Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (67 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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“No, I suppose they don’t.”

“Daisy, listen to me.  There’s not much I hate more in this world than pricks that abuse women and children.  In fact, you could say I have a particular disdain for them.”

“I see,” I said.

“I want you to know something, okay?”

“Sure, what?”

“I know we don’t know each other very well, hell you really don’t know me at all. But if anything happens - if he calls or shows up - I want you to call me, okay? I’ll be there to help you out in a heartbeat, and you can rest assured that if I ever run across this prick, he won’t be bothering you again.”

“Um…okay.  Thanks, Mike.  If it helps to ease your mind, I did buy a gun, and I’m taking self defense classes.  I stay aware of my surroundings at all times.  There’s not much more I can do.  But I greatly appreciate your offer.”

I was touched.  What a man.  I was liking Mike more and more as the night wore on, and as I watched him quietly seething across from me, feeling protective towards me, a woman he hardly knew himself?  Well, it simply turned me on like nobody’s business.  Suddenly, the last thing I wanted to do was talk about or think about Todd.  I wanted more of Mike.  A whole lot more.

“But listen, the last thing I want to do is talk about Todd Hamilton.  Let’s change the subject, okay?” I asked, hopefully.  I hated that angry, worried look in his eyes, and I wanted my gentle, happy, sexy biker back.

“Sure, Daisy,” he said, his expression softening as I smiled back at him gratefully.  

We were just finishing up our beers when he asked if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach.

“I would love that!” I said, boldly slipping my hand in his as we walked down the stairs behind the bar that led to the beach.

Stunning, bright blue, and powerful, the Pacific raged in front of us with a deafening roar and powerful winds, but all I was aware of was the warmth of Mike’s hand in mine.



Daisy was like no woman I had ever met. 

She was pure, she was sweet, and yet when I saw the haunted look in her eyes when Lady Sylvia was talking about her past, I saw that what she really was, was strong.

She had hinted at her dark past before, but I didn’t know what it was.  When she finally spilled the story to me, I wasn’t surprised.  But I was enraged. I immediately began fantasizing about smashing the asshole cop’s skull in and it took all my strength to hold in my rage.

The last thing I wanted to do was scare her away.

When her eyes filled with tears as she asked to change the subject, I wanted to hold her until she smiled again. 

Just being in Daisy’s presence made my heart sing.  Other than my love for Rosie, my heart had been dead for a long time.  Daisy made me feel alive again.

And she was so fucking beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.  She was like sunshine - so blonde, so pale, so full of light.  Her bright blue eyes seemed to have captured all the light in the stars and when she looked at me, it was like a spotlight on my soul.  It was as if I had no ability to be anything other than exactly who I was when I was with her.  She saw me.  She knew me.  She understood me.

And by the way she kept rubbing her thumb on the inside of my palm as we walked along the beach, she wanted me.  And my relentlessly throbbing cock definitely wanted her.

I hadn’t felt these all-consuming emotions since I had first met Rose.  My heart was full, and yet my cock was raging at the same time.  

I had fucked lots of women since Rose died.  But it was always just a quick roll in the sheets, a quick act of release and nothing more.  Nobody had gotten under my skin like this, because I didn’t let them.  I always had my guard up.

And yet, for some reason, it was impossible for me to do that with Daisy.  And I had no idea why, but I had absolutely no desire to fight it either.

I wanted it. 

I wanted her in my life.  

I wanted to love her.  And I didn’t just want to fuck her.  

I wanted to caress her, taste her and memorize every inch of her skin.  I wanted to find the spots on her body that made her squirm and squeal with pleasure.  I wanted to see the ecstasy on her face when she came around my cock buried deep inside her beautiful body.

I stopped walking and turned to her, looking down on her sweet face as she smiled up at me, so sweet, so open.  Her plump pink lips tempted me and I kissed her softly, gently, quietly, as the waves threatened to wash over our feet.  Her arms slipped around me, and I pulled her closer. Her lips opened, and I slipped my tongue into the warmth of her mouth.  We melted into each other, forgetting our surroundings.

I was contemplating laying her down and making love to her right there in the sand when I heard the first scream.

We jumped apart and looked down the beach to where a couple was standing.  Well, only one of them was standing.  The man had just knocked the woman to her knees, his hand raised in the air ready to strike a second blow.

“Stop!” I yelled loudly, as I sprinted down the beach towards them.

I was too late.  His second blow landed squarely across the woman’s face, her head fling to the side violently, as she landed in the sand, a heap of twisted limbs and black curls.

My fist cracked into his jaw before he could raise his hand a third time, sending him flying backwards into the sand.  He landed on his ass, holding his jaw and staring at me in stunned silence.  His silence only lasted a quick second before he attempted to pull himself to his feet, all the while calling me every name in the book.

I towered over him and placed the tip of my boot on his chest, stabbing him with it and pushing firmly as he fell backwards again. I looked down at him, sizing him up.  He was your typical frat boy type - all machismo and steroids - and I had no doubt I could take him if he stood back up. 

But he didn’t.  He took another look at me, and like many times before with other men, I knew the combination of my cut and the steely look in my eyes would make him think twice about attacking me.

I kept my boot on his chest as he lay there looking up at me helplessly, applying a little more pressure with every word as I spat my words at him.

“Don’t you EVER hit a woman, you fucker!”

“But she —,” he began before I stopped him, my thigh muscle flexing as I pressed down harder.  I was practically standing on his chest now.

“She didn’t do a goddamned thing to deserve to be hit, you stupid fuck.  You like being a bully, asshole?  You think it’s fun to hit women?  Maybe you need a fucking beat down yourself!”

My blood was boiling, and as I leaned down to punch him, I remembered Daisy.  I looked over my shoulder and saw her.  She was on her knees in the sand, holding the crying woman and comforting her as she looked at me in fear.  When her frightened eyes met mine, I knew I couldn’t go on.

I stood back up, keeping my boot firmly planted and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

“It’s your lucky day, asshole,” I said to the prick.


“Well, I wasn’t expecting our night to end like that,” I said to Daisy, as we finally made our way back to the bike that was still parked at the bar.

I had called the cops, and by the time I got there my boot was imprinted nicely on the asshole’s chest.  When they arrived a few minutes later, we told them what happened, and they arrested him and took the woman to the hospital after she thanked me repeatedly.

“No, I didn’t either,” Daisy said, her voice almost a whisper.  I grabbed her hand, and realized she was shaking.  I pulled her into my arms, her hair pressed against my face.  It smelled like salt.

“I’m so sorry you had to see that,” I said, remembering the story she had told me earlier.  “That must have been hard for you.”

“I’ll be okay, it just shook me up a little, that’s all,” she said, her arms slipping around my waist.

We stood there next to the bike, holding each other for a few moments before I spoke again.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” I said, whispering into her hair.

“Hmm?” she murmured.

“I don’t want our night to end like this.”

“Neither do I,” she whispered, pressing into me slightly.  “Let’s go to my apartment.”

Thankfully, her shaking had subsided.  It killed me to think that I might have done something to make her afraid of me.  But her suggestion surprised me a little, in the best possible way.

“That’s an even better idea than going to my place,” I said.

She pulled away from me and her blue eyes met mine.

There was something in her eyes, something I wasn’t able to read exactly.  Hesitation?  Fear?  I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to make it go away.

And I had just the thing for that, I thought to myself, my cock hardening again as her breasts pressed into my chest.  I pulled away hesitantly.

“Let’s go,” I said, handing the helmet to her before I put on mine.  We smiled at each other, the electric deliciousness of anticipation silently enveloping us.

As I drove to her house, her arms wrapped around me a little tighter than they did before.  I reminded myself that I needed to go a little slow with Daisy.  She had obviously been through a lot, and despite her strength, despite being hundreds of miles away from her demons, they were still there for her, lingering just under the surface.



I hadn’t planned on inviting Mike back to my house so brazenly.  But after the encounter with Lady Sylvia, and then his sweetness when I told him about Todd, followed by that kiss on the beach, and the expert way he had handled the incident with the couple, I was hooked. 

At first, though, I was upset.  Lady Sylvia’s death prediction had shaken me up but I tried to blow it off.  But by the time we had made it to the bar, I wasn’t even thinking about her at all anymore.  It was easy to forget with Mike sitting across from me, looking at me with those incredibly sexy eyes that fluctuated between tenderness and hunger. 

My body was on fire by the time he kissed me on the beach.  He was the perfect mixture of masculinity and sensitivity, mixed with a little unpredictable danger, which he so easily displayed when he punched out the man on the beach.

The prick deserved it.  In fact, he deserved more, and I suspected that the only reason Mike held back from pummeling him even harder was me.  For fuck’s sake, I had just moments ago told him about Todd.  The timing couldn’t have been more ironic.

But deep down, even though I was scared a little, I had to admit to myself that I loved it.  I loved the quiet feeling of safety I got when he was around.  I loved that he didn’t hesitate for even a second when he saw that woman needed help.  He helped out of instinct, and that was what turned me on.

When we got to my apartment, I knew exactly what was going to happen, and my body was singing with yearning and desire. I knew it was obvious, but I didn’t care.

We both wanted the same thing, that was apparent.  So why pretend otherwise?

As soon as I twisted the two locks on the front door behind us, Mike pushed me against the wall, his head bending towards me, his mouth capturing mine with a passion and intensity that I met tenfold.  I moaned into his mouth, pressing my breasts against him.  

He picked me up, and my legs wrapped around him, as he pressed into me, his cock hard as a rock between my legs.  He kissed me deeply, his passion growing quickly as his tongue invaded my mouth. His hands snaked around under my ass, and he effortlessly carried me through the darkness to my bedroom.

Gently, he laid me down on the bed.  He reached down and expertly pulled my boots off, the loud thunk as they hit the hardwood floor echoing in the room.  He laid over me, his hands caressing me everywhere, his lips once again possessing mine sensuously.  I melted under him, his weight deliciously sinking me into the bed below.

When he stopped, I whimpered in the darkness.  With the moonlight streaming into my window, I could just make out his silhouette as he stood and began removing his clothes quickly.  First he kicked off his boots, and then the cut fell on the ground behind him.  His t-shirt peeled away from his body, revealing his sculpted tattooed arms and shoulders and his washboard abs, which were covered by a thin trail of black hair that hinted at the treasures that it led to inside his jeans.  When I heard the first pop of the buttons on his Levi’s, I felt the wetness between my legs, and I wished desperately that I had stopped to turn on a light.  I wanted to see every inch of him clearly, but for now, touching would have to do.

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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