Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection (150 page)

Read Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection Online

Authors: Honey Palomino

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Anthologies, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Anthologies & Literature Collections, #Genre Fiction, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Raw: The Ultimate Mc Collection
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But it did, and as I lay there listening to Jett’s deep breathing, her hair splayed out across my chest, I stifled a laugh.  This wasn’t exactly the kind of story you told your grandchildren, but I knew we would laugh about it for years to come.  

I had tried to resist her, I really had.  But her constant teasing, her spectacular curves, the way she brushed her hair out of her eyes, it all just became unbearable.  I would have taken her back to the room and devoured her without her silly ultimatum, but when I heard her invite Austin back to the hotel, I knew I couldn’t watch another night of her having sex in front of me without sinking into her myself.

And I’ll be damned if I was going to share her.  No matter how sexy the other woman might be.

No fucking way.

And, for fuck’s sake, Jett was on fire standing there yelling at me.  A hot mess of passion and desire, her intensity was contagious.  My cock had made the decision for me already, and by the time she had finished her little speech, it took all my willpower not to take her right there, and give everyone in the Kit Kat Club a show they would never forget.

Now that I had her, I wasn’t about to let her go.  I wrapped my arms around her tighter, inhaling the flowery scent of her hair.  She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen when I was a kid, and nothing had changed.  If anything, she was even more beautiful.  Only now, she was blessed with the addition of sex appeal and talent.  

She was a force all her own, and as I remembered all the events leading up to me being here in the first place, I felt the low grade, constant anger that had plagued me since I arrived begin to return to my consciousness.

Last night had been a welcome reprieve from that feeling, to say the least.  But now, in the early morning rain, the light grey sky slowing filling with light, reality was unfortunately showing its face again.  

I was here to do a job, I couldn’t forget that.  Jett was paying me, and Jesse, too, very good money to protect her.  Fucking her wasn’t in the agreement, and I needed to stay focused.  It was important not to let my emotions get in the way.  One moment of letting my guard down could prove disastrous, and that was a mistake I couldn’t afford to make.

Not when Jett’s life was at stake.

I smiled as she stirred, and watched her slowly open her eyes and look up at me.

At first, I wasn’t sure what I saw.  It wasn’t what I expected, that was for sure.  It was a mixture of confusion and surprise.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I said, kissing her despite the look on her face.

“Um…good morning?” she asked, her lips frozen and not even close to returning my kiss as she had the night before.

“Yes, it’s morning, Jett,” I replied, reality slowly dawning on me.

“Um…yeah I guess it is, huh?” she said, slowly inching away from me.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” I said, my voice filling with anger.

“What?” she asked, her face pale, her eyes filled with apprehension.

“You don’t fucking remember, do you?”  My stomach churned when I realized she didn’t remember a thing about the night before.

“Well…I…um, shit, Colt.  I remember going to the strip club…and um…” her voice trailed off and she looked at me apologetically.  

“Un-fucking-believable,” I groaned, putting my hands over my face. 

“We’re naked, huh?” She peeked under the covers quickly. “Fuck! You’re um…wow. Damn.”

“Un-fucking-believable!” I repeated.  I was pissed, I was hurt, I was bewildered and I felt like a goddamned fool.  What was I thinking fucking her in that state anyway?  What did I expect?

I tore the covers away from us, and disentangled myself from her, getting out of bed and throwing my clothes back on.  She watched silently for a few seconds before she jumped up and ran to the bathroom quickly.  The sounds of her retching were icing on the cake.

“Fuck this shit,” I said to the empty room as I pulled my cut back on.  “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I asked myself as I pushed my feet into my leather boots.  “Un-fucking-believable.”

Jett and her naked, perfect body padded back into the bedroom, her face filled with regret.

“Colt, I’m so sorry.  I had a few too many, that’s all,” she walked over to me, her fingers beginning to slid up and down my cut before I grabbed her hand and pulled it away.  

“Stop.” I growled.  I wanted to be mad at her, and I was.  But goddammit if my cock wasn’t responding to her nakedness, betraying me like a back-stabbing friend.  She blinked up at me, looking genuinely apologetic and shameful.  

“I’m sorry, Colt,” she said.  “I don’t remember anything after the club, and I totally understand if you hate me now and need to leave.” She hung her head, and she looked like a pathetic teenager who had gotten caught doing something bad.

“Goddammit, Jett.  Get some clothes on.  We’ll talk about this later, I just…fuck!  Just get dressed.  I can’t fucking talk to you while you are standing there butt naked.”

A slight smile played on her lips, but she nodded and walked into the bathroom.  When she returned, she was wearing a fluffy white cotton robe, the belt tied loosely around her waist.  The plunging v of the neckline did nothing to hide the edges of her breasts, the breasts I had spent the night falling in love with. The white of the cotton contrasted starkly with her tousled hair.  Her green eyes were shining bright with tears as she pleaded with me.

“Is this better?  I’m so fucking sorry, I feel like such an asshole,” she said.

It wasn’t better at all.  In fact, she looked even sexier with her nipples poking through the fabric and her cleavage in full view where the robe parted.  My cock twitched in my pants, and if I hadn’t been dressed, I would have opened that robe, along with her thighs, and slid myself deep inside of her again already.

Instead, I just shook my head. 

“You know what, Jett?  You’re the one who loses. Because it was fucking amazing, and you’ll never have that memory again.”

Regret filled her eyes, the tears falling down her face.

“You’ll never know how much I’ll regret that, Colt,” she said, her voice soft and full of pain.  My heart wrenched in my chest, and I wanted to take it all away for her, but what could I do?  I couldn’t restore her memory.  We could fuck all day and night, and she would always be deprived of the memories of the first time.  And that was assuming there would be a second time.

At this point, I wasn’t so sure.  My cock was all for it, but I was a little disgusted and sad, and my heart was telling me I needed a big break from Jett.

“I’m going to get breakfast with Jesse. Call me when you’re ready to leave and we’ll escort you out to the bus.” I knew I sounded stern and angry, but I couldn’t escape that.  I felt bad for her, I did, but fuck if I wasn’t pissed off.

“Okay, sure…” she whispered, turning and walking back into the bathroom, her head bowed.  I heard the shower start up as I walked through the suite, my heart heavy with disappointment.

When I opened the front door, I saw my brother Jesse lying on the floor, a dark, sticky pool of blood surrounding his head.



Portland.  Town of shameless sinners, and not just one type of sinner.   Derelicts, hooligans, punks, junkies, potheads, rockers, strippers, prostitutes, gamblers, hipsters and even yuppies.  

I had fled that town years ago, hoping to never come back. I had a family once - a nice, wholesome family.  Blonde and classically beautiful, my sweet Marie was a wonderful wife.  We moved to Portland to be around the trees that Marie loved so much.  We were going to have kids. I found a job on the docks and everything was perfect.

For about six months.  

Marie started hanging out with the neighbors, staying up late, partying and going out to bars with strangers.  She’d come home smelling like cigarettes and whiskey, until the time she came home smelling distinctly like Old Spice.  I followed her after that.  I saw everything she did.  I saw the disgusting way she kissed him.  The way she giggled when he opened the motel door.  I watched through the curtained window, their silhouettes smashing together like a couple of dirty pigs. 

Portland ruined her.

I waited till the next day, followed the man to a nearby bar, slipped a large amount of a crumbled up mixture of pain pills and muscle relaxers in his drink, and left him there.   I waited in my car until the ambulance showed up, and when I saw the sheet  had been pulled over his head as they carried his body outside, I wasn’t even satisfied.

I just wanted my Marie back.  But, deep down, I knew she would never be the same, so I left without a word.  I enlisted and within a week, I was on my way out of seedy Puddletown and into basic training.  

I hadn’t been back to Portland since.

I hated that Jett had to go there. For some reason her people thought it was a good idea to put my angel smack in the middle of that cesspool of sin.  

I was in agony.  She was just getting dirtier and dirtier, her raunchy nights escalating into an unforgivable filth that even God couldn’t overlook.  I had to save her.

First, I had to get her away from those disgusting men.  Then, I had to get her out of Portland.  If I could accomplish both of those things, I knew I could get close enough to her to cleanse her.

Driving to Portland had given me a lot of time to think.  It was a good thing, too, because by the time my car passed over the huge bridge going into the city, the rain was pouring in sheets over my car, completely distracting me from my thoughts.  I had to be careful.  Everything had to be perfect.  If not, if I couldn’t focus, if I got too overwhelmed, too excited, my plan could fail and I would be miserable.  And Jett would never be clean again. 

That just wouldn’t do.

I would have to work through the constant distraction pouring down on me, try to ignore the way it brought back the memories that I had tried so desperately to forget, they way it blocked my vision, the way it made me remember the dark nights of my childhood.  Luckily, I didn’t have to drive too far, and soon I was leaving my car with the valet at the Nines hotel.  


None of these people know her like I do.  They’re all standing around, their cameras pointed at her, as if they could ever capture even an ounce of her essence.  They’ll never know what she’s really like.  Not like I do.

Nobody could love her like I do.

All those songs she’s singing, every move she’s making on that stage, every perfectly timed strut from one side to the other -  I am the only one who knows those moves just as well as she does.  I’ve studied her, I’ve followed her.

I love her more than any of you! 

See the fake smile she gives you all as you clap and stomp and holler for her desperately?  None of it is real, but you all think it is.  You keep yelling her name, thinking she’ll come back again.  Idiots! As if she cares about you.  She doesn’t care about any of you.  

Right now, all she cares about is sinning.

But soon, very, very soon, all of that will change.



It’s all my fault.  If I had never asked Colt to come help me, none of this would have happened.  If I hadn’t gotten drunk and insisted on teasing Colt to the breaking point, none of this would have happened.  If I had just run away from this god awful life a long time ago, none of this would have happened.

Instead, I had blood on my hands.  Blood of a good man that was brutally murdered while he was protecting me.  

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Colt and I didn’t hear a thing, because apparently we were fucking each other’s brains out while a man was being murdered outside of our door!  And how in hell could I have been so drunk that my mind would have blocked that out?  Something like that? Something that I’m sure was magnificent beyond my wildest dreams, and I barely remembered walking into the hotel lobby with him?

Everything after that was gone. 

It was pathetic.  I was pathetic.

I had never felt more ashamed of myself.  And I had done some shameful things.  More times than I cared to admit, I had woken up to someone I didn’t remember sleeping with.  That wasn’t the bad part.  The fucked up thing was that this time, it was Colt. 

My Colt. 

Beautiful Colt with the beautiful cock between his legs that had fucked me so masterfully that my brain couldn’t handle the pleasure, so it decided to stop recording.

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