Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (39 page)

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I turned to the girl beside me.  She was still crying, her face red from Jimmy’s slap and streaked with tears.

“Listen, little lady…this guy? He’s a piece of shit.  He doesn’t deserve you.  He doesn’t deserve anybody.  You hear?  You can do better than this douchebag.”

She nodded in silent agreement.

“You okay?” I asked.  She nodded again, her green eyes open wide.

“You got a ride home with your friends?”

She nodded again.  I turned away and walked back to my bike.  I grabbed my helmet, put it on, and straddled my bike.

With a kick, I started it up.  The loud, vibrating roar went straight to my bones.  Next to fighting, riding was my favorite thing.  Sex came in a close third.

Tina watched me as I began to back my bike out of the parking spot.  Jimmy was still wailing on the ground.

“Hey!” Tina yelled before I took off.  “What’s your name?”

“Slade,” I yelled over the roar of my engine.

“Can I - um…can I come with you?” she asked, a broken smile spreading across her face.

Her long red hair cascaded over her shoulders and onto her black tank top that was barely holding in her big boobs.  Her blue jean shorts were way too short, and her long, bare legs looked strong and smooth.  My cock twitched in my jeans as I drank her in.

“Sure, sugar.  Hop on,” I said.  She yelped, jumped, and bounced  over to me, straddling my bike like she had done it a million times before.  Her arms snaked around my waist, and her thighs gripped me like she was about to ride a bucking bronco.

I thought.

A night with a sexy red-headed stranger would hit the spot just right.

We roared off into the night and I took the curves slowly since I had someone else on my bike.  If it was just me, I’d be hugging those curves like Tina’s legs were hugging my hips.  The ladies tended to get a little freaked out when you did that, and the last thing I needed was her wiggling her ass around in fear and causing me to lay down my bike.

I turned off the highway and made my way down the five miles of curvy dirt roads that led to the Gods of Chaos MC clubhouse.  My home for the last - well hell, I didn’t even know how many years I had been here now.  It seemed like forever.

The Gods of Chaos Motorcycle Club had saved my life.  After a few more years of watching my parents try to kill each other night after night and then wake up in the morning and pretend it didn’t happen, I finally decided to leave.  It wasn’t easy for a sixteen year old to make it on his own, but I took up with a group of street kids downtown and we became our own little family.

Until they started dying off one by one from fucking overdosing on heroin.  Somehow, I had managed to side-step that devil drug and I got out alive.  Barely.

When I met Ryder, the president of the Gods, at a party, he took a liking to me and he invited me to the clubhouse.  After my first night there, when I woke up in bed with three women, ten bloody, busted knuckles and the biggest hangover I’d ever had, I knew I had found home.

Something about the place just felt right.

Maybe it was their ‘anything-goes’ attitude, or the way they just accepted me in all my fucked-up glory without asking too many questions about my past, or the way that they had each other’s backs no matter what - but I managed to feel like I belonged, like I finally had found a family that was just like me.

I didn’t give a shit about the illegal stuff they asked me to do.  It was fun, actually.  And the more danger involved, the more I loved it.

There weren’t too many things in life that made me feel alive these days - but fighting, riding and fucking topped the list, and I got as much of all of that as I wanted once I joined the Gods.

After running into Riot one day downtown, I convinced him to join too. We had lost touch when he joined the Army, but it sure did feel good having my best friend back.

Even if he was all wrapped up in his girl, Lacey, and Solid Ground, the underground railroad that we were all involved with now.  We had spent the last year saving all kinds of people.  From sex-trafficked teens to imprisoned prostitutes.   Ryder’s old lady, Grace, started Solid Ground after falling in love with Ryder and quitting the police force.  She insisted on continuing her work and she started Solid Ground.  That’s also how Riot had met Lacey, who had gone through hell herself.

That’s the thing we all had in common.

Each of us had gone through our own personal hell to get to where we were.  And now, here we were, the last of a dying breed, doing our own thing, making our own rules, and saving our own lives while we were at it.

Tina tightened her thighs around me and my cock twitched again in anticipation in my jeans, now fully hard and ready to rock.  I knew the Gods would be in full party mode at the clubhouse when we got there but I had something else in mind before we got caught up in that mess.

I slowed the bike, pulled over to the side of the dirt road and turned the bike off, leaving my headlight on, illuminating the road in front of us, the softly swaying trees throwing dancing shadows on the road.

“What are you doing?” Tina asked, as she hopped off the back of the bike.  I didn’t answer.  I got off the bike, took off my helmet and stared down at her.  Her pretty green eyes stared up at me, all traces of crying replaced by curiosity and lust.

, I thought again.

I reached a hand out, cupping her chin in my palm, and raked my thumb across the plumpness of her bottom lip.  I leaned down slowly, pressed my lips against hers and then took her bottom lip between my teeth, biting gently.  She softened, whimpered under my kiss and slid her arms around me, her hands smoothly sliding over the rough leather of my cut.

I pulled away and smiled down at her.

“You taste good, darlin’,” I growled, kissing her again, my cock hard as a rock between us as I pressed into her.

“Where are we?” she whispered between kisses, looking around.  “Are we safe out here?”

“You’d be hard pressed to find a safer place,” I said, turning and gesturing down the dark road.  “The God’s clubhouse is just down the road there.  It’s gonna be pretty crowded right now.”

“Oh…um…,” she said, her voice shaking. I knew she was scared, they always were at first.  But the hardness of her nipples  poking through her shirt told me she wanted the same thing I did.

“Look, Tina,” I said, turning back to her and pulling her into my arms, pressing my cock into her again.  “I don’t play games.  I don’t mince words.  I know what I want, and I know when I want it, and nothing gets in my way.”

“O-o-okay…,” her lips were trembling as she stared up at me, her breasts heaving as she leaned forward.

“And right now,” I continued, my cock throbbing between us, “what I want is a nice, long taste of you. And unless those hard little nips on those big perky tits of yours are lying to me, you want the same thing.  Seems to me like the only things getting in our way right now are you saying yes and those clothes you’re wearing.”

Her eyes widened, no doubt in shock over my boldness.  But I had learned long ago that beating around the bush got me nowhere.  When I told a woman straight out what the fuck I wanted, I always got it.  You tell a woman how much you want her, with a look of desire in your eyes, and see how fast those panties drop.

It only took Tina about three seconds before a sly smile spread across her face and she pulled her top over her head, her big, gorgeous tits escaping in a burst of beauty that made my cock swell painfully. Her tank top landed in a pile in the dirt beside my bike.

I laughed, nodded, and kissed her again.  She pulled away, shuffled off her blue-jean shorts, and stood in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of cowboy boots and a smile.

“Yes,” she whispered, her red hair swaying softly around her pretty face.

“Good girl,” I said, as I sank to my knees, my mouth covering her sex, my tongue sliding into her center, tasting her sweet nectar as she leaned back against my bike.

She whimpered and wiggled under my sudden assault, but I quickly found her sweet spot and held on, sucking and nibbling on her clit until she was riding my face, her shivering turning to shaking, her moans turning to screams that echoed through the trees as she crashed over the edge.

It was music to my ears. 

With a smile, I stood up, unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my cock out, sliding on a condom, and burying it deep up her pussy in one smooth motion before she had caught her breath.  She gasped, her eyes widening, her body shimmering under the moonlight as she opened her legs, allowing me to sink in deeper.  She laid back on my bike, and I hammered into her.  Her legs wrapped around me once again and she held on for the ride. 

The sweet, smooth slide only made my cock harder.  Painfully, I throbbed and thrusted inside her, harder and harder I pushed into her, my cock thrusting and retreating over and over until she was coming again, her pussy gripping my cock even harder than her thighs had gripped me earlier.  I pulled out, pulled her up and on to her feet, turned her around, and pushed her back down again until her smooth bare ass was turned up to me.  I smacked her ass hard, and then sank into her again, my fingers digging into her wiggling hips, as I fucked into her sweet, tight pussy until I was growling out loud.  My body shuddered, the sweet all-encompassing sensation of my orgasm washed over me and I exploded inside of her, her pussy spasming around me as we came together under the pale moon light.

I slipped out of her and she stood up, turning to me and kissing me deeply, her tongue slipping into my mouth wantonly, as if we had fucked a thousand times before and it still wasn’t enough for her.

I knew the feeling.

“I want more,” she whispered between kisses.

“Please,” she begged.

“Don’t worry about that, babe.  I’ve got a lot more where that came from.  I just couldn’t wait till we got to the clubhouse,” I said, kissing her.  “I just needed a little taste of you alone.”

She sighed, and smiled, but she had no idea what I had in store for her.

“Wait - alone?” she asked, looking confused.

“Let’s go,” I smirked, getting back on the bike after throwing the condom in the bushes and buttoning up my pants.  She straddled me again, and held on, the question hanging in the air.

“I hope you don’t mind sharing,” I said, as we tore down the road towards the clubhouse, hoping Cherry and Tiff, the two women who had somehow managed to find a way to live within the chaos of the clubhouse, were up for a little unplanned orgy tonight.



“Police say all three of the missing women do not appear to have known each other, although, because of evidence recovered at all three crime scenes, they’re confident these disappearances are connected.  At this time, they are not saying what that evidence is. If anyone has any information that might help in the investigation to find these missing women, please contact the Multnomah County Sheriff Department’s tip hotline.”  My eyes stared into the camera and I counted to three until I saw the red light disappear above the lens.

“That’s a wrap,” Tony, my producer at KATU news, appeared out of the darkness. I stood up and removed the tiny microphone attached to the lapel of my suit as the crew set into motion around me.

“How are you holding up, Ms. D?”  Tony asked as he walked over to my side.  He never called me by my real name - Diana.  He was the only one at the station that called me that, and because he didn’t have a nickname for anyone else, I took it as a sign that he approved of me.  Tony wasn’t one to easily hand out praise, so I tended to look for it in subtle clues.

“I’m okay, I guess.  I just wish there were more news,” I replied.  As an investigative reporter, I was always wishing for juicy news to report, but today, my wish was a lot more personal.

“I’m telling you, Diana, you’re too close to this story.  You should take some time off, you should be with your family,” Wyatt, my co-anchor, commented, for about the tenth time today.  He was trying to hide behind concern for me, but I knew why he really wanted me to take some time off.

He was hoping to break the story himself.

Being an Investigative Reporter was a bitch sometimes.  Not only was the job hard, but working at the station was a whole different monster.  Everyone was so cut-throat, clawing their way to the top by hoarding leads, sleeping with the boss, or by back-biting their colleagues every chance they got.

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