Raw Passion (MMA Sports Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: Raw Passion (MMA Sports Romance)
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"Of course I can.  It's taking all the energy I have to keep my heart from beating out of my chest," Julie explained. 

"Still, I wouldn't want it any other way.  I've waited so long for someone like you to come into my life," the Dream Man said. 

"I was actually worried that I'd never meet anyone, no less someone as wonderful as you," Julie replied. 

"Well, now that we've found each other, there's no reason to worry.  I have a feeling that everything is going to be just fine from here on out," the Dream Man insisted.

The Man then gave Julie all the ecstasy she could handle.  He kissed his way down her body, caressing her with his touch, making her crave him all the more.  All of Julie's dreams were suddenly fulfilled.  She had a nice, strong, muscular man that knew how to take care of all of her needs.  That reveled in satisfying her urges.  That put her desires first.  And that embraced her more passionately than anyone had before. 

When the Man was done with Julie, every inch of her body tingled.  Bliss reverberated through her body.  And a sense of sexual satisfaction was all too apparent from her head to her toes.  Julie could have basked there all night.  She could have gazed into that Man's eyes and gotten wrapped up in him all over again.  It was absolute paradise. 

Just as the dream couldn't seem to get any better, Julie woke up. 

Reality wasn't as kind to Julie.  The almighty foolproof online dating site had only produced duds so far.  It turned out that maybe math and algorithms weren't the best choice to play matchmaker after all.  And Julie was back to the drawing board. 


Chapter Eleven



Colin's head was spinning after his conversation with Sarah.  She had revealed more secrets about herself in five minutes than in the past five years.  But the amazing part for Colin was that even after losing her husband to cancer, Sarah was putting herself back out there.  And while Colin wasn't sure he was ready for the untold adventures of internet dating, the conversation had given him the inspiration to not give up on his own dating prospects quite yet. 

Before heading the gym, Colin stopped off at his supplement store.  Not only did a fighter watch carefully they ate while training for a fight, but they also wanted to maximize the potential of their body with the right nutritional supplements. 

But as Colin stood in line getting ready to pay, he found the store to be busier than usual.  There turned out to be more surprises waiting for Colin though.

"Here I thought this would be a quick stop," Natasha Hudler said.

Colin wasn't sure if the woman was talking to herself or to him.  But when he turned around, it was clear by the look on Natasha's face that she had been talking to him. 

"So did I," Colin said. 

"But hey, maybe that's a good sign.  The more people taking the right steps to take care of their body, the better right?" Natasha replied. 

Colin hadn't bothered to fully scope out Natasha's body until right then, but damn did she look good. 

"Well, you sure seem to know how to take care of your body," Colin said. 

"Thank you.  But I kind of have to," Natasha admitted. 

Colin didn't quite follow.  "And why is that?"

"Because I don't know that people would take advice from a personal trainer that didn't take care of her own body," Natasha joked. 

"You're probably right," Colin said, smiling. 

"Oh, I'm definitely right.  How many out of shape personal trainers have you met?" Natasha asked.

"You got me there," Colin said. 

Natasha then checked out Colin's body. 

"Are you a personal trainer too?" Natasha asked. 

"No.  I'm actually in mixed martial arts," Colin said. 

"Damn.  I bet you've got some serious moves," Natasha replied. 

"I can handle myself in a fight," Colin admitted. 

"Wow, look at you being all humble.  I've never heard that from an athlete before," Natasha said. 

"I guess there really is a first time for everything then," Colin joked. 

"Let's hope it's not the last time," Natasha said.

"That's how I am all the time," Colin replied.

"That's a good way to be.  Is there anything else special I should know about you?" Natasha wondered. 

"Not that I have time to tell you about in line," Colin revealed. 

"Maybe we'll have to carry this conversation on once we're out of the line too then," Natasha suggested.

"That's usually my line," Colin said. 

"Hey, I have some surprises up my sleeve too," Natasha insisted. 

Colin smiled.  "Can I take you out to dinner tonight?"


Colin didn't know what to expect from his date that night.  He wasn't sure if the witty banter would carry over from the morning.  But at least part way through the date, Colin wasn't disappointed. 

Natasha had a razor sharp wit.  And for Colin especially, that was a welcome sign.  It had been a long time since he'd had a good laugh.  But suddenly there were plenty to go around. 

"It's amazing how funny you are," Colin admitted. 

"You don't have to sound so surprised," Natasha said. 

"It's a good kind of surprise though.  I was just thinking that maybe my luck was finally turning around," Colin replied. 

"I know how that is.  Sometimes all it takes is one thing to go wrong for things to snowball on you," Natasha admitted. 

"The good thing is that it all has to come to an end eventually, and maybe that's finally happening here--with you," Colin said. 

"Sweet, humble, and hot.  You're just the complete package, aren't you?" Natasha asked. 

"I could say the same about you," Colin replied. 

"You know, I think you're right.  Things just might finally be turning around for us both," Natasha said. 

Natasha then flashed Colin a smile.

"Let's hope we're right," Colin admitted. 

Just then, things got more complicated.  Natasha's eyes drifted over Colin's shoulder.  She got a faraway look in her eyes.  And suddenly it was like Colin didn't exist.  An awkward silence took over the table.  Finally, Colin spoke up. 

"Natasha, is everything ok?" Colin asked. 

But Natasha couldn't peel her eyes away from one of the tables behind Colin.

"You have to be kidding me," Natasha said. 

Colin then turned around and tried to figure out what was going on. 

"What are you talking about?" Colin wondered. 

"My ex-boyfriend is here--at my favorite restaurant--with another girl," Natasha revealed. 

Colin could see the situation going south in a hurry.  He decided to try and diffuse the tension. 

"You know what?   Maybe we should go somewhere else," Colin suggested. 

Natasha was all worked up though.  She had fire in her eyes.  The kind of outrage that only a bad break up could generate. 

"No.  I'm going over there," Natasha said. 

That was the worst possible response.  Colin knew that things could blow up in a hurry.  But more than that, Colin was seeing a whole new side to Natasha.  One that he wasn't a fan of. 

"Please don't.  This is going to end badly," Colin reasoned. 

Natasha was beyond reason though.  Colin didn't know the details of Natasha's last relationship, but things obviously ended poorly. 

Suddenly, Natasha got up from the table to settle the score. 

"I'm sorry, but I just have to do this," Natasha said, before approaching Jason and Paula's table.

Colin then muttered to himself.  "This has grease fire written all over it."

Natasha then interrupted Jason and Paula's meal at their table. 

"You have a lot of nerve," Natasha said. 

Jason looked up from the table like a deer in the headlights.  "Natasha.  Wow, funny running into you here."

"Funny isn't the word I'd go with," Natasha replied.  "After what you did to me, I never thought you'd dare set foot in my favorite restaurant again--no less with her."

"Hey, we have just as much right to be here as you do," Paula chimed in. 

"I wasn't talking to you, bitch," Natasha snapped back.  "Besides, after you stole Jason from me, why should I care what you think about anything?"

Just then, Colin jumped in before the situation completely slipped away. 

"Natasha, this isn't going to solve anything.  Let's go eat somewhere else," Colin remarked. 

"You ought to listen to him.  You're acting crazy," Jason replied. 

That only inflamed things further. 

Colin came to Natasha's defense.   

"Really?   And who do you think made her crazy?" Colin asked, shaking his head.  "Have some class."

"Class, from Jason?   Nice try, but I don't think that's possible," Natasha added. 

Colin then turned to Natasha.  "Can we go now?"

"Yeah," Natasha replied.  "I've seen enough already."


Colin couldn't have taken Natasha home fast enough.  He was expecting a nice quiet evening with a well adjusted woman.  Instead he was faced with an emotional powder keg that erupted at just the wrong time.  Natasha clearly hadn't moved on from her last boyfriend, no less was she ready for a new man in her life.  So despite Natasha's apologies for blowing up at the restaurant, Colin gave her a quick ride home. 


Colin was never happier to see the training gym in his whole life.  There wouldn't be talk about his bad date.  The worst that would happen would be Patrick complaining about whatever spat he'd had with his wife the night before.  But that would be over quick enough.  Then Colin could just focus on his training. 

But as Colin arrived at the gym, it was clear that Colin's day wouldn't turn out as he expected it to.  Colin was greeted by two unexpected visitors alongside Patrick as he arrived at work.  One was Patrick's wife Allison.  The other Colin didn't recognize.  She was a shy woman, about Colin's age.  She looked awkward, as if conversation didn't come naturally to her. 

"Colin, right on time," Patrick said. 

All eyes seemed to be on Colin, making him feel more uncomfortable than ever. 

"Why do I get the feeling that you're not talking about training?" Colin replied. 

"Colin, I'd like to introduce you to one of my closest friends," Allison said.  "This is Bridget."

Bridget flashed Colin a nice smile.  "It's really nice to meet you."

Colin was polite.  "It's nice to meet you too."

"You know, I told Bridget all about you," Allison remarked.  "I think you two have a lot in common." 

"Uh huh," Colin replied, awkwardly.  He then turned to Patrick.  "Can I talk to you in the back?" 


"So, I feel really good about training today.  Don't you?" Patrick said, trying to delay the inevitable. 

But Colin wasn't having it.  He had questions that needed answering. 

"What's going on here?" Colin asked. 

"Look, this wasn't my idea," Patrick insisted. 

"It doesn't matter to me whose idea it was.  What I care about is how bad of an idea it was," Colin said. 

"Oh come on.  Don't you think you're overreacting a little?   I wouldn't call introducing you to Bridget a bad idea," Patrick remarked. 

"Patrick, have I ever asked to be set up on a blind date?   Have I ever told you that I want you to play matchmaker for me?" Colin replied. 

"Look, my wife thinks that you two would make a great couple.  It made Allison happy coming up with the idea.  And when my wife is happy, she's not in the mood to argue," Patrick explained. 

Suddenly it made more sense.  Setting Colin up on a date distracted Patrick and Allison from the disagreements they were having in their marriage.

"You know, there are other ways to deal with the problems in your relationship.  Besides, whatever troubles you're having with your wife will still be there when you're done setting me up," Colin replied. 

"This isn't about my relationship.  This is about you," Patrick insisted.  "I mean you don't even know Bridget, so how could you be sure you wouldn't be a good match?"

"I think the important part is that I don't know anything about her," Colin said. 

"That's what dates are all about.  Getting to know people.  Besides, Bridget is a nice woman," Patrick replied.

"Look, I know what dates are about.  And even though most woman I'm sure are nice enough, I've seen things go downhill in a hurry," Colin explained. 

"Just because you're having trouble doesn't mean you should give up," Patrick insisted. 

"The same can be said about your marriage," Colin fired back. 

"I'm not giving up," Patrick said.  "And neither should you."    


Colin decided to go out on a limb.  In light of the bad dates that he'd had recently through, Colin opted to change things up.  So instead of a full on dinner date, Colin decided to take Bridget out for a lunch date instead.

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