Razer's Ride (25 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #The Last Riders#1

BOOK: Razer's Ride
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“What does that mean?”

“It means I know how she got her nickname. Why in the fuck would you want to hang with someone named Crazy Bitch and Sex Piston?”

“Oh I don’t know, probably the same way I let a guy named Razer fuck me over,” Beth said sarcastically.

“I didn’t fuck you over. I protected you.  We decided that it was the best way to keep you safe.”


“The eight original members. They set the rules for the club.”

“I see, the club decided
that I needed protection from Memphis, and that you fucking Bliss would send that message. Well, Memphis believed it, as I am sitting safe and sound in this car. Mission accomplished. Job well done. Why is it safe to tell me now?”

“Memphis made his move.  He tried to blow the factory and the house up. That gave us all the proof we needed.”

“He tried to kill everyone?”


“But why?”

“The insurance money.”

“Well, I am glad you guys were able to stop him before anyone else was
hurt. I will have to tell the sheriff not to forget I want to press charges on him for tampering with my brakes and hurting Lily.”

“Didn’t turn him in to the sheriff. The club handled it.”

Beth swallowed, she didn’t want to know how the club handled Memphis’s betrayal. Razer pulled into the driveway of the house and smoothly parked the car in its normal spot. Getting out of the car, he opened the passenger door. Reaching inside he took Beth’s arm trying to pull her resisting body out of the car.

“I am not going to go inside that house ever again. Take me home.” Beth slapped at his restraining hold and found herself effortlessly pulled from the car and once again her stomach on his shoulder. Ignoring her demands, Razer packed her inside of the house and up the flight of steps to his room. Inside, he flipped on the light switch before dropping Beth on her back onto the soft mattress.

Beth tried to scoot off the mattress, but found her ankle in his firm hold, pulling her inexplicably to him standing next to the bed. Her ankle was released and she found her legs lifted to his shoulder, as her pussy was plastered to the front of his jeans. The hard length of him encased behind his jeans had her panties dampening, not listening to the recriminations her mind was demanding to dampen her building desire.

“Stop wiggling or I am not going to be able to wait.”

“I am not doing this Razer.”

Beth’s frantic movements increased and she felt her legs lower and wrapped around his waist as he leant forward, covering her body with his pausing long enough to remove his shirt. His lips gently covered hers. Thrown off guard, Beth’s struggles slowed. Razer explored her mouth as if he had never kissed her before. Her lips unconsciously widened under his subtle guidance. His tongue seared the warm recess of her mouth, creating warmth that was beginning to melt the ice she had encased herself in since she had seen him holding Bliss.

At the remembrance, Beth’s struggles found new life and she tore her lips from his. Razer didn’t accept defeat and tracing her jawline with the tip of his tongue, he nuzzled into her neck with nibbling kisses and when that didn’t work, he sucked a small bit of flesh in his mouth to leave a mark.

A tear slid down her check to drop in to the curve of her neck. Razer raised his head to see her crying, feeling the torn response she was trying not to give him.

He leaned back, sitting on his knees beside the bed and pulled Beth into an upright position her legs on each side of his lean body. Carefully, his hand went to the bottom of her dress, which had been pooled around her waist from her struggles. Pulling it upwards, he pulled it off her body with struggle. Beth sat before him in a lacy black bra and tiny matching panties.

Her hands lifted to grab her dress and Razer tossed it to the floor. “I am not going to fuck you Razer. You can’t make me” she said defiantly. Razer hid his smile, noting her nipples were hard nubs clearly visible through her thin bra and even through the dark material of her panties he could see she was wet for him. But Razer didn’t want to hurt her pride. He had done that for the last time. It was time for his pride to take the hit and Razer didn’t try to make it easy on himself.

He took her hand from in front of her, straightening them and twisting them to where he could see the marks on both sides of her arms. Nausea drowned out the desire in his balls.  Counting carefully, he counted the tiny scars on her arms. He counted six sets of punctures wounds.

“Kitten.” He said through a thickened voice.

“Razer?” Ignoring her, he stood up and pulled her up before him, turning her around, he smoothly undid her bra while ignoring her grabbing it and holding it to cover her breasts. How he had never noticed it he didn’t know. Feeling ashamed, he lowered his head and kissed the faded silvery scars that traced her back intermittently. When he turned her back to facing him, he gently pushed her back down into a sitting position on the side of the bed.

Not trying to take away the loosened bra, Razer searched her body thoroughly and was about to stop, thinking he had found all the scars her sick bastard of a father had inflicted on her when a thought struck him. He lifted her feet and seeing the smooth flesh, he started to place them back on the floor, but the rough texture stopped him. Lifting them, Beth fell back on the bed on her elbows.

“Sweet, sweet kitten.” Razer blinked back the unmanly tears that pooled in his eyes. The bottom of her feet was a mess. There were so many scars there was no beginning and no end. Blending in to each other the hours of torture she had withstood plainly visible on the flesh of her feet.

“What did he make you stand on?”


“What did he make you stand on?” he gritted out.

Beth sighed “Nails. He said God bore the pain for the sins of mankind. I could bear it for the sins I committed.”

“If he wasn’t dead, God as my witness, I would kill him.”

“It was a long time ago. Did Cash tell you? He knew about the bites, and the strap, but he didn’t know about the nails. No one knew, he only started doing that after the Sheriff threatened him. He bragged at how the Sherriff wouldn’t think to look there.”

“Why didn’t you go to the Sheriff and tell him. You went to him when your father beat Lily. Why not when he started doing this?”

“Because he didn’t do this to Lily. I told him I would tell. He left Lily alone other than being overly strict.”

“Why not stop him from hurting you, not just Lily.”

“Because they would have taken us away from my parents. I couldn’t do that to Lily. She loved our parents. They gave her what she had never had before and I couldn’t lose my sister. I loved her Razer, from the minute they brought her home. I love her Razer, I would do anything for her.”

know kitten.” He pulled her into his arms holding her close. His hand sliding through her silky hair until she was staring into his eyes.

“Did you forgive him?”

“I don’t want to talk about him anymore.” Beth tried to turn her head, but he held her immobile.

“Answer me, did you forgive him.” Razer already knew the answer. Beth’s loving heart was incapable of holding a grudge, the marks on her body proved that. It was that hope he had to hold onto.

“Yes, I forgave him, but that doesn’t mean I am a doormat and going to forgive you.” Beth started struggling against him again, trying to get away from the hard body holding her close. “You lied to me. You made me believe you wouldn’t touch another woman without telling me and breaking it off with me first. Instead, you made Bliss come right in front of my face.” It took all of Razer’s strength to hold her down.

“I didn’t lie to you. I did not fuck Bliss that night or any of the other girls since the day I had lunch with you at the diner. I touched Bliss that day, but I did it to put on a show for Memphis and to drive you away. She came, but I wasn’t even hard. I was too sick at the look on your face. I won’t lie either, just to make you feel better.  Bliss wasn’t the only one I touched to sidetrack Memphis, but I didn’t fuck them. I wasn’t even tempted to.”

Beth didn’t believe him. He had taken Bliss to his room that night and Razer had told her himself he never turned away pussy and she knew without a doubt in her mind that Bliss would have used every skill at her disposal to tempt him once in his room.

“I can see you don’t believe me, but I am telling you the truth. I guess I am going have to prove it to you.  I can be faithful to you from now on and I will.  These last few weeks were hell on me waiting for Memphis to make his move and knowing how bad I hurt you in the process.”

“It’s not only the women I don’t trust you with Razer. You let the club decide what was best for us. You should have told me and I could have at least been prepared, but you threw me away instead.”

kitten, I never threw you away. I thought it was the best way, your reaction made it believable. Viper and the club waited three years for revenge, I couldn’t take that away from them, he was my brother too.”

Beth understood. He had been torn between the club he loved and a woman he hadn’t been with long. Razer could see understanding beginning in her features, but it did not take away the hurt still in her eyes. Razer knew it was going to take time to heal the hurt he had intentionally inflicted and he was cool with that. She was worth the wait.

He pulled at the bra Beth still had grasped tightly in her hand. Throwing it and not caring where it landed. His lips covered one coral tipped breast while his fingers twisted the nipple on the other one. When she finally began to twist underneath him to get closer, he let go of the now shiny hard nub.

“Now I am going to fuck you for what is left of the night. When we wake up in the morning and after I fuck you again, I will borrow the car and we will drive to your house and you can pack your bags and move your ass back in my room.”

When Beth would have argued again, his lips went back to her nipple and this time his other hand stroked her silken pussy. After several minutes when he felt she was close to coming, he again stopped, leaving her hanging.

“I can’t live in your home. I would be too caged in. And it won’t work between us, you living there and me here. You would begin having doubts about me when I am here and you are there. Even though I am telling you I am not going to be touching or letting the women touch me anymore, because I know that is what you want.”

“I can’t Razer, Lily.”

“The weekends Lily comes home, and the vacations, even the summer one, I will move in with you,” Razer conceded.

“You will?”

“Yes. But Fr
idays during the long vacation, we are here. We can go home afterward, but we come for the party. I will need to relax after being nice all week.”

“That works for me.”

“We are going to take the best from both of our worlds and make our own.” This time when Razer sucked her nipple into his mouth, he bit down and thrusted his fingers deep within her wet pussy. Beth arched into his mouth; the small bite of pain at her breast had wetness lubricating his fingers, allowing him to thrust another deep within her. Razer moved to his side and played with her body until her heels were planted firmly on the mattress and she was thrusting her hips as he played with her breasts.  When her body arched and forced her breasts upward, he leant forward and took the nipple in his mouth.

Beth’s hand went to Razer’s shoulders and the smooth flesh heightened her desire. She loved touching him; sometimes just a simple touch of his hand against hers made Beth want him. You were not going to say no to him, she couldn’t.  Her father had tortured and abused her during her childhood, tortures that she and Lily would never tell, but none had hurt her as bad as being without Razer.  He had lost weight also, her searching hands discovered.  What had convinced her was not his words, but his face. Razer was always kind of a goof, joking around, never taking anything serious. Now, there was something different about him, sorrow in his eyes, but a resolve when he looked at her that had not been there before. Beth knew they had a long journey ahead of them, but it was a journey she had to take. 

Beth moaned as Razer slid down her body, kissing her along the way. When he reached her belly button, he played with the tiny glinting diamond.

“This is sexy as hell, kitten. It makes my cock hard when I see it through your clothes. Tells me how naughty you are.”

Beth’s hand shifted through his soft hair as his lips slid down further as his hands pulled down her panties, leaving her naked to his gaze. Beth blushed, aware of what he was staring at.

“It itches when it grows back in; it was easier to shave it…” Beth tried to explain.

“Kitten.” Razer kissed her bare mound. A part of him eased, Razer took it for what it was. Beth had never given up hope that they would get back together. No one had ever cared enough to miss him. Raised in foster homes, he had entered the military when he had graduated high school. Razer had never had a family until he had joined The Last Riders. The women who had come and gone in his life always wanted one thing from him, the sex he had become accomplished at performing. He had used his body to take and give pleasure, but emotionally he had never given. From the first moment he had seen Beth, something had come to life inside of him, and never having had it, he didn’t know what it was. It was love. Like a child learning, he had taken it for granted, used it, smashed it, then almost destroyed the burgeoning emotion. The fledging emotion that had come alive in him was like Beth; strong and resilient.

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