughed.

"Here comes the bride! But you didn't let me give you away! Did she wear white, Richard?" Richard was wise enough to keep his mouth shut. Florence hurried forward. She
wearing white, a beautiful white satin slip dress beaded and embroidered from the plunging neckline to the short hem. Her dark hair fell to her shoulders, and she'd pinned a white orchid in her hair. Her shoes were perfect, of course, strappy high heels of pearlescent ostrich. She was glowing and very beautiful.

"Damian, you're not going to make me mad. I'm too happy. My roomie, you're not leaving so soon?"

"We got here a long time ago, Flo. You were late with your grand entrance." I hugged her and felt tears sting my eyes. "And you can't call me roomie anymore. You're going to have to move out."

"Richard, is this so? I have to move?"

"I've heard that's the way it usually works, Florence. But I know better than to tell you what to do." He grinned at me but had his arm around her waist and wasn't about to let Flo go.

"This is your honeymoon time." Jerry dug in his sporran and came out with a set of keys. "I have a little cottage in Marble Falls about twenty miles from here. I rented it as a surprise for Glory, but you two take it for a week. Directions are here." He produced a piece of paper. "Consider it a wedding present." He turned to me. "Hope you don't mind. I was hoping we could use it to get away from"-he nodded toward his mother and Mara, who were steaming toward us-"but now obviously Richard and Flo will be gone, so I say we head for your place."

"I like the way you think." I tucked my arm through his.

"Thank you!" Flo grinned and kissed Jerry's cheek. "A honeymoon. I never had an official one." Richard held out his hand and pumped Jerry's. "We won't ask about the unofficial ones. Thanks, Blade. I owe you." He glanced at the map, then at Flo. "You need to pack a bag or can we shift right out of here?"

"My darling husband." Flo looked at me and giggled. "Oh, that word! Yes, no, no bag. Let's go! Bye, Glory, Jeremiah!" She kissed us both and pulled Richard out into the night.

Damian turned to look behind him. Mag and Mara were headed our way.

"Run, Jerry!" I grabbed Jerry's hand and headed for the front door. No way was I waiting for Mag and Mara and whatever gloom and doom they were prepared to spread.

We ended up stalled at the valet parking when the two ladies and Randolph, back in his carrier as a cat, caught up with us.

"Are you going to give us a ride home, Jeremiah?"

"No, Ma, I'll arrange a taxi for you. Glory and I are going to her place." Jerry kept his hand on my shoulder while we waited.

"Here's my car. Good night, ladies." Jerry pressed a large bill into the valet's hand. "Would you see that these ladies get a taxi to take them home?"

"Certainly, sir."

I settled back in the leather seat with a sigh. "You were rather abrupt with them, Jerry."

"If I'd stayed, my mother would start in on me again about going with them to Paris."

"You're not considering it, are you?"

"I wasn't." Jerry shifted gears as we wound our way down Castle Hill Road. "Then Israel Caine sang that song and you looked like you wanted to crawl right into his pants."

"I did not! And I certainly didn't ask him to sing it. It was a surprise. The guy is a world-famous rock star. You realize how totally cool that was? Come on, Jerry. Who wouldn't be blown away? The Glory years. I was a freakin' inspiration." Jerry had reached the bottom of the hill, and we headed toward my shop.

And, yes, I'd always had a crush on Israel Caine. The guy was hot. I was a woman with urges. Naturally-"You'd better block your thoughts, Gloriana. Your lust is showing." I slid my straps down my arms and wiggled out of my top. "And what's showing now, Jeremiah?" I leaned closer and slung my leg across his.

He stomped the brake just as a light turned red. Fortunately it was so late we were the only car on the block. He looked down and growled.

"Oh, dear, I've become predictable." I stuffed my breasts back in my top. "Green light, Jerry."

"Shut up." He dragged me across the console and kissed me until I yelped because the gear shift was becoming intimate with my backside. I pushed him back.

"So, are you still mad at me?"

"If it makes you throw yourself at me, hell, yes." He put me back in my seat and shifted into first. "Funny about Flo and Richard. He'd told me what they intended a few days ago and swore me to secrecy. He doubted she'd really go through with it."

"Yeah, I can't believe it. After all these centuries."

"Think you'll ever take the plunge?" Jerry pulled into the parking lot behind my shop. The lights were working, so we weren't in total darkness. The alley was empty and we sat there a moment, my old Suburban a reminder of a lusty time on a hilltop.

"Don't know."

"Please don't tell me it's because the right man's not come along."

I could see his knuckles white on the gear shift. "No, I'd never say that." I cupped his cheek and kissed his firm lips. "I've known the right man for a long time. Guess I just need to be ready. Keep asking, Jeremiah. Maybe someday, when the planets are aligned, I'll say yes." He shut me up with a kiss. Jerry can be a very wise man.

Ray's Song for Glory

I always played it fast and loose.

Played it hard and played it hot.

Played in sunshine all day long.

I played it, babe, and then moved on.

But what's the use of stayin' 'round,

When nothin' lasts and just comes down.

Yeah, I was a shootin' star,

Burnin' hot and goin' far,

Risin' high and fallin' fast,

Always knew it couldn't last.

So I played the game my way.

Lived it full and for the day.

Loved the sun hot in my face.

That was how I ran my race.

Then one night my time ran out.

I thought I died or maybe not.

The world so cold, the world so black.

I reached for me, found someone else.

Where's the sun? Where's the heat?

Where's the man I used to be?

But then she came, soft in her voice,

Moon in her hair, ease in her touch,

And then she said, "Feel my warm skin,

See this world through my eyes,

There are things you couldn't dream.

Hold me and I will show you.

Hold me and I will take you

To the man that you are now."

So now I play it slow and tight.

Now I play it soft and cool.

Now I play long in the night.

Now I play it for a while.

'Cause staying 'round makes sense to me.

Yeah, you'll see me here again.

I wish to God I'd never died.

Wish I'd never told those lies.

Wish I'd never made you cry.

Now we lie so close, so close

That I see forever in your eyes.

'Cause these will be my glory years,

My glory years.

My. Glory. Years.

BOOK: Real Vampires Get Lucky
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