Raw Passion (MMA Sports Romance) (10 page)

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"You know, I never thought you'd say yes," Bridget admitted. 

"Why would you think that?" Colin asked. 

"I'm just really shy, and men don't usually go for that, especially not a great looking one like you," Bridget explained. 

"You should give yourself more credit," Colin insisted.  

"Seriously?" Bridget asked.

Colin didn't know what had happened in Bridget's life to make her so insecure, but it was obviously something big.  Still, despite her shyness, Bridget seemed to have a lot going for her.  She was pretty, smart, and sweet.  Plus she had a bright career ahead of her at the local zoo. 

"Of course," Colin insisted.  "You have a lot going for you."

Bridget smiled wide.  "I'm glad you think so.  I haven't exactly been so lucky--with men that is."

There seemed to be a lot of that going around.  Colin could sure relate to that.  And despite Bridget's shyness, he seemed to have a lot more in common with her than he first realized. 

"Well, things happen at their own pace," Colin said. 

"I just never thought that would be a snails pace," Bridget replied. 

"The one thing I've realized about life is that everything can turn on a dime right before your very eyes," Colin said. 

"Like today.  I thought I'd be filling in at the zoo tending to the animals right now.  Instead I get to be here with you," Bridget remarked. 

"So, what is it like working at the zoo?" Colin asked. 

"There's sure a lot of wild personalities to deal with," Bridget revealed. 

"Yeah, I guess it would take a certain kind of person to want to work at the zoo," Colin said. 

"No.  I was talking about the animals.  They all have distinctly different personalities," Bridget said.  "Some of the creatures are shy, while others are pushy.  Trevor the lion acts like he runs the whole place while Joe the lemur is a little klutz.  Then of course Carl the chimp is just a total clown," Bridget explained. 

Colin started looking at Bridget funny. 

"But somehow we all manage to get along.  We do have some serious characters though," Bridget added.  "It's funny though, I have no problem dealing with a two ton elephant, but for whatever reason I'm completely uncomfortable around humans."

Bridget then realized how odd that must have sounded. 

"I know it's weird," Bridget said. 

"So you're a little shy.  There's nothing wrong with that," Colin replied. 

"I know.  But sometimes I wish I had more to talk to than the animals at the zoo," Bridget admitted. 

Colin knew that Bridget was uncomfortable around people, so he tried to get her to loosen up a little. 

"Hey, the good thing about animals though is that they don't talk back like humans," Colin joked. 

"At least I wish they didn't," Bridget replied. 

Did Colin just hear that right?   Did Bridget just imply that the zoo animals talked back to her?   Colin hoped that he'd heard it wrong, but Bridget said it all with a straight face. 

"I'm sorry.  What did you just say?" Colin asked. 

"Just that I wish they didn't talk back.  The wolves are really moody sometimes though.  Not to mention the tigers are constantly on my case about wanting to go out while the zebras tell me off when they're mad.  Yup, those animals sure are a handful.  I've had to give them a stern talking to a bunch of times," Bridget explained. 

The conversation had suddenly taken a turn for the surreal.  Where before Colin was willing to give Bridget a pass because of her shyness, this was not something that could just be overlooked. 

"So you're saying that you talk to your animals, and they talk back to you?" Colin asked. 

"Well, yeah.  Why are you so fixated on that?" Bridget wondered. 

"Wait.  You don't understand how weird that is?" Colin said. 

"You mean you don't talk to animals?" Bridget remarked. 

"They don't talk back," Colin insisted.

"Oh.  Well, I guess I really am weird then," Bridget replied. 

And like that, Colin was ready to call it a meal.  It was one thing to be shy and insecure--to be more comfortable around animals than humans.  It was another for the animals to talk back to you.  That's where Colin drew the line.  


Colin was at his wits end.  He looked more forward to training than to dates.  His dates were just one grease fire after another.  And he hadn't even gone on any internet dates.  He couldn't even imagine what an online date would turn out like. 

Colin was just done with it all.  He'd made up his mind.  No more blind dates, or dates of any kind for that matter.  Maybe it just wasn't the right time for him.  Maybe he was trying too hard.  But whatever he was doing, it wasn't working. 

That night when Colin got home from work, he couldn't look at his Labrador retriever Walter quite the same.  The idea that Walter could talk back was just ridiculous, and Colin couldn't get passed that kind of absurdity.  Colin didn't quite know what to do anymore.  So he decided to pour himself into his training for the fight. 


The gym the next day brought little comfort.  Colin's trainer Jimmy was stepping up the workload.  He was upping the intensity.  And the gym became a grueling experience.   

But at least Colin kept busy.  With the training going on, Colin didn't have time to think about the shambles his love life was in. 

It was a different story when Colin took his break from training though.  That's when Colin noticed how quiet his sparring partner Patrick had been all day.     

"You seem awfully quiet today," Colin remarked.

Patrick wasn't his usual self.  He was just keeping to himself and doing his job, without so much as making a peep.  Normally Colin would welcome the peace and quiet.  But it was clear that Patrick was holding something in. 

"I just have a lot on my mind," Patrick replied. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Colin asked. 

"Not really," Patrick admitted. 

"It must be really bad then," Colin remarked.  "I won't press you then.  But if you need someone to talk to--"

"Allison might be really sick," Patrick then blurted out. 

The news was worse than Colin thought.  He just pictured that Patrick and his wife might have had another argument.  He never expected it was a health scare.

"I'm so sorry," Colin replied. 

"I found a lump on her breast," Patrick continued.  "The doctor is waiting to get the results back from the lab, but it could be..."  Patrick stopped mid sentence.  He couldn't finish his thought.  He couldn't say the words.  Then again, who could say the word cancer?   But even though the word remained on the tip of his tongue, it was clear that the worst case scenario weighed heavy on his mind. 

"Let's hope it's nothing," Colin said. 

"But what if it isn't nothing?   What if she's really sick?   What if she...I don't know what I'd do if I lost her," Patrick explained. 

Colin's heart sank as he heard Patrick grappling with his emotions.  It was heart wrenching to watch.  Colin hated to see his best friend suffer.  Still, he wasn't sure what the right thing to say was. 

"It's important not to think about right now.  Just pray for the best," Colin said. 

"I know that's what I have to do.  I just can't help but think back at the arguments I've been having with Allison about toilet paper or doing the dishes, and it just seems so ridiculous--such a complete waste," Patrick remarked. 

"Yeah.  Life has a way of reminding you what's really important," Colin replied.

"Does it ever," Patrick said. 

"It's going to be ok," Colin stated. 

"How do you know?   How could you know?" Patrick asked.

"I don't.  I was just being nice," Colin said. 

"I know you're just trying to help man, but who knows what's going to happen?   The shit could hit the fan any minute," Patrick replied. 

"You should be at home with your wife right now," Colin insisted.   

"My wife told me to come in today.  She said it would take my mind off of things.  Besides, all my worrying was freaking her out.  We can't get the results until lunch time anyway.  That will be the moment of truth," Patrick. 

"Well just know I'm hoping for the best," Patrick said. 


Damn, what a hell of a thing to have to deal with.  It was a sobering wake up call for Patrick.  After all the arguments about toilet paper and doing the dishes, the important things in life became all too clear.  He finally got the perspective he needed. 

It was a tense morning of training.  Then Patrick headed off to the lab with his wife to get the results.  Colin and Jimmy meanwhile stayed back at the gym and waited for Patrick to call them.  It was truly the moment of truth.  Those lab test results were going to change Patrick and his wife's lives, for good or bad.   

Finally Colin got the call though.  

"Please tell me you have good news," Colin said. 

Patrick had trouble getting the words out.  But he managed to deliver the news.  "The lab results were all clear.  The lump isn't malignant.  Allison's going to be just fine."

It was an amazing relief.  Not to mention it was wonderful to hear some good news for a change.  Colin could only imagine how great Patrick felt at that moment. 

"Congratulations.  That's amazing news," Colin said. 

"I know.  I can barely believe it.  Thank God," Patrick remarked. 

"Thank God is right," Colin replied. 

"You know, I was really worried there.  It makes you appreciate your life.  Because you never know when it can be taken away," Patrick said. 


That night Colin couldn't help but think about a couple of things.  The first one was that he was happy for Patrick and his wife getting good news.  It also made Colin think about what he was missing in his life.  How he didn't have love.  And how much he wanted it.  So despite initially shooting down the idea of online dating, he decided that maybe it was worth going after all. 


Chapter Twelve



When Julie returned home from work, she discovered that even though she was completely out of luck, the same could not be said for her sister. 

"You won't believe what happened," Melissa said. 

Melissa wasn't usually this excited.  Suddenly Julie couldn't wait to hear the news. 

"What is it?" Julie asked. 

"I met a guy," Melissa said. 

"From the online dating site?" Julie asked. 

"No.  I just met him when I was out running errands," Melissa explained. 

"Are you serious?" Julie asked. 

"I know.  I couldn't believe it either.  One minute I was waiting in line to get a latte, and the next I was in the middle of a conversation with this amazing guy.  It was amazing.  And before I knew it, he asked me out to lunch," Melissa said. 

"That's incredible," Julie replied.

"Tell me about it," Melissa said.

"So when are you going to lunch?" Julie asked. 

"Oh, we already did," Melissa said.  "We actually spent the whole afternoon together.  I only got back a couple of minutes ago."

"I can't believe it.  What's this guy like?" Julie wondered. 

"Well, his name is Chris, and he's a scientist," Melissa revealed. 

"No way.  You're with a scientist?” Julie asked, in disbelief. 

"A hunky scientist at that.  Plus he's so sweet and funny.  Not to mention fascinating.  The stories he had to tell," Melissa said. 

"Hunky, smart, and sweet.  Could you be any luckier?" Julie replied. 

"And the most amazing part is, I was getting ready to give up.  I was going to take a break from looking to find a man for a while.  Then boom, there Chris stepped into my life," Melissa said. 

"Wow.  What a story.  That's fantastic," Julie replied. 

"I can't believe how excited I am.  I can't wait until he takes me out again tomorrow," Melissa admitted.  

"Hey, he doesn't happen to have any single friends, does he?" Julie asked. 

Melissa shook her head.  "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry.  I'm so happy for you," Julie insisted.

"Are you sure?" Melissa asked. 

"Of course.  You're my sister.  You deserve all the happiness in the world," Julie said.   


Julie needed ice cream--bad.  And when she had a craving like that, any old ice cream wouldn't do.  She needed the good stuff.  Which meant she was heading to Sally's Super Scoops.  Ironically, the ice cream store happened to be located next to a gym.  It was a wild irony.  But Julie didn't have time to contemplate irony.  She needed chocolate ice cream on the double.  


Chapter Thirteen



After filling out the online dating questionnaire, all Colin could do was wait.  So he returned to his training, hoping there would be some potential romantic matches waiting for him in his inbox when he returned.  But while Colin couldn't a breather from training in front of the gym, his focus shifted elsewhere. 

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