Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (43 page)

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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Like a fucking idiot.  What kind of guard turns his back like that?

I sprinted past him, entering and pushing on the revolving doors to make my way inside the building.  He noticed after two seconds and ran in behind me.   I turned around and waited till my section had opened to the lobby, then stopped the door from moving with my foot, trapping him inside the revolving door.  As if it was waiting for me, a heavy potted plant was right outside of the door.  I held the door closed with my foot, and slid the potted plant in front of it to wedge it into place.

The nutcracker dude banged against the glass, yelling like a little girl, his face turning red with anger.  It was fucking hilarious.

I left him there and ran to the elevators chuckling.  The doors closed just as I heard the sound of sirens approach.  I pressed the button for the seventh floor and looked around.

All I saw was me.  Lots of me.  The mirrored elevator created that funhouse effect of creating endless reflections and I entertained myself as the elevator began moving,  jumping around and waving my arms.

I was having way too much fun.

The doors opened to a quiet, lushly carpeted hallway and I walked all the way to the end of it, until I found the number Diana had told me over the phone.  715.

I knocked and then I heard a sudden crash inside.

I jumped into action, remembering Diana’s story about getting followed and my heart jumped in my throat.  I slammed the full weight of my body into the door but it didn’t budge.  Fuck!  I sprinted back a few feet and then turned towards it, determined to bust it down this time.  If Diana was in danger in there, nothing was going to get in the way of me saving her.

I braced myself and then ran as fast as I could towards the door.

And just as I was within inches of it, she opened it.

It was too late.  I couldn’t stop.  I barreled into her with the full force that was intended for the locked door, the full force of something deep inside of me that was unfamiliar - the need to save someone.

But I didn’t have time to think about that till later.

We fell together onto the floor with a loud thud, the door flying open behind us, and my body slamming on top of hers.

“OOF!” her breath escaped from her in a rush.  I looked down at her and my breath caught in my throat.

“Are you okay? I heard something crashing!”  I looked her up and down and then scanned the condo with my eyes.  I didn’t see anyone.

“I broke a glass, everything’s f-fine,” she gasped.

“Fuck. Okay.” I nodded, suddenly aware I was laying directly on top of her, my cock squarely pressed against her.

“Hey,” I said, smirking, staring down at her.

Her eyes met mine and a slow smile began to spread across her face.

She shook her head and began laughing, then quickly turned serious as she saw the look in my eye.  I stared down at her and all I felt was yearning.

I didn’t give a shit about the sirens I could still hear.  I didn’t care about the fucking nutcracker doorman.  I didn’t give a shit about much at all, except this growing need that was pulsing through every inch of my cock now that I was touching her.

Diana.  It was about time I got another taste of her.  And by the look in her eye, the one that matched mine, I could tell that she was feeling something a little similar.

“Thanks for coming,” she said, her voice thick with desire, her arms wrapping around my neck.  Her pillowy lips met mine and everything else faded away as we melted into each other.

Until I heard the yelling.  And the running footsteps.

“Get off of her!”  The nutcracker’s voice filled with anger as he approached.

Diana’s face filled with confusion as I stopped kissing her and looked down at her.  I winked, rolled off of her and stood up, then turned to face him.

“What the fuck is going on?” Diana asked from her prone position on the ground as she looked up at us.

“This finely dressed gentlemen didn’t believe me when I told him you were expecting me.”  He stood in front of me, his eyes bulging, his fat lips open and gasping for breath.  “I don’t think he liked the way I look.  Imagine that.”

We squared off, staring each other down.

“Ms. Trudeau, I apologize.  This man…he…rushed past me.  I tried to stop him, ma’am.  The police are on their way up.”

“I rushed past you?”  I asked, laughing in his face.  “Why don’t you tell her what really happened?  You didn’t even give me a chance, you tried to tell me to leave.  Why don’t you tell her what a good job you did guarding the door?  Tell her about your little merry-go-round ride?”

Diana looked at us in confusion, shaking her head.

“Reggie, I’m so sorry, but I was expecting him.  He’s my guest.  He’s going to be staying with me for a few days.”

I was?
I raised an eyebrow, my cock hardening even more at the thought of it.

“I’m terribly sorry, Ms. Trudeau.  It was my…,” he looked over at me, his gaze trailing up and down my body with disapproval, “…mistake.  My apologies, sir.”

“Suck my dick, nutcracker boy,” I replied with a smile.

“Slade!” Diana admonished me.

“Sorry…” I muttered, realizing I had embarrassed her.  I felt a small bit of regret, otherwise, an apology would have never passed my lips.

Thankfully, nutcracker nodded, turned, and walked away down the hall.  Diana closed the door behind him and burst out laughing.

It was good to see her smile.

“Sorry about that. I guess they don’t get many bikers passing through those doors,” I said, taking her into my arms again.

“I can’t believe you got here so fast. I didn’t know if you meant you were coming tonight or…what.”

“Too soon?” I asked.

She wrapped her arms around my neck again, her laughter fading as she looked in my eyes.

“It’s perfect.  Thank you.”


We sat on her couch, a beer in my hand, and a glass of red wine in hers as she explained everything that she was going through.

“Evie is my sister.  But I didn’t know until a few months ago that she even existed.  She called me out of the blue one day and I didn’t even believe her.  But she convinced me to meet her and I did.  She looks just like me.  A younger version of me, that is.”

“Oh, yeah?  She must be smokin’ hot, then,” I replied, my lips finding their way to the bare skin of her neck.

She giggled and pushed me away.

“Stop it, I’m trying to talk, Slade.  And I can’t…
…when you do that.”

“Sorry, continue.”  I shifted in my seat, trying to focus on what she was saying and ignore my raging, impatient cock.

She took a sip of her wine and my eyes trailed her every movement.  She moved like a dancer - gracefully, effortlessly.  Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in waves, her baby blue eyes sparkled with life as she talked.  Her lips were full, pink, moist.  My breath caught in my throat as I drank her in.  She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen and I couldn’t stop staring.  I couldn’t wait to sink my cock back inside her.

Soon, Slade.  For now, fucking listen.  Focus, for fuck’s sake.

“Anyway.  So, now she’s missing.  And the cops are sure her disappearance is connected with the other two missing girls.”

“The cops, huh?  Since when are they sure of anything?”

“Well, I have a source.  In the bureau.  And I believe her.  She told me that each time the cops found a rattlesnake at the scene where the girls were taken.”

“A snake? What the fuck?”

“I know, it’s fucking creepy, right?  But that’s how they know they were taken by the same person.”

“Okay.  Go on,” I said. 

“Well, there’s not much more.”

“What’s this about someone following you?”

“Oh, that.  Evie worked…works…at a club in Old Town.  A strip club, actually.  She’s a cocktail waitress. I went to talk to a friend of hers.  It didn’t work out so well.  And when I left, I got followed by some guy that was there.  He was drunk.”

“Why did he follow you?”

“I think he saw me coming out of the lap dance booth.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

“You got a lap dance?  I didn’t think you’d be the type.”

“Shut up,” she said, meeting my smile with one of her own.  “I was trying to talk to one of Evie’s friends.  She just happened to be a stripper.”

“So the guy that followed you? What happened?”

“Well, nothing.  I kneed him in the balls and he fell down and I ran to my car.  That’s all.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes,” she replied, her eyes filled with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

“So, why did you call me?”

“I have to go back.”

“To the strip club?”


“I’m sorry, beauty, I’m still confused.  How can I help you?”

“I need you to come back to the strip club with me.  I’m supposed to meet Sapphire Rose there tomorrow.  I”m afraid to go alone now…” her voice trailed off, and I saw a flash of fear in her eyes.

“So you want me to go to a strip club with you to talk to a stripper?”




“No problem,” I replied.

“Thank you,” she said softly, taking another sip of her wine.

“So.  What do we do in the meantime?” I asked, sliding across the couch towards her, my cock throbbing and ready.

“Sleep, Slade.  We sleep.  It’s the middle of the fucking night,” she said, pushing me away half-heartedly.

“That was my point exactly,” I said with a smile.  “The middle of the

“No!” she said with a smile, standing up.  “I’ll get you a blanket and a pillow.  The couch is really comfortable.”

I leaned back on the couch as she walked into her bedroom, reached down and squeezed my aching and very unhappy cock.   I groaned at the pain.

So, she needs a little time to warm up
, I thought.  
I’ll have her writhing under my tongue soon enough.



Holy fuck.  He was so much hotter than I remembered.  After I had recovered from him barreling into me, and cussing out Reggie, it took all my strength to focus on telling him about Evie and why I needed him.  I was burning alive under the intense heat of his gaze.

He was the most masculine man I had ever known.  Masculinity oozed from his tall, thin frame, and his confidence was completely unnerving.  He was more than confident, though.  He was cocky, arrogant, and so fucking sure of himself.  Most assuredly, he was completely unshakable. 

Which is why I had called him in the first place.  But fuck if I wasn’t second-guessing that phone call.  Did I really need him to go to the club with me?  The guy that followed me probably wouldn’t even be there again.  I had a moment of weakness, that was all, and now here I was faced once again with the sexiest, most dangerous man I had ever known, that sure as hell didn’t have any place in my life.

That much was obvious.  Hell, even Reggie could see that.


I lay in my bed, listening to him toss and turn on my couch, my body beginning to ache with yearning as I remembered the way he had touched me.  The way he had kissed me.  The way he had fucked me.

With wild abandon.


With a fiery passion that threatened to destroy every cell in my body with pleasure.

It was unlike any other romp in the sack I could remember.  If I was honest with myself, I hadn’t even thought about any other old boyfriends since that night with Slade.  He had eclipsed all other sexual experiences.

It was as if he knew my body better than I did.

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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