Read Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) Online

Authors: MT Stone

Tags: #The Pleasure Pros

Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)
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“That’s Dad’s
Achilles heel.
Abe gave it to me
right before he died.”




“Because deep
down, Abe was a good man who had silently watched while Dad committed one
transgression after another.”


“He documented


“His worst behavior
was always accompanied by a payout to someone.
They are all here in black and
Abe kept track of every
nickel that came and went.” She smiled.


“So when he paid
off the SEC agent for me…”


“Abe made note of
it, including a timestamp, the location, and the name of the agent.”


“And Carter has no
idea that you have this book?”


I actually helped him scour Abe’s office
and home the day after his death.
He was mortified when we weren’t able to find it.”
She smiled once again.
“Abe wanted to die with a clear
conscience, and he knew that I would make things right in the end.”


“I can only
imagine the things that he has done.
I’ve been under his thumb for several years, and now he’s doing the same
thing to Raven.”


“Yeah, Raven should’ve
never stole clients from him.
would’ve been much better off staying at the firm once she was licensed,” she
said, obviously not knowing the true story.


“The only reason
she left was because he was pressuring her for sex.
He gave her an ultimatum at the company
Christmas party just a few days after she turned nineteen,” I explained.


He always made it sound like she left
and then stole several of his best clients.”


She may have won over some of his
clients, but he even blackballed her.
The only reason that she even found work was because a family friend was
a broker,” I explained.


“That fucker.
He lies about everything.
I swear to God he’s completely
delusional.” Her eyes were filled with venom as she shook her head in disgust.


“The best liars
are delusional.” I reached out and rubbed her back in support.


“Are you and Raven
okay?” she asked with a look of concern.


“I think so.
I saw she was online tonight watching
the show, though.”


“I’ll bet that was
interesting for her.” She gave me a faint smile.


“Yeah, I’m not
sure I want to hear what she has to say about it.”


“Well, she
obviously knew what you did when she met you,” she chided.


“I know, but it
still feels a little wrong,” I admitted.


“That’s why I have
avoided all of you man whores.
guys remind me of that fancy furniture Dad bought for the mansion.
It all looks great, but it’s not very


“Ouch!” I furrowed
my brow. “I’ll agree that Renegade and Blade aren’t very functional, but don’t
lump me in with those two.”


“I’m just jerking
you around, Gunner.
I know Raven
and Amber aren’t anything like the girls who normally come across our stage,
I feel bad for luring them


“Yeah, Raven was
totally freaked out this afternoon after Blade told her what happens in level
I shook my head and rolled my


Her eyes darkened
and her cheeks flushed once again.
“If you guys need anything just let me know.
We are all on the same side.”


“That’s good to
know because I might need some help with level nine and ten,” I replied,
glancing around the perimeter of her office.


“Don’t worry.
I told him if I ever found a camera in
here, I was going to kill him in his sleep,” she said in an eerily serious


“That’s good; I
was suddenly feeling a little paranoid about our conversation.”


“There is no need
to be paranoid, I’m in the process of gaining complete control,” she assured me
as she showed me out.


I felt an
overwhelming sense of relief as I left her office.
That feeling faded, though, when I
pulled out my phone and saw that Raven had called a couple of times.
didn’t even leave a message, so that’s not a good sign.
I warned her to stay off the damn



Chapter 4



After calling Gunner
a couple of times with no answer, I quickly became frustrated.
better not
hanging out with that little bimbo.
I went back on the website and began
clicking through other past shows that Gunner had done.
has been with a ton of different women over the years, all ages, shapes, and
How can he do it?
I thought back to how he always said it
was just business.
I guess it is.
That’s why I’m such a fool for letting
myself fall in love with a guy like him.


I didn’t want to
seem desperate so I sent him a text instead of calling again.


It REALLY turned me on!


Within a few
seconds, my phone rang.
I let it
ring a few times before answering. “I thought maybe you and Victoria Love were
hanging out tonight.”


“Nope, she went to
dinner with Carter,” he replied dryly.
“Actually, I have been talking to Suzanne.”


“So what did Polly
have to say?” I replied sarcastically.


“She feels badly
about how she lured you guys in.”
He paused, waiting for my response.
“She’s actually a pretty good person.”


“I guess she’ll
have to prove herself to me.”
Tricky little bitch.


“I think she
Anyway, you liked the show,


“At first I was a
little pissed that you let her suck your cock in level three, but once I got
past that, I really started to get turned on!”


“So now you see
why we have so many members,” he replied in that sexy, confident voice of his.


“I do.
The way you totally dominated her in the
end took me right back to how you’ve made me feel.”
lord, I’m getting horny again.


“Well, I can’t
wait until our next session, Raven.
I’m going to rock your world like it’s never been rocked before.”


“I think you
should come over and rock my world right now.”


“I would love
nothing more, sweetheart.
I need you to store up all of that sexual energy and bring it to the dungeon on
Friday night.”


“In that case, I
need to stay off the website.
already masturbated twice in the past hour,” I confessed.


, that’s so hot,” he said in a low growl.
“Get off the damn website before we both
end up doing something we’ll regret.”


“I think I’ll see
if Amber is up for sharing a bottle of wine.
Hopefully she’s done with Blade by now.”


“Yeah, she had a
wild afternoon, too.
She’ll most
likely need a drink or two,” he laughed.


“I still can’t
believe we’re doing this.
I think
if I actually watched one of our shows, it would completely blow my mind.”


“Don’t do it,” his
voice turned to steel.
“It will
only make you self-conscious.”


“I know.
I can’t even post a
on Facebook without shooting a dozen different poses.”


“Have fun tonight
and keep thinking about Friday,” he said before hanging up.


“Yeah, I’m sure I
He sure makes it hard for me to stay rational.
Oh shit!
I completely forgot about my
Damn, I really could’ve
used one.






The following days
were a bit of a blur.
With Renegade
MIA, Blade and I were working more hours than either of us had wanted.
Somehow, the word had gotten around that
some of us were making mid-six-figures, so it seemed as if every aspiring porn
starlet in the state suddenly wanted to book a session with us.
I sent Renegade another text telling him
that we needed help, but I still didn’t heard back from him.


“When is the next
shoot with Victoria?” I asked Carter on Thursday after noticing that she wasn’t
on the schedule for the following Saturday.


“She won’t be
doing any more live shows for now,” he replied with a smirk.


“Why is that?”


“She’s going to be
pre-occupied with another project,” he replied, obviously not wanting to


That poor girl.
As if she didn’t have enough strikes
against her, now she’s in the clutches of Carter and company.
My blood pressure rose just thinking about it.
I made a note in my calendar to mention
it to Suzanna
I’ll let her deal with it.
I’ve got enough going on in my life at
the moment.


When Thursday
evening rolled around, I placed my customary call to Raven.
Other than a few text messages, we
really hadn’t talked since Saturday.


“What have you
been up to?” I asked when she sleepily answered the phone.


“Hannah and I went
out to Mammoth Lake for a few days.
It was gorgeous,” she replied, sounding more relaxed than she had been
since we met.


“That’s a nice area.
Did you go camping?”


“Hell no.” She
“Unless a two bedroom
suite at the Westin is your idea of camping.”


, some first class camping.
That’s cool.”


“Yeah, I want to
take Hannah to some nice places.
haven’t been able to do much of that up until now.
She’s growing up so fast,” she said with
a sigh.
“I would really like to get
her out of this city.”


“I remember going
to Yosemite with my parents when I was a kid.
My dad bitched about the high price of
gas the whole time.
Shit it was
about a buck a gallon back then.”


“Did you guys have
a station wagon or something?” She teased.


“I’m not that
’ old.
did have a Suburban, though, so it was definitely a gas-guzzler.
He would shit a brick now days with four
dollar gas.”


“My favorite trip
was when my parents took my sister and me to Hawaii when I was a junior in high
That was really a great
She sighed once again.


“I didn’t even
know you had a sister.
always talked like you were an only child.”


“No, that’s just
wishful thinking.
I have a sister
who is a year older than I am.
She’s just like Mom, so we don’t really get along
She married a
venture capitalist named Dirk, and they have a huge house on Tiburon,” she said
with anguish in her voice.


“Let me guess; she
has the perfect life as a stay at home mom with 2.3 kids and she rubs your face
in it every chance she gets.”


“Nailed it!” She
“Mom told me for years
that all I had to do was find a successful guy like Julie did.
Well, I took her advice and it didn’t
work out so well.”


“Money isn’t
I always thought that I
would be happy once I made half of a million dollars a year.
But that’s not the key to happiness from
what I can tell.”


“What is the key?”


“Having someone
special to share it with,” I replied honestly.
“Without that, it’s really a pretty
hollow victory.”


“Well, at least
you have Victoria Love,” she teased.
“She seems like a pretty special girl.”


Tomorrow night I’m going
to be with the only one who I find special.”


“Good answer.
I’ve been looking forward to it for


“I thought maybe
you had forgotten about it, since you didn’t bring it up.”


It was just nice to have a normal
conversation with you for once,” she replied.


“I agree.
By the way, I’m picking you up at your
house tomorrow night at seven.
There will be no more drinking and driving home after our shows.”


“I have to drop
Hannah off at Mom’s, though.”


“That’s fine; we
can drop her off together.
drive the Ferrari.”


That should get her off my back for at
least a few days.”


After hanging up
with her, I sat back in my chair reflecting on everything that was going on
around me.
Through all of the chaos,
my crazy schedule, and all of the naked young starlets coming and going, the
only thing that made me smile was the thought of Raven.
It had been nearly a year since I had
taken a woman to level six and I had been looking forward to doing it with her
since our very first night together.




Friday Evening




“Wow, this is a
cool car!” Hannah beamed as she crawled onto my lap.


“Yes it is, but
this is highly illegal,” I told her, as I buckled the seat belt around both of
Luckily, it was only six blocks
through a residential neighborhood to get to Mom’s house.


“Sorry, I don’t
have a more kid friendly car,” Gunner said, giving Hannah a wink.


“That’s okay, it’s
really cool!” She beamed.


“You’ll have to
tell Grandma all about it,” I encouraged her, planting a seed.


When we arrived at
Mom’s house, he positioned the car to give her an unobstructed view of it when
she answered the door.
He got out
and came around to open the door for us.
What a gentleman
I felt a tingle as he reached for
Hannah’s hand to help her from the car.
Nothing is hotter than a gentleman
in a classic Armani suit


“Hi, Mom, this is
Dalton,” I greeted her as soon as she opened the door.


“Dalton, hi,
Is that your car?” She fumbled
trying to form a coherent sentence.


“Yeah, I like to
take this one out on weekends,” he replied, making her eyes widen even further.


“Where are the two
of you going?” she asked as she came out of her brief stupor.


“I’m taking her to
Don Giovanni’s out in Napa, then we are planning to visit an up and coming
vineyard that some of my colleagues have been raving about.”


“Oh, that sounds
wonderful,” she replied with a hint of jealousy creeping into her tone.


“If I keep her out
too late, would you rather have her pick up Hannah in the morning?” he asked,
much to my surprise.


“Oh, yes, that
would be fine.
I don’t think I have
anything on my calendar.” She squinted, trying to see the calendar on her
“Oh, I’m sure it’s fine.
You two have fun!”

BOOK: Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros #2)
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