Rapunzel and Red Riding Hood (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales) (4 page)

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had never heard about such a goddess before. It wasn’t rare; there were all
manner or beings and spirits that passed as gods – some were very powerful,
others only managed to do some parlor tricks – but many had followers.

what Ruby said and from what she had seen of the curse that assailed the
redhead, this Selene was powerful. That might explain the presence Rapunzel had
felt within the transformed Ruby.

did your family’s worship entail?”

don’t know.” Ruby replied. “I never found out exactly. I learnt something about
it years later, when I visited an old witch of the woods. She explained that
the goddess was angry at me, furious about me turning my back on her blessing –
I guess that explains why I am always pursued by wolfs wherever I am.”

blessing … she meant your transformation?” Rapunzel asked, wondering about how
it could be called a blessing.

nodded. “Supposedly yes, but something went wrong. According to the witch I
didn’t make my offering and so the blessing turned into a curse. I don’t even
know what I did wrong and sincerely I don’t care – it’s a curse, and one that
won’t ever assail my bloodline.”

did you do?” Rapunzel asked, a sudden premonition making a shiver run down her

asked the witch to curse my womb and make me barren.”


was the only way.” Ruby said, shaking her head at Rapunzel. “Otherwise my
bloodline would carry the curse and my children would one day become monsters
just like me.”

remained silent, not quite knowing how to tell the other woman that she might
not have a choice about the matter.

always dreamt of being a mother.” Ruby whispered with longing in her voice.

could only close her eyes and tell her the truth. “You might get your chance.”
She said her voice calm and rational – she didn’t want to upset Ruby.

blinked a couple of times before she faced Rapunzel once again. “What do you

extended her hand and poised it over Ruby’s stomach, letting her magic invade
the woman’s body and making sure that what she had felt before was really


Ruby asked her mouth opening in startlement. “I can’t.”

smiled, gently, soothingly, her hands caressing Ruby’s face. “It’s my fault.
There’s magic in my blood, fertility magic. It’s what makes me different from
regular women, and what makes me have so much stamina when it comes to
lovemaking.” She pointed out with a blush.


seed was strong enough to ignore the curse the witch cast over your womb.”
Rapunzel smiled again and leaned forward, taking Ruby’s mouth, plundering it
with her tongue. “You’re pregnant with my child.”

was pleased with that, despite the possible consequences.

face became stricken with a thousand emotions, but she couldn’t help but smile
in happiness, picturing a dream she had already discarded becoming real.

she remembered the reason why she done as she had, and couldn’t help but fear.
“But what can we do about Selene’s curse?”

closed her eyes for a moment. It would be risky, but for her child and for Ruby
she would do it. “There might be a way.”








Chapter 3


you sure you know what you’re doing?” Ruby asked nervously.

hum.” Rapunzel mumbled under her breath, her hand tracing the appropriate runes
on Ruby’s naked breast. The skin was so soft, like velvet, and she had to
resist the urge to pinch the small pink nipple in front of her.

noticed where Rapunzel’s gaze rested, the blonde’s hand starting to wander, and
she coughed, loudly.

startled and then blushed. “What did you say?”

asked if you’re sure about this.”

paused for a moment. “I can’t say I’m completely sure, but there’s no other

gazed at Rapunzel’s face while the blonde spoke, seeing indecision and doubt.
“You said your mother is better at this than you, so why don’t we wait for

can’t risk it.” Rapunzel replied shaking her head. “This kind of curse is very
powerful, if we wait too long the child might be irremeably affected. My mother
could come back tomorrow, or in a week or two. It might be too late.”

Or she might not let me try this at all, considering it too risky.
Rapunzel thought to

nodded, understanding the blonde. “Then we’ll do as you say … but do you think
contacting the Selene is a good idea?”

never know until we try it.”

finished preparing the ritual in silence. Afterwards Ruby sat, naked, in the
middle of a circle, runes littering her body and the ground around her, all of
them drawn in wolf’s blood – all the better to call out the wolf goddess.

blonde breathed deeply. “Ready?”

nodded, feeling her throat tighten suddenly.

breathed again and then pointed her hand at the circle, speaking. “Selene, I
summon you.”

was an instant of stillness, before the dark red runes started getting brighter,
more defined, and then there was a flash of light.

had to close her eyes. When she opened them she looked around and she couldn’t
see the supposed goddess’ presence.

she could feel it.

was like a cloying smell in the air, an aura of power and strength that made Rapunzel’s
knees feel weak, and her heart speed up.

are you?” She asked out loud trying, and failing, to hide the apprehension in
her voice.

raised her head, slowly, almost languidly.

met her eyes and her fears were confirmed.

eyes were different, similar to those she sported when she transformed into her
beast form, but they were more threatening, wilder … cruel. While before Ruby’s
eyes had looked like those of a regular wolf, now they were darker at the edges
and lighter in the center, the amount of yellow pigmentation increasing in
concentric patches around the pupil.

they glowed slightly with a pale’s moon light.

other than Ruby looked out of those eyes.

ignored her fears and doubts. “Selene I presume?”

being stood, slowly, rising to her full height and stretching Ruby’s body, as
if she had woken from a long slumber. She didn’t care to cover the redhead’s
body or to hide it and her eyes never left Rapunzel’s.

smirked when the blonde’s looked down at Ruby’s breasts.

felt her cheeks heating in a blush, but she didn’t look away, feeling caution
was more important than embarrassment where the wolf goddess was concerned.

you Selene?” Rapunzel asked again when the other didn’t reply; not that she had
many doubts about the being’s identity.

woman looked amusedly at her. “Yes, that is what your kind calls me.”

stood still as the female being looked around, seeing her surroundings for the
first time.

started walking, her steps deep and secure, unconcerned about Rapunzel.

looked through the blonde’s things, her hands picking little trinkets and
playing with them, and then she moved towards the window, opening it and
letting the moon’s light stream into the room, before she continued her
inspection of Rapunzel’s room.

didn’t complain, feeling it was best to let the powerful and enigmatic being do
as she wanted for a while. She only interfered when she realized the other
female wasn’t going to speak.

summoned you here because …”

want something from me.” Selene interrupted, not even looking at Rapunzel as
she spoke.

paused for a moment. “Yes. I wanted …”

know what you want.” Selene replied turning her gaze onto the blonde. “I can
see it in this one’s thoughts,” She pointed at the head of the body she
inhabited. “I can see it in your thoughts.”

swallowed, and tried to tighten her defenses, making it impossible for the
other woman to read her thoughts and emotions.

reply, Selene sent a surge of amusement that broke her magical barriers down
without effort, making Rapunzel realize just how helpless she was against the
so-called goddess.

want me to lift my gift from Ruby’s bloodline, from my
bloodline. I
see no reason to do so.”

do you mean your bloodline?” Rapunzel questioned, her curiosity taking the best
of her.

is of my bloodline. Diluted as it came to be, I’m still its originator. I’m not
inclined to part with her, even though she slighted me,
because she slighted me.”

did she do that?” The blonde asked cautiously.

gave something of mine away.”

it?” Rapunzel blurted out before she had time to ponder on her words. When
Selene simply raised an eyebrow at her she looked abashedly at the other woman.
“I apologize for my outburst, but surely there would be some manner in which
she could make it up to you. What did she give away exactly?”

priceless and
unrecoverable,” Selene replied, her voice becoming
deeper, her hands moving slowly down Ruby’s body, pausing over the breasts and
cupping them, playing with the nipples, before her hands continued their
journey south and she threaded her fingers between the red curls of Ruby’s
cunt. “She gave away her body. I should be the first one to taste her cunt and
her pleasure, like I did with her mother and her grandmother before her, yet
she gave herself to a smith’s son, a runt barely fit to be called a male.”

remained quiet, her heart beating fast within her chest. The air felt like it
was on fire, the rage coming from Selene powerful enough for the blonde to feel
difficulty breathing.

moment later it abated slightly, and Selene continued, her voice back to a
normal tone of voice. “She wasn’t the only responsible, her mother and
grandmother shared just as much of the blame – they did not raise her properly,
they did not teach her about me, as they themselves were taught – they didn’t
make her wait for the night I would come for her.”

could control their transformation.” Rapunzel said almost to herself.

could.” Selene replied. “Just as Ruby herself would be able to do if her first
night was spent with my avatar.”

want something.” Rapunzel accused, her voice louder than before, more

smiled. “Yes, like you I wish for something. I propose a bargain.”

remained silent and Selene smirked.

want me to
,” Selene’s voice turned ugly at the word. “My blood,
my gift from the pup forming in Ruby’s belly – I will do it. I will even
cleanse Ruby herself from it; if she doesn’t want it I’m not going to let it
grace her anymore.”

what do you want in return?”

equivalent to what I’m forfeiting and to what I’m owed – a child and a virgin;
child and your virginity

throat became tight, but she couldn’t hold her tongue. “I think you’re got the
wrong woman.”

laughed, loud and amused; a laugh that sent shivers down Rapunzel’s back.

you’ve used your cock well enough,” Selene said as she started to move towards
Rapunzel, the blonde looking none too happy about the so called goddess close
presence. “But you never used your cunt before, have you? You’ve never had a
cock deep inside you, thrusting and filling you completely. You’ve focused on
doing that to other women.”

opened her mouth to reply, but closed it when Selene’s hands started roving
over her body.

being in Ruby’s body touched Rapunzel’s face, feeling the soft skin, before she
moved her hands down, letting them contour the womanly curves. She moved closer
and put her mouth just an inch away from Rapunzel’s.

will you do?” She asked gently.

leaned her head back. “You want me to sacrifice a child for another, I can’t do

smiled delicately. “I promise the child will come to no harm from my own doing,
nor will I bestow upon her the gift I did upon Ruby’s bloodline.”

thought about the woman’s words for a moment. “But you have something planned
for it.”

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